Source code for clustering.clusteringdata

"""Compute RVE clustering features data.

This module includes all the required tools to compute the global clustering
data matrix that is needed to perform the RVE cluster analysis. Besides the
overall high-level management of such a computation, it includes the interface
to implement different clustering features as well as an interface for data
standardization algorithms.

    Features data required to perform the RVE cluster analysis.
    Feature computation algorithm interface.
    Fourth-order elastic strain concentration tensor.
    Data standardization algorithm interface.
    Min-Max scaling algorithm (wrapper).
    Standard scaling algorithm (wrapper).

    Compute the features data required to perform the RVE cluster analysis.
    Get available clustering features and corresponding descriptors.
    Get deformation gradient from material logarithmic strain tensor.
#                                                                       Modules
# =============================================================================
# Standard
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import copy
# Third-party
import numpy as np
import sklearn.preprocessing as skpp
# Local
import as info
import tensor.tensoroperations as top
import tensor.matrixoperations as mop
from clustering.rveelasticdatabase import RVEElasticDatabase
#                                                          Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira ('
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
[docs]def set_clustering_data(strain_formulation, problem_type, rve_dims, n_voxels_dims, regular_grid, material_phases, material_phases_properties, dns_method, dns_method_data, standardization_method, base_clustering_scheme, adaptive_clustering_scheme): """Compute the features data required to perform the RVE cluster analysis. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). rve_dims : list[float] RVE size in each dimension. n_voxels_dims : list[int] Number of voxels in each dimension of the regular grid (spatial discretization of the RVE). regular_grid : numpy.ndarray (2d or 3d) Regular grid of voxels (spatial discretization of the RVE), where each entry contains the material phase label (int) assigned to the corresponding voxel. material_phases : list[str] RVE material phases labels (str). material_phases_properties : dict Constitutive model material properties (item, dict) associated to each material phase (key, str). dns_method : str DNS homogenization-based multi-scale method. dns_method_data : dict Parameters of DNS homogenization-based multi-scale method. standardization_method : int Identifier of global cluster analysis data standardization algorithm. base_clustering_scheme : dict Prescribed base clustering scheme (item, numpy.ndarray of shape (n_clusterings, 3)) for each material phase (key, str). Each row is associated with a unique clustering characterized by a clustering algorithm (col 1, int), a list of features (col 2, list[int]) and a list of the features data matrix' indexes (col 3, list[int]). adaptive_clustering_scheme : dict Prescribed adaptive clustering scheme (item, numpy.ndarray of shape (n_clusterings, 3)) for each material phase (key, str). Each row is associated with a unique clustering characterized by a clustering algorithm (col 1, int), a list of features (col 2, list[int]) and a list of the features data matrix' indexes (col 3, list[int]). Returns ------- clustering_data : ClusterAnalysisData Feature data required to perform the RVE cluster analysis. rve_elastic_database : RVEElasticDatabase RVE's local elastic response database. """ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ info.displayinfo('5', 'Setting cluster analysis\' features...') # Get available clustering features descriptors feature_descriptors = get_available_clustering_features(strain_formulation, problem_type) # Instatiante cluster analysis data clustering_data = ClusterAnalysisData( strain_formulation, problem_type, rve_dims, n_voxels_dims, base_clustering_scheme, adaptive_clustering_scheme, feature_descriptors) # Set prescribed clustering features clustering_data.set_prescribed_features() # Set prescribed clustering features' clustering global data matrix' # indexes clustering_data.set_feature_global_indexes() # Set required macroscale strain loadings to compute clustering features clustering_data.set_clustering_mac_strains() mac_strains = clustering_data.get_clustering_mac_strains() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ info.displayinfo('5', 'Computing RVE local elastic strain response ' 'database...') # Instatiate RVE's local elastic response database rve_elastic_database = RVEElasticDatabase(strain_formulation, problem_type, rve_dims, n_voxels_dims, regular_grid, material_phases, material_phases_properties) # Compute RVE's elastic response database rve_elastic_database.compute_rve_response_database( dns_method, dns_method_data, mac_strains, is_strain_sym=True) # Compute RVE's elastic effective tangent modulus if the elastic response # database contains a suitable set of orthogonal macroscale strain loadings if clustering_data.get_features() == {1}: # Get strain magnitude factor associated with orthogonal macroscale # strain loadings strain_magnitude_factor = feature_descriptors['1'][3] # Compute RVE's elastic effective tangent modulus rve_elastic_database.compute_rve_elastic_tangent_modulus( strain_magnitude_factor=strain_magnitude_factor) # Estimate isotropic elastic constants from RVE's elastic effective # tangent modulus rve_elastic_database.set_eff_isotropic_elastic_constants() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ info.displayinfo('5', 'Computing cluster analysis global data matrix...') # Compute clustering global data matrix containing all clustering features clustering_data.set_global_data_matrix( rve_elastic_database.rve_global_response) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ info.displayinfo('5', 'Standardizing cluster analysis global ' 'data matrix...') # Instantiate standardization algorithm if standardization_method == 1: standardizer = MinMaxScaler() elif standardization_method == 2: standardizer = StandardScaler() else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown standardization method.') # Standardize clustering global data matrix clustering_data._global_data_matrix = \ standardizer.get_standardized_data_matrix( clustering_data._global_data_matrix) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return clustering_data, rve_elastic_database
# =============================================================================
[docs]def get_available_clustering_features(strain_formulation, problem_type): """Get available clustering features and corresponding descriptors. Available clustering features identifiers: * Identifier: 1 * *Infinitesimal strains*: Fourth-order local elastic strain concentration tensor based on the elastic infinitesimal strain tensor, .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}^{e}(\\boldsymbol{Y}) = \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{H}}^{e}(\\boldsymbol{Y}): \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}^{e} (\\boldsymbol{X}) \\, , \\quad \\forall \\boldsymbol{Y} \\in \\Omega_{\\mu,\\,0} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{H}}^{e}` is the fourth-order local elastic strain concentration tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}^{e}` is the microscale elastic infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}^{e}` is the macroscale elastic infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{Y}` is a point of the microscale reference configuration (:math:`\\Omega_{\\mu,\\,0}`), and :math:`\\boldsymbol{X}` is a point of the macroscale reference configuration (:math:`\\Omega_{0}`). * *Finite strains*: Fourth-order local elastic strain concentration tensor based on the elastic material logarithmic strain tensor, .. math:: \\boldsymbol{E}_{\\mu}^{e}(\\boldsymbol{Y}) = \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{H}}^{e}(\\boldsymbol{Y}): \\boldsymbol{E}^{e} (\\boldsymbol{X}) \\, , \\quad \\forall \\boldsymbol{Y} \\in \\Omega_{\\mu,\\,0} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{H}}^{e}` is the fourth-order local elastic strain concentration tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{E}_{\\mu}^{e}` is the microscale elastic material logarithmic strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{E}^{e}` is the macroscale elastic material logarithmic strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{Y}` is a point of the microscale reference configuration (:math:`\\Omega_{\\mu,\\,0}`), and :math:`\\boldsymbol{X}` is a point of the macroscale reference configuration (:math:`\\Omega_{0}`). ---- * Identifier: 2 * Spatial coordinates first-order tensor in the reference configuration, :math:`\\boldsymbol{Y}`. ---- Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). n_dim: int Number of spatial dimensions. comp_order_sym: list[str] Symmetric strain/stress components (str) order. comp_order_nsym: list[str] Nonsymmetric strain/stress components (str) order. Returns ------- features_descriptors : dict Data (tuple structured as (number of feature dimensions (int), feature computation algorithm (function), list of macroscale strain loadings (list[numpy.ndarray (2d)]), strain magnitude factor (float))) associated to each feature (key, str). The macroscale strain loading is the infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or the deformation gradient (finite strains). """ features_descriptors = {} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get problem type parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(problem_type) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Fourth-order local elastic strain concentration tensor: # Set strain components order comp_order = comp_order_sym # Set number of feature dimensions n_feature_dim = len(comp_order)**2 # Set feature computation algorithm feature_algorithm = StrainConcentrationTensor() # Set macroscale strain loadings required to compute feature mac_strains = [] for i in range(len(comp_order)): # Get strain component and associated indexes comp = comp_order[i] so_idx = tuple([int(x) - 1 for x in list(comp_order[i])]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set macroscale strain magnitude factor if strain_formulation == 'finite': strain_magnitude_factor = 1.0e-6 else: strain_magnitude_factor = 1.0 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set orthogonal infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or # material logarithmic strain tensor (finite strains) according with # Kelvin notation mac_strain = np.zeros((n_dim, n_dim)) mac_strain[so_idx] = \ strain_magnitude_factor*(1.0/mop.kelvin_factor(i, comp_order))*1.0 if comp[0] != comp[1]: mac_strain[so_idx[::-1]] = mac_strain[so_idx] # Compute deformation gradient associated to the material logarithmic # strain tensor if strain_formulation == 'finite': mac_strain = def_gradient_from_log_strain(mac_strain) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Store macroscale strain loading mac_strains.append(mac_strain) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Assemble to available clustering features features_descriptors['1'] = (n_feature_dim, feature_algorithm, mac_strains, strain_magnitude_factor) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Spatial coordinates: # Set number of feature dimensions n_feature_dim = n_dim # Set feature computation algorithm feature_algorithm = SpatialCoordinates() # Set macroscale strain loadings required to compute feature mac_strains = [] # Set macroscale strain magnitude factor strain_magnitude_factor = 1.0 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Assemble to available clustering features features_descriptors['2'] = (n_feature_dim, feature_algorithm, mac_strains, strain_magnitude_factor) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return features_descriptors
# ============================================================================= def def_gradient_from_log_strain(log_strain): """Get deformation gradient from material logarithmic strain tensor. Among the multitude of deformation gradients that may correspond to a given material logarithmic strain tensor, a particular choice stems from assuming that both tensors are coaxial, i.e., that the deformation gradient shares the eigenvectors with the material logarithmic strain tensor. In this case, the deformation gradient is symmetric and admits spectral decomposition as shown below. Given the spectral decomposition of the elastic material logarithmic strain tensor .. math:: \\boldsymbol{E}^{e} = \\sum_{i=1}^{3} \\lambda_{i}^{\\boldsymbol{E}} \\, \\boldsymbol{l}_{i}^{\\boldsymbol{E}} \\otimes \\boldsymbol{l}_{i}^{\\boldsymbol{E}} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{E}^{e}` is the elastic material logarithmic strain tensor, and :math:`\\lambda_{i}^{\\boldsymbol{E}}` and :math:`\\boldsymbol{l}_{i}^{\\boldsymbol{E}}`, :math:`i=1,2,3`, are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of :math:`\\boldsymbol{E}^{e}`, the coaxial unique symmetric elastic deformation gradient comes .. math:: \\boldsymbol{F}^{e} = \\sum_{i=1}^{3} \\lambda_{i}^{\\boldsymbol{F}} \\, \\boldsymbol{l}_{i}^{\\boldsymbol{E}} \\otimes \\boldsymbol{l}_{i}^{\\boldsymbol{E}} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}^{e}` is the elastic deformation gradient and :math:`\\lambda_{i}^{\\boldsymbol{F}} = \\exp \\left[\\lambda_{i}^{\\boldsymbol{E}}\\right], \\, i=1,2,3`, are the corresponding eigenvalues. ---- Parameters ---------- log_strain : numpy.ndarray (2d) Material logarithmic strain tensor. Returns ------- def_gradient : numpy.ndarray (2d) Deformation gradient. """ # Perform spectral decomposition of material logarithmic strain tensor log_eigenvalues, log_eigenvectors, _, _ = \ top.spectral_decomposition(log_strain, is_real_if_close=True) # Compute deformation gradient eigenvalues dg_eigenvalues = np.exp(log_eigenvalues) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute deformation gradient from spectral decomposition by assuming # coaxility with the material logarithmic strain tensor def_gradient = np.matmul(log_eigenvectors, np.matmul(np.diag(dg_eigenvalues), np.transpose(log_eigenvectors))) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return def_gradient # # Cluster analysis data # ============================================================================= class ClusterAnalysisData: """Features data required to perform the RVE cluster analysis. Attributes ---------- _features : set[int] Set of prescribed features identifiers (int). _features_idxs : dict Global data matrix's indexes (item, list) associated to each feature (key, str). _feature_loads_ids : dict List of macroscale strain loadings identifiers (item, list[int]) associated to each feature (key, str). _mac_strains : list[numpy.ndarray (2d)] List of macroscale strain loadings required to compute the clustering features. The macroscale strain loading is the infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) and the deformation gradient (finite strains). _comp_order_sym : list[str] Strain/Stress components symmetric order. _comp_order_nsym : list[str] Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order. _global_data_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) Data matrix (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_voxels, n_features_dims)) containing the required clustering features' data to perform all the prescribed RVE clusterings. Methods ------- set_prescribed_features(self) Set prescribed clustering features. get_features(self) Get prescribed clustering features. set_feature_global_indexes(self) Set prescribed clustering features global data matrix indexes. set_clustering_mac_strains(self) Set macroscale strain loadings to compute clustering features. get_clustering_mac_strains(self) Set macroscale strain loadings to compute clustering features. set_global_data_matrix(self, rve_global_response) Compute global data matrix containing all clustering features. get_global_data_matrix(self) Get global data matrix containing all clustering features. """ def __init__(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, rve_dims, n_voxels_dims, base_clustering_scheme, adaptive_clustering_scheme, feature_descriptors): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). rve_dims : list[float] RVE size in each dimension. n_voxels_dims : list[int] Number of voxels in each dimension of the regular grid (spatial discretization of the RVE). base_clustering_scheme : dict Prescribed base clustering scheme (item, numpy.ndarray of shape (n_clusterings, 3)) for each material phase (key, str). Each row is associated with a unique clustering characterized by a clustering algorithm (col 1, int), a list of features (col 2, list[int]) and a list of the features data matrix' indexes (col 3, list[int]). adaptive_clustering_scheme : dict Prescribed adaptive clustering scheme (item, numpy.ndarray of shape (n_clusterings, 3)) for each material phase (key, str). Each row is associated with a unique clustering characterized by a clustering algorithm (col 1, int), a list of features (col 2, list[int]) and a list of the features data matrix' indexes (col 3, list[int]). features_descriptors : dict Data (tuple structured as (number of feature dimensions (int), feature computation algorithm (function), list of macroscale strain loadings (list[numpy.ndarray (2d)]), strain magnitude factor (float))) associated to each feature (key, str). The macroscale strain loading is the infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or the deformation gradient (finite strains). n_voxels : int Total number of voxels of the regular grid (spatial discretization of the RVE). """ self._strain_formulation = strain_formulation self._problem_type = problem_type self._rve_dims = rve_dims self._n_voxels_dims = n_voxels_dims self._base_clustering_scheme = base_clustering_scheme self._adaptive_clustering_scheme = adaptive_clustering_scheme self._feature_descriptors = feature_descriptors self._n_voxels = self._features = None self._n_features_dims = None self._features_idxs = None self._features_loads_ids = None self._mac_strains = None self._global_data_matrix = None # Get problem type parameters _, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(self._problem_type) self._comp_order_sym = comp_order_sym self._comp_order_nsym = comp_order_nsym # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_prescribed_features(self): """Set prescribed clustering features.""" # Get material phases material_phases = self._base_clustering_scheme.keys() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize clustering features self._features = [] # Loop over material phases' prescribed clustering schemes and append # associated clustering features for mat_phase in material_phases: # Get material phase base clustering features for i in range(self._base_clustering_scheme[mat_phase].shape[0]): self._features += self._base_clustering_scheme[mat_phase][i, 1] # Get material phase adaptive clustering features if mat_phase in self._adaptive_clustering_scheme.keys(): for i in range( self._adaptive_clustering_scheme[mat_phase].shape[0]): self._features += \ self._adaptive_clustering_scheme[mat_phase][i, 1] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get set of unique prescribed clustering features self._features = set(self._features) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_features(self): """Get prescribed clustering features. Returns ------- features : set[int] Set of prescribed features identifiers (int). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._features) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_feature_global_indexes(self): """Set prescribed clustering features global data matrix indexes. Assign a list of global data matrix indexes to each clustering feature according to the corresponding dimensionality. This list is essentialy a unitary-step slice, i.e., described by initial and ending delimitary indexes. The clustering scheme is also updated by assigning the global data matrix' indexes associated to each prescribed RVE clustering. Return ------ features_idxs: dict Global data matrix indexes (item, list[range]) associated to each feature (key, str). """ init = 0 self._n_features_dims = 0 self._features_idxs = {} # Loop over prescribed clustering features for feature in self._features: # Get feature dimensionality feature_dim = self._feature_descriptors[str(feature)][0] # Increment total number of features dimensions self._n_features_dims += feature_dim # Assign data matrix' indexes self._features_idxs[str(feature)] = \ list(range(init, init + feature_dim)) init += feature_dim # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get material phases material_phases = self._base_clustering_scheme.keys() # Loop over material phases' prescribed clustering schemes and set # associated clustering features data matrix indexes for mat_phase in material_phases: # Loop over material phase base clustering scheme for i in range(self._base_clustering_scheme[mat_phase].shape[0]): indexes = [] # Loop over prescribed clustering features for feature in self._base_clustering_scheme[mat_phase][i, 1]: indexes += self._features_idxs[str(feature)] # Set clustering features data matrix' indexes self._base_clustering_scheme[mat_phase][i, 2] = \ copy.deepcopy(indexes) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over material phase adaptive clustering scheme if mat_phase in self._adaptive_clustering_scheme.keys(): for i in range( self._adaptive_clustering_scheme[mat_phase].shape[0]): indexes = [] # Loop over prescribed clustering features for feature in \ self._adaptive_clustering_scheme[mat_phase][i, 1]: indexes += self._features_idxs[str(feature)] # Set clustering features data matrix' indexes self._adaptive_clustering_scheme[mat_phase][i, 2] = \ copy.deepcopy(indexes) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_clustering_mac_strains(self): """Set macroscale strain loadings to compute clustering features. List the required macroscale strain loadings to compute all the prescribed clustering features. The macroscale strain loading is the infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or the deformation gradient (finite strains). In addition, assign the macroscale strain loadings identifiers (index in the previous list) associated to each clustering feature. """ self._mac_strains = [] self._features_loads_ids = {} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over prescribed clustering features for feature in self._features: self._features_loads_ids[str(feature)] = [] # Loop over clustering feature's required macroscale strain # loadings for mac_strain in self._feature_descriptors[str(feature)][2]: is_new_mac_strain = True # Loop over already prescribed macroscale strain loadings for i in range(len(self._mac_strains)): array = self._mac_strains[i] if np.allclose(mac_strain, array, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10): # Append macroscale strain loading identifier to # clustering feature self._features_loads_ids[str(feature)].append(i) is_new_mac_strain = False break # Assemble new macroscale strain loading if is_new_mac_strain: # Append macroscale strain loading identifier to clustering # feature self._features_loads_ids[str(feature)].append( len(self._mac_strains)) # Append macroscale strain loading self._mac_strains.append(mac_strain) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_clustering_mac_strains(self): """Set macroscale strain loadings to compute clustering features. Returns ------- mac_strains : list[numpy.ndarray (2d)] List of macroscale strain loadings required to compute the clustering features. The macroscale strain loading is the infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) and the deformation gradient (finite strains). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._mac_strains) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_global_data_matrix(self, rve_global_response): """Compute global data matrix containing all clustering features. Compute the data matrix required to perform all the RVE clusterings prescribed in the clustering scheme. This involves the computation of each clustering feature's data matrix (based on a RVE response database) and post assembly to the clustering global data matrix. ---- Parameters ---------- rve_global_response : numpy.ndarray (2d) RVE local elastic strain response for a given set of macroscale loadings, where each macroscale loading is associated with a set of independent strain components (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_voxels, n_mac_strains*n_strain_comps)). Each column is associated with a independent strain component of the infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or material logarithmic strain tensor (finite strains). """ # Set strain/stress components order according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize clustering global data matrix self._global_data_matrix = np.zeros((self._n_voxels, self._n_features_dims)) # Loop over prescribed clustering features for feature in self._features: # Get clustering feature macroscale strain loadings identifiers mac_loads_ids = self._features_loads_ids[str(feature)] # Get data from the RVE response database required to compute the # clustering feature (data associated to the response to one or # more macroscale strain loadings) rve_response = np.zeros((self._n_voxels, 0)) for mac_load_id in mac_loads_ids: j_init = mac_load_id*len(comp_order) j_end = j_init + len(comp_order) rve_response = np.append(rve_response, rve_global_response[:, j_init:j_end], axis=1) # Get clustering feature's computation algorithm and compute # associated data matrix feature_algorithm = self._feature_descriptors[str(feature)][1] data_matrix = feature_algorithm.get_feature_data_matrix( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, self._rve_dims, self._n_voxels_dims, rve_response) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Normalize data matrix according to strain magnitude factor if type(feature_algorithm) == StrainConcentrationTensor: # Get macroscale strain magnitude factor strain_magnitude_factor = \ self._feature_descriptors[str(feature)][3] # Normalize data matrix data_matrix = (1.0/strain_magnitude_factor)*data_matrix # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Assemble clustering feature's data matrix to clustering global # data matrix j_init = self._features_idxs[str(feature)][0] j_end = self._features_idxs[str(feature)][-1] + 1 self._global_data_matrix[:, j_init:j_end] = data_matrix # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_global_data_matrix(self): """Get global data matrix containing all clustering features. Returns ------- global_data_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) Data matrix (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_voxels, n_features_dims)) containing the required clustering features data to perform all the prescribed RVE clusterings. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._global_data_matrix) # # Interface: Clustering feature computation algorithm # ============================================================================= class FeatureAlgorithm(ABC): """Feature computation algorithm interface. Methods ------- get_feature_data_matrix(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, rve_dims, \ n_voxels_dims, rve_response) *abstract*: Compute data matrix associated to clustering feature. """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" pass # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @abstractmethod def get_feature_data_matrix(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, rve_dims, n_voxels_dims, rve_response): """Compute data matrix associated to clustering feature. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). rve_dims : list[float] RVE size in each dimension. n_voxels_dims : list[int] Number of voxels in each dimension of the regular grid (spatial discretization of the RVE). rve_response : numpy.ndarray (2d) RVE elastic response for one or more macroscale loadings (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_voxels, n_strain_comps)), where each macroscale loading is associated with a set of independent strain components. Returns ------- data_matrix : ndarray of shape (n_voxels, n_feature_dim) Clustering features data matrix (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_voxels, n_feature_dim)). """ pass # # Clustering features computation algorithms # ============================================================================= class StrainConcentrationTensor(FeatureAlgorithm): """Fourth-order elastic strain concentration tensor. The fourth-order elastic strain concentration tensor is defined in terms of the elastic infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or the elastic material logarithmic strain tensor (finite strains) as shown below. Note that both strain tensors are symmetric and admit the reduced matricial form (Kelvin notation). * *Infinitesimal strains*: Fourth-order local elastic strain concentration tensor based on the elastic infinitesimal strain tensor. .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}^{e}(\\boldsymbol{Y}) = \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{H}}^{e}(\\boldsymbol{Y}): \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}^{e} (\\boldsymbol{X}) \\, , \\quad \\forall \\boldsymbol{Y} \\in \\Omega_{\\mu,\\,0} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{H}}^{e}` is the fourth-order local elastic strain concentration tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}^{e}` is the microscale elastic infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}^{e}` is the macroscale elastic infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{Y}` is a point of the microscale reference configuration (:math:`\\Omega_{\\mu,\\,0}`), and :math:`\\boldsymbol{X}` is a point of the macroscale reference configuration (:math:`\\Omega_{0}`). * *Finite strains*: Fourth-order local elastic strain concentration tensor based on the elastic material logarithmic strain tensor. .. math:: \\boldsymbol{E}_{\\mu}^{e}(\\boldsymbol{Y}) = \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{H}}^{e}(\\boldsymbol{Y}): \\boldsymbol{E}^{e} (\\boldsymbol{X}) \\, , \\quad \\forall \\boldsymbol{Y} \\in \\Omega_{\\mu,\\,0} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{H}}^{e}` is the fourth-order local elastic strain concentration tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{E}_{\\mu}^{e}` is the microscale elastic material logarithmic strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{E}^{e}` is the macroscale elastic material logarithmic strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{Y}` is a point of the microscale reference configuration (:math:`\\Omega_{\\mu,\\,0}`), and :math:`\\boldsymbol{X}` is a point of the macroscale reference configuration (:math:`\\Omega_{0}`). Methods ------- get_feature_data_matrix(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, rve_dims, \ n_voxels_dims, rve_response) Compute data matrix associated to clustering feature. """ def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" pass # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_feature_data_matrix(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, rve_dims, n_voxels_dims, rve_response): """Compute data matrix associated to clustering feature. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). rve_dims : list[float] RVE size in each dimension. n_voxels_dims : list[int] Number of voxels in each dimension of the regular grid (spatial discretization of the RVE). rve_response : numpy.ndarray (2d) RVE elastic response for one or more macroscale loadings (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_voxels, n_strain_comps)), where each macroscale loading is associated with a set of independent strain components. Returns ------- data_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) Clustering feature data matrix (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_voxels, n_feature_dim)). """ # Get problem type parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(problem_type) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize clustering feature's data matrix data_matrix = np.zeros(rve_response.shape) # Initialize storage index idx = 0 # Loop over macroscale loadings for i in range(len(comp_order_sym)): # Get Kelvin factor associated with macroscale strain loading # strain component kf_i = mop.kelvin_factor(i, comp_order_sym) # Loop over strain components for j in range(len(comp_order_sym)): # Get Kelvin factor associated with strain component kf_j = mop.kelvin_factor(j, comp_order_sym) # Assemble fourth-order elastic strain concentration tensor # component (accounting for the Kelvin notation coefficients) data_matrix[:, idx] = kf_j*rve_response[:, idx] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Remove Kelvin coefficient data_matrix[:, idx] = (1.0/kf_i)*(1.0/kf_j)*data_matrix[:, idx] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update storage index idx += 1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return data_matrix # ============================================================================= class SpatialCoordinates(FeatureAlgorithm): """Spatial coordinates. Methods ------- get_feature_data_matrix(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, rve_dims, \ n_voxels_dims, rve_response) Compute data matrix associated to clustering feature. """ def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" pass # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_feature_data_matrix(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, rve_dims, n_voxels_dims, rve_response): """Compute data matrix associated to clustering feature. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). rve_response : numpy.ndarray (2d) RVE elastic response for one or more macroscale loadings (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_voxels, n_strain_comps)), where each macroscale loading is associated with a set of independent strain components. Returns ------- data_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) Clustering feature data matrix (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_voxels, n_feature_dim)). """ # Get problem number of spatial dimensions n_dim, _, _ = mop.get_problem_type_parameters(problem_type) # Compute total number of voxels n_voxels = # Set sampling spatial periods sampling_periods = tuple([rve_dims[i]/n_voxels_dims[i] for i in range(n_dim)]) # Set coordinate axes offset offsets = tuple([0.5*x for x in sampling_periods]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize voxels coordinates global data matrix data_matrix = np.zeros((n_voxels, n_dim)) # Initialize voxel row index i_voxel = 0 if n_dim == 2: # Loop over voxels for i in range(n_voxels_dims[0]): # Loop over voxels for j in range(n_voxels_dims[1]): # Compute voxel coordinates voxel_coord = (sampling_periods[0]*i + offsets[0], sampling_periods[1]*j + offsets[1]) # Store voxel coordinates in global data matrix data_matrix[i_voxel, :] = np.array(voxel_coord) # Update voxel row index i_voxel += 1 else: # Loop over voxels for i in range(n_voxels_dims[0]): # Loop over voxels for j in range(n_voxels_dims[1]): # Loop over voxels for k in range(n_voxels_dims[2]): # Compute voxel coordinates voxel_coord = (sampling_periods[0]*i + offsets[0], sampling_periods[1]*j + offsets[1], sampling_periods[2]*k + offsets[2]) # Store voxel coordinates in global data matrix data_matrix[i_voxel, :] = np.array(voxel_coord) # Update voxel row index i_voxel += 1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return data_matrix # # Interface: Data standardization algorithm # ============================================================================= class Standardizer(ABC): """Data standardization algorithm interface. Methods ------- get_standardized_data_matrix(self, data_matrix) *abstract*: Standardize provided data matrix. """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self): """Constructor.""" pass # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @abstractmethod def get_standardized_data_matrix(self, data_matrix): """Standardize provided data matrix. Parameters ---------- data_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) Data matrix to be standardized (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_items, n_features)). Returns ------- data_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) Transformed data matrix (numpy.ndarrayndarray of shape (n_items, n_features)). """ pass # # Data standardization algorithms # ============================================================================= class MinMaxScaler(Standardizer): """Min-Max scaling algorithm (wrapper). Transform features by scaling each feature to a given min-max range. Documentation: see `here < generated/sklearn.preprocessing.MinMaxScaler.html#sklearn.preprocessing. MinMaxScaler>`_. Attributes ---------- _feature_range : tuple[float], default=(0, 1) Desired range of transformed data (tuple(min, max)). Methods ------- get_standardized_data_matrix(self, data_matrix) Standardize provided data matrix. """ def __init__(self, feature_range=(0, 1)): """Standardization algorithm constructor. Parameters ---------- feature_range : tuple[float], default=(0, 1) Desired range of transformed data (tuple(min, max)). """ self._feature_range = feature_range # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_standardized_data_matrix(self, data_matrix): """Standardize provided data matrix. Parameters ---------- data_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) Data matrix to be standardized (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_items, n_features)). Returns ------- data_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) Transformed data matrix (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_items, n_features)). """ # Instatiante standardizer standardizer = skpp.MinMaxScaler(feature_range=self._feature_range, copy=False) # Fit scaling parameters and transform data data_matrix = standardizer.fit_transform(data_matrix) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return data_matrix # ============================================================================= class StandardScaler(Standardizer): """Standard scaling algorithm (wrapper). Transform features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance (standard normal distribution). Documentation: see `here < generated/sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler.html#sklearn.preprocessing. StandardScaler>`_. Methods ------- get_standardized_data_matrix(self, data_matrix) Standardize provided data matrix. """ def __init__(self): """Standardization algorithm constructor.""" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_standardized_data_matrix(self, data_matrix): """Standardize provided data matrix. Parameters ---------- data_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) Data matrix to be standardized (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_items, n_features)). Returns ------- data_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) Transformed data matrix (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_items, n_features)). """ # Instatiante standardizer standardizer = skpp.StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True, copy=False) # Fit scaling parameters and transform data data_matrix = standardizer.fit_transform(data_matrix) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return data_matrix