Step 1: Material modelΒΆ
The first step to perform a CRATE simulation is to generate a suitable computational model that characterizes the microstructure of the heterogeneous material under analysis.
Attending to the concepts introduced here, such a computational model is named Representative Volume Element (RVE) and can be obtained in two different ways:
Experimentally. Through a suitable microstructure imaging method (e.g., two-dimensional scanning electron microscopy (SEM), three-dimensional micro-computed tomography (\({\mu}\) CT));
Computationally. Adopting a suitable computational generation method (e.g., AMINO for particle-reinforced materials, NEPER for polycrystalline materials).
The generation of the RVE is not part of CRATE!
CRATE accepts any kind of RVE that satisfies the following requirements:
Requirement 1: The RVE must be quadrilateral (2d) or paralelepipedic (3d);
Requirement 2: The RVE must be spatially discretized in a regular grid of voxels, where each voxel is associated with a given material phase as illustrated below:

Requirement 3: The RVE spatial discretization file (
file) that is ultimately provided to CRATE as part of the input data must be generated with NumPy as demonstrated and explained in the following Python (pseudo-)script:# # The RVE discretization in a regular grid of voxels (2d or 3d), where each voxel # is associated with a given material phase, must be materialized as a NumPy ndarray # (2d or 3d), where each entry corresponds to a given voxel. Hence, each entry of the # ndarray contains the identifier (integer) of the corresponding voxel's material phase. # Assume that the ndarray is called `regular_grid`. regular_grid = ... # The spatial discretization file (.rgmsh) is then generated by saving the `regular_grid` # ndarray in binary format through the NumPy save function. Note that this appends the # .npy extension to the filename.'example_rve.rgmsh', regular_grid) # Output: example_rve.rgmsh.npy file