"""CRATE (Clustering-based Nonlinear Analysis of Materials).
CRATE was originally developed by Bernardo P. Ferreira in the context of his
PhD Thesis (see Ferreira (2022) [#]_). CRATE is devised to aid the design and
development of new materials by performing multi-scale nonlinear analyses of
heterogeneous materials through a suitable coupling between first-order
computational homogenization and clustering-based reduced-order modeling.
.. [#] Ferreira, B.P. (2022). *Towards Data-driven Multi-scale
Optimization of Thermoplastic Blends: Microstructural
Generation, Constitutive Development and Clustering-based
Reduced-Order Modeling.* PhD Thesis, University of Porto
(see `here <http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.33940.17289>`_)
Perform CRATE simulation.
# Modules
# =============================================================================
# Standard
import os
import sys
import pickle
import time
import copy
# Third-party
import numpy as np
# Local
import ioput.info as info
import ioput.readinputdata as rid
import ioput.fileoperations as filop
import ioput.packager as packager
from clustering.crve import CRVE
from clustering.clusteringdata import set_clustering_data
from online.crom.asca import ASCA
from ioput.miscoutputfiles.vtkoutput import VTKOutput
# Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira (bernardo_ferreira@brown.edu)'
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
[docs]def crate_simulation(arg_input_file_path, arg_discret_file_dir=None,
"""Perform CRATE simulation.
arg_input_file_path : str
Input data file path provided as input.
arg_discret_file_dir : str, default=None
Spatial discretization file directory path provided as input.
is_null_stdout : bool, default=False
Suppress execution output to stdout.
# Suppress execution output to stdout
if is_null_stdout:
null_file = open(os.devnull, 'w')
sys.stdout = null_file
# Read user input data file and
# create problem output directory structure
# =========================================================================
# Check input data file path
if not os.path.isfile(str(arg_input_file_path)):
summary = 'Missing input data file'
description = 'The input data file could not be found.'
info.displayinfo('4', summary, description)
# Check spatial discretization file directory
discret_file_dir = None
if arg_discret_file_dir is not None and \
not os.path.exists(str(arg_discret_file_dir)):
summary = 'Missing spatial discretization file directory'
description = 'The spatial discretization file directory could ' \
+ 'not be found.'
info.displayinfo('4', summary, description)
discret_file_dir = os.path.normpath(str(arg_discret_file_dir)) + '/'
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Process input data file path
input_file_name, input_file_path, input_file_dir = \
# Check if data-driven simulation mode
is_minimize_output = rid.read_output_minimization_option(input_file_path)
# Set output directory structure and output files paths
problem_name, problem_dir, offline_stage_dir, postprocess_dir, \
is_same_offstage, crve_file_path = filop.set_problem_dirs(
input_file_name, input_file_dir, is_minimize_output,
# Store problem directories and files paths
dirs_dict = packager.store_paths_data(
input_file_name, input_file_path, input_file_dir, problem_name,
problem_dir, offline_stage_dir, postprocess_dir, crve_file_path,
# Start program
# =========================================================================
# Get current time and date
start_date = time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y")
start_time = time.strftime("%Hh%Mm%Ss")
start_time_s = time.time()
phase_names = ['']
phase_times = np.zeros((1, 2))
phase_names[0] = 'Total'
phase_times[0, :] = [start_time_s, 0.0]
# Display starting program header
info.displayinfo('0', problem_name, start_time, start_date)
# Read user input data file
# =========================================================================
# Display starting phase information and set phase initial time
info.displayinfo('2', 'Read input data file')
phase_init_time = time.time()
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Open user input data file
input_file = open(input_file_path, 'r')
# Read input data file and store data in convenient containers
info.displayinfo('5', 'Reading the input data file...')
problem_dict, mat_dict, macload_dict, rg_dict, clst_dict, scs_dict, \
algpar_dict, vtk_dict, output_dict, material_state = \
rid.read_input_data_file(input_file, dirs_dict, is_minimize_output)
# Close user input data file
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set phase ending time and display finishing phase information
phase_end_time = time.time()
phase_names.append('Read input data')
phase_times = np.append(
phase_times, [[phase_init_time, phase_end_time]], axis=0)
info.displayinfo('3', 'Read input data file',
phase_times[phase_times.shape[0] - 1, 1]
- phase_times[phase_times.shape[0] - 1, 0])
# Offline-stage - Step 1: Compute clustering features data matrix
# =========================================================================
# Initialize offline stage post-processing time
ofs_post_process_time = 0.0
# Compute clustering features data matrix
if not is_same_offstage:
# Display starting phase information and set phase initial time
info.displayinfo('2', 'Compute clustering features data matrix')
phase_init_time = time.time()
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set DNS homogenization-based multi-scale method and associated
# parameters
dns_method_id = clst_dict['clustering_solution_method']
if dns_method_id == 1:
dns_method = 'fft_basic'
dns_method_data = None
raise RuntimeError('Unknown DNS solution method.')
# Compute the physical-based data required to perform the RVE
# clustering-based domain decomposition
clustering_data, rve_elastic_database = set_clustering_data(
problem_dict['strain_formulation'], problem_dict['problem_type'],
rg_dict['rve_dims'], rg_dict['n_voxels_dims'],
rg_dict['regular_grid'], mat_dict['material_phases'],
dns_method, dns_method_data, clst_dict['standardization_method'],
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set phase ending time and display finishing phase information
phase_end_time = time.time()
phase_names.append('Compute cluster analysis data matrix')
phase_times = np.append(
phase_times, [[phase_init_time, phase_end_time]], axis=0)
info.displayinfo('3', 'Compute cluster analysis data matrix',
phase_times[phase_times.shape[0] - 1, 1]
- phase_times[phase_times.shape[0] - 1, 0])
# Offline-stage - Steps 2 & 3: Generate Cluster-Reduced
# Representative Volume Element (CRVE)
# =========================================================================
if is_same_offstage:
# Display starting phase information and set phase initial time
info.displayinfo('2', 'Import offline state CRVE instance')
phase_init_time = time.time()
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Get CRVE file path
crve_file_path = dirs_dict['crve_file_path']
# Load CRVE instance from file
info.displayinfo('5', 'Importing Cluster-Reduced Representative '
'Volume Element (.crve file)...')
with open(crve_file_path, 'rb') as crve_file:
crve = pickle.load(crve_file)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Update CRVE material state clusters labels and volume fraction
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Update clustering dictionary
clst_dict['voxels_clusters'] = crve.get_voxels_clusters()
clst_dict['phase_n_clusters'] = crve.get_phase_n_clusters()
clst_dict['phase_clusters'] = copy.deepcopy(crve.get_phase_clusters())
clst_dict['clusters_vf'] = copy.deepcopy(crve.get_clusters_vf())
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Update CRVE clustering adaptivity attributes
if 'adaptive' in crve.get_clustering_type().values():
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set phase ending time and display finishing phase information
phase_end_time = time.time()
phase_names.append('Import offline state CRVE instance')
phase_times = np.append(
phase_times, [[phase_init_time, phase_end_time]], axis=0)
info.displayinfo('3', 'Import offline state CRVE instance',
phase_times[phase_times.shape[0] - 1, 1]
- phase_times[phase_times.shape[0] - 1, 0])
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Display starting phase information and set phase initial time
info.displayinfo('2', 'Perform RVE cluster analysis')
phase_init_time = time.time()
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Instatiate Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element (CRVE)
crve = CRVE(
rg_dict['rve_dims'], rg_dict['regular_grid'],
mat_dict['material_phases'], problem_dict['strain_formulation'],
clst_dict['clustering_type'], clst_dict['phase_n_clusters'],
clst_dict['adapt_criterion_data'], clst_dict['adaptivity_type'],
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Compute Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element (CRVE)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Update CRVE material state clusters labels and volume fraction
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Update clustering dictionary
clst_dict['voxels_clusters'] = crve.get_voxels_clusters()
clst_dict['phase_clusters'] = crve.get_phase_clusters()
clst_dict['clusters_vf'] = crve.get_clusters_vf()
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Write clustering VTK file
if vtk_dict['is_vtk_output']:
# Set post-processing procedure initial time
procedure_init_time = time.time()
# Set VTK output files parameters
vtk_byte_order = vtk_dict['vtk_byte_order']
vtk_format = vtk_dict['vtk_format']
vtk_precision = vtk_dict['vtk_precision']
# Instantiante VTK output
vtk_output = VTKOutput(
type='ImageData', version='1.0', byte_order=vtk_byte_order,
format=vtk_format, precision=vtk_precision,
header_type='UInt64', base_name=input_file_name,
# Write clustering VTK file
info.displayinfo('5', 'Writing clustering VTK file...')
# Increment post-processing time
ofs_post_process_time += time.time() - procedure_init_time
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set phase ending time and display finishing phase information
phase_end_time = time.time() - ofs_post_process_time
phase_names.append('Perform RVE cluster analysis')
phase_times = np.append(
phase_times, [[phase_init_time, phase_end_time]], axis=0)
info.displayinfo('3', 'Perform RVE cluster analysis',
phase_times[phase_times.shape[0] - 1, 1]
- phase_times[phase_times.shape[0] - 1, 0])
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Display starting phase information and set phase initial time
info.displayinfo('2', 'Compute CRVE cluster interaction tensors')
phase_init_time = time.time()
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Compute CRVE's cluster interaction tensors
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set phase ending time and display finishing phase information
phase_end_time = time.time()
phase_names.append('Compute cluster interaction tensors')
phase_times = np.append(
phase_times, [[phase_init_time, phase_end_time]], axis=0)
info.displayinfo('3', 'Compute cluster interaction tensors',
phase_times[phase_times.shape[0] - 1, 1]
- phase_times[phase_times.shape[0] - 1, 0])
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Dump CRVE into file
crve_file_path = dirs_dict['crve_file_path']
crve.save_crve_file(crve, crve_file_path)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Output minimization
if is_minimize_output:
# Get offline-stage directory path
offline_stage_dir = dirs_dict['offline_stage_dir']
# Get path of spatial discretization file (within problem directory)
discret_file_path = dirs_dict['discret_file_path']
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
filop.remove_dirs(problem_dir, [offline_stage_dir, discret_file_path])
# Online-stage: Solve CRVE mechanical equilibrium problem
# =========================================================================
# Display starting phase information and set phase initial time
info.displayinfo('2', 'Solve reduced microscale equilibrium problem')
phase_init_time = time.time()
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Adaptive Self-Consistent Clustering Analysis (ASCA)
asca = ASCA(problem_dict['strain_formulation'],
# Solve clustering-based reduced-order equilibrium problem
crve, material_state, macload_dict['mac_load'],
macload_dict['mac_load_presctype'], macload_dict['mac_load_increm'],
dirs_dict['problem_dir'], problem_name=dirs_dict['problem_name'],
is_vtk_output=vtk_dict['is_vtk_output'], vtk_data=vtk_dict,
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set phase ending time and display finishing phase information
phase_end_time = phase_init_time + asca.get_time_profile()[1]
phase_names.append('Solve reduced microscale equilibrium problem')
phase_times = np.append(
phase_times, [[phase_init_time, phase_end_time]], axis=0)
info.displayinfo('3', 'Solve reduced microscale equilibrium problem',
phase_times[phase_times.shape[0] - 1, 1]
- phase_times[phase_times.shape[0] - 1, 0])
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Store CRVE final clustering state into file
if clst_dict['is_store_final_clustering']:
# Reset CRVE adaptive progress parameters and set base clustering
# Dump CRVE into file
crve_file_path = dirs_dict['crve_file_path']
crve.save_crve_file(crve, crve_file_path)
# Compute post-processing operations accumulated time
# =========================================================================
# Get online-stage post-processing time
ons_post_process_time = asca.get_time_profile()[2]
# Set (fictitious) phase initial time
phase_init_time = phase_times[-1, 1]
# Set (fictitious) phase ending time
phase_end_time = phase_init_time + ofs_post_process_time \
+ ons_post_process_time
phase_names.append('Accumulated post-processing operations')
phase_times = np.append(
phase_times, [[phase_init_time, phase_end_time]], axis=0)
# End program
# =========================================================================
# Get current time and date
end_date = time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y")
end_time = time.strftime("%Hh%Mm%Ss")
end_time_s = time.time()
phase_times[0, 1] = end_time_s
# Display ending program message
info.displayinfo('1', end_time, end_date, problem_name, phase_names,
# =============================================================================
# A CRATE simulation can be performed directly by executing this script with
# the following command
# python main.py < input_data_file_path > [< discret_file_dir >]
# where input_data_file_path is the input data file path (mandatory) and
# discret_file_dir is the spatial discretization file directory path (optional)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set input data file path
if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0:
summary = 'Missing input data file'
description = 'The input data file was not provided.'
info.displayinfo('4', summary, description)
input_file_path = str(sys.argv[1])
# Set spatial discretization file directory
discret_file_dir = None
if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 2:
discret_file_dir = os.path.normpath(str(sys.argv[2])) + '/'
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Perform CRATE simulation
crate_simulation(input_file_path, arg_discret_file_dir=discret_file_dir,