"""Output file: Voxel material-related quantities.
This module includes the class associated with the output file where
material-related quantities defined at the voxel level are stored.
Output file: Voxels material-related output.
# Modules
# =============================================================================
# Third-party
import numpy as np
# Local
import tensor.matrixoperations as mop
from material.materialoperations import compute_spatial_log_strain, \
cauchy_from_first_piola, \
# Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira (bernardo_ferreira@brown.edu)'
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
[docs]class VoxelsOutput:
"""Output file: Voxels material-related output.
_col_width : int
Output file column width.
_output_variables : list[tuple]
Each item is a tuple associated with a material-related output variable
that contains the variable name (index 0) and the variable number of
dimensions (index 1). This list sets the order by which the
material-related output variables are output.
_output_vars_dims : int
Total number of material-related output variables dimensions.
init_voxels_output_file(self, crve)
Open output file and write file header.
write_voxels_output_file(self, n_dim, comp_order, crve, clusters_state, \
Write output file.
rewind_file(self, rewind_inc)
Rewind output file.
[docs] def __init__(self, voxout_file_path, strain_formulation, problem_type):
voxout_file_path : str
Problem '.voxout' output file path.
strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'}
Problem strain formulation.
problem_type : int
Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2),
2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4).
self._voxout_file_path = voxout_file_path
self._strain_formulation = strain_formulation
self._problem_type = problem_type
# Set material-related output variables names and number of dimensions
self._output_variables = [('vm_stress', 1), ('acc_p_strain', 1),
('acc_p_energy_dens', 1)]
# Compute total number of output variables dimensions
self._output_vars_dims = sum([x[1] for x in self._output_variables])
# Set column width
self._col_width = 16
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def init_voxels_output_file(self, crve):
"""Open output file and write file header.
crve : CRVE
Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element.
# Get total number of voxels
_, n_voxels = crve.get_n_voxels()
# Initialize voxels output array
voxels_array = np.zeros((self._output_vars_dims, n_voxels))
# Initialize format structure
write_list = []
# Append voxels material phase labels
write_list += \
[''.join([('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + 'd}').format(x)
for x in crve.get_regular_grid().flatten('F')]) + '\n']
# Loop over and append material-related output variables
for i in range(len(self._output_variables)):
write_list += \
[''.join([('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + '.8e}').format(x)
for x in voxels_array[i, :]]) + '\n']
# Open voxels material-related output file (write mode) and write
# voxels material-related output variables initial values
open(self._voxout_file_path, 'w').writelines(write_list)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_voxels_output_file(self, n_dim, comp_order, crve,
clusters_state, clusters_def_gradient_mf):
"""Write output file.
n_dim : int
Problem dimension.
comp_order : list[str]
Strain/Stress components (str) order.
crve : CRVE
Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element.
clusters_state : dict
Material constitutive model state variables (item, dict) associated
to each material cluster (key, str).
clusters_def_gradient_mf : dict
Deformation gradient (item, numpy.ndarray (1d)) associated with
each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form.
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Instantiate factory of voxels arrays
voxels_array_factory = VoxelsArraysFactory(self._strain_formulation,
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Get total number of voxels
_, n_voxels = crve.get_n_voxels()
# Initialize voxels output array
voxels_array = np.zeros((self._output_vars_dims, n_voxels))
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Initialize storing index
idx = 0
# Loop over material-related output variables
for i in range(len(self._output_variables)):
# Get material-related output variable name
outvar = self._output_variables[i][0]
# Get material-related output variable number of dimensions
outvar_n_dims = self._output_variables[i][1]
# Get material-related output variable voxels array list
array_vox_list = voxels_array_factory.build_voxels_array(
crve, outvar, clusters_state, clusters_def_gradient_mf)
# Loop over material-related output variable dimensions
for var_dim in range(outvar_n_dims):
# Store material-related output variable dimension in voxels
# output array
voxels_array[idx + var_dim, :] = \
# Update storing index
idx += outvar_n_dims
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Loop over material-related output variables and build format
# structure
write_list = []
for i in range(self._output_vars_dims):
write_list += \
[''.join([('{:>' + str(self._col_width) + '.8e}').format(x)
for x in voxels_array[i, :]]) + '\n']
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Open voxels material-related output file (append mode) and append
# voxels material-related output variables of current loading increment
open(self._voxout_file_path, 'a').writelines(write_list)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def rewind_file(self, rewind_inc):
"""Rewind output file.
rewind_inc : int
Increment associated with the rewind state.
# Open output file and read lines (read)
file_lines = open(self._voxout_file_path, 'r').readlines()
# Set output file last line
last_line = (1 + rewind_inc)*self._output_vars_dims
# Open output file (write mode) and write data
open(self._voxout_file_path, 'w').writelines(
file_lines[: last_line + 1])
# =============================================================================
[docs]class VoxelsArraysFactory:
"""Build clusters state-based voxels arrays.
_n_dim : int
Problem number of spatial dimensions.
_comp_order_sym : list[str]
Strain/Stress components symmetric order.
_comp_order_nsym : list[str]
Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order.
available_vars : dict
Number of dimensions (item, int) of each available cluster state-based
variable (key, str).
build_voxels_array(self, crve, csbvar, clusters_state, \
Build clusters state-based voxel array.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def __init__(self, strain_formulation, problem_type):
strain_formulation: str, {'infinitesimal', 'finite'}
Problem strain formulation.
problem_type : int
Problem type identifier (1 - Plain strain (2D), 4- Tridimensional)
self._strain_formulation = strain_formulation
self._problem_type = problem_type
# Get problem type parameters
n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \
self._n_dim = n_dim
self._comp_order_sym = comp_order_sym
self._comp_order_nsym = comp_order_nsym
# Set available cluster state-based variables and associated number of
# dimensions
self._available_csbvars = {'vm_stress': 1, 'vm_strain': 1,
'acc_p_strain': 1, 'acc_p_energy_dens': 1}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def build_voxels_array(self, crve, csbvar, clusters_state,
"""Build clusters state-based voxel array.
crve : CRVE
Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element.
csbvar : str
Cluster state based voxel-defined quantity.
clusters_state : dict
Material constitutive model state variables (item, dict) associated
with each material cluster (key, str).
clusters_def_gradient_mf : dict
Deformation gradient (item, numpy.ndarray (1d)) associated with
each material cluster (key, str), stored in matricial form.
array_vox_list : list[numpy.ndarray (2d or 3d)]
List that stores arrays of a given cluster state-based
voxel-defined quantity (item, numpy.ndarray (2d or 3d) of shape
equal to RVE regular grid discretization).
# Check availability of cluster state-based voxel-defined quantity and
# get number of dimensions
if csbvar not in self._available_csbvars.keys():
raise RuntimeError('The computation of the cluster state-based '
'voxel-defined quantity \'' + csbvar + '\' is '
'not implemented.')
csbvar_n_dims = self._available_csbvars[csbvar]
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Get required variables to build cluster state-based voxel arrays
material_phases, phase_clusters, voxels_clusters = \
# Get number of voxels in each dimension
n_voxels_dims, _ = crve.get_n_voxels()
# Instantiate material state computations
csbvar_computer = MaterialQuantitiesComputer()
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Initialize cluster state-based voxel-defined quantity arrays list
array_vox_list = []
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Loop over cluster state-based voxel-defined quantity dimensions
for csbvar_dim in range(csbvar_n_dims):
# Initialize voxels flat array
array_vox_flat = np.zeros(voxels_clusters.shape).flatten('F')
# Loop over material phases
for mat_phase in material_phases:
# Loop over material phase clusters
for cluster in phase_clusters[mat_phase]:
# Get cluster's voxels flat indexes
flat_idxs = np.in1d(voxels_clusters.flatten('F'),
[cluster, ])
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if csbvar == 'vm_stress':
# Get Cauchy stress tensor (matricial form)
if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal':
stress_mf = \
# Get deformation gradient (matricial form)
def_gradient_mf = \
# Build deformation gradient
def_gradient = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(
def_gradient_mf, self._n_dim,
# Get first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
# (matricial form)
first_piola_stress_mf = \
# Build first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
first_piola_stress = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(
first_piola_stress_mf, self._n_dim,
# Compute Cauchy stress tensor
cauchy_stress = cauchy_from_first_piola(
def_gradient, first_piola_stress)
# Get Cauchy stress tensor (matricial form)
stress_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(cauchy_stress,
# Build 3D Cauchy stress tensor (matricial form)
if self._problem_type == 1:
# Get Cauchy stress tensor out-of-plain component
if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal':
stress_33 = \
# Get Cauchy stress tensor out-of-plain
# component from first Piola-Kirchhoff
# counterpart
stress_33 = (1.0/np.linalg.det(def_gradient))\
* clusters_state[str(cluster)]['stress_33']
# Build 3D Cauchy stress tensor (matricial form)
stress_mf = mop.get_state_3Dmf_from_2Dmf(
self._problem_type, stress_mf, stress_33)
# Compute von Mises equivalent stress
value = csbvar_computer.get_vm_stress(stress_mf)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
elif csbvar == 'vm_strain':
# Get cluster strain tensor (matricial form)
if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal':
# Get infinitesimal strain tensor (matricial form)
strain_mf = \
# Get deformation gradient (matricial form)
def_gradient_mf = \
# Build deformation gradient
def_gradient = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(
def_gradient_mf, self._n_dim,
# Compute spatial logarithmic strain tensor
log_strain = compute_spatial_log_strain(
# Get spatial logarithmic strain tensor (matricial
# form)
strain_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(
log_strain, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_sym)
# Build 3D strain tensor (matricial form)
if self._problem_type == 1:
# Get out-of-plain strain component
strain_33 = 0.0
# Build 3D strain tensor (matricial form)
strain_mf = mop.get_state_3Dmf_from_2Dmf(
self._problem_type, strain_mf, strain_33)
# Compute von Mises equivalent strain
value = csbvar_computer.get_vm_strain(strain_mf)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
elif csbvar in ['acc_p_strain', 'acc_p_energy_dens']:
# Get cluster quantity directly from state variables
# dictionary
if csbvar in clusters_state[str(cluster)].keys():
value = clusters_state[str(cluster)][csbvar]
value = 0
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Store cluster's voxels data
array_vox_flat[flat_idxs] = value
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Store cluster state-based voxel-defined quantity dimension
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Return
return array_vox_list