Source code for cratepy.material.materialmodeling

"""Constitutive modeling of CRVE material clusters and homogenization.

This module includes the class that contains the data associated with the
CRVE's material clusters constitutive state and homogenized strain and stress
tensors, as well as the required methods to perform the material clusters
constitutive state update, the computation of the material clusters consistent
tangent modulus, and the computational homogenization of the material clusters
strain and stress tensors.

    CRVE material constitutive state.

    Get available material constitutive models.
#                                                                       Modules
# =============================================================================
# Standard
import copy
import itertools as it
# Third-party
import numpy as np
# Local
import tensor.tensoroperations as top
import tensor.matrixoperations as mop
from material.materialoperations import cauchy_from_kirchhoff, \
                                        first_piola_from_kirchhoff, \
from material.models.elastic import Elastic
from material.models.von_mises import VonMises
from material.models.stvenant_kirchhoff import StVenantKirchhoff
#                                                          Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira ('
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
#                                                                Material state
# =============================================================================
[docs]class MaterialState: """CRVE material constitutive state. Attributes ---------- _n_dim : int Problem number of spatial dimensions. _comp_order_sym : list[str] Strain/Stress components symmetric order. _comp_order_nsym : list[str] Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order. _material_phases_models : dict Material constitutive model (item, ConstitutiveModel) associated to each material phase (key, str). _phase_clusters : dict Clusters labels (item, list[int]) associated to each material phase (key, str). _clusters_vf : dict Volume fraction (item, float) associated to each material cluster (key, str). _clusters_def_gradient_mf : dict Deformation gradient (item, numpy.darray (1d)) associated to each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form. _clusters_def_gradient_old_mf : dict Last converged deformation gradient (item, numpy.darray (1d)) associated to each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form. _clusters_state : dict Material constitutive model state variables (item, dict) associated to each material cluster (key, str). _clusters_state_old : dict Last converged material constitutive model state variables (item, dict) associated to each material cluster (key, str). _clusters_tangent_mf : dict Material consistent tangent modulus (item, numpy.ndarray) associated to each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form. _hom_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Homogenized strain tensor stored in matricial form: infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). _hom_strain_33 : float Homogenized strain tensor out-of-plane component: infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). _hom_stress_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Homogenized stress tensor stored in matricial form: Cauchy stress tensor (infinitesimal strains) or first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (finite strains). _hom_stress_33 : float Homogenized stress tensor out-of-plane component: Cauchy stress tensor (infinitesimal strains) or first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (finite strains). _hom_strain_old_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Last converged homogenized strain tensor stored in matricial form: infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). _hom_stress_old_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Last converged homogenized stress tensor stored in matricial form: Cauchy stress tensor (infinitesimal strains) or first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (finite strains). Methods ------- init_constitutive_model(self, mat_phase, model_keyword, \ model_source='crate') Initialize material phase constitutive model. init_clusters_state(self) Initialize clusters state variables. set_phase_clusters(self, phase_clusters, clusters_vf) Set CRVE cluster labels and volume fractions of each material phase. get_clusters_inc_strain_mf(self, global_strain_mf) Get clusters incremental strain in matricial form. update_clusters_state(self, clusters_inc_strain_mf) Update clusters state variables and consistent tangent modulus. update_state_homogenization(self) Update homogenized strain and stress tensors. update_converged_state(self) Update last converged material state variables. set_rewind_state_updated_clustering(self, phase_clusters, clusters_vf, \ clusters_state, \ clusters_def_gradient_mf) Set rewind state variables according to updated clustering. get_hom_strain_mf(self) Get homogenized strain tensor (matricial form). get_hom_stress_mf(self) Get homogenized stress tensor (matricial form). get_oop_hom_comp(self) Get homogenized strain or stress tensor out-of-plane component. get_inc_hom_strain_mf(self) Get incremental homogenized strain tensor (matricial form). get_inc_hom_stress_mf(self) Get incremental homogenized stress tensor (matricial form). get_hom_strain_old_mf(self) Get last converged homogenized strain tensor (matricial form). get_hom_stress_old_mf(self) Get last converged homogenized stress tensor (matricial form). get_material_phases(self) Get RVE material phases. get_material_phases_properties(self) Get RVE material phases constitutive properties. get_material_phases_models(self) Get RVE material phases constitutive models. get_material_phases_vf(self) Get RVE material phases volume fraction. get_clusters_def_gradient_mf(self) Get deformation gradient of each material cluster. get_clusters_def_gradient_old_mf(self) Get last converged deformation gradient of each material cluster. get_clusters_state(self) Get material state variables of each material cluster. get_clusters_state_old(self) Get last converged material state variables of each material cluster. get_clusters_tangent_mf(self) Get material consistent tangent modulus of each material cluster. _material_su_interface(strain_formulation, problem_type, \ constitutive_model, def_gradient_old, inc_strain, \ state_variables_old) Material constitutive state update interface. compute_inc_log_strain(e_log_strain_old, inc_def_gradient) Compute incremental spatial logarithmic strain. compute_spatial_tangent_modulus(e_log_strain_old, def_gradient_old, \ inc_def_gradient, cauchy_stress, \ inf_consistent_tangent) Compute finite strain spatial consistent tangent modulus. clustering_adaptivity_update(self, phase_clusters, clusters_vf, \ adaptive_clustering_map) Update cluster variables according to clustering adaptivity step. """
[docs] def __init__(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, material_phases, material_phases_properties, material_phases_vf): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). material_phases : list[str] RVE material phases labels (str). material_phases_properties : dict Constitutive model material properties (item, dict) associated to each material phase (key, str). material_phases_vf : dict Volume fraction (item, float) associated to each material phase (key, str). """ self._strain_formulation = strain_formulation self._problem_type = problem_type self._material_phases = copy.deepcopy(material_phases) self._material_phases_properties = \ copy.deepcopy(material_phases_properties) self._material_phases_vf = copy.deepcopy(material_phases_vf) self._phase_clusters = None self._clusters_vf = None self._material_phases_models = {mat_phase: None for mat_phase in material_phases} self._clusters_def_gradient_mf = None self._clusters_def_gradient_old_mf = None self._clusters_state = None self._clusters_state_old = None self._clusters_tangent_mf = None self._hom_strain_mf = None self._hom_strain_33 = None self._hom_stress_mf = None self._hom_stress_33 = None self._hom_strain_old_mf = None self._hom_stress_old_mf = None # Get problem type parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(problem_type) self._n_dim = n_dim self._comp_order_sym = comp_order_sym self._comp_order_nsym = comp_order_nsym
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[docs] def init_constitutive_model(self, mat_phase, model_keyword, model_source='crate'): """Initialize material phase constitutive model. Parameters ---------- mat_phase : str Material phase label. model_keyword : str Material constitutive model input data file keyword. model_source : {'crate',}, default='crate' Material constitutive model source. """ # Initialize material phase constitutive model if model_source == 'crate': if model_keyword == 'elastic': constitutive_model = Elastic( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, self._material_phases_properties[mat_phase]) elif model_keyword == 'von_mises': constitutive_model = VonMises( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, self._material_phases_properties[mat_phase]) elif model_keyword == 'stvenant_kirchhoff': constitutive_model = StVenantKirchhoff( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, self._material_phases_properties[mat_phase]) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown constitutive model from CRATE\'s ' 'source.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown material constitutive model source.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update material phases constitutive models self._material_phases_models[mat_phase] = constitutive_model
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[docs] def init_clusters_state(self): """Initialize clusters state variables.""" # Initialize clusters state variables self._clusters_state = {} self._clusters_state_old = {} # Initialize clusters deformation gradient self._clusters_def_gradient_mf = {} self._clusters_def_gradient_old_mf = {} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set second-order identity tensor matricial form soid_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(np.eye(self._n_dim), self._n_dim, self._comp_order_nsym) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over material phases for mat_phase in self._material_phases: # Get material phase constitutive model constitutive_model = self._material_phases_models[mat_phase] # Initialize material constitutive model state variables state_variables = constitutive_model.state_init() state_variables_old = copy.deepcopy(state_variables) # Loop over material phase clusters for cluster in self._phase_clusters[mat_phase]: # Initialize clusters state variables self._clusters_state[str(cluster)] = state_variables self._clusters_state_old[str(cluster)] = state_variables_old # Initialize clusters deformation gradient self._clusters_def_gradient_mf[str(cluster)] = soid_mf self._clusters_def_gradient_old_mf[str(cluster)] = soid_mf # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute initial state homogenized strain and stress tensors self.update_state_homogenization() self.update_converged_state()
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[docs] def set_phase_clusters(self, phase_clusters, clusters_vf): """Set CRVE cluster labels and volume fractions of each material phase. Parameters ---------- phase_clusters : dict Clusters labels (item, list[int]) associated to each material phase (key, str). clusters_vf : dict Volume fraction (item, float) associated to each material cluster (key, str). """ self._phase_clusters = copy.deepcopy(phase_clusters) self._clusters_vf = copy.deepcopy(clusters_vf)
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[docs] def get_clusters_inc_strain_mf(self, global_strain_mf): """Get clusters incremental strain in matricial form. *Infinitesimal strains*: .. math:: \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu, n + 1}^{(I)} = \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu, n + 1}^{(I)} - \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu, n}^{(I)} \\, , \\quad I=1,\\dots, n_{c} where :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster incremental infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment, and :math:`n` denotes the last converged increment. ---- *Finite strains*: .. math:: (\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\Delta})_{\\mu, n + 1}^{(I)} = \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu, n + 1}^{(I)} ( \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu, n}^{(I)})^{-1} \\, , \\quad I=1,\\dots, n_{c} where :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster incremental deformation gradient :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster deformation gradient, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment, and :math:`n` denotes the last converged increment. ---- Parameters ---------- global_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Global vector of clusters strains stored in matricial form. Returns ------- clusters_inc_strain_mf : dict Incremental strain (item, dict) associated to each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form. """ # Set strain components according to problem strain formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym else: comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize dictionary of clusters incremental strain clusters_inc_strain_mf = {} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize material cluster strain range indexes i_init = 0 i_end = i_init + len(comp_order) # Loop over material phases for mat_phase in self._material_phases: # Loop over material phase clusters for cluster in self._phase_clusters[mat_phase]: # Get material cluster last converged infinitesimal strain # tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient tensor # (finite strains) if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': strain_old_mf = \ self._clusters_state_old[str(cluster)]['strain_mf'] else: def_gradient_old_mf = \ self._clusters_def_gradient_old_mf[str(cluster)] # Get material cluster infinitesimal strain tensor # (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient tensor # (finite strains) from global vector of clusters strains strain_mf = global_strain_mf[i_init:i_end] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute material cluster incremental infinitesimal strain # tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient tensor # (finite strains) if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': inc_strain_mf = strain_mf - strain_old_mf else: # Build last converged deformation gradient tensor def_gradient_old = mop.get_tensor_from_mf( def_gradient_old_mf, self._n_dim, comp_order) # Build deformation gradient tensor def_gradient = mop.get_tensor_from_mf( strain_mf, self._n_dim, comp_order) # Compute material cluster incremental deformation gradient # tensor inc_def_gradient = np.matmul( def_gradient, np.linalg.inv(def_gradient_old)) # Build material cluster incremental deformation gradient # tensor (matricial form) inc_strain_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(inc_def_gradient, self._n_dim, comp_order) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Store material cluster incremental strain (matricial form) clusters_inc_strain_mf[str(cluster)] = \ copy.deepcopy(inc_strain_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update material cluster strain range indexes i_init += len(comp_order) i_end = i_init + len(comp_order) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return clusters_inc_strain_mf
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[docs] def update_clusters_state(self, clusters_inc_strain_mf): """Update clusters state variables and consistent tangent modulus. Parameters ---------- clusters_inc_strain_mf : dict Incremental strain (item, numpy.ndarray) associated to each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form. Returns ------- su_fail_state : dict State update failure state. """ # Initialize state update failure state su_fail_state = {'is_su_fail': False, 'mat_phase': None, 'cluster': None} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize clusters deformation gradient if self._strain_formulation == 'finite': self._clusters_def_gradient_mf = {} # Initialize clusters state variables and material consistent tangent # modulus self._clusters_state = {} self._clusters_tangent_mf = {} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over material phases for mat_phase in self._material_phases: # Get material phase constitutive model constitutive_model = self._material_phases_models[mat_phase] # Get material constitutive model source source = constitutive_model.get_source() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over material phase clusters for cluster in self._phase_clusters[mat_phase]: # Get material cluster incremental strain tensor (matricial # form) inc_strain_mf = clusters_inc_strain_mf[str(cluster)] if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Infinitesimal strain tensor (symmetric) comp_order = self._comp_order_sym else: # Deformation gradient tensor (nonsymmetric) comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym inc_strain = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(inc_strain_mf, self._n_dim, comp_order) # Get material cluster last converged state variables state_variables_old = self._clusters_state_old[str(cluster)] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get material cluster last converged deformation gradient # tensor def_gradient_old_mf = \ self._clusters_def_gradient_old_mf[str(cluster)] def_gradient_old = mop.get_tensor_from_mf( def_gradient_old_mf, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_nsym) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Perform state update through the suitable material interface if source == 'crate': state_variables, consistent_tangent_mf = \ self._material_su_interface( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, constitutive_model, copy.deepcopy(def_gradient_old), copy.deepcopy(inc_strain), copy.deepcopy(state_variables_old)) else: state_variables, consistent_tangent_mf = \ constitutive_model.state_update( copy.deepcopy(inc_strain), copy.deepcopy(state_variables_old), copy.deepcopy(def_gradient_old)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check state update failure status try: if state_variables['is_su_fail']: # Update state update failure status su_fail_state = {'is_su_fail': True, 'mat_phase': mat_phase, 'cluster': cluster} # Return return su_fail_state except KeyError: raise RuntimeError('Material constitutive model state ' 'variables must include the state ' 'update failure flag ' '(\'is_su_fail\': bool).') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update cluster deformation gradient if self._strain_formulation == 'finite': self._clusters_def_gradient_mf[str(cluster)] = \ mop.get_tensor_mf(np.matmul(inc_strain, def_gradient_old), self._n_dim, self._comp_order_nsym) # Update cluster state variables and material consistent # tangent modulus self._clusters_state[str(cluster)] = state_variables self._clusters_tangent_mf[str(cluster)] = consistent_tangent_mf # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return su_fail_state
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[docs] def update_state_homogenization(self): """Update homogenized strain and stress tensors. *Infinitesimal strains*: .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{n + 1} = \\sum_{I=1}^{n_{c}} f^{(I)} \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu, n + 1}^{(I)} where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}` is the homogenized infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`f^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster volume fraction, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{n + 1} = \\sum_{I=1}^{n_{c}} f^{(I)} \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{\\mu, n + 1}^{(I)} where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}` is the homogenized Cauchy stress tensor, :math:`f^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster volume fraction, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{\\mu}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster Cauchy stress tensor, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. ---- *Finite strains*: .. math:: \\boldsymbol{F}_{n + 1} = \\sum_{I=1}^{n_{c}} f^{(I)} \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu, n + 1}^{(I)} where :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}` is the homogenized deformation gradient, :math:`f^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster volume fraction, :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster deformation gradient, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. .. math:: \\boldsymbol{P}_{n + 1} = \\sum_{I=1}^{n_{c}} f^{(I)} \\boldsymbol{P}_{\\mu, n + 1}^{(I)} where :math:`\\boldsymbol{P}` is the homogenized first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor, :math:`f^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster volume fraction, :math:`\\boldsymbol{P}_{\\mu}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. """ # Set strain components according to problem strain formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym else: comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize incremental homogenized strain and stress tensors # (matricial form) hom_strain_mf = np.zeros(len(comp_order)) hom_stress_mf = np.zeros(len(comp_order)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over material phases for mat_phase in self._material_phases: # Loop over material phase clusters for cluster in self._phase_clusters[mat_phase]: # Get material cluster strain tensor (matricial form) if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': strain_mf = self._clusters_state[str(cluster)]['strain_mf'] else: strain_mf = self._clusters_def_gradient_mf[str(cluster)] # Get material cluster stress tensor (matricial form) stress_mf = self._clusters_state[str(cluster)]['stress_mf'] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Add material cluster contribution to homogenized strain and # stress tensors (matricial form) hom_strain_mf = np.add( hom_strain_mf, self._clusters_vf[str(cluster)]*strain_mf) hom_stress_mf = np.add( hom_stress_mf, self._clusters_vf[str(cluster)]*stress_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update homogenized strain and stress tensors self._hom_strain_mf = copy.deepcopy(hom_strain_mf) self._hom_stress_mf = copy.deepcopy(hom_stress_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if self._problem_type == 1: # Set out-of-plane stress component (2D plane strain problem) if self._problem_type == 1: comp_name = 'stress_33' else: raise RuntimeError('Unavailable plane problem type.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize homogenized out-of-plane component oop_hom_comp = 0.0 # Loop over material phases for mat_phase in self._material_phases: # Loop over material phase clusters for cluster in self._phase_clusters[mat_phase]: # Add material cluster contribution to the homogenized # out-of-plane component component oop_hom_comp = oop_hom_comp \ + self._clusters_vf[str(cluster)] \ * self._clusters_state[str(cluster)][comp_name] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update out-of-plane stress or strain component if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': self._hom_strain_33 = 0.0 else: self._hom_strain_33 = 1.0 self._hom_stress_33 = oop_hom_comp
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[docs] def update_converged_state(self): """Update last converged material state variables.""" self._clusters_def_gradient_old_mf = \ copy.deepcopy(self._clusters_def_gradient_mf) self._clusters_state_old = copy.deepcopy(self._clusters_state) self._hom_strain_old_mf = copy.deepcopy(self._hom_strain_mf) self._hom_stress_old_mf = copy.deepcopy(self._hom_stress_mf)
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[docs] def set_rewind_state_updated_clustering(self, phase_clusters, clusters_vf, clusters_state, clusters_def_gradient_mf): """Set rewind state variables according to updated clustering. Parameters ---------- phase_clusters : dict Clusters labels (item, list[int]) associated to each material phase (key, str). clusters_vf : dict Volume fraction (item, float) associated to each material cluster (key, str). clusters_state : dict Material constitutive model state variables (item, dict) associated to each material cluster (key, str). clusters_def_gradient_mf : dict Deformation gradient (item, numpy.darray (1d)) associated to each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form. """ self._phase_clusters = copy.deepcopy(phase_clusters) self._clusters_vf = copy.deepcopy(clusters_vf) self._clusters_state_old = copy.deepcopy(clusters_state) self._clusters_def_gradient_old_mf = \ copy.deepcopy(clusters_def_gradient_mf)
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[docs] def get_hom_strain_mf(self): """Get homogenized strain tensor (matricial form). Returns ------- hom_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Homogenized strain tensor stored in matricial form. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._hom_strain_mf)
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[docs] def get_hom_stress_mf(self): """Get homogenized stress tensor (matricial form). Returns ------- hom_stress_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Homogenized stress tensor stored in matricial form. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._hom_stress_mf)
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[docs] def get_oop_hom_comp(self): """Get homogenized strain or stress tensor out-of-plane component. Returns ------- oop_hom_comp : float Homogenized strain or stress tensor out-of-plane component. """ if self._problem_type == 1: oop_hom_comp = copy.deepcopy(self._hom_stress_33) elif self._problem_type == 2: oop_hom_comp = copy.deepcopy(self._hom_strain_33) else: oop_hom_comp = None # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return oop_hom_comp
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[docs] def get_inc_hom_strain_mf(self): """Get incremental homogenized strain tensor (matricial form). *Infinitesimal strains*: .. math:: \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{n + 1} = \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{n + 1} - \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{n} where :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}` is the incremental homogenized infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}` is the homogenized infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment, and :math:`n` denotes the last converged increment. ---- *Finite strains*: .. math:: (\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\Delta})_{n + 1} = \\boldsymbol{F}_{n + 1} (\\boldsymbol{F}_{n})^{-1} where :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\Delta}` is the homogenized incremental deformation gradient, :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}` is the homogenized deformation gradient, :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment, and :math:`n` denotes the last converged increment. ---- Returns ------- inc_hom_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Incremental homogenized strain tensor stored in matricial form: infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). """ # Compute incremental homogenized strain tensor if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Additive decomposition of infinitesimal strain tensor inc_hom_strain_mf = self._hom_strain_mf - self._hom_strain_old_mf else: # Build homogenized deformation gradient hom_strain = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(self._hom_strain_mf, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_nsym) hom_strain_old = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(self._hom_strain_old_mf, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_nsym) # Multiplicative decomposition of deformation gradient inc_hom_strain = np.matmul(hom_strain, np.linalg.inv(hom_strain_old)) # Get deformation gradient (matricial form) inc_hom_strain_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(inc_hom_strain, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_nsym) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return inc_hom_strain_mf
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[docs] def get_inc_hom_stress_mf(self): """Get incremental homogenized stress tensor (matricial form). *Infinitesimal strains*: .. math:: \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{n + 1} = \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{n + 1} - \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{n} where :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}` is the incremental homogenized Cauchy stress tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}` is the homogenized Cauchy stress tensor, :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment, and :math:`n` denotes the last converged increment. ---- *Finite strains*: .. math:: \\Delta \\boldsymbol{P}_{n + 1} = \\boldsymbol{P}_{n + 1} - \\boldsymbol{P}_{n} where :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{P}` is the incremental homogenized first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{P}` is the homogenized first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor, :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment, and :math:`n` denotes the last converged increment. ---- Returns ------- inc_hom_stress_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Incremental homogenized stress tensor stored in matricial form: Cauchy stress tensor (infinitesimal strains) or first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (finite strains). """ # Compute incremental homogenized stress tensor inc_hom_stress_mf = self._hom_stress_mf - self._hom_stress_old_mf # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return inc_hom_stress_mf
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[docs] def get_hom_strain_old_mf(self): """Get last converged homogenized strain tensor (matricial form). Returns ------- hom_strain_old_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Last converged homogenized strain tensor stored in matricial form: infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._hom_strain_old_mf)
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[docs] def get_hom_stress_old_mf(self): """Get last converged homogenized stress tensor (matricial form). Returns ------- hom_stress_old_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Last converged homogenized stress tensor stored in matricial form: Cauchy stress tensor (infinitesimal strains) or first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (finite strains). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._hom_stress_old_mf)
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[docs] def get_material_phases(self): """Get RVE material phases. Returns ------- material_phases : list[str] RVE material phases labels (str). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._material_phases)
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[docs] def get_material_phases_properties(self): """Get RVE material phases constitutive properties. Returns ------- material_phases_properties : dict Constitutive model material properties (item, dict) associated to each material phase (key, str). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._material_phases_properties)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_material_phases_models(self): """Get RVE material phases constitutive models. Returns ------- _material_phases_models : dict Material constitutive model (item, ConstitutiveModel) associated to each material phase (key, str). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._material_phases_models)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_material_phases_vf(self): """Get RVE material phases volume fraction. Returns ------- material_phases_vf : dict Volume fraction (item, float) associated to each material phase (key, str). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._material_phases_vf)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_clusters_def_gradient_mf(self): """Get deformation gradient of each material cluster. Returns ------- clusters_def_gradient_mf : dict Deformation gradient (item, numpy.ndarray (1d)) associated to each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._clusters_def_gradient_mf)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_clusters_def_gradient_old_mf(self): """Get last converged deformation gradient of each material cluster. Returns ------- clusters_def_gradient_old_mf : dict Last converged deformation gradient (item, numpy.ndarray (1d)) associated to each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._clusters_def_gradient_old_mf)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_clusters_state(self): """Get material state variables of each material cluster. Returns ------- clusters_state : dict Material constitutive model state variables (item, dict) associated to each material cluster (key, str). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._clusters_state)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_clusters_state_old(self): """Get last converged material state variables of each mat. cluster. Returns ------- clusters_state_old : dict Last converged material constitutive model state variables (item, dict) associated to each material cluster (key, str). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._clusters_state_old)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_clusters_tangent_mf(self): """Get material consistent tangent modulus of each material cluster. Returns ------- clusters_tangent_mf : dict Material consistent tangent modulus (item, numpy.ndarray) associated to each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._clusters_tangent_mf)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def _material_su_interface(strain_formulation, problem_type, constitutive_model, def_gradient_old, inc_strain, state_variables_old): """Material constitutive state update interface. This material constitutive state update interface contemplates three different families of constitutive models: (1) infinitesimal strains constitutive models, (2) finite strains constitutive models, and (3) isotropic hyperelastic-based finite strain constitutive models whose finite strain extension (from infinitesimal counterpart) is purely kinematical. This interface is schematically illustrated in Figure 5.3 of Ferreira (2022) [1]_, and the last family of constitutive models is described on Appendix F. .. [1] Ferreira, B.P. (2022). *Towards Data-driven Multi-scale Optimization of Thermoplastic Blends: Microstructural Generation, Constitutive Development and Clustering-based Reduced-Order Modeling.* PhD Thesis, University of Porto (see `here < 146900?locale=en>`_) ---- Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). constitutive_model : ConstitutiveModel Material constitutive model. def_gradient_old : numpy.ndarray (2d) Last converged deformation gradient. inc_strain : numpy.ndarray (2d) Incremental strain second-order tensor. state_variables_old : dict Last converged material constitutive model state variables. Returns ------- state_variables : dict Material constitutive model state variables. consistent_tangent_mf : ndarray Material constitutive model material consistent tangent modulus in matricial form. """ # Get problem type parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(problem_type) # Get material phase constitutive model strain type strain_type = constitutive_model.get_strain_type() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute incremental spatial logarithmic strain tensor if strain_formulation == 'finite' and strain_type == 'finite-kinext': # Save incremental deformation gradient inc_def_gradient = copy.deepcopy(inc_strain) # Compute deformation gradient def_gradient = np.matmul(inc_def_gradient, def_gradient_old) # Get last converged elastic spatial logarithmic strain tensor e_log_strain_old_mf = state_variables_old['e_strain_mf'] e_log_strain_old = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(e_log_strain_old_mf, n_dim, comp_order_sym) # Compute incremental spatial logarithmic strain tensor inc_strain = MaterialState.compute_inc_log_strain( e_log_strain_old, inc_def_gradient=inc_def_gradient) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Perform state update and compute material consistent tangent modulus state_variables, consistent_tangent_mf = \ constitutive_model.state_update(inc_strain, state_variables_old) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute Cauchy stress tensor and material consistent tangent modulus if (not state_variables['is_su_fail'] and strain_formulation == 'finite' and strain_type == 'finite-kinext'): # Get Kirchhoff stress tensor (matricial form) kirchhoff_stress_mf = state_variables['stress_mf'] # Build Kirchhoff stress tensor kirchhoff_stress = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(kirchhoff_stress_mf, n_dim, comp_order_sym) # Compute first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor first_piola_stress = first_piola_from_kirchhoff(def_gradient, kirchhoff_stress) # Get first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (matricial form) first_piola_stress_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(first_piola_stress, n_dim, comp_order_nsym) # Get first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor out-of-plane component if problem_type == 1: first_piola_stress_33 = state_variables['stress_33'] # Update stress tensor state_variables['stress_mf'] = first_piola_stress_mf if problem_type == 1: state_variables['stress_33'] = first_piola_stress_33 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get last converged elastic spatial logarithmic strain tensor e_log_strain_old_mf = state_variables_old['e_strain_mf'] e_log_strain_old = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(e_log_strain_old_mf, n_dim, comp_order_sym) # Compute Cauchy stress tensor (matricial form) cauchy_stress = cauchy_from_kirchhoff(def_gradient, kirchhoff_stress) # Get infinitesimal strains consistent tangent modulus inf_consistent_tangent = mop.get_tensor_from_mf( consistent_tangent_mf, n_dim, comp_order_sym) # Compute spatial consistent tangent modulus spatial_consistent_tangent = \ MaterialState.compute_spatial_tangent_modulus( e_log_strain_old, def_gradient_old, inc_def_gradient, cauchy_stress, inf_consistent_tangent) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute material consistent tangent modulus (matricial form) material_consistent_tangent = \ material_from_spatial_tangent_modulus( spatial_consistent_tangent, def_gradient) consistent_tangent_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf( material_consistent_tangent, n_dim, comp_order_nsym) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return state_variables, consistent_tangent_mf
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_inc_log_strain(e_log_strain_old, inc_def_gradient): """Compute incremental spatial logarithmic strain. *Incremental spatial logarithmic strain*: .. math:: \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{n + 1} = \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{n + 1}^{e, \\, \\text{trial}} - \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{n}^{e} where :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}` is the incremental spatial logarithmic strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}^{e, \\, \\text{trial}}` is the elastic trial spatial logarithmic strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}^{e}` is the elastic spatial logarithmic strain tensor, :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment, and :math:`n` denotes the last converged increment. ---- *Elastic trial left Cauchy-Green strain tensor*: .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{n + 1}^{e, \\, \\text{trial}} = \\dfrac{1}{2} \\ln ( \\boldsymbol{B}^{e, \\, \\text{trial}}_{n+1} ) = \\dfrac{1}{2} \\ln \\Big( (\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\Delta})_{n+1} \\boldsymbol{B}^{e}_{n} (\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\Delta})_{n+1}^{T} \\Big) where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}^{e, \\, \\text{trial}}` is the elastic trial spatial logarithmic strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{B}^{e, \\, \\text{trial}}` is the elastic trial left Cauchy-Green strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\Delta}` is the incremental deformation gradient, :math:`\\boldsymbol{B}^{e}` is the elastic left Cauchy-Green strain tensor, :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment, and :math:`n` denotes the last converged increment. The definition of the elastic trial spatial logarithmic strain tensor can be found in Appendix F.4 of Ferreira (2022) [#]_ (see Equations (F.14) and (F.15)). .. [#] Ferreira, B.P. (2022). *Towards Data-driven Multi-scale Optimization of Thermoplastic Blends: Microstructural Generation, Constitutive Development and Clustering-based Reduced-Order Modeling.* PhD Thesis, University of Porto (see `here < 146900?locale=en>`_) ---- Parameters ---------- e_log_strain_old : numpy.ndarray (2d) Last converged elastic spatial logarithmic strain tensor. inc_def_gradient : numpy.ndarray (2d) Incremental deformation gradient. Returns ------- inc_log_strain : numpy.ndarray (2d) Incremental spatial logarithmic strain. """ # Compute last converged elastic left Cauchy-Green strain tensor e_cauchy_green_old = top.isotropic_tensor('exp', 2.0*e_log_strain_old) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute elastic trial left Cauchy-Green strain tensor e_trial_cauchy_green = np.matmul( inc_def_gradient, np.matmul(e_cauchy_green_old, np.transpose(inc_def_gradient))) # Compute elastic trial spatial logarithmic strain e_trial_log_strain = 0.5*top.isotropic_tensor('log', e_trial_cauchy_green) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute incremental spatial logarithmic strain inc_log_strain = e_trial_log_strain - e_log_strain_old # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return inc_log_strain
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_spatial_tangent_modulus(e_log_strain_old, def_gradient_old, inc_def_gradient, cauchy_stress, inf_consistent_tangent): """Compute finite strain spatial consistent tangent modulus. .. math:: \\mathsf{a}_{ijkl} = \\dfrac{1}{2 \\det (\\boldsymbol{F})} \\, \\left[ \\mathsf{D} : \\mathsf{L} : \\mathsf{B} \\right]_{ijkl} - \\sigma_{il} \\delta_{jk} where :math:`\\mathbf{\\mathsf{a}}` is the spatial consistent tangent modulus, :math:`\\mathbf{\\mathsf{D}}` is the derivative of the Kirchhoff stress tensor with respect to the spatial logarithmic strain tensor, :math:`\\mathbf{\\mathsf{L}}` is the derivative of the tensor logarithm function evaluated at the elastic trial left Cauchy-Green strain tensor, :math:`\\mathbf{\\mathsf{B}}` is computed from the elastic trial left Cauchy-Green strain tensor components, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}` is the Cauchy stress tensor, and :math:`\\delta_{ij}` is the Kronecker delta. The detailed definition of the finite strain spatial consistent tangent modulus of isotropic hyperelastic-based finite strain elastoplastic constitutive models whose finite strain formalism is purely kinematical can be found in Appendix F.4 of Ferreira (2022) [#]_ (see Equation (F.18)). .. [#] Ferreira, B.P. (2022). *Towards Data-driven Multi-scale Optimization of Thermoplastic Blends: Microstructural Generation, Constitutive Development and Clustering-based Reduced-Order Modeling.* PhD Thesis, University of Porto (see `here < 146900?locale=en>`_) ---- Parameters ---------- e_log_strain_old : numpy.ndarray (2d) Last converged elastic spatial logarithmic strain tensor. def_gradient_old : numpy.ndarray (2d) Last converged deformation gradient. inc_def_gradient : numpy.ndarray (2d) Incremental deformation gradient. cauchy_stress : numpy.ndarray (2d) Cauchy stress tensor. inf_consistent_tangent : numpy.ndarray (4d) Infinitesimal consistent tangent modulus. Returns ------- spatial_consistent_tangent : numpy.ndarray (4d) Spatial consistent tangent modulus. """ # Get problem number of spatial dimensions n_dim = inc_def_gradient.shape[0] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute deformation gradient def_gradient = np.matmul(inc_def_gradient, def_gradient_old) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute last converged elastic left Cauchy-Green strain tensor e_cauchy_green_old = top.isotropic_tensor('exp', 2.0*e_log_strain_old) # Compute elastic trial left Cauchy-Green strain tensor e_trial_cauchy_green = np.matmul( inc_def_gradient, np.matmul(e_cauchy_green_old, np.transpose(inc_def_gradient))) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize Cauchy-Green-related fourth-order tensor fo_cauchy_green = np.zeros(4*(n_dim,)) # Compute Cauchy-Green-related fourth-order tensor for i, j, k, l in it.product(range(n_dim), repeat=4): fo_cauchy_green[i, j, k, l] = \ top.dd(i, k)*e_trial_cauchy_green[j, l] \ + top.dd(j, k)*e_trial_cauchy_green[i, l] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute derivative of tensor logarithm evaluated at elastic trial # left Cauchy-Green strain tensor fo_log_derivative = \ top.derivative_isotropic_tensor('log', e_trial_cauchy_green) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize spatial consistent tangent modulus spatial_consistent_tangent = np.zeros(4*(n_dim,)) # Compute spatial consistent tangent modulus spatial_consistent_tangent = (1.0/(2.0*np.linalg.det(def_gradient))) \ * (top.ddot44_1(inf_consistent_tangent, top.ddot44_1(fo_log_derivative, fo_cauchy_green))) for i, j, k, l in it.product(range(n_dim), repeat=4): spatial_consistent_tangent[i, j, k, l] += \ -1.0*cauchy_stress[i, l]*top.dd(j, k) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return spatial_consistent_tangent
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[docs] def clustering_adaptivity_update(self, phase_clusters, clusters_vf, adaptive_clustering_map): """Update cluster variables according to clustering adaptivity step. Parameters ---------- phase_clusters : dict Clusters labels (item, list[int]) associated to each material phase (key, str). clusters_vf : dict Volume fraction (item, float) associated to each material cluster (key, str). adaptive_clustering_map : dict Adaptive clustering map (item, dict with list of new cluster labels (item, list[int]) resulting from the refinement of each target cluster (key, str)) for each material phase (key, str). """ # Update CRVE material state clusters labels and volume fraction self.set_phase_clusters(phase_clusters, clusters_vf) # Group cluster-related dictionaries cluster_dicts = [self._clusters_def_gradient_mf, self._clusters_def_gradient_old_mf, self._clusters_state, self._clusters_state_old, self._clusters_tangent_mf] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over adaptive material phases for mat_phase in adaptive_clustering_map.keys(): # Loop over material phase target clusters for target_cluster in adaptive_clustering_map[mat_phase].keys(): # Get list of target's child clusters child_clusters = \ adaptive_clustering_map[mat_phase][target_cluster] # Loop over cluster-keyd dictionaries for cluster_dict in cluster_dicts: # Loop over child clusters and build their items for child_cluster in child_clusters: cluster_dict[str(child_cluster)] = \ copy.deepcopy(cluster_dict[target_cluster]) # Remove target cluster item cluster_dict.pop(target_cluster)
# # Available material constitutive models # =============================================================================
[docs]def get_available_material_models(model_source='crate'): """Get available material constitutive models. Parameters ---------- model_source : {'crate',}, default='crate' Material constitutive model source. Returns ------- available_mat_models : list[str] Available material constitutive models. """ # Set the available material constitutive models from a given source if model_source == 'crate': # CRATE material constitutive models available_mat_models = ['elastic', 'von_mises', 'stvenant_kirchhoff'] else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown material constitutive model source.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return available_mat_models