"""Isotropic strain hardening laws.
This module includes the definition of several types of isotropic strain
hardening laws and the suitable processing of the associated parameters.
Get available isotropic hardening laws.
Build hardening parameters according with isotropic hardening type.
Get isotropic hardening law to compute yield stress and hardening slope.
# Modules
# =============================================================================
# Third-party
import numpy as np
# Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira (bernardo_ferreira@brown.edu)'
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
[docs]def get_available_hardening_types():
"""Get available isotropic hardening laws.
The isotropic hardening law is specified in the input data file as a
material property of the constitutive model.
Available isotropic hardening laws:
* Piecewise linear hardening
.. math::
\\{\\bar{\\varepsilon}^{p}_{i}, \\, \\sigma_{y, i}\\},
\\quad i = 1, \\dots, n_{\\text{points}}
*Input data file syntax*:
.. code-block:: text
isotropic_hardening piecewise_linear < n_points >
hp_1 < value > < value >
hp_2 < value > < value >
- ``isotropic_hardening`` - Isotropic strain hardening type and number
of parameters.
- ``hp_i`` - Hardening point with coordinates
(:math:`\\bar{\\varepsilon}^{p}`, :math:`\\sigma_{y}`).
* Linear hardening
.. math::
\\sigma_{y}(\\bar{\\varepsilon}^{p}) = \\sigma_{y, 0}
+ a \\bar{\\varepsilon}^{p}
*Input data file syntax*:
.. code-block:: text
isotropic_hardening linear 2
s0 < value >
a < value >
- ``isotropic_hardening`` - Isotropic strain hardening type and number
of parameters.
- ``s0`` - Initial yielding stress (:math:`\\sigma_{y, 0}`).
- ``a`` - Hardening law parameter (:math:`a`).
* Nadai-Ludwik hardening:
.. math::
\\sigma_{y}(\\bar{\\varepsilon}^{p}) = \\sigma_{y, 0}
+ a (\\bar{\\varepsilon}^{p}_{0} + \\bar{\\varepsilon}^{p})^{b}
*Input data file syntax*:
.. code-block:: text
isotropic_hardening nadai_ludwik 4
s0 < value >
a < value >
b < value >
ep0 < value >
- ``isotropic_hardening`` - Isotropic strain hardening type and number
of parameters.
- ``s0`` - Initial yielding stress (:math:`\\sigma_{y, 0}`).
- ``a`` - Hardening law parameter (:math:`a`).
- ``b`` - Hardening law parameter (:math:`b`).
- ``ep0`` - Accumulated plastic strain corresponding to initial \
yielding stress (:math:`\\bar{\\varepsilon}^{p}_{0}`)
available_hardening_types : tuple[str]
List of available isotropic hardening laws (str).
# Set available isotropic hardening types
available_hardening_types = ('piecewise_linear', 'linear', 'nadai_ludwik')
# Return
return available_hardening_types
# =============================================================================
[docs]def build_hardening_parameters(type, material_properties):
"""Build hardening parameters according with isotropic hardening type.
type : str
Isotropic hardening law.
material_properties : dict
Constitutive model material properties (key, str) values
(item, {int, float, bool}).
hardening_parameters : dict
Isotropic hardening law parameters (key, str) values (item, float).
# Initialize hardening parameters
hardening_parameters = {}
# Build hardening parameters according with isotropic hardening type
if type == 'piecewise_linear':
hardening_parameters['hardening_points'] = \
elif type == 'linear':
hardening_parameters['s0'] = material_properties['s0']
hardening_parameters['a'] = material_properties['a']
elif type == 'nadai_ludwik':
hardening_parameters['s0'] = material_properties['s0']
hardening_parameters['a'] = material_properties['a']
hardening_parameters['b'] = material_properties['b']
# Tolerance to avoid overflow when computing hardening slope at
# null accumulated plastic strain
ep0_tol = 1e-8
hardening_parameters['ep0'] = \
np.maximum(material_properties['ep0'], ep0_tol)
raise RuntimeError('Unknown isotropic hardening type.')
except KeyError as err:
raise KeyError('Missing hardening parameter: ' + str(err.args[0]))
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Return
return hardening_parameters
# =============================================================================
[docs]def get_hardening_law(type):
"""Get isotropic hardening law to compute yield stress and hardening slope.
type : str
Isotropic hardening law.
hardening_law : function
Isotropic hardening law.
# Piecewise linear isotropic hardening
if type == 'piecewise_linear':
# Set piecewise linear isotropic hardening law
def hardening_law(hardening_parameters, acc_p_strain):
"""Piecewise linear isotropic hardening law.
Provided the required isotropic hardening law parameters and a
given value of accumulated plastic strain, return the corresponding
material yield stress and hardening slope.
hardening_parameters : dict
Isotropic hardening law required parameters:
hardening_points : numpy.ndarray (2d), where each row (i, 0:2)
sets a hardening point characterized by an accumulated plastic
strain value (i, 0) and the associated yield stress (i, 1).
yield_stress : float
Material yield stress.
H : float
Material hardening slope.
# Get hardening curve points array
hardening_points = hardening_parameters['hardening_points']
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Build lists with the accumulated plastic strain points and
# associated yield stress values
a = list(hardening_points[:, 0])
b = list(hardening_points[:, 1])
# Check if the accumulated plastic strain list is correctly sorted
# in ascending order
if not np.all(np.diff(a) > 0):
raise RuntimeError('Points of piecewise linear isotropic '
'hardening law must be specified in '
'ascending order of accumulated '
'plastic strain.')
elif not np.all([i >= 0 for i in a]):
raise RuntimeError('Points of piecewise linear isotropic '
'hardening law must be associated with '
'non-negative accumulated plastic strain '
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# If the value of the accumulated plastic strain is either below or
# above the provided hardening curve points, then simply assume the
# yield stress associated with the first or last provided points,
# respectively. Otherwise, perform linear interpolation to compute
# the yield stress
yield_stress = np.interp(acc_p_strain, a, b, b[0], b[-1])
# Get hardening slope
if acc_p_strain < a[0] or acc_p_strain >= a[-1]:
H = 0
# Get hardening curve interval
x0 = list(filter(lambda i: i <= acc_p_strain, a[::-1]))[0]
y0 = b[a.index(x0)]
x1 = list(filter(lambda i: i > acc_p_strain, a))[0]
y1 = b[a.index(x1)]
# Compute hardening slope
H = (y1 - y0)/(x1 - x0)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Return
return yield_stress, H
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Linear isotropic hardening
elif type == 'linear':
# Set linear isotropic hardening law
def hardening_law(hardening_parameters, acc_p_strain):
"""Linear isotropic hardening law.
Provided the required isotropic hardening law parameters and a
given value of accumulated plastic strain, return the corresponding
material yield stress and hardening slope.
hardening_parameters : dict
Isotropic hardening law required parameters:
s0 : float, initial yield stress
a : float, hardening law parameter
yield_stress : float
Material yield stress.
H : float
Material hardening slope.
# Get initial yield stress and hardening slope
yield_stress_init = float(hardening_parameters['s0'])
H = float(hardening_parameters['a'])
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Compute yield stress
yield_stress = yield_stress_init + H*acc_p_strain
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Return
return yield_stress, H
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Nadai-Ludwik isotropic hardening
elif type == 'nadai_ludwik':
# Set Nadai-Ludwik isotropic hardening law
def hardening_law(hardening_parameters, acc_p_strain):
"""Nadai-Ludwik isotropic hardening law.
Provided the required isotropic hardening law parameters and a
given value of accumulated plastic strain, return the corresponding
material yield stress and hardening slope.
hardening_parameters : dict
Isotropic hardening law required parameters:
s0 : float, initial yield stress
a : float, hardening law parameter
b : float, hardening law parameter
ep0 : float, accumulated plastic strain corresponding to \\
initial yielding stress
yield_stress : float
Material yield stress.
H : float
Material hardening slope.
# Get initial yield stress and parameters
yield_stress_init = float(hardening_parameters['s0'])
a = float(hardening_parameters['a'])
b = float(hardening_parameters['b'])
ep0 = float(hardening_parameters['ep0'])
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Consider minimum non-negative accumulated plastic strain
acc_p_strain = np.maximum(0.0, acc_p_strain)
# Compute yield stress
yield_stress = yield_stress_init + a*((acc_p_strain + ep0)**b)
# Compute hardening slope
H = a*b*(acc_p_strain + ep0)**(b - 1)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Return
return yield_stress, H
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Unknown isotropic hardening type
raise RuntimeError('Unknown type of isotropic hardening law.')
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Return
return hardening_law