Source code for cratepy.ioput.packager

"""Store data in suitable containers.

This module includes a set of functions that store data in suitable
category-related containers.

    Store problem directories and files paths.
    Store data associated with the problem formulation and type.
    Store data associated with the material phases.
    Store data associated with the macroscale loading path.
    Store data associated with the RVE spatial discretization.
    Store data associated with the clustering-based domain decomposition.
    Store data associated with the self-consistent scheme.
    Store data associated with the problem solution algorithmic parameters.
    Store data associated with the VTK output.
    Store data associated with general output files.
#                                                                       Modules
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# Standard
import sys
import itertools as it
# Third-party
import numpy as np
#                                                          Authorship & Credits
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__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira ('
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
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[docs]def store_paths_data(input_file_name, input_file_path, input_file_dir, problem_name, problem_dir, offline_stage_dir, postprocess_dir, crve_file_path, discret_file_dir=None): """Store problem directories and files paths. Parameters ---------- input_file_name : str Input data file name. input_file_path : str Input data file path. input_file_dir : str Input data file directory path. problem_name : str Problem name. problem_dir : str Problem output directory path. offline_stage_dir : str Problem output offline-stage subdirectory path. postprocess_dir : str Problem output post-processing subdirectory path. crve_file_path : str Problem '.crve' output file path. discret_file_dir : str, default=None Spatial discretization file directory path. Returns ------- dirs_dict : dict Container. """ # Initialize directories and paths dictionary dirs_dict = dict() # Build directories and paths dictionary dirs_dict['input_file_name'] = input_file_name dirs_dict['input_file_path'] = input_file_path dirs_dict['input_file_dir'] = input_file_dir dirs_dict['discret_file_dir'] = discret_file_dir dirs_dict['problem_name'] = problem_name dirs_dict['problem_dir'] = problem_dir dirs_dict['offline_stage_dir'] = offline_stage_dir dirs_dict['crve_file_path'] = crve_file_path dirs_dict['postprocess_dir'] = postprocess_dir # Return return dirs_dict
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[docs]def store_problem_data(strain_formulation, problem_type, n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym): """Store data associated with the problem formulation and type. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). n_dim : int Problem number of spatial dimensions. comp_order_sym : list[str] Strain/Stress components symmetric order. comp_order_nsym : list[str] Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order. Returns ------- problem_dict : dict Container. """ # Initialize problem dictionary problem_dict = dict() # Build problem dictionary problem_dict['strain_formulation'] = strain_formulation problem_dict['problem_type'] = problem_type problem_dict['n_dim'] = n_dim problem_dict['comp_order_sym'] = comp_order_sym problem_dict['comp_order_nsym'] = comp_order_nsym # Return return problem_dict
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[docs]def store_material_data(material_phases, material_phases_data, material_phases_properties, material_phases_vf): """Store data associated with the material phases. Parameters ---------- material_phases : list[str] RVE material phases labels (str). material_phases_data : dict Material phase data (item, dict) associated with each material phase (key, str). material_phases_properties : dict Constitutive model material properties (item, dict) associated with each material phase (key, str). material_phases_vf : dict Volume fraction (item, float) associated to each material phase (key, str). Returns ------- mat_dict : dict Container. """ # Initialize material phases dictionary mat_dict = dict() # Build material phases dictionary mat_dict['n_material_phases'] = len(material_phases) mat_dict['material_phases'] = material_phases mat_dict['material_phases_data'] = material_phases_data mat_dict['material_phases_properties'] = material_phases_properties mat_dict['material_phases_vf'] = material_phases_vf # Return return mat_dict
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[docs]def store_loading_path_data(mac_load_type, mac_load, mac_load_presctype, mac_load_increm, is_solution_rewinding, rewind_state_criterion=None, rewinding_criterion=None, max_n_rewinds=None): """Store data associated with the macroscale loading path. Parameters ---------- mac_load_type : {1, 2, 3} Loading type: * 1 : Macroscale strain constraint * 2 : Macroscale stress constraint * 3 : Macroscale strain and stress constraint mac_load : dict For each loading nature type (key, {'strain', 'stress'}), stores the loading constraints for each loading subpath in a numpy.ndarray (2d), where the i-th row is associated with the i-th strain/stress component and the j-th column is associated with the j-th loading subpath. mac_load_presctype : numpy.ndarray (2d) Loading nature type ({'strain', 'stress'}) associated with each loading constraint (ndarray of shape (n_comps, n_load_subpaths)), where the i-th row is associated with the i-th strain/stress component and the j-th column is associated with the j-th loading subpath. mac_load_increm : dict For each loading subpath id (key, str), stores a numpy.ndarray of shape (n_load_increments, 2) where each row is associated with a prescribed loading increment, and the columns 0 and 1 contain the corresponding incremental load factor and incremental time, respectively. is_solution_rewinding : bool, default=False Problem solution rewinding flag. rewind_state_criterion : tuple, default=None Rewind state storage criterion [0] and associated parameter [1]. rewinding_criterion : tuple, default=None Rewinding criterion [0] and associated parameter [1]. max_n_rewinds : int, default=None Maximum number of rewind operations. Returns ------- macload_dict : dict Container. """ # Initialize macroscale loading dictionary macload_dict = dict() # Build macroscale loading dictionary macload_dict['mac_load_type'] = mac_load_type macload_dict['mac_load'] = mac_load macload_dict['mac_load_presctype'] = mac_load_presctype macload_dict['mac_load_increm'] = mac_load_increm macload_dict['is_solution_rewinding'] = is_solution_rewinding macload_dict['rewind_state_criterion'] = rewind_state_criterion macload_dict['rewinding_criterion'] = rewinding_criterion macload_dict['max_n_rewinds'] = max_n_rewinds # Return return macload_dict
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[docs]def store_regular_grid_data(discret_file_path, regular_grid, rve_dims, problem_dict): """Store data associated with the RVE spatial discretization. Parameters ---------- discret_file_path : str Spatial discretization file path. regular_grid : numpy.ndarray (2d or 3d) Regular grid of voxels (spatial discretization of the RVE), where each entry contains the material phase label (int) assigned to the corresponding voxel. rve_dims : list RVE size in each dimension. problem_dict : dict Container. Returns ------- rg_dict : dict Container. """ # Get problem data n_dim = problem_dict['n_dim'] # Set number of pixels/voxels in each dimension n_voxels_dims = [regular_grid.shape[i] for i in range(len(regular_grid.shape))] n_voxels = # Get material phases present in the microstructure material_phases = [str(x) for x in list(np.unique(regular_grid))] # Flatten the regular grid array such that: # # 2D Problem (swipe 2-1): # voxel(i,j) is stored in index = i*d2 + j, where d2 is the # the number of voxels along dimension 2 # # 3D Problem (swipe 3-2-1): # voxel(i,j,k) is stored in index = i*(d2*d3) + j*d3 + k, # where d2 and d3 are the number of voxels along dimensions 2 and 3 # respectively # regular_grid_flat = list(regular_grid.flatten()) # Build flattened list with the voxels indexes (consistent with the flat # regular grid) voxels_idx_flat = list() shape = tuple([n_voxels_dims[i] for i in range(n_dim)]) voxels_idx_flat = [np.unravel_index(i, shape) for i in range(n_voxels)] # Set voxel flattened indexes associated to each material phase phase_voxel_flatidx = dict() for mat_phase in material_phases: is_phase_list = regular_grid.flatten() == int(mat_phase) phase_voxel_flatidx[mat_phase] = \ list(it.compress(range(len(is_phase_list)), is_phase_list)) # Initialize regular grid dictionary rg_dict = dict() # Build regular grid dictionary rg_dict['rve_dims'] = rve_dims rg_dict['regular_grid'] = regular_grid rg_dict['n_voxels_dims'] = n_voxels_dims rg_dict['regular_grid_flat'] = regular_grid_flat rg_dict['voxels_idx_flat'] = voxels_idx_flat rg_dict['phase_voxel_flatidx'] = phase_voxel_flatidx # Return return rg_dict
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[docs]def store_clustering_data(clustering_solution_method, standardization_method, phase_n_clusters, rg_dict, clustering_type, base_clustering_scheme, adaptive_clustering_scheme, adapt_criterion_data, adaptivity_type, adaptivity_control_feature, clust_adapt_freq, is_clust_adapt_output, is_store_final_clustering): """Store data associated with the clustering-based domain decomposition. Parameters ---------- clustering_solution_method : int Identifier of DNS homogenization-based multi-scale DNS method to compute the clustering features data. standardization_method : int Identifier of global cluster analysis data standardization algorithm. phase_n_clusters : dict Number of clusters (item, int) prescribed for each material phase (key, str). rg_dict : dict Container. clustering_type : str Type of cluster-reduced material phase. base_clustering_scheme : dict Prescribed base clustering scheme (item, numpy.ndarray of shape (n_clusterings, 3)) for each material phase (key, str). Each row is associated with a unique clustering characterized by a clustering algorithm (col 1, int), a list of features (col 2, list[int]) and a list of the features data matrix' indexes (col 3, list[int]). adaptive_clustering_scheme : dict Prescribed adaptive clustering scheme (item, numpy.ndarray of shape (n_clusterings, 3)) for each material phase (key, str). Each row is associated with a unique clustering characterized by a clustering algorithm (col 1, int), a list of features (col 2, list[int]) and a list of the features data matrix' indexes (col 3, list[int]). adapt_criterion_data : dict Clustering adaptivity criterion (item, dict) associated with each material phase (key, str). This dictionary contains the adaptivity criterion to be used and the required parameters. adaptivity_type : dict Clustering adaptivity type (item, dict) associated with each material phase (key, str). This dictionary contains the adaptivity type to be used and the required parameters. adaptivity_control_feature : dict Clustering adaptivity control feature (item, str) associated with each material phase (key, str). clust_adapt_freq : dict Clustering adaptivity frequency (relative to the macroscale loading) (item, int, default=1) associated with each adaptive cluster-reduced material phase (key, str). is_clust_adapt_output : bool Clustering adaptivity output flag. is_store_final_clustering : bool `True` to store CRVE final clustering state into file, `False` otherwise. Returns ------- clst_dict : dict Container. """ # Get regular grid data n_voxels_dims = rg_dict['n_voxels_dims'] # Initialize array with voxels cluster labels voxels_clusters = np.full(n_voxels_dims, -1, dtype=int) # Initialize dictionary with each material phase clusters phase_clusters = dict() # Initialize dictionary with clusters volume fractions clusters_vf = dict() # Initialize clustering dictionary clst_dict = dict() # Build clustering dictionary clst_dict['clustering_solution_method'] = clustering_solution_method clst_dict['standardization_method'] = standardization_method clst_dict['phase_n_clusters'] = phase_n_clusters clst_dict['phase_clusters'] = phase_clusters clst_dict['voxels_clusters'] = voxels_clusters clst_dict['clusters_vf'] = clusters_vf clst_dict['clustering_type'] = clustering_type clst_dict['base_clustering_scheme'] = base_clustering_scheme clst_dict['adaptive_clustering_scheme'] = adaptive_clustering_scheme clst_dict['adapt_criterion_data'] = adapt_criterion_data clst_dict['adaptivity_type'] = adaptivity_type clst_dict['adaptivity_control_feature'] = adaptivity_control_feature clst_dict['clust_adapt_freq'] = clust_adapt_freq clst_dict['is_clust_adapt_output'] = is_clust_adapt_output clst_dict['is_store_final_clustering'] = is_store_final_clustering # Return return clst_dict
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[docs]def store_scs_data(self_consistent_scheme, scs_parameters, scs_max_n_iterations, scs_conv_tol): """Store data associated with the self-consistent scheme. Parameters ---------- self_consistent_scheme : {'none', 'regression',} Self-consistent scheme to update the elastic reference material properties. scs_parameters : {dict, None} Self-consistent scheme parameters (key, str; item, {int, float, bool}). scs_max_n_iterations : int Self-consistent scheme maximum number of iterations. scs_conv_tol : float Self-consistent scheme convergence tolerance. Returns ------- scs_dict : dict Container. """ # Initialize self-consistent scheme dictionary scs_dict = dict() # Build self-consistent scheme dictionary scs_dict['self_consistent_scheme'] = self_consistent_scheme scs_dict['scs_parameters'] = scs_parameters scs_dict['scs_max_n_iterations'] = scs_max_n_iterations scs_dict['scs_conv_tol'] = scs_conv_tol # Return return scs_dict
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[docs]def store_algorithmic_data(max_n_iterations, conv_tol, max_subinc_level, max_cinc_cuts, su_max_n_iterations, su_conv_tol): """Store data associated with the problem solution algorithmic parameters. Parameters ---------- max_n_iterations : int Newton-Raphson maximum number of iterations. conv_tol : float Newton-Raphson convergence tolerance. max_subinc_level : int Maximum level of loading subincrementation. max_cinc_cuts : int Maximum number of consecutive increment cuts. su_max_n_iterations : int State update maximum number of iterations. su_conv_tol : float State update convergence tolerance. Returns ------- algpar_dict : dict Container. """ # Initialize algorithmic parameters dictionary algpar_dict = dict() # Build algorithmic parameters dictionary algpar_dict['max_n_iterations'] = max_n_iterations algpar_dict['conv_tol'] = conv_tol algpar_dict['max_subinc_level'] = max_subinc_level algpar_dict['max_cinc_cuts'] = max_cinc_cuts algpar_dict['su_max_n_iterations'] = su_max_n_iterations algpar_dict['su_conv_tol'] = su_conv_tol # Return return algpar_dict
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[docs]def store_vtk_data(is_vtk_output, *args): """Store data associated with the VTK output. Parameters ---------- is_vtk_output : bool VTK output flag. *args : * vtk_inc_div (int): VTK output increment divider. * vtk_vars {'all', 'common'}: VTK output constitutive state variables. Returns ------- vtk_dict : dict Container. """ # Initialize VTK dictionary vtk_dict = dict() # Build VTK dictionary vtk_dict['is_vtk_output'] = is_vtk_output if is_vtk_output: vtk_format = args[0] vtk_inc_div = args[1] vtk_vars = args[2] vtk_dict['vtk_format'] = vtk_format vtk_dict['vtk_inc_div'] = vtk_inc_div vtk_dict['vtk_vars'] = vtk_vars vtk_dict['vtk_precision'] = 'SinglePrecision' if sys.byteorder == 'little': vtk_dict['vtk_byte_order'] = 'LittleEndian' else: vtk_dict['vtk_byte_order'] = 'BigEndian' # Return return vtk_dict
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[docs]def store_output_data(is_ref_material_output, is_voxels_output): """Store data associated with general output files. Parameters ---------- is_ref_material_output : bool, default=False Reference material output flag. is_voxels_output : bool Voxels output file flag. Returns ------- output_dict : dict Container. """ # Initialize output dictionary output_dict = dict() # Build output dictionary output_dict['is_ref_material_output'] = is_ref_material_output output_dict['is_voxels_output'] = is_voxels_output # Return return output_dict