
Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element.

This module includes the class that materializes a Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element (CRVE) as an aggregation of Cluster-Reduced Material Phases and a set of cluster interaction tensors. This class has the high-level control of all clustering-related procedures, namely both base and adaptive cluter analyses as well as the computation of the cluster interaction tensors.

The concept of Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element arises in the context of clustering-based reduced order modeling (see Chapter 4 of Ferreira (2022) [1]).



Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element.


CRVE(rve_dims, regular_grid, ...[, ...])

Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element.

GACRMP(mat_phase, cluster_data_matrix, ...)

Generalized Adaptive Cluster-Reduced Material Phase.

HAACRMP(mat_phase, cluster_data_matrix, ...)

Hierarchical Agglomerative Adaptive Cluster-Reduced Material Phase.

SCRMP(mat_phase, cluster_data_matrix, n_clusters)

Static Cluster-Reduced Material Phase (SCRMP).