"""Strain/Stress tensors matricial storage and procedures.
This module contains fundamental procedures associated with the matricial
storage of strain/stress tensorial quantities and related manipulations.
Among others, it includes functions that set the strain/stress components
symmetric and nonsymmetric matricial storage order and that perform the
conversion between tensorial and matricial forms of second- and fourth-order
tensors following the Kelvin notation [#]_.
.. [#] Nagel, T., Görke, U.-J., Moerman, K. M., and Kolditz, O. (2016). On
advantages of the Kelvin mapping in finite element implementations of
deformation processes. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(11):937 (see
`here <https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/105251>`_)
Get parameters dependent on the problem type.
Get tensor matricial form.
Recover tensor from associated matricial form.
Get Kelvin notation coefficient of given strain/stress component.
Perform condensation of matrix given a set of rows and columns.
Build 3D counterpart of 2D strain/stress second-order tensor.
Build 2D counterpart of 3D strain/stress second- or fourth-order tensor.
Compute p-th root of general nonsymmetric square matrix.
# Modules
# =============================================================================
# Third-party
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import itertools as it
# Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira (bernardo_ferreira@brown.edu)'
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Problem type parameters
# =============================================================================
[docs]def get_problem_type_parameters(problem_type):
"""Get parameters dependent on the problem type.
problem_type : int
Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric
(3) and 3D (4).
n_dim : int
Problem number of spatial dimensions.
comp_order_sym : list
Strain/Stress components symmetric order.
comp_order_nsym : list
Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order.
# Set problem number of spatial dimensions and strain/stress components
# symmetric and nonsymmetric order
if problem_type == 1:
n_dim = 2
comp_order_sym = ['11', '22', '12']
comp_order_nsym = ['11', '21', '12', '22']
elif problem_type == 4:
n_dim = 3
comp_order_sym = ['11', '22', '33', '12', '23', '13']
comp_order_nsym = ['11', '21', '31', '12', '22', '32', '13', '23',
raise RuntimeError('Unavailable problem type.')
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Return
return n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym
# Tensorial - Matricial forms conversion
# =============================================================================
[docs]def get_tensor_mf(tensor, n_dim, comp_order):
"""Get tensor matricial form.
Store a given second-order or fourth-order tensor in matricial form for a
given number of problem spatial dimensions and given ordered strain/stress
components list. If the second-order tensor is symmetric or the
fourth-order tensor has minor symmetry (component list only contains
independent components), then the Kelvin notation[#]_ is employed to
perform the storage. Otherwise, the matricial form is built columnwise.
.. [#] Nagel, T., Görke, U.-J., Moerman, K. M., and Kolditz, O. (2016). On
advantages of the Kelvin mapping in finite element implementations
of deformation processes. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(11):937
(see `here <https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/105251>`_)
tensor : numpy.ndarray (2d or 4d)
Tensor to be stored in matricial form.
n_dim : int
Problem number of spatial dimensions.
comp_order : list
Strain/Stress components order associated to matricial form.
tensor_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d or 2d)
Matricial form of input tensor.
# Get tensor order
tensor_order = len(tensor.shape)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Check input arguments validity
if tensor_order not in [2, 4]:
raise RuntimeError('Matricial form storage is only available for '
'second-order or fourth-order tensors.')
elif any([int(x) not in range(1, n_dim + 1)
for x in list(''.join(comp_order))]):
raise RuntimeError('Invalid component in strain/stress components '
elif any([tensor.shape[i] != n_dim for i in range(len(tensor.shape))]):
raise RuntimeError('Invalid tensor dimensions.')
elif any([len(comp) != 2 for comp in comp_order]):
raise RuntimeError('Invalid component in strain/stress components '
elif len(list(dict.fromkeys(comp_order))) != len(comp_order):
raise RuntimeError('Duplicated component in strain/stress components '
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set Kelvin notation flag
if len(comp_order) == n_dim**2:
is_kelvin_notation = False
elif len(comp_order) == sum(range(n_dim + 1)):
is_kelvin_notation = True
raise RuntimeError('Invalid number of components in strain/stress '
'components order.')
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Store tensor according to tensor order
if tensor_order == 2:
# Set second-order and matricial form indexes
so_indexes = list()
mf_indexes = list()
for i in range(len(comp_order)):
so_indexes.append([int(x) - 1 for x in list(comp_order[i])])
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Initialize tensor matricial form
if tensor.dtype == 'complex':
tensor_mf = np.zeros(len(comp_order), dtype=complex)
tensor_mf = np.zeros(len(comp_order))
# Store tensor in matricial form
for i in range(len(mf_indexes)):
mf_idx = mf_indexes[i]
so_idx = tuple(so_indexes[i])
factor = 1.0
if is_kelvin_notation and not so_idx[0] == so_idx[1]:
factor = np.sqrt(2)
tensor_mf[mf_idx] = factor*tensor[so_idx]
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
elif tensor_order == 4:
# Set cartesian product of component list
comps = list(it.product(comp_order, comp_order))
# Set fourth-order and matricial form indexes
fo_indexes = list()
mf_indexes = list()
for i in range(len(comp_order)**2):
fo_indexes.append([int(x) - 1 for x in
list(comps[i][0] + comps[i][1])])
mf_indexes.append([x for x in [comp_order.index(comps[i][0]),
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Initialize tensor matricial form
if tensor.dtype == 'complex':
tensor_mf = np.zeros((len(comp_order), len(comp_order)),
tensor_mf = np.zeros((len(comp_order), len(comp_order)))
# Store tensor in matricial form
for i in range(len(mf_indexes)):
mf_idx = tuple(mf_indexes[i])
fo_idx = tuple(fo_indexes[i])
factor = 1.0
if is_kelvin_notation and not (fo_idx[0] == fo_idx[1]
and fo_idx[2] == fo_idx[3]):
factor = \
factor*np.sqrt(2) if fo_idx[0] != fo_idx[1] else factor
factor = \
factor*np.sqrt(2) if fo_idx[2] != fo_idx[3] else factor
tensor_mf[mf_idx] = factor*tensor[fo_idx]
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Return
return tensor_mf
# =============================================================================
[docs]def get_tensor_from_mf(tensor_mf, n_dim, comp_order):
"""Recover tensor from associated matricial form.
Recover a given second-order or fourth-order tensor from the associated
matricial form, given the problem number of spatial dimensions and given a
(compatible) ordered strain/stress components list. If the second-order
tensor is symmetric or the fourth-order tensor has minor symmetry
(component list only contains independent components), then matricial form
is assumed to follow the Kelvin notation [#]_. Otherwise, a columnwise
matricial form is assumed.
.. [#] Nagel, T., Görke, U.-J., Moerman, K. M., and Kolditz, O. (2016). On
advantages of the Kelvin mapping in finite element implementations
of deformation processes. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(11):937
(see `here <https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/105251>`_)
tensor_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d or 2d)
Tensor stored in matricial form.
n_dim : int
Problem number of spatial dimensions.
comp_order : list
Strain/Stress components order associated to matricial form.
tensor : numpy.ndarray
Tensor recovered from matricial form.
# Set tensor order
if len(tensor_mf.shape) == 1:
tensor_order = 2
if tensor_mf.shape[0] != n_dim**2 and \
tensor_mf.shape[0] != sum(range(n_dim + 1)):
raise RuntimeError('Invalid number of components in tensor '
'matricial form.')
elif len(tensor_mf.shape) == 2:
tensor_order = 4
if tensor_mf.shape[0] != tensor_mf.shape[1]:
raise RuntimeError('Fourth-order tensor matricial form must be a'
'square matrix.')
elif tensor_mf.shape[0] != n_dim**2 and \
tensor_mf.shape[0] != sum(range(n_dim + 1)):
raise RuntimeError('Invalid number of components in tensor '
'matricial form.')
raise RuntimeError('Tensor matricial form must be a vector or a '
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Check input arguments validity
if any([int(x) not in range(1, n_dim + 1)
for x in list(''.join(comp_order))]):
raise RuntimeError('Invalid component in strain/stress components '
elif any([len(comp) != 2 for comp in comp_order]):
raise RuntimeError('Invalid component in strain/stress components '
elif len(list(dict.fromkeys(comp_order))) != len(comp_order):
raise RuntimeError('Duplicated component in strain/stress components '
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set Kelvin notation flag
if len(comp_order) == n_dim**2:
is_kelvin_notation = False
elif len(comp_order) == sum(range(n_dim + 1)):
is_kelvin_notation = True
raise RuntimeError('Invalid number of components in strain/stress '
'components order.')
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Get tensor according to tensor order
if tensor_order == 2:
# Set second-order and matricial form indexes
so_indexes = list()
mf_indexes = list()
for i in range(len(comp_order)):
so_indexes.append([int(x) - 1 for x in list(comp_order[i])])
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Initialize tensor
if tensor_mf.dtype == 'complex':
tensor = np.zeros(tensor_order*(n_dim,), dtype=complex)
tensor = np.zeros(tensor_order*(n_dim,))
# Get tensor from matricial form
for i in range(len(mf_indexes)):
mf_idx = mf_indexes[i]
so_idx = tuple(so_indexes[i])
factor = 1.0
if is_kelvin_notation and not so_idx[0] == so_idx[1]:
factor = np.sqrt(2)
tensor[so_idx[::-1]] = (1.0/factor)*tensor_mf[mf_idx]
tensor[so_idx] = (1.0/factor)*tensor_mf[mf_idx]
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
elif tensor_order == 4:
# Set cartesian product of component list
comps = list(it.product(comp_order, comp_order))
# Set fourth-order and matricial form indexes
mf_indexes = list()
fo_indexes = list()
for i in range(len(comp_order)**2):
fo_indexes.append([int(x) - 1
for x in list(comps[i][0] + comps[i][1])])
mf_indexes.append([x for x in [comp_order.index(comps[i][0]),
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Initialize tensor
if tensor_mf.dtype == 'complex':
tensor = np.zeros(tensor_order*(n_dim, ), dtype=complex)
tensor = np.zeros(tensor_order*(n_dim, ))
# Get tensor from matricial form
for i in range(len(mf_indexes)):
mf_idx = tuple(mf_indexes[i])
fo_idx = tuple(fo_indexes[i])
factor = 1.0
if is_kelvin_notation and not (fo_idx[0] == fo_idx[1]
and fo_idx[2] == fo_idx[3]):
factor = \
factor*np.sqrt(2) if fo_idx[0] != fo_idx[1] else factor
factor = \
factor*np.sqrt(2) if fo_idx[2] != fo_idx[3] else factor
if fo_idx[0] != fo_idx[1] and fo_idx[2] != fo_idx[3]:
tensor[tuple(fo_idx[1::-1]+fo_idx[2:])] = \
tensor[tuple(fo_idx[:2]+fo_idx[3:1:-1])] = \
tensor[tuple(fo_idx[1::-1]+fo_idx[3:1:-1])] = \
elif fo_idx[0] != fo_idx[1]:
tensor[tuple(fo_idx[1::-1]+fo_idx[2:])] = \
elif fo_idx[2] != fo_idx[3]:
tensor[tuple(fo_idx[:2]+fo_idx[3:1:-1])] = \
tensor[fo_idx] = (1.0/factor)*tensor_mf[mf_idx]
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Return
return tensor
# =============================================================================
[docs]def kelvin_factor(idx, comp_order):
"""Get Kelvin notation coefficient of given strain/stress component.
The Kelvin notation [#]_ is a particular way of building the matricial form
of tensorial quantities.
.. [#] Nagel, T., Görke, U.-J., Moerman, K. M., and Kolditz, O. (2016). On
advantages of the Kelvin mapping in finite element implementations
of deformation processes. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(11):937
(see `here <https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/105251>`_)
idx : int (or list[int])
Index of strain/stress component. Alternatively, a pair of
strain/stress components indexes (associated to a given fourth-order
tensor matricial form element) can also be provided.
comp_order : list
Strain/Stress components order associated to matricial form.
factor : float
Kelvin notation coefficient.
if len(comp_order) == 4 or len(comp_order) == 9:
# Set Kelvin coefficient associated to a non-symmetric tensor matricial
# storage
factor = 1.0
# Set Kelvin coefficient associated to symmetric tensor matricial
# storage
if isinstance(idx, int) or isinstance(idx, np.integer):
# Set Kelvin coefficient associated with single strain/stress
# component
if int(list(comp_order[idx])[0]) == int(list(comp_order[idx])[1]):
factor = 1.0
factor = np.sqrt(2)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
elif isinstance(idx, list) and len(idx) == 2:
# Set Kelvin coefficient associated with pair of strain/stress
# components
factor = 1.0
for i in idx:
if int(list(comp_order[i])[0]) != int(list(comp_order[i])[1]):
factor = factor*np.sqrt(2)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
raise RuntimeError('Invalid strain/stress component(s) index(es).')
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
return factor
# Matrix condensation
# =============================================================================
[docs]def get_condensed_matrix(matrix, rows, cols, is_check_indexes=False):
"""Perform condensation of matrix given a set of rows and columns.
matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d)
Matrix to be condensed.
rows : numpy.ndarray (1d)
Indexes of rows to keep in condensed matrix.
cols : numpy.ndarray (1d)
Indexes of columns to keep in condensed matrix.
is_check_indexes : bool, default=False
If True, then check validity of condensed rows and columns indexes
before performing matrix condensation. May yield non-negligible
overhead cost when condensing large matrix.
matrix_condensed : numpy.ndarray (2d)
Condensed matrix.
# Check validity of rows and columns indexes to perform the condensation
if is_check_indexes:
if not np.all([isinstance(rows[i], int)
or isinstance(rows[i], np.integer)
for i in range(len(rows))]):
raise RuntimeError('All the indexes specified to perform a matrix '
'condensation must be non-negative integers.')
elif not np.all([isinstance(cols[i], int)
or isinstance(cols[i], np.integer)
for i in range(len(cols))]):
raise RuntimeError('All the indexes specified to perform a matrix '
'condensation must be non-negative integers.')
elif len(list(dict.fromkeys(rows))) != len(rows) or \
len(list(dict.fromkeys(cols))) != len(cols):
raise RuntimeError('Duplicated rows or columns indexes.')
elif np.any([rows[i] not in range(matrix.shape[0])
for i in range(len(rows))]):
raise RuntimeError('Out-of-bounds row index.')
elif np.any([cols[i] not in range(matrix.shape[1])
for i in range(len(cols))]):
raise RuntimeError('Out-of-bounds column index.')
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Build auxiliary matrices with rows and columns condensation indexes
rows_matrix = np.zeros((len(rows), len(cols)), dtype=int)
cols_matrix = np.zeros((len(rows), len(cols)), dtype=int)
for j in range(len(cols)):
rows_matrix[:, j] = rows
for i in range(len(rows)):
cols_matrix[i, :] = cols
# Build condensed matrix
matrix_condensed = matrix[rows_matrix, cols_matrix]
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Return condensed matrix
return matrix_condensed
# Strain/Stress 2D - 3D matricial form conversions
# =============================================================================
[docs]def get_state_3Dmf_from_2Dmf(problem_type, mf_2d, comp_33):
"""Build 3D counterpart of 2D strain/stress second-order tensor.
problem_type : int
Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2),
2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4).
mf_2d : numpy.ndarray (1d)
Matricial form of 2D strain/stress second-order tensor.
comp_33 : float
Out-of-plane strain/stress component.
mf_3d : numpy.ndarray (1d)
Matricial form of 3D strain/stress second-order tensor.
# Get 2D strain/stress components order in symmetric and nonsymmetric cases
_, comp_order_sym_2d, comp_order_nsym_2d = \
# Get 3D strain/stress components order in symmetric and nonsymmetric cases
_, comp_order_sym_3d, comp_order_nsym_3d = \
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set required strain/stress component order according to strain tensor
# symmetry
if len(mf_2d) == len(comp_order_sym_2d):
comp_order_2d = comp_order_sym_2d
comp_order_3d = comp_order_sym_3d
comp_order_2d = comp_order_nsym_2d
comp_order_3d = comp_order_nsym_3d
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Build 3D strain/stress second-order tensor (matricial form)
mf_3d = np.zeros(len(comp_order_3d))
if problem_type in [3, 4]:
raise RuntimeError('Unavailable problem type.')
# Include out-of-plane strain/stress component under 2D plane
# strain/stress conditions
for i in range(len(comp_order_2d)):
comp = comp_order_2d[i]
mf_3d[comp_order_3d.index(comp)] = mf_2d[i]
mf_3d[comp_order_3d.index('33')] = comp_33
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Return
return mf_3d
# =============================================================================
[docs]def get_state_2Dmf_from_3Dmf(problem_type, mf_3d):
"""Build 2D counterpart of 3D strain/stress second- or fourth-order tensor.
problem_type : int
Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2),
2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4).
mf_3d : numpy.ndarray (1d or 2d)
Matricial form of 3D strain/stress related tensor.
mf_2d : numpy.ndarray (1d or 2d)
Matricial form of 2D strain/stress related tensor.
# Get 2D strain/stress components order in symmetric and nonsymmetric cases
_, comp_order_sym_2d, comp_order_nsym_2d = \
# Get 3D strain/stress components order in symmetric and nonsymmetric cases
_, comp_order_sym_3d, comp_order_nsym_3d = \
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set required strain/stress component order according to strain tensor
# symmetry
if len(mf_3d) == len(comp_order_sym_3d):
comp_order_2d = comp_order_sym_2d
comp_order_3d = comp_order_sym_3d
comp_order_2d = comp_order_nsym_2d
comp_order_3d = comp_order_nsym_3d
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Build 2D strain/stress related tensor (matricial form)
mf_2d = np.zeros(len(mf_3d.shape)*(len(comp_order_2d),))
if len(mf_3d.shape) == 1:
for i in range(len(comp_order_2d)):
comp = comp_order_2d[i]
mf_2d[i] = mf_3d[comp_order_3d.index(comp)]
elif len(mf_3d.shape) == 2:
for j in range(len(comp_order_2d)):
comp_j = comp_order_2d[j]
for i in range(len(comp_order_2d)):
comp_i = comp_order_2d[i]
mf_2d[i, j] = mf_3d[comp_order_3d.index(comp_i),
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Return
return mf_2d
# P-th root of square matrix
# =============================================================================
[docs]def matrix_root(matrix, p):
"""Compute p-th root of general nonsymmetric square matrix.
matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d)
Square matrix.
p : float
Factor which defines the p-th root of square matrix.
matrix_proot : numpy.ndarray (2d)
p-th root of square matrix.
# Compute p-th root of square matrix
matrix_proot = scipy.linalg.expm(p*scipy.linalg.logm(matrix))
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Return
return matrix_proot