Source code for material.models.elastic

"""Linear elastic constitutive model.

This module includes the implementation of the linear elastic constitutive
model under general anisotropic elasticity. The corresponding class also
includes several methods to handle elastic anisotropy, namely to process the
specification of the elastic moduli and the computation of the elasticity

    Elastic constitutive model.
#                                                                       Modules
# =============================================================================
# Third-party
import numpy as np
# Local
import tensor.matrixoperations as mop
from material.models.interface import ConstitutiveModel
#                                                          Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira ('
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
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[docs]class Elastic(ConstitutiveModel): """Linear elastic constitutive model. Attributes ---------- _name : str Constitutive model name. _strain_type : {'infinitesimal', 'finite', 'finite-kinext'} Constitutive model strain formulation: infinitesimal strain formulation ('infinitesimal'), finite strain formulation ('finite') or finite strain formulation through kinematic extension (infinitesimal constitutive formulation and purely finite strain kinematic extension - 'finite-kinext'). _source : {'crate',} Material constitutive model source. _ndim : int Problem number of spatial dimensions. _comp_order_sym : list[str] Strain/Stress components symmetric order. _comp_order_nsym : list[str] Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order. Methods ------- get_required_properties() Get constitutive model material properties and constitutive options. state_init(self) Get initialized material constitutive model state variables. state_update(self, inc_strain, state_variables_old, \ su_max_n_iterations=20, su_conv_tol=1e-6) Perform constitutive model state update. get_available_elastic_symmetries() Get available elastic symmetries under general anisotropy. elastic_tangent_modulus(elastic_properties, elastic_symmetry='isotropic') Compute 3D elasticity tensor under general anisotropic elasticity. get_technical_from_elastic_moduli(elastic_symmetry, elastic_properties) Get technical constants of elasticity from elastic moduli. """
[docs] def __init__(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, material_properties): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). material_properties : dict Constitutive model material properties (key, str) values (item, {int, float, bool}). """ self._name = 'elastic' self._strain_formulation = strain_formulation self._problem_type = problem_type self._material_properties = material_properties # Set strain formulation self._strain_type = 'finite-kinext' # Set source self._source = 'crate' # Get problem type parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(problem_type) self._n_dim = n_dim self._comp_order_sym = comp_order_sym self._comp_order_nsym = comp_order_nsym # Get elastic symmetry elastic_symmetry = material_properties['elastic_symmetry'] # Check finite strains formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'finite' and \ elastic_symmetry != 'isotropic': raise RuntimeError('The elastic constitutive model is only ' 'available under finite strains for the ' 'elastic isotropic case.') # Compute technical constants of elasticity if elastic_symmetry == 'isotropic': # Compute technical constants of elasticity technical_constants = Elastic.get_technical_from_elastic_moduli( elastic_symmetry, material_properties) # Assemble technical constants of elasticity self._material_properties.update(technical_constants)
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[docs] @staticmethod def get_required_properties(): """Get constitutive model material properties and constitutive options. *Input data file syntax*: .. code-block:: text elastic_symmetry < option > < number_of_elastic_moduli > euler_angles < value > < value > < value > Eijkl < value > Eijkl < value > ... where - ``elastic_symmetry`` - Elastic symmetry and number of elastic moduli. - ``euler_angles`` - Euler angles (degrees) sorted according with Bunge convention. Not required if ``elastic_symmetry`` is set as `isotropic`. - ``Eijkl`` - Elastic moduli. Young's modulus (``E``) and Poisson's coefficient (``v``) may be alternatively provided if ``elastic_symmetry`` is set as `isotropic`. ---- Returns ------- material_properties : list[str] Constitutive model material properties names (str). constitutive_options : dict Constitutive options (key, str) and available specifications (item, tuple[str]). """ # Get available elastic symmetries and required elastic moduli elastic_symmetries = Elastic.get_available_elastic_symmetries() # Set constitutive options and available specifications constitutive_options = {'elastic_symmetry': tuple(elastic_symmetries.keys())} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set material properties names material_properties = () # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return material_properties, constitutive_options
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[docs] def state_init(self): """Get initialized material constitutive model state variables. Constitutive model state variables: * ``e_strain_mf`` * *Infinitesimal strains*: Elastic infinitesimal strain tensor (matricial form). * *Finite strains*: Elastic spatial logarithmic strain tensor (matricial form). * *Symbol*: :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon^{e}}` / :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon^{e}}` * ``strain_mf`` * *Infinitesimal strains*: Infinitesimal strain tensor (matricial form). * *Finite strains*: Spatial logarithmic strain tensor (matricial form). * *Symbol*: :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}` / :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}` * ``stress_mf`` * *Infinitesimal strains*: Cauchy stress tensor (matricial form). * *Finite strains*: Kirchhoff stress tensor (matricial form) within :py:meth:`state_update`, first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (matricial form) otherwise. * *Symbol*: :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}` / (:math:`\\boldsymbol{\\tau}`, :math:`\\boldsymbol{P}`) * ``is_su_fail`` * State update failure flag. ---- Returns ------- state_variables_init : dict Initialized constitutive model material state variables. """ # Initialize constitutive model state variables state_variables_init = dict() state_variables_init['e_strain_mf'] = \ mop.get_tensor_mf(np.zeros((self._n_dim, self._n_dim)), self._n_dim, self._comp_order_sym) state_variables_init['strain_mf'] = \ mop.get_tensor_mf(np.zeros((self._n_dim, self._n_dim)), self._n_dim, self._comp_order_sym) if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Cauchy stress tensor state_variables_init['stress_mf'] = \ mop.get_tensor_mf(np.zeros((self._n_dim, self._n_dim)), self._n_dim, self._comp_order_sym) else: # First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor state_variables_init['stress_mf'] = \ mop.get_tensor_mf(np.zeros((self._n_dim, self._n_dim)), self._n_dim, self._comp_order_nsym) state_variables_init['is_plast'] = False state_variables_init['is_su_fail'] = False # Set additional out-of-plane strain and stress components if self._problem_type == 1: state_variables_init['e_strain_33'] = 0.0 state_variables_init['stress_33'] = 0.0 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return state_variables_init
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[docs] def state_update(self, inc_strain, state_variables_old, su_max_n_iterations=20, su_conv_tol=1e-6): """Perform constitutive model state update. Parameters ---------- inc_strain : numpy.ndarray (2d) Incremental strain second-order tensor. state_variables_old : dict Last converged constitutive model material state variables. su_max_n_iterations : int, default=20 State update maximum number of iterations. su_conv_tol : float, default=1e-6 State update convergence tolerance. Returns ------- state_variables : dict Material constitutive model state variables. consistent_tangent_mf : numpy.ndarray (2d) Material constitutive model consistent tangent modulus in matricial form. """ # Get last increment converged state variables e_strain_old_mf = state_variables_old['e_strain_mf'] if self._problem_type == 1: e_strain_33_old = state_variables_old['e_strain_33'] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set state update failure flag is_su_fail = False # # State update & Consistent tangent modulus # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Build incremental strain tensor matricial form inc_strain_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(inc_strain, self._n_dim, self._comp_order_sym) # # 2D > 3D conversion # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # When the problem type corresponds to a 2D analysis, perform the state # update and consistent tangent computation as in the 3D case, # considering the appropriate out-of-plain strain and stress components if self._problem_type == 4: n_dim = self._n_dim comp_order_sym = self._comp_order_sym comp_order_nsym = self._comp_order_nsym else: # Set 3D problem parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(4) # Build strain tensors (matricial form) by including the # appropriate out-of-plain components inc_strain_mf = mop.get_state_3Dmf_from_2Dmf(self._problem_type, inc_strain_mf, comp_33=0.0) e_strain_old_mf = mop.get_state_3Dmf_from_2Dmf(self._problem_type, e_strain_old_mf, e_strain_33_old) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update elastic strain e_strain_mf = e_strain_old_mf + inc_strain_mf # Compute 3D elasticity tensor (matricial form) consistent_tangent_mf = Elastic.elastic_tangent_modulus( self._material_properties, elastic_symmetry=self._material_properties['elastic_symmetry']) # Update stress stress_mf = np.matmul(consistent_tangent_mf, e_strain_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get the out-of-plane strain and stress components if self._problem_type == 1: e_strain_33 = e_strain_mf[comp_order_sym.index('33')] stress_33 = stress_mf[comp_order_sym.index('33')] # # 3D > 2D Conversion # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # When the problem type corresponds to a 2D analysis, build the # 2D strain and stress tensors (matricial form) once the state update # has been performed if self._problem_type == 1: # Builds 2D strain and stress tensors (matricial form) from the # associated 3D counterparts e_strain_mf = mop.get_state_2Dmf_from_3Dmf(self._problem_type, e_strain_mf) stress_mf = mop.get_state_2Dmf_from_3Dmf(self._problem_type, stress_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # When the problem type corresponds to a 2D analysis, build the # 2D consistent tangent modulus (matricial form) from the # 3D counterpart if self._problem_type == 1: consistent_tangent_mf = mop.get_state_2Dmf_from_3Dmf( self._problem_type, consistent_tangent_mf) # # Update state variables # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize state variables dictionary state_variables = self.state_init() # Store updated state variables state_variables['e_strain_mf'] = e_strain_mf state_variables['strain_mf'] = e_strain_mf state_variables['stress_mf'] = stress_mf state_variables['is_su_fail'] = is_su_fail if self._problem_type == 1: state_variables['e_strain_33'] = e_strain_33 state_variables['stress_33'] = stress_33 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return state_variables, consistent_tangent_mf
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[docs] @staticmethod def get_available_elastic_symmetries(): """Get available elastic symmetries under general anisotropy. Available elastic symmetries: * Isotropic: *Input data file syntax*: .. code-block:: text elastic_symmetry isotropic 2 E1111 < value > E1122 < value > or .. code-block:: text elastic_symmetry isotropic 2 E < value > v < value > where - ``elastic_symmetry`` - Elastic symmetry and number of elastic moduli. - ``Eijkl`` - Elastic moduli. Young's modulus (``E``) and Poisson's coefficient (``v``) may be alternatively provided if ``elastic_symmetry`` is set as `isotropic`. ---- * Transverse isotropic (axis of symmetry 3): *Input data file syntax*: .. code-block:: text elastic_symmetry transverse_isotropic 6 euler_angles < value > < value > < value > Eijkl < value > ... where - ``elastic_symmetry`` - Elastic symmetry and number of elastic moduli. - ``euler_angles`` - Euler angles (degrees) sorted according with Bunge convention. - ``Eijkl`` - Elastic moduli. ---- * Orthotropic (planes of symmetry 12 and 13): *Input data file syntax*: .. code-block:: text elastic_symmetry orthotropic 10 euler_angles < value > < value > < value > Eijkl < value > ... where - ``elastic_symmetry`` - Elastic symmetry and number of elastic moduli. - ``euler_angles`` - Euler angles (degrees) sorted according with Bunge convention. - ``Eijkl`` - Elastic moduli. ---- * Monoclinic (plane of symmetry 12): *Input data file syntax*: .. code-block:: text elastic_symmetry monoclinic 14 euler_angles < value > < value > < value > Eijkl < value > ... where - ``elastic_symmetry`` - Elastic symmetry and number of elastic moduli. - ``euler_angles`` - Euler angles (degrees) sorted according with Bunge convention. - ``Eijkl`` - Elastic moduli. ---- * Triclinic: *Input data file syntax*: .. code-block:: text elastic_symmetry triclinic 22 euler_angles < value > < value > < value > Eijkl < value > ... where - ``elastic_symmetry`` - Elastic symmetry and number of elastic moduli. - ``euler_angles`` - Euler angles (degrees) sorted according with Bunge convention. - ``Eijkl`` - Elastic moduli. ---- Returns ------- elastic_symmetries : dict Elastic moduli (item, tuple[str]) required for each available elastic symmetry (key, str). """ # Set available elastic symmetries and required elastic moduli elastic_symmetries = { 'isotropic': ('E1111', 'E1122'), 'transverse_isotropic': ('E1111', 'E3333', 'E1122', 'E1133', 'E2323'), 'orthotropic': ('E1111', 'E2222', 'E3333', 'E1122', 'E1133', 'E2233', 'E1212', 'E2323', 'E1313'), 'monoclinic': ('E1111', 'E2222', 'E3333', 'E1122', 'E1133', 'E2233', 'E1112', 'E2212', 'E3312', 'E1212', 'E2323', 'E1313', 'E2313'), 'triclinic': ('E1111', 'E1122', 'E1133', 'E1112', 'E1123', 'E1113', 'E2222', 'E2233', 'E2212', 'E2223', 'E2213', 'E3333', 'E3312', 'E3323', 'E3313', 'E1212', 'E1223', 'E1213', 'E2323', 'E2313', 'E1313') } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return elastic_symmetries
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[docs] @staticmethod def elastic_tangent_modulus(elastic_properties, elastic_symmetry='isotropic'): """Compute 3D elasticity tensor under general anisotropic elasticity. Parameters ---------- elastic_properties : dict Elastic material properties (key, str) values (item, float). Expecting independent elastic moduli ('Eijkl') according to elastic symmetries. Young modulus ('E') and Poisson's ratio ('v') may alternatively provided under elastic isotropy. elastic_symmetry : {'isotropic', 'transverse_isotropic', \ 'orthotropic', 'monoclinic', 'triclinic'}, \ default='isotropic' Elastic symmetries: * 'triclinic': assumes no elastic symmetries. * 'monoclinic': assumes plane of symmetry 12. * 'orthotropic': assumes planes of symmetry 12 and 13. * 'transverse_isotropic': assumes axis of symmetry 3 * 'isotropic': assumes complete symmetry. Returns ------- elastic_tangent_mf : numpy.ndarray (2d) 3D elasticity tensor in matricial form. """ # Get available elastic symmetries and required elastic moduli elastic_symmetries = Elastic.get_available_elastic_symmetries() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check elastic symmetry and required elastic moduli if elastic_symmetry not in elastic_symmetries.keys(): raise RuntimeError('Unavailable elastic symmetry.') else: # Get required elastic moduli required_moduli = elastic_symmetries[elastic_symmetry] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Conversion from technical constants to elastic moduli if elastic_symmetry == 'isotropic' and \ {'E', 'v'}.issubset(set(elastic_properties.keys())): # Get Young modulus and Poisson coefficient E = elastic_properties['E'] v = elastic_properties['v'] # Compute elastic moduli elastic_properties['E1111'] = \ (E*(1.0 - v))/((1.0 + v)*(1.0 - 2.0*v)) elastic_properties['E1122'] = (E*v)/((1.0 + v)*(1.0 - 2.0*v)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize independent elastic moduli ind_moduli = {str(modulus): 0.0 for modulus in elastic_symmetries['triclinic']} # Loop over required elastic moduli for modulus in required_moduli: # Set symmetric modulus sym_modulus = modulus[3:5] + modulus[1:3] # Check if requires elastic modulus has been provided if modulus in elastic_properties.keys(): ind_moduli[modulus] = elastic_properties[modulus] elif sym_modulus in elastic_properties.keys(): ind_moduli[modulus] = elastic_properties[sym_modulus] else: raise RuntimeError('Missing elastic moduli for ' + elastic_symmetry + ' material.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set all (non-symmetric) elastic moduli according to elastic symmetry all_moduli = {str(modulus): 0.0 for modulus in ind_moduli.keys()} if elastic_symmetry == 'isotropic': all_moduli['E1111'] = ind_moduli['E1111'] all_moduli['E2222'] = all_moduli['E1111'] all_moduli['E3333'] = all_moduli['E1111'] all_moduli['E1122'] = ind_moduli['E1122'] all_moduli['E1133'] = all_moduli['E1122'] all_moduli['E2233'] = all_moduli['E1122'] all_moduli['E1212'] = 0.5*(all_moduli['E1111'] - all_moduli['E1122']) all_moduli['E2323'] = all_moduli['E1212'] all_moduli['E1313'] = all_moduli['E1212'] elif elastic_symmetry == 'transverse_isotropic': all_moduli['E1111'] = ind_moduli['E1111'] all_moduli['E2222'] = all_moduli['E1111'] all_moduli['E3333'] = ind_moduli['E3333'] all_moduli['E1122'] = ind_moduli['E1122'] all_moduli['E1133'] = ind_moduli['E1133'] all_moduli['E2233'] = all_moduli['E1133'] all_moduli['E1212'] = 0.5*(all_moduli['E1111'] - all_moduli['E1122']) all_moduli['E2323'] = ind_moduli['E2323'] all_moduli['E1313'] = all_moduli['E2323'] elif elastic_symmetry == 'orthotropic': all_moduli['E1111'] = ind_moduli['E1111'] all_moduli['E2222'] = ind_moduli['E2222'] all_moduli['E3333'] = ind_moduli['E3333'] all_moduli['E1122'] = ind_moduli['E1122'] all_moduli['E1133'] = ind_moduli['E1133'] all_moduli['E2233'] = ind_moduli['E2233'] all_moduli['E1212'] = ind_moduli['E1212'] all_moduli['E2323'] = ind_moduli['E2323'] all_moduli['E1313'] = ind_moduli['E1313'] elif elastic_symmetry == 'monoclinic': all_moduli['E1111'] = ind_moduli['E1111'] all_moduli['E2222'] = ind_moduli['E2222'] all_moduli['E3333'] = ind_moduli['E3333'] all_moduli['E1122'] = ind_moduli['E1122'] all_moduli['E1133'] = ind_moduli['E1133'] all_moduli['E2233'] = ind_moduli['E2233'] all_moduli['E1212'] = ind_moduli['E1212'] all_moduli['E2323'] = ind_moduli['E2323'] all_moduli['E1313'] = ind_moduli['E1313'] all_moduli['E1112'] = ind_moduli['E1112'] all_moduli['E2212'] = ind_moduli['E2212'] all_moduli['E3312'] = ind_moduli['E3312'] all_moduli['E2313'] = ind_moduli['E2313'] elif elastic_symmetry == 'triclinic': all_moduli = ind_moduli # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get 3D problem parameters _, comp_order_sym, _ = mop.get_problem_type_parameters(problem_type=4) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize elasticity tensor elastic_tangent_mf = np.zeros(2*(len(comp_order_sym),)) # Build elasticity tensor according with elastic symmetry for modulus in all_moduli.keys(): # Get elastic modulus second-order indexes and associated kelvin # factors idx_1 = comp_order_sym.index(modulus[1:3]) kf_1 = mop.kelvin_factor(idx_1, comp_order_sym) idx_2 = comp_order_sym.index(modulus[3:5]) kf_2 = mop.kelvin_factor(idx_2, comp_order_sym) # Assemble elastic modulus in elasticity tensor matricial form elastic_tangent_mf[idx_1, idx_2] = kf_1*kf_2*all_moduli[modulus] # Set symmetric component of elasticity tensor if idx_1 != idx_2: elastic_tangent_mf[idx_2, idx_1] = elastic_tangent_mf[idx_1, idx_2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return elastic_tangent_mf
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[docs] def get_technical_from_elastic_moduli(elastic_symmetry, elastic_properties): """Get technical constants of elasticity from elastic moduli. Parameters ---------- elastic_symmetry : {'isotropic', 'transverse_isotropic', \ 'orthotropic', 'monoclinic', 'triclinic'}, \ default='isotropic' Elastic symmetries: * 'triclinic': assumes no elastic symmetries. * 'monoclinic': assumes plane of symmetry 12. * 'orthotropic': assumes planes of symmetry 12 and 13. * 'transverse_isotropic': assumes axis of symmetry 3 * 'isotropic': assumes complete symmetry. elastic_properties : dict Elastic material properties (key, str) values (item, float). Expecting independent elastic moduli ('Eijkl') according to elastic symmetries. Returns ------- technical_constants : dict Technical constants of elasticity according with elastic symmetries. """ # Get available elastic symmetries and required elastic moduli elastic_symmetries = Elastic.get_available_elastic_symmetries() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check elastic symmetry and required elastic moduli if elastic_symmetry not in elastic_symmetries.keys(): raise RuntimeError('Unavailable elastic symmetry.') else: # Get required elastic moduli required_moduli = elastic_symmetries[elastic_symmetry] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize independent elastic moduli ind_moduli = {str(modulus): 0.0 for modulus in elastic_symmetries['triclinic']} # Check elastic moduli if not (elastic_symmetry == 'isotropic' and {'E', 'v'}.issubset(set(elastic_properties.keys()))): # Loop over required elastic moduli for modulus in required_moduli: # Set symmetric modulus sym_modulus = modulus[3:5] + modulus[1:3] # Check if requires elastic modulus has been provided if modulus in elastic_properties.keys(): ind_moduli[modulus] = elastic_properties[modulus] elif sym_modulus in elastic_properties.keys(): ind_moduli[modulus] = elastic_properties[sym_modulus] else: raise RuntimeError('Missing elastic moduli for ' + elastic_symmetry + ' material.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize technical constants of elasticity technical_constants = {} # Compute technical constants of elasticity according with elastic # symmetries if elastic_symmetry == 'isotropic': if {'E', 'v'}.issubset(set(elastic_properties.keys())): # Assemble technical constants of elasticity technical_constants['E'] = elastic_properties['E'] technical_constants['v'] = elastic_properties['v'] else: # Get required elastic moduli E1111 = ind_moduli['E1111'] E1122 = ind_moduli['E1122'] # Compute Young's modulus E = (1.0/(E1111 + E1122))*(E1111**2 + E1111*E1122 - 2.0*E1122**2) # Compute Poisson's coefficient v = E1122/(E1111 + E1122) # Assemble technical constants of elasticity technical_constants['E'] = E technical_constants['v'] = v else: raise RuntimeError('Technical constants are not implemented for ' + elastic_symmetry + ' material.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return technical_constants