Source code for cratepy.clustering.solution.ffthombasicscheme

"""FFT-based homogenization basic scheme multi-scale method.

This module includes the implementation of the FFT-based homogenization basic
scheme proposed by Moulinec and Suquet (1998) [1]_ for the solution of
micro-scale equilibrium problems of linear elastic heterogeneous materials. The
finite strain extension of this method is also implemented by following the
formulation of Kabel and coworkers (2022) [2]_ and adopting the Hencky
hyperelastic constitutive model. It also includes a class that handles a
general incrementation of the macroscale strain loading and a dynamic
subincrementation scheme.

.. [1] Moulinec, H. and Suquet, P. (1998). *A numerical method for computing
       the overall response of nonlinear composites with complex
       microstructure.* Comp Methods Appl M, 157:69-94 (see `here

.. [2] Kabel, M., Bohlke, T., and Schneider, M. (2014). *Efficient fixed point
       and Newton-Krylov solver for FFT-based homogenization of elasticity
       at large deformations.* Comp Methods Appl M, 54:1497-1514 (see `here

    FFT-based homogenization basic scheme.
    Macroscale strain loading incrementer.
#                                                                       Modules
# =============================================================================
# Standard
import time
import copy
import warnings
import itertools as it
# Third-party
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import colorama
# Local
import ioput.ioutilities as ioutil
import tensor.tensoroperations as top
import tensor.matrixoperations as mop
import clustering.citoperations as citop
from clustering.solution.dnshomogenization import DNSHomogenizationMethod
#                                                          Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira ('
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
[docs]class FFTBasicScheme(DNSHomogenizationMethod): """FFT-based homogenization basic scheme. FFT-based homogenization basic scheme proposed by Moulinec and Suquet (1998) [#]_ for the solution of micro-scale equilibrium problems of linear elastic heterogeneous materials. In particular, for a given RVE discretized in a regular grid of voxels, the method solves the microscale equilibrium problem when the RVE is subjected to a macroscale strain tensor and is constrained by periodic boundary conditions. Finite strain extension is also available, following the formulation of Kabel and coworkers (2022) [#]_ and adopting the Hencky hyperelastic constitutive model. A detailed description of the computational implementation can be found in Appendix B (infinitesimal strains) and Section 4.6 (finite strains) of Ferreira (2022) [#]_. .. [#] Moulinec, H. and Suquet, P. (1998). *A numerical method for computing the overall response of nonlinear composites with complex microstructure.* Comp Methods Appl M, 157:69-94 (see `here < S0045782597002181>`_) .. [#] Kabel, M., Bohlke, T., and Schneider, M. (2014). *Efficient fixed point and Newton-Krylov solver for FFT-based homogenization of elasticity at large deformations.* Comp Methods Appl M, 54:1497-1514 (see `here < s00466-014-1071-8>`_) .. [#] Ferreira, B.P. (2022). *Towards Data-driven Multi-scale Optimization of Thermoplastic Blends: Microstructural Generation, Constitutive Development and Clustering-based Reduced-Order Modeling.* PhD Thesis, University of Porto (see `here <https://>`_) Attributes ---------- _n_dim : int Problem number of spatial dimensions. _comp_order_sym : list[str] Strain/Stress components symmetric order. _comp_order_nsym : list[str] Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order. _max_n_iterations : int Maximum number of iterations to convergence. _conv_criterion : {'stress_div', 'avg_stress_norm'} Convergence criterion: 'stress_div' is the original convergence criterion based on the evaluation of the divergence of the stress tensor; 'avg_stress_norm' is based on the iterative change of the average stress norm. _conv_tol : float Convergence tolerance. _max_subinc_level : int Maximum level of macroscale loading subincrementation. _max_cinc_cuts : int Maximum number of consecutive macroscale loading increment cuts. _hom_stress_strain : numpy.ndarray (2d) Homogenized stress-strain material response. The homogenized strain and homogenized stress tensor components of the i-th loading increment are stored columnwise in the i-th row, sorted respectively. Infinitesimal strain tensor and Cauchy stress tensor (infinitesimal strains) or Deformation gradient and first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (finite strains). Methods ------- compute_rve_local_response(self, mac_strain_id, mac_strain, verbose=False) Compute RVE local elastic strain response. _elastic_constitutive_model(self, strain_vox, evar1, evar2, evar3, \ finite_strains_model='stvenant-kirchhoff', \ is_optimized=True) Elastic or hyperelastic material constitutive model. stress_div_conv_criterion(self, freqs_dims, stress_DFT_vox) Convergence criterion based on the divergence of the stress tensor. compute_avg_state_vox(self, state_vox) Compute average norm of strain or stress local field. _compute_homogenized_field(self, state_vox) Perform homogenization over regular grid spatial discretization. get_hom_stress_strain(self) Get homogenized strain-stress material response. _display_greetings() Output greetings. _display_increment_init(inc, subinc_level, total_lfact, inc_lfact) Output increment initial data. _display_increment_end(strain_formulation, hom_strain, hom_stress, \ inc_time, total_time) Output increment end data. _display_iteration(iter, iter_time, discrete_error) Output iteration data. _display_increment_cut(cut_msg='') Output increment cut data. """
[docs] def __init__(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, rve_dims, n_voxels_dims, regular_grid, material_phases, material_phases_properties): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). rve_dims : list[float] RVE size in each dimension. n_voxels_dims : list[int] Number of voxels in each dimension of the regular grid (spatial discretization of the RVE). regular_grid : numpy.ndarray (2d or 3d) Regular grid of voxels (spatial discretization of the RVE), where each entry contains the material phase label (int) assigned to the corresponding voxel. material_phases : list[str] RVE material phases labels (str). material_phases_properties : dict Constitutive model material properties (item, dict) associated to each material phase (key, str). """ self._strain_formulation = strain_formulation self._problem_type = problem_type self._rve_dims = rve_dims self._n_voxels_dims = n_voxels_dims self._regular_grid = regular_grid self._material_phases = material_phases self._material_phases_properties = material_phases_properties # Get problem type parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(self._problem_type) self._n_dim = n_dim self._comp_order_sym = comp_order_sym self._comp_order_nsym = comp_order_nsym # Set maximum number of iterations self._max_n_iterations = 100 # Set convergence criterion and tolerance self._conv_criterion = 'avg_stress_norm' self._conv_tol = 1e-4 # Set macroscale loading subincrementation parameters self._max_subinc_level = 5 self._max_cinc_cuts = 5 # Initialize homogenized strain-stress response self._hom_stress_strain = np.zeros((1, 2*n_dim**2)) if self._strain_formulation == 'finite': self._hom_stress_strain[0, 0] = 1.0
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def compute_rve_local_response(self, mac_strain_id, mac_strain, verbose=False): """Compute RVE local elastic strain response. Compute the RVE local strain response (solution of microscale equilibrium problem) when subjected to a given macroscale strain loading, namely a macroscale infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or a macroscale deformation gradient (finite strains). It is assumed that the RVE is spatially discretized in a regular grid of voxels. ---- Parameters ---------- mac_strain_id : int Macroscale strain second-order tensor identifier. mac_strain : numpy.ndarray (2d) Macroscale strain second-order tensor. Infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). verbose : bool, default=False Enable verbose output. Returns ------- strain_vox: dict RVE local strain response (item, numpy.ndarray of shape equal to RVE regular grid discretization) for each strain component (key, str). Infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or material logarithmic strain tensor (finite strains). """ # Set initial time init_time = time.time() # Display greetings if verbose: type(self)._display_greetings() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Store total macroscale strain tensor mac_strain_total = copy.deepcopy(mac_strain) # Initialize macroscale strain increment cut flag is_inc_cut = False # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set strain/stress components order according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Infinitesimal strain tensor and Cauchy stress tensor comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': # Deformation gradient and First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize homogenized strain-stress response self._hom_stress_strain = np.zeros((1, 2*self._n_dim**2)) if self._strain_formulation == 'finite': self._hom_stress_strain[0, 0] = 1.0 # # Material phases elasticity tensors # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set elastic properties-related optimized variables evar1 = np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims)) evar2 = np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims)) for mat_phase in self._material_phases: # Get material phase elastic properties E = self._material_phases_properties[mat_phase]['E'] v = self._material_phases_properties[mat_phase]['v'] # Build optimized variables evar1[self._regular_grid == int(mat_phase)] = \ (E*v)/((1.0 + v)*(1.0 - 2.0*v)) evar2[self._regular_grid == int(mat_phase)] = \ np.multiply(2, E/(2.0*(1.0 + v))) evar3 = np.add(evar1, evar2) # # Reference material elastic properties # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set reference material elastic properties as the mean between the # minimum and maximum values existent among the microstructure's # material phases (proposed by Moulinec and Suquet (1998)) mat_prop_ref = dict() mat_prop_ref['E'] = \ 0.5*(min([self._material_phases_properties[phase]['E'] for phase in self._material_phases]) + max([self._material_phases_properties[phase]['E'] for phase in self._material_phases])) mat_prop_ref['v'] = \ 0.5*(min([self._material_phases_properties[phase]['v'] for phase in self._material_phases]) + max([self._material_phases_properties[phase]['v'] for phase in self._material_phases])) # # Frequency discretization # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set discrete frequencies (rad/m) for each dimension freqs_dims = list() for i in range(self._n_dim): # Set sampling spatial period sampling_period = self._rve_dims[i]/self._n_voxels_dims[i] # Set discrete frequencies freqs_dims.append(2*np.pi*np.fft.fftfreq(self._n_voxels_dims[i], sampling_period)) # # Reference material Green operator # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get reference material Young modulus and Poisson coeficient E_ref = mat_prop_ref['E'] v_ref = mat_prop_ref['v'] # Compute reference material Lamé parameters lam_ref = (E_ref*v_ref)/((1.0 + v_ref)*(1.0 - 2.0*v_ref)) miu_ref = E_ref/(2.0*(1.0 + v_ref)) # Compute Green operator reference material related constants if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Symmetrized isotropic reference material elasticity tensor c1 = 1.0/(4.0*miu_ref) c2 = (miu_ref + lam_ref)/(miu_ref*(lam_ref + 2.0*miu_ref)) else: # Non-symmetrized isotropic reference material elasticity tensor c1 = 1.0/(2.0*miu_ref) c2 = lam_ref/(2.0*miu_ref*(lam_ref + 2.0*miu_ref)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute Green operator material independent terms gop_1_dft_vox, gop_2_dft_vox, _ = \ citop.gop_material_independent_terms( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, self._rve_dims, self._n_voxels_dims) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set Green operator matricial form components comps = list(it.product(comp_order, comp_order)) # Set mapping between Green operator fourth-order tensor and matricial # form components fo_indexes = list() mf_indexes = list() for i in range(len(comp_order)**2): fo_indexes.append([int(x) - 1 for x in list(comps[i][0] + comps[i][1])]) mf_indexes.append([x for x in [comp_order.index(comps[i][0]), comp_order.index(comps[i][1])]]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize Green operator gop_dft_vox = {''.join([str(x + 1) for x in idx]): np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims)) for idx in fo_indexes} # Compute Green operator matricial form components for i in range(len(mf_indexes)): # Get fourth-order tensor indexes fo_idx = fo_indexes[i] # Get Green operator component comp = ''.join([str(x+1) for x in fo_idx]) # Compute Green operator matricial form component gop_dft_vox[comp] = c1*gop_1_dft_vox[comp] + c2*gop_2_dft_vox[comp] # # Macroscale strain loading incrementation # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set number of increments if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': n_incs = 1 else: n_incs = 1 # Set incremental load factors inc_lfacts = n_incs*[1.0/n_incs, ] # Initialize macroscale strain incrementer mac_strain_incrementer = MacroscaleStrainIncrementer( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, mac_strain_total, inc_lfacts=inc_lfacts, max_subinc_level=self._max_subinc_level, max_cinc_cuts=self._max_cinc_cuts) # Set first macroscale strain increment mac_strain_incrementer.update_inc() # Get current macroscale strain tensor mac_strain = mac_strain_incrementer.get_current_mac_strain() # Display increment data if verbose: type(self)._display_increment_init( *mac_strain_incrementer.get_inc_output_data()) # Set increment initial time inc_init_time = time.time() # Set iteration initial time iter_init_time = time.time() # # Macroscale loading incremental loop # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Start macroscale loading incremental loop while True: # # Initial iterative guess # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set initial iterative guess if mac_strain_incrementer.get_inc() == 1: # Initialize strain tensor strain_vox = {comp: np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims)) for comp in comp_order} # Set strain initial iterative guess for comp in comp_order: # Get strain component indexes so_idx = tuple([int(x) - 1 for x in comp]) # Initial guess: Macroscale strain tensor strain_vox[comp] = np.full(self._regular_grid.shape, mac_strain[so_idx]) # Initialize last converged strain tensor strain_old_vox = copy.deepcopy(strain_vox) else: # Initial guess: Last converged strain field strain_vox = copy.deepcopy(strain_old_vox) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute stress initial iterative guess stress_vox = self._elastic_constitutive_model(strain_vox, evar1, evar2, evar3) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute average strain/stress norm if self._conv_criterion == 'avg_stress_norm': # Compute initial guess average stress norm avg_stress_norm = self._compute_avg_state_vox(stress_vox) # Initialize last iteration average stress norm avg_stress_norm_itold = 0.0 # # Strain Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute strain Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) strain_DFT_vox = {comp: np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims), dtype=complex) for comp in comp_order} # Loop over strain components for comp in comp_order: # Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) by means of Fast Fourier # Transform (FFT) strain_DFT_vox[comp] = np.fft.fftn(strain_vox[comp]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize macroscale strain voxelwise tensor mac_strain_vox = {comp: np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims)) for comp in comp_order} mac_strain_DFT_vox = {comp: np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims), dtype=complex) for comp in comp_order} # Enforce macroscale strain DFT at the zero-frequency freq_0_idx = self._n_dim*(0,) mac_strain_DFT_0 = {} for comp in comp_order: # Get strain component indexes so_idx = tuple([int(x) - 1 for x in comp]) # Compute macroscale strain DFT mac_strain_vox[comp] = np.full(self._regular_grid.shape, mac_strain[so_idx]) mac_strain_DFT_vox[comp] = np.fft.fftn(mac_strain_vox[comp]) # Enforce macroscale strain DFT at the zero-frequency mac_strain_DFT_0[comp] = mac_strain_DFT_vox[comp][freq_0_idx] # # Fixed-point iterative scheme # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize iteration counter: iter = 0 # Start iterative loop while True: # # Stress Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute stress Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) stress_DFT_vox = {comp: np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims), dtype=complex) for comp in comp_order} for comp in comp_order: # Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) by means of Fast Fourier # Transform (FFT) stress_DFT_vox[comp] = np.fft.fftn(stress_vox[comp]) # # Convergence evaluation # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Evaluate convergence criterion if self._conv_criterion == 'stress_div': # Compute discrete error discrete_error = self._stress_div_conv_criterion( freqs_dims, stress_DFT_vox) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif self._conv_criterion == 'avg_stress_norm': # Compute discrete error discrete_error = \ abs(avg_stress_norm - avg_stress_norm_itold) \ / avg_stress_norm # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Display iteration data if verbose: type(self)._display_iteration( iter, time.time() - iter_init_time, discrete_error) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check solution convergence and iteration counter if discrete_error <= self._conv_tol: # Leave fixed-point iterative scheme break # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif iter == self._max_n_iterations or \ not np.isfinite(discrete_error): # Set increment cut output if not np.isfinite(discrete_error): cut_msg = 'Solution diverged.' else: cut_msg = 'Maximum number of iterations reached ' + \ 'without convergence.' # Raise macroscale increment cut procedure is_inc_cut = True # Display increment cut (maximum number of iterations) type(self)._display_increment_cut(cut_msg) # Leave fixed-point iterative scheme break # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ else: # Increment iteration counter iter += 1 # Set iteration initial time iter_init_time = time.time() # # Update strain # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over strain components for i in range(len(comp_order)): # Get strain component comp_i = comp_order[i] # Initialize auxiliar variable aux = 0.0 # Loop over strain components for j in range(len(comp_order)): # Get strain component comp_j = comp_order[j] # Compute product between Green operator and stress DFT idx1 = [comp_order.index(comp_i), comp_order.index(comp_j)] idx2 = comp_order.index(comp_j) aux = np.add( aux, np.multiply( mop.kelvin_factor(idx1, comp_order) * gop_dft_vox[comp_i + comp_j], mop.kelvin_factor(idx2, comp_order) * stress_DFT_vox[comp_j])) # Update strain DFT strain_DFT_vox[comp_i] = np.subtract( strain_DFT_vox[comp_i], (1.0/mop.kelvin_factor(i, comp_order))*aux) # Enforce macroscale strain DFT at the zero-frequency freq_0_idx = self._n_dim*(0,) strain_DFT_vox[comp_i][freq_0_idx] = \ mac_strain_DFT_0[comp_i] # # Strain Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute strain Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) for comp in comp_order: # Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) by means of # Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) strain_vox[comp] = \ np.real(np.fft.ifftn(strain_DFT_vox[comp])) # # Stress update # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update stress stress_vox = self._elastic_constitutive_model(strain_vox, evar1, evar2, evar3) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute average strain/stress norm if self._conv_criterion == 'avg_stress_norm': # Update last iteration average stress norm avg_stress_norm_itold = avg_stress_norm # Compute average stress norm avg_stress_norm = self._compute_avg_state_vox(stress_vox) # # Macroscale strain increment cut # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if is_inc_cut: # Reset macroscale strain increment cut flag is_inc_cut = False # Perform macroscale strain increment cut mac_strain_incrementer.increment_cut() # Get current macroscale strain tensor mac_strain = mac_strain_incrementer.get_current_mac_strain() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Display increment data if verbose: type(self)._display_increment_init( *mac_strain_incrementer.get_inc_output_data()) # Start new macroscale strain increment solution procedure continue # # Macroscale strain increment convergence # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute homogenized strain and stress tensor hom_strain = self._compute_homogenized_field(strain_vox) hom_stress = self._compute_homogenized_field(stress_vox) # Append to homogenized strain-stress response self._hom_stress_strain = np.vstack( [self._hom_stress_strain, np.concatenate( (hom_strain.flatten('F'), hom_stress.flatten('F')))]) # Display increment data if verbose: type(self)._display_increment_end(self._strain_formulation, hom_strain, hom_stress, time.time() - inc_init_time, time.time() - init_time) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return if last macroscale loading increment if mac_strain_incrementer.get_is_last_inc(): # Compute material logarithmic strain tensor from deformation # gradient if self._strain_formulation == 'finite': # Loop over voxels for voxel in it.product(*[list(range(n)) for n in self._n_voxels_dims]): # Initialize deformation gradient def_gradient = np.zeros((self._n_dim, self._n_dim)) # Loop over deformation gradient components for comp in self._comp_order_nsym: # Get second-order array index so_idx = tuple([int(i) - 1 for i in comp]) # Get voxel deformation gradient component def_gradient[so_idx] = strain_vox[comp][voxel] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute material logarithmic strain tensor mat_log_strain = 0.5*top.isotropic_tensor( 'log', np.matmul(np.transpose(def_gradient), def_gradient)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over material logarithmic strain tensor # components for comp in self._comp_order_sym: # Get second-order array index so_idx = tuple([int(i) - 1 for i in comp]) # Store material logarithmic strain tensor strain_vox[comp][voxel] = mat_log_strain[so_idx] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return local strain field return strain_vox # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update last converged strain tensor strain_old_vox = copy.deepcopy(strain_vox) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Setup new macroscale strain increment mac_strain_incrementer.update_inc() # Get current macroscale strain tensor mac_strain = mac_strain_incrementer.get_current_mac_strain() # Set increment initial time inc_init_time = time.time() # Display increment data if verbose: type(self)._display_increment_init( *mac_strain_incrementer.get_inc_output_data())
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _elastic_constitutive_model(self, strain_vox, evar1, evar2, evar3, finite_strains_model='stvenant-kirchhoff', is_optimized=True): """Elastic or hyperelastic material constitutive model. Available constitutive models: *Infinitesimal strains*: * Isotropic linear elastic constitutive model: .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\sigma} = \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e} : \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon} where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}` is the Cauchyevar1 stress tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e}` is the elasticity tensor, and :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}` is the infinitesimal strain tensor. ---- *Finite strains*: * Hencky hyperelastic (isotropic) constitutive model: .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\tau} = \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e} : \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon} where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\tau}` is the Kirchhoff stress tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e}` is the elasticity tensor, and :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}` is the spatial logarithmic strain tensor. * St.Venant-Kirchhoff hyperelastic (isotropic) constitutive model: .. math:: \\boldsymbol{S} = \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e} : \\boldsymbol{E}^{(2)} where :math:`\\boldsymbol{S}` is the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e}` is the elasticity tensor, and :math:`\\boldsymbol{E}^{(2)}` is the Green-Lagrange strain tensor. A detailed description of the computational implementation based on Hadamard (element-wise) operations can be found in Section 4.6 of Ferreira (2022) [#]_. .. [#] Ferreira, B.P. (2022). *Towards Data-driven Multi-scale Optimization of Thermoplastic Blends: Microstructural Generation, Constitutive Development and Clustering-based Reduced-Order Modeling.* PhD Thesis, University of Porto (see `here < 146900?locale=en>`_) ---- Parameters ---------- strain_vox: dict Local strain response (item, numpy.ndarray of shape equal to RVE regular grid discretization) for each strain component (key, str). Infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). evar1 : numpy.ndarray (2d or 3d) Auxiliar elastic properties array (numpy.ndarray of shape equal to RVE regular grid discretization) containing an elastic properties-related quantity associated to each voxel, .. math :: \\dfrac{E \\nu}{(1 + \\nu)(1 - 2 \\nu)} \\, , where :math:`E` and :math:`\\nu` are the Young's Modulus and Poisson's ratio, respectively. evar2 : numpy.ndarray (2d or 3d) Auxiliar elastic properties array (numpy.ndarray of shape equal to RVE regular grid discretization) containing an elastic properties-related quantity associated to each voxel, .. math :: \\dfrac{E}{1 + \\nu} \\, , where :math:`E` and :math:`\\nu` are the Young's Modulus and Poisson's ratio, respectively. evar3 : numpy.ndarray (2d or 3d) Auxiliar elastic properties array (numpy.ndarray of shape equal to RVE regular grid discretization) containing an elastic properties-related quantity associated to each voxel, .. math :: \\dfrac{E \\nu}{(1 + \\nu)(1 - 2 \\nu)} - \\dfrac{E}{1 + \\nu} \\, , where :math:`E` and :math:`\\nu` are the Young's Modulus and Poisson's ratio, respectively. finite_strains_model : {'hencky', 'stvenant-kirchhoff'}, \ default='hencky' Finite strains hyperelastic isotropic constitutive model. is_optimized : bool Optimization flag (minimizes loops over spatial discretization voxels). Returns ------- stress_vox: dict Local stress response (item, numpy.ndarray of shape equal to RVE regular grid discretization) for each stress component (key, str). Cauchy stress tensor (infinitesimal strains) or first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (finite strains). """ # Initialize Cauchy stress tensor (infinitesimal strains) or first # Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (finite strains) if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': stress_vox = {comp: np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims)) for comp in self._comp_order_sym} elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': stress_vox = {comp: np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims)) for comp in self._comp_order_nsym} else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check hyperlastic constitutive model if self._strain_formulation == 'finite': if finite_strains_model not in ('hencky', 'stvenant-kirchhoff'): raise RuntimeError('Unknown hyperelastic constitutive model.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute finite strains strain tensor if self._strain_formulation == 'finite': # Save deformation gradient def_gradient_vox = copy.deepcopy(strain_vox) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize symmetric finite strains strain tensor finite_sym_strain_vox = {comp: np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims)) for comp in self._comp_order_sym} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute finite strains strain tensor if is_optimized: # Compute finite strains strain tensor according to # hyperelastic constitutive model if finite_strains_model == 'stvenant-kirchhoff': # Compute voxelwise material Green-Lagrange strain tensor if self._n_dim == 2: finite_sym_strain_vox['11'] = \ 0.5*(np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['11']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], def_gradient_vox['21'])) - 1.0) finite_sym_strain_vox['22'] = \ 0.5*(np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['12']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], def_gradient_vox['22'])) - 1.0) finite_sym_strain_vox['12'] = \ 0.5*np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['12']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], def_gradient_vox['22'])) else: finite_sym_strain_vox['11'] = \ 0.5*(np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['11']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], def_gradient_vox['21'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['31'], def_gradient_vox['31'])) - 1.0) finite_sym_strain_vox['12'] = \ 0.5*np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['12']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], def_gradient_vox['22'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['31'], def_gradient_vox['32'])) finite_sym_strain_vox['13'] = \ 0.5*np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['13']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], def_gradient_vox['23'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['31'], def_gradient_vox['33'])) finite_sym_strain_vox['22'] = \ 0.5*(np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['12']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], def_gradient_vox['22'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['32'], def_gradient_vox['32'])) - 1.0) finite_sym_strain_vox['23'] = \ 0.5*np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['13']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], def_gradient_vox['23'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['32'], def_gradient_vox['33'])) finite_sym_strain_vox['33'] = \ 0.5*(np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['13'], def_gradient_vox['13']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['23'], def_gradient_vox['23'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['33'], def_gradient_vox['33'])) - 1.0) else: # Compute voxelwise left Cauchy-Green strain tensor if self._n_dim == 2: ftfvar11 = np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['11']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['12'])) ftfvar22 = np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], def_gradient_vox['21']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], def_gradient_vox['22'])) ftfvar12 = np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['21']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['22'])) else: ftfvar11 = \ np.add(np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['11']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['12'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['13'], def_gradient_vox['13'])) ftfvar12 = \ np.add(np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['21']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['22'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['13'], def_gradient_vox['23'])) ftfvar13 = \ np.add(np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['31']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['32'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['13'], def_gradient_vox['33'])) ftfvar22 = \ np.add(np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], def_gradient_vox['21']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], def_gradient_vox['22'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['23'], def_gradient_vox['23'])) ftfvar23 = \ np.add(np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], def_gradient_vox['31']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], def_gradient_vox['32'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['23'], def_gradient_vox['33'])) ftfvar33 = \ np.add(np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['31'], def_gradient_vox['31']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['32'], def_gradient_vox['32'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['33'], def_gradient_vox['33'])) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over voxels for voxel in it.product(*[list(range(n)) for n in self._n_voxels_dims]): # Build left Cauchy-Green strain tensor if self._n_dim == 2: left_cauchy_green = np.reshape( np.array([ftfvar11[voxel], ftfvar12[voxel], ftfvar12[voxel], ftfvar22[voxel]]), (self._n_dim, self._n_dim), 'F') else: left_cauchy_green = np.reshape( np.array([ftfvar11[voxel], ftfvar12[voxel], ftfvar13[voxel], ftfvar12[voxel], ftfvar22[voxel], ftfvar23[voxel], ftfvar13[voxel], ftfvar23[voxel], ftfvar33[voxel]]), (self._n_dim, self._n_dim), 'F') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute spatial logarithmic strain tensor with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Supress warnings warnings.simplefilter( 'ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) # Compute spatial logarithmic strain tensor spatial_log_strain = 0.5*top.isotropic_tensor( 'log', left_cauchy_green) if np.any(np.logical_not( np.isfinite(spatial_log_strain))): spatial_log_strain = \ 0.5*scipy.linalg.logm(left_cauchy_green) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over spatial logarithmic strain tensor # components for comp in self._comp_order_sym: # Get second-order array index so_idx = tuple([int(i) - 1 for i in comp]) # Store spatial logarithmic strain tensor finite_sym_strain_vox[comp][voxel] = \ spatial_log_strain[so_idx] else: # Compute finite strains strain tensor according to # hyperelastic constitutive model for voxel in it.product(*[list(range(n)) for n in self._n_voxels_dims]): # Initialize deformation gradient def_gradient = np.zeros((self._n_dim, self._n_dim)) # Loop over deformation gradient components for comp in self._comp_order_nsym: # Get second-order array index so_idx = tuple([int(i) - 1 for i in comp]) # Get voxel deformation gradient component def_gradient[so_idx] = strain_vox[comp][voxel] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute finite strains strain tensor according to # hyperelastic constitutive model if finite_strains_model == 'stvenant-kirchhoff': # Compute material Green-Lagrange strain tensor mat_green_lagr_strain = \ 0.5*(np.matmul(np.transpose(def_gradient), def_gradient) - np.eye(self._n_dim)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over symmetric strain components for comp in self._comp_order_sym: # Get second-order array index so_idx = tuple([int(i) - 1 for i in comp]) # Store material Green-Lagrange strain tensor finite_sym_strain_vox[comp][voxel] = \ mat_green_lagr_strain[so_idx] else: # Compute spatial logarithmic strain tensor with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Supress warnings warnings.simplefilter( 'ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) # Compute spatial logarithmic strain tensor spatial_log_strain = 0.5*top.isotropic_tensor( 'log', np.matmul(def_gradient, np.transpose(def_gradient))) if np.any(np.logical_not( np.isfinite(spatial_log_strain))): spatial_log_strain = 0.5*scipy.linalg.logm( np.matmul(def_gradient, np.transpose(def_gradient))) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over symmetric strain components for comp in self._comp_order_sym: # Get second-order array index so_idx = tuple([int(i) - 1 for i in comp]) # Store spatial logarithmic strain tensor finite_sym_strain_vox[comp][voxel] = \ spatial_log_strain[so_idx] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Store symmetric finite strains strain tensor strain_vox = finite_sym_strain_vox # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute Cauchy stress tensor from infinitesimal strain tensor # (infinitesimal strains) or Kirchhoff stress tensor from spatial # logarithmic strain tensor (finite strains) if self._problem_type == 1: stress_vox['11'] = np.add(np.multiply(evar3, strain_vox['11']), np.multiply(evar1, strain_vox['22'])) stress_vox['22'] = np.add(np.multiply(evar3, strain_vox['22']), np.multiply(evar1, strain_vox['11'])) stress_vox['12'] = np.multiply(evar2, strain_vox['12']) else: stress_vox['11'] = np.add(np.multiply(evar3, strain_vox['11']), np.multiply(evar1, np.add(strain_vox['22'], strain_vox['33']))) stress_vox['22'] = np.add(np.multiply(evar3, strain_vox['22']), np.multiply(evar1, np.add(strain_vox['11'], strain_vox['33']))) stress_vox['33'] = np.add(np.multiply(evar3, strain_vox['33']), np.multiply(evar1, np.add(strain_vox['11'], strain_vox['22']))) stress_vox['12'] = np.multiply(evar2, strain_vox['12']) stress_vox['23'] = np.multiply(evar2, strain_vox['23']) stress_vox['13'] = np.multiply(evar2, strain_vox['13']) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor if self._strain_formulation == 'finite': # Initialize First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor first_piola_stress_vox = {comp: np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims)) for comp in self._comp_order_nsym} # Compute First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor if is_optimized: # Compute First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor according to # hyperelastic constitutive model if finite_strains_model == 'stvenant-kirchhoff': # Compute voxelwise First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor if self._n_dim == 2: first_piola_stress_vox['11'] = \ np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], stress_vox['11']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], stress_vox['12'])) first_piola_stress_vox['21'] = \ np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], stress_vox['11']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], stress_vox['12'])) first_piola_stress_vox['12'] = \ np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], stress_vox['12']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], stress_vox['22'])) first_piola_stress_vox['22'] = \ np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], stress_vox['12']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], stress_vox['22'])) else: first_piola_stress_vox['11'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], stress_vox['11']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], stress_vox['12'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['13'], stress_vox['13'])) first_piola_stress_vox['21'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], stress_vox['11']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], stress_vox['12'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['23'], stress_vox['13'])) first_piola_stress_vox['31'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['31'], stress_vox['11']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['32'], stress_vox['12'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['33'], stress_vox['13'])) first_piola_stress_vox['12'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], stress_vox['12']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], stress_vox['22'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['13'], stress_vox['23'])) first_piola_stress_vox['22'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], stress_vox['12']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], stress_vox['22'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['23'], stress_vox['23'])) first_piola_stress_vox['32'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['31'], stress_vox['12']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['32'], stress_vox['22'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['33'], stress_vox['23'])) first_piola_stress_vox['13'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], stress_vox['13']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], stress_vox['23'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['13'], stress_vox['33'])) first_piola_stress_vox['23'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], stress_vox['13']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], stress_vox['23'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['23'], stress_vox['33'])) first_piola_stress_vox['33'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['31'], stress_vox['13']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['32'], stress_vox['23'])), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['33'], stress_vox['33'])) else: if self._n_dim == 2: # Compute voxelwise determinant of deformation gradient jvar = np.reciprocal( np.subtract(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['22']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], def_gradient_vox['12']))) # Compute First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor first_piola_stress_vox['11'] = np.multiply( jvar, np.subtract(np.multiply(stress_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['22']), np.multiply(stress_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['12']))) first_piola_stress_vox['21'] = np.multiply( jvar, np.subtract(np.multiply(stress_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['22']), np.multiply(stress_vox['22'], def_gradient_vox['12']))) first_piola_stress_vox['12'] = np.multiply( jvar, np.subtract(np.multiply(stress_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['11']), np.multiply(stress_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['21']))) first_piola_stress_vox['22'] = np.multiply( jvar, np.subtract(np.multiply(stress_vox['22'], def_gradient_vox['11']), np.multiply(stress_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['21']))) else: # Compute voxelwise determinant of deformation gradient jvar = np.reciprocal(np.add(np.subtract( np.multiply( def_gradient_vox['11'], np.subtract( np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], def_gradient_vox['33']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['23'], def_gradient_vox['32']))), np.multiply( def_gradient_vox['12'], np.subtract( np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], def_gradient_vox['33']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['23'], def_gradient_vox['31'])))), np.multiply( def_gradient_vox['13'], np.subtract( np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], def_gradient_vox['32']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], def_gradient_vox['31']))))) # Compute voxelwise transpose of inverse of deformation # gradient fitvar11 = np.multiply( jvar, np.subtract(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], def_gradient_vox['33']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['23'], def_gradient_vox['32']))) fitvar21 = np.multiply( jvar, np.subtract(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['13'], def_gradient_vox['32']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['33']))) fitvar31 = np.multiply( jvar, np.subtract(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['23']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['13'], def_gradient_vox['22']))) fitvar12 = np.multiply( jvar, np.subtract(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['23'], def_gradient_vox['31']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], def_gradient_vox['33']))) fitvar22 = np.multiply( jvar, np.subtract(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['33']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['13'], def_gradient_vox['31']))) fitvar32 = np.multiply( jvar, np.subtract(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['13'], def_gradient_vox['21']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['23']))) fitvar13 = np.multiply( jvar, np.subtract(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['21'], def_gradient_vox['32']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['22'], def_gradient_vox['31']))) fitvar23 = np.multiply( jvar, np.subtract(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['31']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['32']))) fitvar33 = np.multiply( jvar, np.subtract(np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['11'], def_gradient_vox['22']), np.multiply(def_gradient_vox['12'], def_gradient_vox['21']))) # Compute First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor first_piola_stress_vox['11'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(stress_vox['11'], fitvar11), np.multiply(stress_vox['12'], fitvar21)), np.multiply(stress_vox['13'], fitvar31)) first_piola_stress_vox['21'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(stress_vox['12'], fitvar11), np.multiply(stress_vox['22'], fitvar21)), np.multiply(stress_vox['23'], fitvar31)) first_piola_stress_vox['31'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(stress_vox['13'], fitvar11), np.multiply(stress_vox['23'], fitvar21)), np.multiply(stress_vox['33'], fitvar31)) first_piola_stress_vox['12'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(stress_vox['11'], fitvar12), np.multiply(stress_vox['12'], fitvar22)), np.multiply(stress_vox['13'], fitvar32)) first_piola_stress_vox['22'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(stress_vox['12'], fitvar12), np.multiply(stress_vox['22'], fitvar22)), np.multiply(stress_vox['23'], fitvar32)) first_piola_stress_vox['32'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(stress_vox['13'], fitvar12), np.multiply(stress_vox['23'], fitvar22)), np.multiply(stress_vox['33'], fitvar32)) first_piola_stress_vox['13'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(stress_vox['11'], fitvar13), np.multiply(stress_vox['12'], fitvar23)), np.multiply(stress_vox['13'], fitvar33)) first_piola_stress_vox['23'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(stress_vox['12'], fitvar13), np.multiply(stress_vox['22'], fitvar23)), np.multiply(stress_vox['23'], fitvar33)) first_piola_stress_vox['33'] = np.add( np.add(np.multiply(stress_vox['13'], fitvar13), np.multiply(stress_vox['23'], fitvar23)), np.multiply(stress_vox['33'], fitvar33)) else: # Compute first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor according to # hyperelastic constitutive model for voxel in it.product(*[list(range(n)) for n in self._n_voxels_dims]): # Initialize deformation gradient def_gradient = np.zeros((self._n_dim, self._n_dim)) # Loop over deformation gradient components for comp in self._comp_order_nsym: # Get second-order array index so_idx = tuple([int(i) - 1 for i in comp]) # Get voxel deformation gradient component def_gradient[so_idx] = def_gradient_vox[comp][voxel] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor if finite_strains_model == 'stvenant-kirchhoff': # Initialize second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor second_piola_stress = np.zeros((self._n_dim, self._n_dim)) # Loop over second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor # components for comp in self._comp_order_sym: # Get second-order array index so_idx = tuple([int(i) - 1 for i in comp]) # Get voxel second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor # component second_piola_stress[so_idx] = \ stress_vox[comp][voxel] if so_idx[0] != so_idx[1]: second_piola_stress[so_idx[::-1]] = \ second_piola_stress[so_idx] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor first_piola_stress = np.matmul(def_gradient, second_piola_stress) else: # Initialize Kirchhoff stress tensor kirchhoff_stress = np.zeros((self._n_dim, self._n_dim)) # Loop over Kirchhoff stress tensor components for comp in self._comp_order_sym: # Get second-order array index so_idx = tuple([int(i) - 1 for i in comp]) # Get voxel Kirchhoff stress tensor component kirchhoff_stress[so_idx] = stress_vox[comp][voxel] if so_idx[0] != so_idx[1]: kirchhoff_stress[so_idx[::-1]] = \ kirchhoff_stress[so_idx] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor first_piola_stress = np.matmul( kirchhoff_stress, np.transpose(np.linalg.inv(def_gradient))) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor components for comp in self._comp_order_nsym: # Get second-order array index so_idx = tuple([int(i) - 1 for i in comp]) # Store First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor first_piola_stress_vox[comp][voxel] = \ first_piola_stress[so_idx] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor stress_vox = first_piola_stress_vox # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return stress_vox
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _stress_div_conv_criterion(self, freqs_dims, stress_DFT_vox): """Convergence criterion based on the divergence of the stress tensor. Convergence criterion proposed by Moulinec and Suquet (1998) [#]_. .. [#] Moulinec, H. and Suquet, P. (1998). *A numerical method for computing the overall response of nonlinear composites with complex microstructure.* Comp Methods Appl M, 157:69-94 (see `here < S0045782597002181>`_) ---- Parameters ---------- freqs_dims : list[numpy.ndarray (1d)] List of discrete frequencies (numpy.ndarray (1d)) associated to each spatial dimension. stress_DFT_vox : dict Discrete Fourier Transform of local stress response (item, numpy.ndarray of shape equal to RVE regular grid discretization) for each stress component (key, str). Cauchy stress tensor (infinitesimal strains) or First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (finite strains). Returns ------- discrete_error : float Discrete error associated to the convergence criterion. """ # Set strain/stress components order according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Infinitesimal strain tensor and Cauchy stress tensor comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': # Deformation gradient and First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # Compute total number of voxels n_voxels = # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize discrete error sum error_sum = 0.0 # Initialize stress DFT at the zero-frequency stress_DFT_0_mf = np.zeros(len(comp_order), dtype=complex) # Initialize stress divergence DFT div_stress_DFT = \ {str(comp + 1): np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims), dtype=complex) for comp in range(self._n_dim)} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over discrete frequencies for freq_coord in it.product(*freqs_dims): # Get discrete frequency index freq_idx = tuple([list(freqs_dims[x]).index(freq_coord[x]) for x in range(self._n_dim)]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize stress tensor DFT matricial form stress_DFT_mf = np.zeros(len(comp_order), dtype=complex) # Loop over stress components for i in range(len(comp_order)): # Get stress component comp = comp_order[i] # Build stress tensor DFT matricial form stress_DFT_mf[i] = mop.kelvin_factor(i, comp_order) \ * stress_DFT_vox[comp][freq_idx] # Store stress tensor DFT matricial form for zero-frequency if freq_idx == self._n_dim*(0,): stress_DFT_0_mf[i] = mop.kelvin_factor(i, comp_order) \ * stress_DFT_vox[comp][freq_idx] # Build stress tensor DFT stress_DFT = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(stress_DFT_mf, self._n_dim, comp_order) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Add discrete frequency contribution to discrete error sum error_sum = error_sum + np.linalg.norm( top.dot12_1(1j*np.asarray(freq_coord), stress_DFT))**2 # Compute stress divergence Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) for i in range(self._n_dim): div_stress_DFT[str(i + 1)][freq_idx] = \ top.dot12_1(1j*np.asarray(freq_coord), stress_DFT)[i] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute discrete error discrete_error = \ np.sqrt(error_sum/n_voxels)/np.linalg.norm(stress_DFT_0_mf) # Compute stress divergence Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) div_stress = {str(comp + 1): np.zeros(tuple(self._n_voxels_dims)) for comp in range(self._n_dim)} for i in range(self._n_dim): # Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) by means of Fast # Fourier Transform (FFT) div_stress[str(i + 1)] = \ np.real(np.fft.ifftn(div_stress_DFT[str(i + 1)])) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return discrete_error
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _compute_avg_state_vox(self, state_vox): """Compute average norm of strain or stress local field. Parameters ---------- state_vox : dict Local strain or stress response (item, numpy.ndarray of shape equal to RVE regular grid discretization) for each strain or stress component (key, str). Returns ------- avg_state_norm : float Average norm of strain or stress local field. """ # Set strain/stress components order according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Infinitesimal strain tensor and Cauchy stress tensor comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': # Deformation gradient and First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym # Compute total number of voxels n_voxels = # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize average strain or stress norm avg_state_norm = 0 # Loop over strain or stress components for i in range(len(comp_order)): # Get component comp = comp_order[i] # Add contribution to average norm if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal' \ and comp[0] != comp[1]: # Account for symmetric component avg_state_norm = avg_state_norm \ + 2.0*np.square(state_vox[comp]) else: avg_state_norm = avg_state_norm + np.square(state_vox[comp]) # Compute average norm avg_state_norm = np.sum(np.sqrt(avg_state_norm))/n_voxels # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return avg_state_norm
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _compute_homogenized_field(self, state_vox): """Perform homogenization over regular grid spatial discretization. Parameters ---------- state_vox : dict Local strain or stress response (item, numpy.ndarray of shape equal to RVE regular grid discretization) for each strain or stress component (key, str). Returns ------- hom_state : numpy.ndarray (2d) Homogenized strain or stress tensor. """ # Set strain/stress components order according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Infinitesimal strain tensor and Cauchy stress tensor comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': # Deformation gradient and First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym # Compute total number of voxels n_voxels = # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize homogenized strain or stress tensor hom_state = np.zeros((self._n_dim, self._n_dim)) # Loop over strain or stress tensor components for comp in comp_order: # Get second-order array index so_idx = tuple([int(i) - 1 for i in comp]) # Assemble strain or stress component hom_state[so_idx] = np.sum(state_vox[comp]) # Account for symmetric component if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal' \ and comp[0] != comp[1]: hom_state[so_idx[::-1]] = np.sum(state_vox[comp]) # Complete field homogenization hom_state = (1.0/n_voxels)*hom_state # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return hom_state
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_hom_stress_strain(self): """Get homogenized strain-stress material response. Returns ------- _hom_stress_strain : numpy.ndarray (2d) RVE homogenized stress-strain response (item, numpy.ndarray (2d)) for each macroscale strain loading identifier (key, int). The homogenized strain and homogenized stress tensor components of the i-th loading increment are stored columnwise in the i-th row, sorted respectively. Infinitesimal strain tensor and Cauchy stress tensor (infinitesimal strains) or Deformation gradient and first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (finite strains). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._hom_stress_strain)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def _display_greetings(): """Output greetings.""" # Get display features display_features = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures() output_width, dashed_line, indent, _ = display_features[0:4] tilde_line, _ = display_features[4:6] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set output data info = ('FFT-Based Homogenization Method (H. Moulinec and P. Suquet)', 'Implemented by Bernardo Ferreira (', 'Last version: October 2021') # Set output template template = '\n' + colorama.Fore.WHITE + tilde_line + \ colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + colorama.Fore.WHITE + \ '\n{:^{width}}\n' + '\n{:^{width}}\n' + \ '\n{:^{width}}\n' + colorama.Fore.WHITE + \ tilde_line + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '\n' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Output data print(template.format(*info, width=output_width))
# ioutil.print2(template.format(*info, width=output_width)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def _display_increment_init(inc, subinc_level, total_lfact, inc_lfact): """Output increment initial data. Parameters ---------- inc : int Increment number. subinc_level : int Subincrementation level. total_lfact : float Total load factor. inc_lfact : float Incremental load factor. """ # Get display features display_features = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures() output_width, _, indent, _ = display_features[0:4] _, equal_line = display_features[4:6] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if subinc_level == 0: # Set output data info = (inc, total_lfact, inc_lfact) # Set output template template = colorama.Fore.CYAN + '\n' \ + indent + 'Increment number: {:3d}' + '\n' \ + indent + equal_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 60*' ' + 'Load factor | Total = {:8.1e}' \ + 7*' ' + '\n' \ + indent + 72*' ' + '| Incr. = {:8.1e}' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '\n' else: # Set output data info = (inc, subinc_level, total_lfact, inc_lfact) # Set output template template = colorama.Fore.CYAN + '\n' \ + indent + 'Increment number: {:3d}' + 3*' ' \ + '(Sub-inc. level: {:3d})' + '\n' \ + indent + equal_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 60*' ' + 'Load factor | Total = {:8.1e}' \ + 7*' ' + '\n' \ + indent + 72*' ' + '| Incr. = {:8.1e}' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '\n' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Output data print(template.format(*info, width=output_width))
# ioutil.print2(template.format(*info, width=output_width)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def _display_increment_end(strain_formulation, hom_strain, hom_stress, inc_time, total_time): """Output increment end data. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. hom_strain : numpy.ndarray (2d) Homogenized strain tensor. hom_stress : numpy.ndarray (2d) Homogenized stress tensor. inc_time : float Increment running time. total_time : float Total running time. """ # Get display features display_features = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures() output_width, dashed_line, indent, _ = display_features[0:4] _, equal_line = display_features[4:6] space_1 = (output_width - 84)*' ' space_2 = (output_width - (len('Homogenized strain tensor') + 48))*' ' space_3 = (output_width - (len('Increment run time (s): ') + 44))*' ' space_4 = (output_width - 72)*' ' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set strain and stress nomenclature if strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': strain_header = 'Homogenized strain tensor (\u03B5)' stress_header = 'Homogenized stress tensor (\u03C3)' else: strain_header = 'Homogenized strain tensor (F)' stress_header = 'Homogenized stress tensor (P)' # Get problem number of spatial dimensions n_dim = hom_strain.shape[0] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Build strain and stress components list comps = list() for i in range(n_dim): for j in range(n_dim): comps.append(hom_strain[i, j]) for j in range(n_dim): comps.append(hom_stress[i, j]) # Get output data info = tuple(comps + [inc_time, total_time]) # Set output template if n_dim == 2: template = indent + dashed_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n\n' + \ indent + equal_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' + \ indent + 7*' ' + strain_header + space_2 \ + stress_header + '\n\n' + \ indent + 6*' ' + ' [' + n_dim*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' \ + space_4 + \ '[' + n_dim*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + '\n' + \ indent + 6*' ' + ' [' + n_dim*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' \ + space_4 + \ '[' + n_dim*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + '\n' else: template = indent + dashed_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n\n' + \ indent + equal_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' + \ indent + 7*' ' + strain_header + space_2 \ + stress_header + '\n\n' + \ indent + ' [' + n_dim*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + space_1 + \ '[' + n_dim*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + '\n' + \ indent + ' [' + n_dim*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + space_1 + \ '[' + n_dim*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + '\n' + \ indent + ' [' + n_dim*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + space_1 + \ '[' + n_dim*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + '\n' template += '\n' + indent + equal_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' + \ indent + 'Increment run time (s): {:>11.4e}' + space_3 + \ 'Total run time (s): {:>11.4e}' + '\n\n' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Output data print(template.format(*info, width=output_width))
# ioutil.print2(template.format(*info, width=output_width)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def _display_iteration(iter, iter_time, discrete_error): """Output iteration data. Parameters ---------- iter : int Iteration number. iter_time : float Iteration running time. discrete_error : float Discrete error associated to convergence criterion. """ # Get display features display_features = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures() output_width, dashed_line, indent, _ = display_features[0:4] _, equal_line = display_features[4:6] space_1 = (output_width - 29)*' ' space_2 = (output_width - 35)*' ' space_3 = (output_width - 38)*' ' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ template = '' # Set iteration output header if iter == 0: template += indent + 5*' ' + 'Iteration' + space_1 \ + 'Convergence' '\n' + \ indent + ' Number Run time (s)' + space_2 + \ 'Error' + '\n' + \ indent + dashed_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set output data info = (iter, iter_time, discrete_error) # Set output template template += indent + ' {:^6d} {:^12.4e}' + space_3 + '{:>11.4e}' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Output data print(template.format(*info, width=output_width))
# ioutil.print2(template.format(*info, width=output_width)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def _display_increment_cut(cut_msg=''): """Output increment cut data. Parameters ---------- cut_msg : str Increment cut output message. """ # Get display features display_features = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures() output_width, _, indent, asterisk_line = display_features[0:4] _, _ = display_features[4:6] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set output data info = () # Set output template template = '\n\n' + colorama.Fore.RED + indent + \ asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' + \ indent + 'Increment cut: ' + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + \ cut_msg + '\n' + colorama.Fore.RED + indent + \ asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + \ '\n' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Output data print(template.format(*info, width=output_width))
# ioutil.print2(template.format(*info, width=output_width)) # =============================================================================
[docs]class MacroscaleStrainIncrementer: """Macroscale strain loading incrementer. Attributes ---------- _n_dim : int Problem number of spatial dimensions. _comp_order_sym : list[str] Strain/Stress components symmetric order. _comp_order_nsym : list[str] Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order. _inc : int Increment counter. _total_lfact : float Total load factor. _inc_mac_strain_total : numpy.ndarray (2d) Total incremental macroscale strain second-order tensor. Infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). _mac_strain : numpy.ndarray (2d) Current macroscale strain second-order tensor. Infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). _mac_strain_old : numpy.ndarray (2d) Last converged macroscale strain tensor. Infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). _is_last_inc : bool Last increment flag. _sub_inc_levels : list List of increments subincrementation level. _n_cinc_cuts : int Consecutive increment cuts counter. Methods ------- get_inc(self) Get current increment counter. get_current_mac_strain(self) Get current macroscale strain. get_is_last_inc(self) Get last increment flag. get_inc_output_data(self) Get increment output data. update_inc(self) Update increment counter, total load factor and current loading. increment_cut(self) Perform macroscale strain increment cut. _update_mac_strain(self) Update current macroscale strain loading. """
[docs] def __init__(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, mac_strain_total, mac_strain_init=None, inc_lfacts=[1.0, ], max_subinc_level=5, max_cinc_cuts=5): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). mac_strain_total : numpy.ndarray (2d) Total macroscale strain tensor. Infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). mac_strain_init : numpy.ndarray (2d), default=None Initial macroscale strain tensor. Infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). inc_lfacts : list[float], default=[1.0,] List of incremental load factors (float). Default applies the total macroscale strain tensor in a single increment. max_subinc_level : int, default=5 Maximum level of macroscale loading subincrementation. max_cinc_cuts : int, default=5 Maximum number of consecutive macroscale loading increment cuts. """ self._strain_formulation = strain_formulation self._problem_type = problem_type # Get problem type parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(self._problem_type) self._n_dim = n_dim self._comp_order_sym = comp_order_sym self._comp_order_nsym = comp_order_nsym # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set total macroscale strain tensor self._mac_strain_total = mac_strain_total # Set initial macroscale strain tensor if mac_strain_init is not None: self._mac_strain_init = mac_strain_init else: if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': self._mac_strain_init = np.zeros((self._n_dim, self._n_dim)) else: self._mac_strain_init = np.eye(self._n_dim) # Set total incremental macroscale strain tensor if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Additive decomposition of infinitesimal strain tensor self._inc_mac_strain_total = \ self._mac_strain_total - self._mac_strain_init else: # Multiplicative decomposition of deformation gradient self._inc_mac_strain_total = np.matmul( self._mac_strain_total, np.linalg.inv(self._mac_strain_init)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize increment counter self._inc = 0 # Initialize current macroscale strain tensor self._mac_strain = copy.deepcopy(self._mac_strain_init) # Initialize last converged macroscale strain self._mac_strain_old = copy.deepcopy(self._mac_strain) # Set list of incremental load factors self._inc_lfacts = copy.deepcopy(inc_lfacts) # Initialize subincrementation levels self._sub_inc_levels = [0, ]*len(self._inc_lfacts) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ self._max_subinc_level = max_subinc_level self._max_cinc_cuts = max_cinc_cuts # Initialize consecutive increment cuts counter self._n_cinc_cuts = 0 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize last increment flag self._is_last_inc = False
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_inc(self): """Get current increment counter. Returns ------- inc : int Increment counter. """ return self._inc
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_current_mac_strain(self): """Get current macroscale strain. Returns ------- mac_strain : 2darray Current macroscale strain tensor. Infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._mac_strain)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_is_last_inc(self): """Get last increment flag. Returns ------- is_last_inc : bool Last increment flag. """ return self._is_last_inc
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_inc_output_data(self): """Get increment output data. Returns ------- inc_data : tuple Increment output data. """ # Get increment index inc_idx = self._inc - 1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return (self._inc, self._sub_inc_levels[inc_idx], self._total_lfact, self._inc_lfacts[inc_idx])
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def update_inc(self): """Update increment counter, total load factor and current loading.""" # Update last converged macroscale strain self._mac_strain_old = copy.deepcopy(self._mac_strain) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Increment increment counter self._inc += 1 # Get increment index inc_idx = self._inc - 1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Reset consecutive increment cuts counter self._n_cinc_cuts = 0 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Procedure related with the macroscale strain subincrementation: upon # convergence of a given increment, guarantee that the following # increment magnitude is at most one (subincrementation) level above. # The increment cut procedure is performed the required number of times # in order to ensure this progressive recovery towards the prescribed # incrementation if self._inc > 1: while self._sub_inc_levels[inc_idx - 1] \ - self._sub_inc_levels[inc_idx] >= 2: self.increment_cut() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update total load factor self._total_lfact = sum(self._inc_lfacts[0:self._inc]) # Update current macroscale strain self._update_mac_strain() # Check if last increment if self._inc == len(self._inc_lfacts): self._is_last_inc = True
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def increment_cut(self): """Perform macroscale strain increment cut.""" # Get increment index inc_idx = self._inc - 1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Increment consecutive increment cuts counter self._n_cinc_cuts += 1 # Check if maximum number of consecutive increment cuts is surpassed if self._n_cinc_cuts > self._max_cinc_cuts: raise RuntimeError('Maximum number of consecutive increments cuts ' 'reached without convergence.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update subincrementation level self._sub_inc_levels[inc_idx] += 1 self._sub_inc_levels.insert(inc_idx + 1, self._sub_inc_levels[inc_idx]) # Check if maximum subincrementation level is surpassed if self._sub_inc_levels[inc_idx] > self._max_subinc_level: raise RuntimeError('Maximum subincrementation level reached ' 'without convergence.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get current incremental load factor inc_lfact = self._inc_lfacts[inc_idx] # Cut macroscale strain increment in half self._inc_lfacts[inc_idx] = inc_lfact/2.0 self._inc_lfacts.insert(inc_idx + 1, self._inc_lfacts[inc_idx]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update total load factor self._total_lfact = sum(self._inc_lfacts[0:self._inc]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update current macroscale strain self._update_mac_strain() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Reset last increment flag self._is_last_inc = False
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _update_mac_strain(self): """Update current macroscale strain loading.""" # Get increment index inc_idx = self._inc - 1 # Get current incremental load factor inc_lfact = self._inc_lfacts[inc_idx] # Compute current macroscale strain loading according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Compute incremental macroscale infinitesimal strain tensor inc_mac_strain = inc_lfact*self._inc_mac_strain_total # Compute current macroscale infinitesimal strain tensor self._mac_strain = self._mac_strain_old + inc_mac_strain else: # Compute incremental macroscale deformation gradient inc_mac_strain = mop.matrix_root(self._inc_mac_strain_total, inc_lfact) # Compute current macroscale deformation gradient self._mac_strain = np.matmul(inc_mac_strain, self._mac_strain_old)