Source code for cratepy.clustering.adaptivity.crve_adaptivity

"""Clustering adaptivity.

This module includes the class that has major control over the clustering
adaptivity procedures. It also includes a class that handles the clustering
adaptivity output file.

The so-called adaptive clustering-based reduced-order models were introduced
by Ferreira et. al (2022) [#]_.

.. [#] Ferreira, B.P., Andrade Pires, F.M. and Bessa, M.A. (2022).
       *Adaptivity for clustering-based reduced-order modeling of
       localized history-dependent phenomena.* Comp Methods Appl M, 393
       (see `here <

    CRVE clustering adaptivity manager.
    Clustering adaptivity output.
#                                                                       Modules
# =============================================================================
# Standard
import copy
import time
import re
# Third-party
import numpy as np
# Local
import as info
import tensor.matrixoperations as mop
import ioput.ioutilities as ioutil
from material.materialoperations import compute_spatial_log_strain, \
                                        cauchy_from_first_piola, \
from clustering.adaptivity.adaptivity_criterion import \
    AdaptiveClusterGrouping, SpatialDiscontinuities
#                                                          Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira ('
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
[docs]class AdaptivityManager: """CRVE clustering adaptivity manager. Attributes ---------- _n_dim : int Problem number of spatial dimensions. _comp_order_sym : list[str] Strain/Stress components symmetric order. _comp_order_nsym : list[str] Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order. _adapt_phase_criterions : dict Clustering adaptivity criterion instance (item, AdaptivityCriterion) associated with each material phase (key, str). _inc_adaptive_steps : dict For each macroscale loading increment (key, str), store the performed number of clustering adaptive steps (item, int). _adapt_ref_init_inc : dict Clustering adaptivity reference initial increment (item, int) associated with each material phase (key, str). _adapt_feature_min_trigger : dict Clustering adaptivity feature minimum significant value surpassed status (item, bool) associated with each material phase (key, str). max_inc_adaptive_steps : int Maximum number of clustering adaptive steps per macroscale loading increment. adaptive_evaluation_time : float Total amount of time (s) spent in selecting target clusters for clustering adaptivity. adaptive_time : float Total amount of time (s) spent in clustering adaptivity procedures. Methods ------- get_adaptivity_criterions() Get available clustering adaptivity criterions. get_target_clusters(self, phase_clusters, voxels_clusters, clusters_state,\ clusters_def_gradient_mf, \ clusters_def_gradient_old_mf, clusters_state_old, \ clusters_sct_mf, clusters_sct_old_mf, \ clusters_residuals_mf, inc=None, verbose=False) Get adaptive clustering target clusters. _get_adaptivity_data_matrix(self, target_phase, adapt_control_feature, \ phase_clusters, clusters_def_gradient_mf, \ clusters_def_gradient_old_mf, \ clusters_state, clusters_state_old, \ clusters_sct_mf, clusters_sct_old_mf, \ clusters_residuals_mf) Build adaptivity feature data matrix for target material phase. adaptive_refinement(self, crve, material_state, target_clusters, \ target_clusters_data, inc, improved_init_guess=None, \ verbose=False) Perform CRVE adaptive clustering refinement. check_inc_adaptive_steps(self, inc) Check number of adaptive steps performed in loading increment. clear_inc_adaptive_steps(self, inc_threshold) Reset number of adaptive steps performed after threshold increment. is_adapt_phase_activated(self, mat_phase, inc) Check if material phase adaptivity procedures are activated. reset_adapt_activation_parameters(self) Reset parameters associated with clustering adaptivity activation. get_adapt_vtk_array(self, voxels_clusters) Get regular grid array with the adaptive level of each cluster. """
[docs] def __init__(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, adapt_material_phases, phase_clusters, adaptivity_control_feature, adapt_criterion_data, clust_adapt_freq): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type identifier (1 - Plain strain (2D), 4- Tridimensional) adapt_material_phases : list[str] RVE adaptive material phases labels (str). phase_clusters : dict Clusters labels (item, list[int]) associated with each material phase (key, str). adaptivity_control_feature : dict Clustering adaptivity control feature (item, str) associated with each material phase (key, str). adapt_criterion_data : dict Clustering adaptivity criterion (item, dict) associated with each material phase (key, str). This dictionary contains the adaptivity criterion to be used and the required parameters. clust_adapt_freq : dict Clustering adaptivity frequency (relative to the macroscale loading) (item, int, default=1) associated with each adaptive cluster-reduced material phase (key, str). """ self._strain_formulation = strain_formulation self._problem_type = problem_type self._adapt_material_phases = copy.deepcopy(adapt_material_phases) self._adaptivity_control_feature = \ copy.deepcopy(adaptivity_control_feature) self._adapt_criterion_data = copy.deepcopy(adapt_criterion_data) self._clust_adapt_freq = copy.deepcopy(clust_adapt_freq) self._inc_adaptive_steps = {} self._adapt_ref_init_inc = {mat_phase: 0 for mat_phase in adapt_material_phases} self._adapt_feature_min_trigger = {mat_phase: False for mat_phase in adapt_material_phases} self.max_inc_adaptive_steps = 1 self.adaptive_evaluation_time = 0 self.adaptive_time = 0 # Get problem type parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(problem_type) self._n_dim = n_dim self._comp_order_sym = comp_order_sym self._comp_order_nsym = comp_order_nsym # Loop over adaptive material phases self._adapt_phase_criterions = {} for mat_phase in adapt_material_phases: # Get adaptive material phase clustering adaptivity criterion adapt_criterion = adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['criterion'] # Initialize adaptive material phase clustering adaptivity # criterion if adapt_criterion is AdaptiveClusterGrouping: # Get clustering adaptivity criterion parameters adapt_trigger_ratio = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['adapt_trigger_ratio'] adapt_max_level = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['adapt_max_level'] adapt_min_voxels = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['adapt_min_voxels'] adapt_split_threshold = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['adapt_split_threshold'] is_merge_adapt_groups = bool(adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase][ 'is_merge_adapt_groups']) min_adapt_feature_val = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['min_adapt_feature_val'] # Initialize clustering adaptivity criterion self._adapt_phase_criterions[mat_phase] = \ AdaptiveClusterGrouping( mat_phase, phase_clusters, adapt_trigger_ratio=adapt_trigger_ratio, adapt_split_threshold=adapt_split_threshold, adapt_max_level=adapt_max_level, adapt_min_voxels=adapt_min_voxels, is_merge_adapt_groups=is_merge_adapt_groups, min_adapt_feature_val=min_adapt_feature_val) elif adapt_criterion == SpatialDiscontinuities: # Get clustering adaptivity criterion parameters adapt_trigger_ratio = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['adapt_trigger_ratio'] adapt_max_level = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['adapt_max_level'] adapt_min_voxels = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['adapt_min_voxels'] adapt_level_max_diff = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['adapt_level_max_diff'] swipe_dim_1_every = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['swipe_dim_1_every'] swipe_dim_2_every = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['swipe_dim_2_every'] swipe_dim_3_every = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['swipe_dim_3_every'] min_adapt_feature_val = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['min_adapt_feature_val'] magnitude_lower_factor = \ adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['magnitude_lower_factor'] # Initialize clustering adaptivity criterion self._adapt_phase_criterions[mat_phase] = \ SpatialDiscontinuities( mat_phase, phase_clusters, adapt_trigger_ratio=adapt_trigger_ratio, adapt_max_level=adapt_max_level, adapt_min_voxels=adapt_min_voxels, adapt_level_max_diff=adapt_level_max_diff, swipe_dim_1_every=swipe_dim_1_every, swipe_dim_2_every=swipe_dim_2_every, swipe_dim_3_every=swipe_dim_3_every, min_adapt_feature_val=min_adapt_feature_val, magnitude_lower_factor=magnitude_lower_factor) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown clustering adaptivity criterion.')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def get_adaptivity_criterions(): """Get available clustering adaptivity criterions. Returns ------- available_adapt_criterions : dict Available clustering adaptivity criterions (item, AdaptivityCriterion) and associated identifiers (key, str). """ # Set available clustering adaptivity criterions available_adapt_criterions = {'1': AdaptiveClusterGrouping, '2': SpatialDiscontinuities} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return available_adapt_criterions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_target_clusters(self, phase_clusters, voxels_clusters, clusters_state, clusters_def_gradient_mf, clusters_def_gradient_old_mf, clusters_state_old, clusters_sct_mf, clusters_sct_old_mf, clusters_residuals_mf, inc=None, verbose=False): """Get adaptive clustering target clusters. Parameters ---------- phase_clusters : dict Clusters labels (item, list[int]) associated with each material phase (key, str). clusters_def_gradient_mf : dict Deformation gradient (item, numpy.ndarray (1d)) associated with each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form. clusters_def_gradient_old_mf : dict Last converged deformation gradient (item, numpy.ndarray (1d)) associated with each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form. clusters_state : dict Material constitutive model state variables (item, dict) associated with each material cluster (key, str). clusters_state_old : dict Last increment converged material constitutive model state variables (item, dict) associated with each material cluster (key, str). clusters_sct_mf : dict Fourth-order strain concentration tensor (matricial form) (item, numpy.ndarray) associated with each material cluster (key, str). clusters_sct_old_mf : dict Last increment converged fourth-order strain concentration tensor (matricial form) (item, numpy.ndarray) associated with each material cluster (key, str). clusters_residuals_mf : dict Equilibrium residual second-order tensor (matricial form) (item, numpy.ndarray) associated with each material cluster (key, str). inc : int, default=None Incremental counter serving as a reference basis for the clustering adaptivity frequency control. verbose : bool, default=False Enable verbose output. Returns ------- is_trigger : bool True if clustering adaptivity is triggered, False otherwise. target_clusters : list[int] List containing the labels (int) of clusters to be adapted. """ init_time = time.time() # Output execution data if verbose: info.displayinfo('5', 'Clustering adaptivity criterion:') info.displayinfo('5', 'Selecting target clusters...', 2) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize target clusters list target_clusters = [] # Initialize target clusters data target_clusters_data = {} # Loop over adaptive material phases for mat_phase in self._adapt_material_phases: # Check material phase adaptivity activation if clustering # adaptivity feature minimum significant value has already been # surpassed if self._adapt_feature_min_trigger[mat_phase]: if not self.is_adapt_phase_activated(mat_phase, inc): continue # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get adaptivity feature adapt_control_feature = self._adaptivity_control_feature[mat_phase] # Build adaptivity feature data matrix adapt_data_matrix = self._get_adaptivity_data_matrix( mat_phase, adapt_control_feature, phase_clusters, clusters_def_gradient_mf, clusters_def_gradient_old_mf, clusters_state, clusters_state_old, clusters_sct_mf, clusters_sct_old_mf, clusters_residuals_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get material phase clustering adaptivity criterion adapt_criterion = self._adapt_phase_criterions[mat_phase] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check clustering adaptivity feature minimum significant value # surpassed status if hasn't been previously triggered if not self._adapt_feature_min_trigger[mat_phase]: # Get clustering adaptivity feature minimum significant value min_sign_value = adapt_criterion.get_min_adapt_feature_val() # Check clustering adaptivity feature minimum significant value if np.max(adapt_data_matrix[:, 1]) >= min_sign_value: # Set clustering adaptivity reference initial increment self._adapt_ref_init_inc[mat_phase] = inc # Update clustering adaptivity feature minimum significant # value surpassed status self._adapt_feature_min_trigger[mat_phase] = True else: continue # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get material phase clustering adaptivity target clusters if isinstance(adapt_criterion, AdaptiveClusterGrouping): phase_target_clusters, phase_target_clusters_data = \ adapt_criterion.get_target_clusters(adapt_data_matrix, voxels_clusters) elif isinstance(adapt_criterion, SpatialDiscontinuities): phase_target_clusters, phase_target_clusters_data = \ adapt_criterion.get_target_clusters(adapt_data_matrix, voxels_clusters) # Update list of target clusters and associated data target_clusters += phase_target_clusters target_clusters_data.update(phase_target_clusters_data) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set adaptivity trigger flag according to the list of target clusters if target_clusters: is_trigger = True else: is_trigger = False # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update total amount of time spent in selecting target clusters for # clustering adaptivity self.adaptive_evaluation_time += time.time() - init_time # Update total amount of time spent in clustering adaptivity procedures self.adaptive_time += time.time() - init_time # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Output execution data if verbose: # Build output data output_list = [] output_total = 0 for mat_phase in self._adapt_material_phases: phase_target_clusters = list(set(target_clusters).intersection( phase_clusters[mat_phase])) output_list += [mat_phase, len(phase_target_clusters)] output_total += len(phase_target_clusters) # Output adaptive phases target clusters summary table indent = 10*' ' info.displayinfo( '5', 'Summary:' + '\n\n' + indent + 'Phase Target Clusters' + '\n' + indent + 23*'-' + '\n' + ((indent + '{:^5s}{:>11d}\n') * (len(self._adapt_material_phases))).format(*output_list) + indent + 23*'-' + '\n' + indent + '{:^5s}'.format('Total') + '{:>11d}'.format(output_total) + '\n', 2) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return is_trigger, target_clusters, target_clusters_data
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[docs] def _get_adaptivity_data_matrix(self, target_phase, adapt_control_feature, phase_clusters, clusters_def_gradient_mf, clusters_def_gradient_old_mf, clusters_state, clusters_state_old, clusters_sct_mf, clusters_sct_old_mf, clusters_residuals_mf): """Build adaptivity feature data matrix for target material phase. Parameters ---------- target_phase : str Target adaptive material phase whose clusters adaptive feature data is collected or computed. adapt_control_feature : str Scalar adaptivity feature available directly or indirectly from clusters state variables. phase_clusters : dict Clusters labels (item, list[int]) associated with each material phase (key, str). clusters_def_gradient_mf : dict Deformation gradient (item, numpy.ndarray (1d)) associated with each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form. clusters_def_gradient_old_mf : dict Last converged deformation gradient (item, numpy.ndarray (1d)) associated with each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form. clusters_state : dict Material constitutive model state variables (item, dict) associated with each material cluster (key, str). clusters_state_old : dict Last increment converged material constitutive model state variables (item, dict) associated with each material cluster (key, str). clusters_sct_mf : dict Fourth-order strain concentration tensor (matricial form) (item, numpy.ndarray (2d)) associated with each material cluster (key, str). clusters_sct_old_mf : dict Last increment converged fourth-order strain concentration tensor (matricial form) (item, numpy.ndarray (2d)) associated with each material cluster (key, str). clusters_residuals_mf : dict Equilibrium residual second-order tensor (matricial form) (item, numpy.ndarray (1d)) associated with each material cluster (key, str). Returns ------- adapt_data_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) Adaptivity feature data matrix (numpy.ndarray of shape (adapt_phase_n_clusters, 2)) that, for the i-th cluster of the adaptive material phase, contains the cluster label in adapt_data_matrix[i, 0] and the associated adaptive feature value in adapt_data_matrix[i, 1]. """ # Get target adaptive material phase number of clusters n_clusters = len(phase_clusters[target_phase]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize adaptivity feature data matrix adapt_data_matrix = np.zeros((n_clusters, 2)) adapt_data_matrix[:, 0] = phase_clusters[target_phase] # Get target material phase state variables state_variables = \ clusters_state[str(int(adapt_data_matrix[0, 0]))].keys() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Evaluate nature of adaptivity feature is_state_variable = False for state_variable in state_variables: if state_variable in adapt_control_feature: is_state_variable = True break is_component = False is_norm = False is_incremental = False if'_[1-3][1-3]$', adapt_control_feature): # If adaptivity feature is component of second order tensor is_component = True # Get second order tensor component and matricial form index feature_comp = adapt_control_feature[-2:] # Trim adaptivity feature adapt_control_feature = adapt_control_feature[:-3] if'_norm$', adapt_control_feature): # If considering the norm of the tensorial adaptivity feature is_norm = True # Trim adaptivity feature adapt_control_feature = adapt_control_feature[:-5] if'^inc_', adapt_control_feature): # If considering the incremental value of the adaptivity feature is_incremental = True # Trim adaptivity feature adapt_control_feature = adapt_control_feature[4:] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Clustering adaptivity feature is scalar state variable if is_state_variable and not is_component: # Check if adaptivity feature is scalar if not ioutil.checknumber( clusters_state[str(int(adapt_data_matrix[0, 0]))][ adapt_control_feature]) and not is_norm: raise RuntimeError('The clustering adaptivity feature (' + adapt_control_feature + ') prescribed ' + 'for material phase ' + target_phase + ' must be a scalar.') else: # Build adaptivity feature data matrix for i in range(n_clusters): # Get cluster label cluster = int(adapt_data_matrix[i, 0]) # Collect adaptivity feature data if is_norm: if is_incremental: adapt_data_matrix[i, 1] = \ np.linalg.norm(clusters_state[str(cluster)] [adapt_control_feature]) - \ np.linalg.norm(clusters_state_old[str(cluster)] [adapt_control_feature]) else: adapt_data_matrix[i, 1] = \ np.linalg.norm(clusters_state[str(cluster)] [adapt_control_feature]) else: if is_incremental: adapt_data_matrix[i, 1] = \ clusters_state[str(cluster)][ adapt_control_feature] - clusters_state_old[ str(cluster)][adapt_control_feature] else: adapt_data_matrix[i, 1] = clusters_state[ str(cluster)][adapt_control_feature] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Clustering adaptivity feature is component of strain/stress related # second order tensor (stored in matricial form) state variable elif is_state_variable and is_component: # Check if adaptivity feature is scalar if ioutil.checknumber(clusters_state[ str(int(adapt_data_matrix[0, 0]))][adapt_control_feature]): raise RuntimeError('The clustering adaptivity feature (' + adapt_control_feature + ') prescribed ' + 'for material material phase ' + target_phase + ' is a scalar.') # Build adaptivity feature data matrix for i in range(n_clusters): # Get cluster label cluster = int(adapt_data_matrix[i, 0]) # Get second order tensor matricial form index if len(clusters_state[str(cluster)][ adapt_control_feature]) == self._comp_order_nsym: index = self._comp_order_nsym.index(feature_comp) elif len(clusters_state[str(cluster)][ adapt_control_feature]) == self._comp_order_sym: if feature_comp in self._comp_order_sym: index = self._comp_order_sym.index(feature_comp) elif feature_comp[::-1] in self._comp_order_sym: index = self._comp_order_sym.index(feature_comp) else: raise RuntimeError('Invalid component specified for ' 'the clustering adaptivity ' 'feature ' + adapt_control_feature + '.') else: raise RuntimeError('Clustering adaptivity feature ' 'is not a second-order tensor stored ' 'in matricial form as expected.') # Collect adaptivity feature data if is_incremental: adapt_data_matrix[i, 1] = \ clusters_state[str(cluster)][ adapt_control_feature][index] \ - clusters_state_old[str(cluster)][ adapt_control_feature][index] else: adapt_data_matrix[i, 1] = clusters_state[ str(cluster)][adapt_control_feature][index] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Clustering adaptivity feature is Von Mises equivalent stress elif adapt_control_feature == 'vm_stress': # Instantiate material state computations csbvar_computer = MaterialQuantitiesComputer() # Build adaptivity feature data matrix for i in range(n_clusters): # Get cluster label cluster = int(adapt_data_matrix[i, 0]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get Cauchy stress tensor if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Get cluster stress tensor (matricial form) stress_mf = clusters_state[str(cluster)]['stress_mf'] else: # Get cluster deformation gradient (matricial form) def_gradient_mf = clusters_def_gradient_mf[str(cluster)] # Build deformation gradient def_gradient = mop.get_tensor_from_mf( def_gradient_mf, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_nsym) # Get first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (matricial form) first_piola_stress_mf = \ clusters_state[str(cluster)]['stress_mf'] # Build first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor first_piola_stress = mop.get_tensor_from_mf( first_piola_stress_mf, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_sym) # Compute Cauchy stress tensor cauchy_stress = cauchy_from_first_piola(def_gradient, first_piola_stress) # Get Cauchy stress tensor (matricial form) stress_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(cauchy_stress, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_sym) # Build 3D stress tensor (matricial form) if self._problem_type == 1: # Get Cauchy stress tensor out-of-plain component if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': stress_33 = clusters_state[str(cluster)]['stress_33'] else: # Get Cauchy stress tensor out-of-plain component from # first Piola-Kirchhoff counterpart stress_33 = (1.0/np.linalg.det(def_gradient))\ * clusters_state[str(cluster)]['stress_33'] # Build 3D stress tensor (matricial form) stress_mf = mop.getstate3Dmffrom2Dmf(self._problem_type, stress_mf, stress_33) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute von Mises equivalent stress vm_stress = csbvar_computer.get_vm_stress(stress_mf) # Assemble adaptivity feature data matrix if is_incremental: # Get cluster previously converged stress tensor (matricial # form) if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Get cluster stress tensor (matricial form) stress_mf = \ clusters_state_old[str(cluster)]['stress_mf'] else: # Get cluster deformation gradient (matricial form) def_gradient_mf = \ clusters_def_gradient_old_mf[str(cluster)] # Build deformation gradient def_gradient = mop.get_tensor_from_mf( def_gradient_mf, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_nsym) # Get first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (matricial # form) first_piola_stress_mf = \ clusters_state_old[str(cluster)]['stress_mf'] # Build first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor first_piola_stress = mop.get_tensor_from_mf( first_piola_stress_mf, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_sym) # Compute Cauchy stress tensor cauchy_stress = cauchy_from_first_piola( def_gradient, first_piola_stress) # Get Cauchy stress tensor (matricial form) stress_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(cauchy_stress, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_sym) # Build 3D stress tensor (matricial form) if self._problem_type == 1: # Get Cauchy stress tensor out-of-plain component if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': stress_33 = \ clusters_state_old[str(cluster)]['stress_33'] else: # Get Cauchy stress tensor out-of-plain component # from first Piola-Kirchhoff counterpart stress_33 = (1.0/np.linalg.det(def_gradient))\ * clusters_state_old[str(cluster)]['stress_33'] # Build 3D stress tensor (matricial form) stress_mf = mop.getstate3Dmffrom2Dmf( self._problem_type, stress_mf, stress_33) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute previously converged von Mises equivalent stress vm_stress_old = csbvar_computer.get_vm_stress(stress_mf) # Assemble incremental adaptivity feature data matrix adapt_data_matrix[i, 1] = vm_stress - vm_stress_old else: adapt_data_matrix[i, 1] = vm_stress # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Clustering adaptivity feature is Von Mises equivalent strain elif adapt_control_feature == 'vm_strain': # Instantiate material state computations csbvar_computer = MaterialQuantitiesComputer() # Build adaptivity feature data matrix for i in range(n_clusters): # Get cluster label cluster = int(adapt_data_matrix[i, 0]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or # spatial logarithmic strain tensor (finite strains) if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Get cluster strain tensor (matricial form) strain_mf = clusters_state[str(cluster)]['strain_mf'] else: # Get cluster deformation gradient (matricial form) def_gradient_mf = clusters_def_gradient_mf[str(cluster)] # Build deformation gradient def_gradient = mop.get_tensor_from_mf( def_gradient_mf, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_nsym) # Compute spatial logarithmic strain tensor log_strain = compute_spatial_log_strain(def_gradient) # Get spatial logarithmic strain tensor (matricial form) strain_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(log_strain, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_sym) # Build 3D strain tensor (matricial form) if self._problem_type == 1: # Get out-of-plain strain component strain_33 = 0.0 # Build 3D strain tensor (matricial form) strain_mf = mop.getstate3Dmffrom2Dmf(self._problem_type, strain_mf, strain_33) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute von Mises equivalent strain vm_strain = csbvar_computer.get_vm_strain(strain_mf) # Assemble adaptivity feature data matrix if is_incremental: # Get previously converged infinitesimal strain tensor # (infinitesimal strains) or spatial logarithmic strain # tensor (finite strains) if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Get cluster strain tensor (matricial form) strain_mf = \ clusters_state_old[str(cluster)]['strain_mf'] else: # Get cluster deformation gradient (matricial form) def_gradient_mf = \ clusters_def_gradient_old_mf[str(cluster)] # Build deformation gradient def_gradient = mop.get_tensor_from_mf( def_gradient_mf, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_nsym) # Compute spatial logarithmic strain tensor log_strain = compute_spatial_log_strain(def_gradient) # Get spatial logarithmic strain tensor (matricial # form) strain_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(log_strain, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_sym) # Build 3D strain tensor (matricial form) if self._problem_type == 1: # Get out-of-plain strain component strain_33 = 0.0 # Build 3D strain tensor (matricial form) strain_mf = mop.getstate3Dmffrom2Dmf( self._problem_type, strain_mf, strain_33) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute previously converged von Mises equivalent strain vm_strain_old = csbvar_computer.get_vm_strain(strain_mf) # Assemble incremental adaptivity feature data matrix adapt_data_matrix[i, 1] = vm_strain - vm_strain_old else: adapt_data_matrix[i, 1] = vm_strain # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Clustering adaptivity feature is norm of strain concentration tensor elif adapt_control_feature == 'strain_concentration_tensor' \ and is_norm: # Build adaptivity feature data matrix for i in range(n_clusters): # Get cluster label cluster = int(adapt_data_matrix[i, 0]) # Collect adaptivity feature data if is_incremental: adapt_data_matrix[i, 1] = \ np.linalg.norm(clusters_sct_mf[str(cluster)]) - \ np.linalg.norm(clusters_sct_old_mf[str(cluster)]) else: adapt_data_matrix[i, 1] = \ np.linalg.norm(clusters_sct_mf[str(cluster)]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Clustering adaptivity feature is norm of Lippmann-Schwinger # equilibrium residual elif adapt_control_feature == 'equilibrium_residual' and is_norm: # Build adaptivity feature data matrix for i in range(n_clusters): # Get cluster label cluster = int(adapt_data_matrix[i, 0]) # Collect adaptivity feature data adapt_data_matrix[i, 1] = \ np.linalg.norm(clusters_residuals_mf[str(cluster)]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown or unavailable clustering adaptivity ' 'feature.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return adapt_data_matrix
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def adaptive_refinement(self, crve, material_state, target_clusters, target_clusters_data, inc, improved_init_guess=None, verbose=False): """Perform CRVE adaptive clustering refinement. Parameters ---------- crve : CRVE Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element. material_state : MaterialState CRVE material constitutive state at rewind state. target_clusters : list[int] List containing the labels (int) of clusters to be refined. target_clusters_data : dict For each target cluster (key, str), store dictionary (item, dict) containing cluster associated parameters required for the adaptive procedures. inc : int Macroscale loading increment. improved_init_guess : list, default=None List that allows an improved initial iterative guess for the clusters incremental strain global vector (matricial form) after the clustering adaptivity is carried out. Index 0 contains a flag which is True if an improved initial iterative guess is to be computed, False otherwise. Index 1 contains the improved incremental strain global vector (matricial form) if computation flag is True, otherwise is None. verbose : bool, default=False Enable verbose output. """ # Set initial time init_time = time.time() # Output execution data if verbose: info.displayinfo('5', 'Clustering adaptivity refinement:') info.displayinfo('5', 'A - Performing clustering adaptivity...', 2) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Perform CRVE adaptive clustering refinement if not target_clusters: return else: # Store previous clustering cluster labels and total number of # clusters phase_clusters_old = copy.deepcopy(crve.get_phase_clusters()) n_total_clusters_old = crve.get_n_total_clusters() # Perform CRVE adaptive clustering refinement adaptive_clustering_map = crve.perform_crve_adaptivity( target_clusters, target_clusters_data) # Increment current increment adaptive step if str(inc) in self._inc_adaptive_steps.keys(): self._inc_adaptive_steps[str(inc)] += 1 else: self._inc_adaptive_steps[str(inc)] = 1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Output execution data if verbose: a_time = time.time() - init_time info.displayinfo('5', 'B - Computing cluster interaction tensors...', 2) ref_time = time.time() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute CRVE cluster interaction tensors crve.compute_cit(mode='adaptive', adaptive_clustering_map=adaptive_clustering_map) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Output execution data if verbose: b_time = time.time() - ref_time info.displayinfo('5', 'C - Updating cluster-related quantities...', 2) ref_time = time.time() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update cluster-related variables according to clustering adaptivity # step material_state.clustering_adaptivity_update(crve.get_phase_clusters(), crve.get_clusters_vf(), adaptive_clustering_map) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over adaptive material phases for mat_phase in self._adapt_material_phases: # Check material phase adaptivity lock status. If material phase # adaptivity is deactivated, then set the associated clustering # adaptivity frequency to zero if crve.get_cluster_phases()[mat_phase].adaptivity_lock: self._clust_adapt_freq[mat_phase] = 0 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get improved initial iterative guess flag if improved_init_guess is None: is_improved_init_guess = False else: is_improved_init_guess = improved_init_guess[0] if not is_improved_init_guess: improved_init_guess[1] = None # Compute improved initial iterative guess for the global vector of # clusters strain tensors (matricial form) if is_improved_init_guess: # Get CRVE material phases and total number of clusters material_phases = crve.get_material_phases() n_total_clusters = crve.get_n_total_clusters() # Set cluster strain component order if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym else: comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym # Get previous clustering global vector of clusters strain tensors if len(improved_init_guess[1]) \ != n_total_clusters_old*len(comp_order): raise RuntimeError('Unexpected size of previous clustering ' 'global vector of clusters strain tensors.') else: global_strain_mf_old = copy.deepcopy(improved_init_guess[1]) # Initialize new clustering global vector of clusters strain # tensors global_strain_mf_new = np.zeros((n_total_clusters*len(comp_order))) # Initialize material phase initial index in global vector mat_phase_init_idx_old = 0 mat_phase_init_idx_new = 0 # Loop over material phases for mat_phase in material_phases: # Loop over previous clustering cluster labels for cluster in phase_clusters_old[mat_phase]: # Get previous clustering cluster initial index init_idx_old = mat_phase_init_idx_old \ + phase_clusters_old[mat_phase].index(cluster) \ * len(comp_order) # Build new clustering global vector of clusters strain # tensors. If cluster remained unchanged after the # clustering adaptive step, then simply transfer the # associated values to the proper position in the new # global vector. If cluster has been refined, then copy the # associated values to its child clusters positions in the # new global vector. if cluster in crve.get_phase_clusters()[mat_phase]: # Get new clustering cluster initial index init_idx_new = mat_phase_init_idx_new \ + crve.get_phase_clusters()[mat_phase].index( cluster)*len(comp_order) # Transfer cluster strain global_strain_mf_new[ init_idx_new:init_idx_new + len(comp_order)] = global_strain_mf_old[ init_idx_old:init_idx_old+len(comp_order)] else: # Get list of target's child clusters child_clusters = adaptive_clustering_map[mat_phase][ str(cluster)] # Loop over child clusters for child_cluster in child_clusters: # Get new clustering child cluster initial index init_idx_new = mat_phase_init_idx_new \ + crve.get_phase_clusters()[mat_phase].index( child_cluster)*len(comp_order) # Copy parent cluster strain global_strain_mf_new[init_idx_new:init_idx_new + len(comp_order)] = \ global_strain_mf_old[init_idx_old: init_idx_old + len(comp_order)] # Update material phase initial index in global vector mat_phase_init_idx_old += \ len(phase_clusters_old[mat_phase])*len(comp_order) mat_phase_init_idx_new += \ len(crve.get_phase_clusters()[mat_phase])*len(comp_order) # Store improved initial iterative guess for the global vector of # clusters strain tensors (matricial form) improved_init_guess[1] = global_strain_mf_new # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Output execution data if verbose: c_time = time.time() - ref_time info.displayinfo('5', 'D - Perfoming clustering adaptivity criterion ' 'post-processing computations...', 2) ref_time = time.time() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over adaptive material phases for mat_phase in self._adapt_material_phases: # Get adaptive material phase clustering adaptivity criterion adapt_criterion = self._adapt_phase_criterions[mat_phase] # Perform clustering adaptivity criterion post-processing # computations if isinstance(adapt_criterion, AdaptiveClusterGrouping): # Update adaptive cluster groups adapt_criterion.update_group_clusters( adaptive_clustering_map[mat_phase]) elif isinstance(adapt_criterion, SpatialDiscontinuities): # Update clusters adaptive level adapt_criterion.update_clusters_adapt_level( adaptive_clustering_map[mat_phase]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Output execution data if verbose: d_time = time.time() - ref_time # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update total amount of time spent in the ACRVE adaptive procedures dtime = time.time() - init_time # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update total amount of time spent in clustering adaptivity procedures self.adaptive_time += time.time() - init_time # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Output execution data if verbose: # Build adaptive material phase's target clusters list output_list = [] output_total = [0, 0] # Loop over adaptive material phases for mat_phase in self._adapt_material_phases: # Loop over material phase target clusters n_new_clusters = 0 for target_cluster in \ adaptive_clustering_map[mat_phase].keys(): n_new_clusters += \ len(adaptive_clustering_map[mat_phase][target_cluster]) n_total_clusters = len(crve.get_phase_clusters()[mat_phase]) output_list += [mat_phase, n_new_clusters, n_total_clusters] output_total[0] += n_new_clusters output_total[1] += n_total_clusters # Output adaptive phases new clusters summary table indent = 10*' ' info.displayinfo( '5', 'Summary:' + '\n\n' + indent + 'Phase New Clusters Total Clusters' + '\n' + indent + 37*'-' + '\n' + ((indent + '{:^5s}{:>11d}{:>15d}\n') * (len(self._adapt_material_phases))).format(*output_list) + indent + 37*'-' + '\n' + indent + '{:^5s}'.format('Total') + '{:>11d}{:>15d}'.format(*output_total), 2) # Output adaptive phases execution time table indent = 10*' ' info.displayinfo( '5', 'Execution times (s):' + '\n\n' + indent + ' Time(s) %' + '\n' + indent + 28*'-' + '\n' + indent + '{:^5s}'.format('A') + '{:^18.4e}'.format(a_time) + '{:>5.2f}'.format((a_time/dtime)*100) + '\n' + indent + '{:^5s}'.format('B') + '{:^18.4e}'.format(b_time) + '{:>5.2f}'.format((b_time/dtime)*100) + '\n' + indent + '{:^5s}'.format('C') + '{:^18.4e}'.format(c_time) + '{:>5.2f}'.format((c_time/dtime)*100) + '\n' + indent + '{:^5s}'.format('D') + '{:^18.4e}'.format(c_time) + '{:>5.2f}'.format((d_time/dtime)*100) + '\n' + indent + 28*'-' + '\n' + indent + '{:^5s}'.format('Total') + '{:>14.4e}'.format(dtime), 2)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def check_inc_adaptive_steps(self, inc): """Check number of adaptive steps performed in loading increment. Parameters ---------- inc : int Macroscale loading increment. Returns ------- bool True if maximum number of clustering adaptive steps has not been reached, False otherwise. """ if str(inc) in self._inc_adaptive_steps.keys(): if self._inc_adaptive_steps[str(inc)] \ >= self.max_inc_adaptive_steps: return False else: return True else: self._inc_adaptive_steps[str(inc)] = 0 return True
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def clear_inc_adaptive_steps(self, inc_threshold): """Reset number of adaptive steps performed after threshold increment. Parameters ---------- inc_threshold : int Macroscale loading increment. """ # Get clustering adaptive steps associated increments adaptive_steps_incs = [int(x) for x in self._inc_adaptive_steps.keys()] # Loop over clustering adaptive steps associated increments for inc in adaptive_steps_incs: # Reset number of clustering adaptive steps if increment is greater # than provided threshold if inc > inc_threshold: self._inc_adaptive_steps[str(inc)] = 0
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def is_adapt_phase_activated(self, mat_phase, inc): """Check if material phase adaptivity procedures are activated. Parameters ---------- mat_phase : str Material phase label. inc : int Incremental counter serving as a reference basis for the clustering adaptivity frequency control. Returns ------- is_activated : bool True if material phase adaptivity procedures are activated, False otherwise. """ # Get clustering adaptivity reference initial increment ref_inc = self._adapt_ref_init_inc[mat_phase] # Get clustering adaptivity frequency adapt_freq = self._clust_adapt_freq[mat_phase] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize adaptivity activation flag is_activated = False # Evaluate activation conditions if adapt_freq != 0: # Clustering adaptivity incremental frequency if inc > ref_inc and (inc - ref_inc) % adapt_freq == 0: is_activated = True # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return adaptivity activation flag return is_activated
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def reset_adapt_activation_parameters(self): """Reset parameters associated with clustering adaptivity activation. """ self._adapt_ref_init_inc = \ {mat_phase: 0 for mat_phase in self._adapt_material_phases} self._adapt_feature_min_trigger = \ {mat_phase: False for mat_phase in self._adapt_material_phases}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_adapt_vtk_array(self, voxels_clusters): """Get regular grid array with the adaptive level of each cluster. A cluster adaptive level of 0 is associated with the base clustering and is increased by one whenever the cluster is refined. ---- Parameters ---------- voxels_clusters : numpy.ndarray (2d or 3d) Regular grid of voxels (spatial discretization of the RVE), where each entry contains the cluster label (int) assigned to the corresponding pixel/voxel. """ # Initialize flattened regular grid array rg_array = np.zeros(voxels_clusters.shape).flatten('F') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over adaptive material phases for mat_phase in self._adapt_material_phases: # Get adaptive material phase clustering adaptivity criterion adapt_criterion = self._adapt_phase_criterions[mat_phase] # Assemble flattened regular grid array if isinstance(adapt_criterion, AdaptiveClusterGrouping): # Get adaptive cluster groups and associated adaptive level adapt_groups = adapt_criterion.get_adapt_groups() groups_adapt_level = adapt_criterion.get_groups_adapt_level() # Get adaptive material phase cluster groups adapt_groups_ids = list(adapt_groups.keys()) # Loop over adaptive cluster groups for group_id in adapt_groups_ids: # Get adaptive cluster group adaptive level adapt_level = groups_adapt_level[group_id] # Get adaptive cluster group clusters adapt_group = adapt_groups[group_id] # Get flat indexes associated with the adaptive cluster # group clusters flat_idxs = np.in1d(voxels_clusters.flatten('F'), adapt_group) # Store adaptive cluster group adaptive level rg_array[flat_idxs] = adapt_level elif isinstance(adapt_criterion, SpatialDiscontinuities): # Get cluster adaptive level clusters_adapt_level = \ adapt_criterion.get_clusters_adapt_level() # Loop over clusters for cluster in clusters_adapt_level.keys(): # Get cluster flat indexes flat_idxs = np.in1d(voxels_clusters.flatten('F'), int(cluster)) # Store cluster adaptive level rg_array[flat_idxs] = clusters_adapt_level[str(cluster)] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Build regular grid array rg_array = rg_array.reshape(voxels_clusters.shape, order='F') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return rg_array
# # Clustering adaptivity output file # =============================================================================
[docs]class ClusteringAdaptivityOutput: """Clustering adaptivity output. Attributes ---------- _header : list[str] List containing the header of each column (str). _col_width : int Output file column width. Methods ------- init_adapt_file(self, crve) Open clustering adaptivity output file and write file header. write_adapt_file(self, inc, adaptivity_manager, crve, mode='increment') Write clustering adaptivity output file. rewind_file(self, rewind_inc) Rewind clustering adaptivity output file. """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self, adapt_file_path, adapt_material_phases): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- adapt_file_path : str Path of clustering adaptivity output file. adapt_material_phases : list[str] RVE adaptive material phases labels (str). """ self._adapt_file_path = adapt_file_path self._adapt_material_phases = adapt_material_phases # Set clustering adaptivity output file header self._header = ['Increment', 'total_adapt_time', 'eval_adapt_time', 'clust_adapt_time', 'cit_adapt_time'] for mat_phase in self._adapt_material_phases: self._header += ['n_clusters_' + mat_phase, 'adapt_step_' + mat_phase, 'adapt_time_' + mat_phase] # Set column width self._col_width = max(16, max([len(x) for x in self._header]) + 2)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def init_adapt_file(self, crve): """Open clustering adaptivity output file and write file header. Parameters ---------- crve : CRVE Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element. """ # Build adaptive material phases output list adaptivity_output = crve.get_adaptivity_output() output_list = [] for mat_phase in self._adapt_material_phases: output_list += adaptivity_output[mat_phase] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Open clustering adaptivity output file (write mode) adapt_file = open(self._adapt_file_path, 'w') # Set clustering adaptivity output file header format structure write_list = ['{:>9s}'.format(self._header[0]) + ''.join([('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + 's}').format(x) for x in self._header[1:]]), ] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set clustering adaptivity output file increment format structure write_list += [ '\n' + '{:>9d}'.format(0) + ('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + '.8e}').format(0) + ('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + '.8e}').format(0) + ('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + '.8e}').format(0) + ('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + '.8e}').format(0) + ''.join([''.join([('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + 'd}').format(x) for x in output_list[3*i:3*i+2]] + [('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + '.8e}').format(output_list[3*i+2])]) for i in range(len(self._adapt_material_phases))])] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Write clustering adaptivity output file adapt_file.writelines(write_list) # Close clustering adaptivity output file adapt_file.close()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_adapt_file(self, inc, adaptivity_manager, crve, mode='increment'): """Write clustering adaptivity output file. Parameters ---------- inc : int Macroscale loading increment. adaptivity_manager : AdaptivityManager CRVE clustering adaptivity manager. crve : CRVE Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element. mode : {'init', 'increment'}, default='increment' Clustering adaptivity output mode. Mode `init` writes the file header and the increment 0 (base clustering), while `increment` appends the clustering adaptivity data associated with macroscale loading increment. """ write_list = [] if mode == 'init': # Open clustering adaptivity output file (write mode) adapt_file = open(self._adapt_file_path, 'w') # Set clustering adaptivity output file header format structure write_list += ['{:>9s}'.format(self._header[0]) + ''.join([('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + 's}').format(x) for x in self._header[1:]]), ] elif mode == 'increment': # Open clustering adaptivity output file (append mode) adapt_file = open(self._adapt_file_path, 'a') else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown clustering adaptivity output mode.') # Build adaptive material phases output list adaptivity_output = crve.get_adaptivity_output() output_list = [] for mat_phase in self._adapt_material_phases: output_list += adaptivity_output[mat_phase] # Set clustering adaptivity output file increment format structure write_list += [ '\n' + '{:>9d}'.format(inc) + ('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + '.8e}').format( adaptivity_manager.adaptive_time) + ('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + '.8e}').format( adaptivity_manager.adaptive_evaluation_time) + ('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + '.8e}').format( crve.get_adaptive_clustering_time()) + ('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + '.8e}').format( crve.get_adaptive_cit_time()) + ''.join([''.join([('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + 'd}').format(x) for x in output_list[3*i:3*i+2]] + [('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + '.8e}').format(output_list[3*i+2])]) for i in range(len(self._adapt_material_phases))])] # Write clustering adaptivity output file adapt_file.writelines(write_list) # Close clustering adaptivity output file adapt_file.close()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def rewind_file(self, rewind_inc): """Rewind clustering adaptivity output file. Parameters ---------- rewind_inc : int Increment associated with the rewind state. """ # Open clustering adaptivity output file and read lines (read) file_lines = open(self._adapt_file_path, 'r').readlines() # Set output file last line last_line = 1 + rewind_inc file_lines[last_line] = file_lines[last_line][:-1] # Open clustering adaptivity output file (write mode) open(self._adapt_file_path, 'w').writelines( file_lines[: last_line + 1])