Source code for cratepy.clustering.rveelasticdatabase

"""Compute RVE local elastic response database.

This module includes the class which embodies a RVE local elastic response
database. This physical-based database is required to compute the clustering
features and perform the RVE cluster analysis. This class also includes the
computation of the RVE elastic effective tangent modulus when certain
macroscale strain loadings are met.

    RVE local elastic response database class.
#                                                                       Modules
# =============================================================================
# Standard
import copy
# Third-party
import numpy as np
# Local
import as info
import tensor.matrixoperations as mop
from clustering.solution.ffthombasicscheme import FFTBasicScheme
from material.materialoperations import compute_rotation_tensor
#                                                          Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira ('
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
[docs]class RVEElasticDatabase: """RVE local elastic response database class. Attributes ---------- _global_hom_stress_strain : dict RVE homogenized stress-strain response (item, numpy.ndarray (2d)) for each macroscale strain loading identifier (key, int). The homogenized strain and homogenized stress tensor components of the i-th loading increment are stored columnwise in the i-th row, sorted respectively. Infinitesimal strain tensor and Cauchy stress tensor (infinitesimal strains) or Deformation gradient and first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (finite strains). _elastic_eff_modulus_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) RVE's elastic effective tangent modulus in matrix form, where each entry contains a given elastic modulus (similar to Voigt notation). The elastic effective tangent modulus is computed from the stress conjugate to the infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or to the material logarithmic strain tensor (finite strains). _eff_elastic_properties : dict Elastic properties (key, str) and their values (item, float) estimated from the RVE's elastic effective tangent modulus. rve_global_response : numpy.ndarray (2d) RVE local elastic strain response for a given set of macroscale loadings, where each macroscale loading is associated with a set of independent strain components (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_voxels, n_mac_strains*n_strain_comps)). Each column is associated associated with a independent strain component of the infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or material logarithmic strain tensor (finite strains). Methods ------- compute_rve_response_database(self, dns_method, dns_method_data, \ mac_strains, is_strain_sym) Compute RVE's local elastic strain response database. compute_rve_elastic_tangent_modulus(self, strain_magnitude_factor=1.0) Compute RVE's elastic effective tangent modulus. set_eff_isotropic_elastic_constants(self): Set isotropic elastic constants from effective tangent modulus. get_eff_isotropic_elastic_constants(self): Get isotropic elastic constants from effective tangent modulus. """
[docs] def __init__(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, rve_dims, n_voxels_dims, regular_grid, material_phases, material_phases_properties): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation : {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). rve_dims : list[float] RVE size in each dimension. n_voxels_dims : list[int] Number of voxels in each dimension of the regular grid (spatial discretization of the RVE). regular_grid : numpy.ndarray (2d or 3d) Regular grid of voxels (spatial discretization of the RVE), where each entry contains the material phase label (int) assigned to the corresponding voxel. material_phases : list[str] RVE material phases labels (str). material_phases_properties : dict Constitutive model material properties (item, dict) associated to each material phase (key, str). """ self._strain_formulation = strain_formulation self._problem_type = problem_type self._rve_dims = rve_dims self._n_voxels_dims = n_voxels_dims self._regular_grid = regular_grid self._material_phases = material_phases self._material_phases_properties = material_phases_properties self._global_hom_stress_strain = {} self._elastic_eff_modulus_matrix = None self._eff_elastic_properties = None self.rve_global_response = None
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[docs] def compute_rve_response_database(self, dns_method, dns_method_data, mac_strains, is_strain_sym): """Compute RVE's local elastic strain response database. Build a RVE's local elastic strain response database by solving one or more microscale equilibrium problems (each associated with a given macroscale strain loading) through a given homogenization-based multi-scale method. ---- Parameters ---------- dns_method : {'fft-basic'} DNS homogenization-based multi-scale method. dns_method_data : dict Parameters of DNS homogenization-based multi-scale method. mac_strains : list[numpy.ndarray (2d)] List of macroscale strain loadings (numpy.ndarray (2d)). Infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). is_strain_sym : bool True if the macroscale strain second-order tensor associated with the RVE's local elastic strain response database is symmetric by definition, False otherwise. """ # Get problem type parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(self._problem_type) # Set components order compatible with macroscale strain loading if is_strain_sym: comp_order = comp_order_sym else: comp_order = comp_order_nsym # Get total number of voxels n_voxels = # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Instatiate homogenization-based multi-scale method if dns_method == 'fft_basic': homogenization_method = FFTBasicScheme( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, self._rve_dims, self._n_voxels_dims, self._regular_grid, self._material_phases, self._material_phases_properties) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown homogenization-based multi-scale ' 'method.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize RVE's local elastic strain response database self.rve_global_response = \ np.zeros((n_voxels, len(mac_strains)*len(comp_order))) # Loop over macroscale strain loadings for i in range(len(mac_strains)): info.displayinfo('5', 'Macroscale strain loading (' + str(i + 1) + ' of ' + str(len(mac_strains)) + ')...', 2) # Get macroscale strain tensor mac_strain_id = i + 1 mac_strain = mac_strains[i] # Compute RVE's local elastic strain response strain_vox = homogenization_method.compute_rve_local_response( mac_strain_id, mac_strain) # Assemble RVE's local elastic strain response to database for j in range(len(comp_order)): self.rve_global_response[:, i*len(comp_order) + j] = \ strain_vox[comp_order[j]].flatten() # Store RVE's homogenized stress-strain material response self._global_hom_stress_strain[mac_strain_id] = \ copy.deepcopy(homogenization_method.get_hom_stress_strain())
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[docs] def compute_rve_elastic_tangent_modulus(self, strain_magnitude_factor=1.0): """Compute RVE's elastic effective tangent modulus. Parameters ---------- strain_magnitude_factor : float, default=1.0 Macroscale strain magnitude factor. """ # Get problem type parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(self._problem_type) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check number of macroscale strain loadings if len(self._global_hom_stress_strain.keys()) != len(comp_order_sym): raise RuntimeError('The computation of the RVE\'s elastic ' 'effective tangent modulus requires the RVE ' 'homogenized stress-strain response under a ' 'suitable set of orthogonal macroscale ' 'strain loadings.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize RVE's effective tangent modulus matrix elastic_eff_modulus_matrix = \ np.zeros((len(comp_order_sym), len(comp_order_sym))) # Loop over orthogonal macroscale strain loadings for i in range(len(comp_order_sym)): # Get Kelvin factor associated with macroscale strain loading # strain component kf_i = mop.kelvin_factor(i, comp_order_sym) # Get macroscale strain loading identifier mac_strain_id = i + 1 # Get RVE homogenized stress-strain material response hom_stress_strain = self._global_hom_stress_strain[mac_strain_id] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute stress conjugate if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Get homogenized Cauchy stress tensor stress_conjugate = \ hom_stress_strain[-1, len(comp_order_nsym):].reshape( (n_dim, n_dim), order='F') else: # Get homogenized deformation gradient def_gradient = \ hom_stress_strain[-1, :len(comp_order_nsym)].reshape( (n_dim, n_dim), order='F') # Get homogenized first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor first_piola_stress = \ hom_stress_strain[-1, len(comp_order_nsym):].reshape( (n_dim, n_dim), order='F') # Compute rotation tensor rotation = compute_rotation_tensor(def_gradient) # Compute stress conjugate to material logarithmic strain stress_conjugate = np.matmul( np.transpose(rotation), np.matmul( first_piola_stress, np.matmul( np.transpose(def_gradient), rotation))) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Assemble column of RVE's effective tangent modulus matrix for j in range(len(comp_order_sym)): # Get strain component and associated second-order indexes comp_j = comp_order_sym[j] so_idx = tuple([int(x) - 1 for x in list(comp_j)]) # Get Kelvin factor associated with strain component kf_j = mop.kelvin_factor(j, comp_order_sym) # Assemble column of RVE's effective tangent modulus matrix elastic_eff_modulus_matrix[j, i] = \ (1.0/strain_magnitude_factor)*kf_j*stress_conjugate[so_idx] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Remove Kelvin coefficient elastic_eff_modulus_matrix[j, i] = \ (1.0/kf_i)*(1.0/kf_j)*elastic_eff_modulus_matrix[j, i] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Store RVE's effective tangent modulus matrix self._elastic_eff_modulus_matrix = \ copy.deepcopy(elastic_eff_modulus_matrix)
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[docs] def set_eff_isotropic_elastic_constants(self): """Set isotropic elastic constants from effective tangent modulus.""" # Check if RVE's elastic effective tangent modulus is available if self._elastic_eff_modulus_matrix is None: raise RuntimeError('Unavailable RVE\'s elastic effective tangent ' 'modulus.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get isotropic elastic modulii E1111 = self._elastic_eff_modulus_matrix[0, 0] E1122 = self._elastic_eff_modulus_matrix[0, 1] # Compute Young's modulus E = (1.0/(E1111 + E1122))*(E1111**2 + E1111*E1122 - 2.0*E1122**2) # Compute Poisson's coefficient v = E1122/(E1111 + E1122) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check isotropic elastic constants is_admissible = (E >= 0) and (v >= 0.0 and (v/0.5) <= 1.0) if not is_admissible: raise RuntimeError('Inadmissible isotropic elastic constants from ' 'RVE\'s elastic effective tangent modulus.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update estimates of effective elastic properties self._eff_elastic_properties = {'E': E, 'v': v}
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[docs] def get_eff_isotropic_elastic_constants(self): """Get isotropic elastic constants from effective tangent modulus. Returns ------- eff_elastic_properties : dict Elastic properties (key, str) and their values (item, float) estimated from the RVE's elastic effective tangent modulus. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._eff_elastic_properties)