Source code for online.crom.asca

"""Adaptive Self-consistent Clustering Analysis (ASCA).

This module includes the implementation of the Adaptive Self-consistent
Clustering Analysis (ASCA), a clustering-based reduced-order model proposed by
Ferreira et. al (2022) [#]_. Under infinitesimal strains, the Self-consistent
Clustering Analysis (SCA) proposed by Liu et. al (2016) [#]_ is recovered in
the absence of clustering adaptivity.

.. [#] Ferreira, B.P., Andrade Pires, F.M. and Bessa, M.A. (2022).
       *Adaptivity for clustering-based reduced-order modeling of
       localized history-dependent phenomena.* Comp Methods Appl M, 393
       (see `here <

.. [#] Liu, Z., Bessa, M., and Liu, W.K. (2016).
       *Self-consistent clustering analysis: An efficient multi-scale scheme
       for inelastic heterogeneous materials.* Comp Methods Appl M, 396:319-341
       (see `here <

The finite strain extension compatible with multiplicative kinematics of both
SCA and ASCA methods is also available as proposed by Ferreira (2022) [#]_
(see Sections 4.7-4.9). However, the development of an accurate self-consistent
scheme compatible with such as a formulation is still under investigation (see
Section 4.9).

.. [#] Ferreira, B.P. (2022). *Towards Data-driven Multi-scale
       Optimization of Thermoplastic Blends: Microstructural
       Generation, Constitutive Development and Clustering-based
       Reduced-Order Modeling.* PhD Thesis, University of Porto
       (see `here <

Besides the main class that implements the aforementioned methods, this
module also includes a class associated with the reference (fictitious)
homogeneous material, which arises in the formulation of the SCA and ASCA,
and an interface to implement any self-consistent scheme, required to determine
the properties of such a reference material.

    Adaptive Self-Consistent Clustering Analysis (ASCA).
    Elastic reference material properties optimizer interface.
    Infinitesimal strains format regression-based self-consistent scheme.
#                                                                       Modules
# =============================================================================
# Standard
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import time
import copy
# Third-party
import numpy as np
import numpy.matlib
import scipy.linalg
# Local
import as info
import tensor.matrixoperations as mop
import tensor.tensoroperations as top
from clustering.citoperations import assemble_cit
from online.loading.macloadincrem import LoadingPath, IncrementRewinder, \
from clustering.adaptivity.crve_adaptivity import AdaptivityManager, \
from ioput.incoutputfiles.homresoutput import HomResOutput
from ioput.incoutputfiles.efftanoutput import EffTanOutput
from ioput.incoutputfiles.refmatoutput import RefMatOutput
from ioput.miscoutputfiles.vtkoutput import VTKOutput
from ioput.miscoutputfiles.voxelsoutput import VoxelsOutput
#                                                          Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira ('
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
[docs]class ASCA: """Adaptive Self-Consistent Clustering Analysis (ASCA). The detailed formulation of this method can be found in Ferreira et. al (2022) [#]_ and also in Ferreira (2022) [#]_. .. [#] Ferreira, B.P., Andrade Pires, F.M. and Bessa, M.A. (2022). *Adaptivity for clustering-based reduced-order modeling of localized history-dependent phenomena.* Comp Methods Appl M, 393 (see `here < S0045782522000895?via%3Dihub>`_) .. [#] Ferreira, B.P. (2022). *Towards Data-driven Multi-scale Optimization of Thermoplastic Blends: Microstructural Generation, Constitutive Development and Clustering-based Reduced-Order Modeling.* PhD Thesis, University of Porto (see `here < 146900?locale=en>`_) Attributes ---------- _n_dim : int Problem number of spatial dimensions. _comp_order_sym : list[str] Strain/Stress components symmetric order. _comp_order_nsym : list[str] Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order. _global_strain_old_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Last converged global vector of clusters strains stored in matricial form. _farfield_strain_old_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d), default=None Last converged far-field strain tensor (matricial form). _total_time : float Total time (s) associated with online-stage. _effective_time : float Total time (s) associated with the solution of the equilibrium problem. _post_process_time : float Total time (s) associated with post-processing operations. Methods ------- get_time_profile(self) Get time profile of online-stage. solve_equilibrium_problem(self, crve, material_state, mac_load, \ mac_load_presctype, mac_load_increm, \ output_dir, problem_name='problem', \ clust_adapt_freq=None, \ is_solution_rewinding=False, \ rewind_state_criterion=None, \ rewinding_criterion=None, max_n_rewinds=1, \ is_clust_adapt_output=False, \ is_ref_material_output=False, \ is_vtk_output=False, \ vtk_data=None, is_voxels_output=False) Solve clustering-based reduced-order equilibrium problem. _init_global_strain_mf(self, crve, material_state, mode='last_converged') Set clusters strains initial iterative guess. _init_global_inc_strain_mf(self, n_total_clusters, mode='last_converged') Set clusters incremental strains initial iterative guess. _init_farfield_strain_mf(self, mode='last_converged') Set far-field strain initial iterative guess. _init_inc_farfield_strain_mf(self, mode='last_converged') Set incremental far-field strain initial iterative guess. _build_residual(self, crve, material_state, presc_strain_idxs, \ presc_stress_idxs, applied_mac_load_mf, ref_material, \ global_cit_mf, global_strain_mf, farfield_strain_mf=None, \ applied_mix_strain_mf=None, applied_mix_stress_mf=None) Build Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium residuals. _build_jacobian(self, crve, material_state, presc_strain_idxs, \ presc_stress_idxs, global_cit_diff_tangent_mf) Build Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium Jacobian matrix. _build_global_cit_diff_tangent_mf(self, crve, global_cit_mf, \ material_state, ref_material) Build global cluster interaction - tangent modulus matrix. _check_convergence(self, crve, material_state, presc_strain_idxs, \ presc_stress_idxs, applied_mac_load_mf, residual, \ applied_mix_strain_mf=None) Check Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium convergence. _crve_effective_tangent_modulus(self, crve, material_state, \ global_cit_diff_tangent_mf, \ global_strain_mf=None, \ farfield_strain_mf=None) CRVE tangent modulus and clusters strain concentration tensors. _validate_csct(self, material_phases, phase_clusters, global_csct_mf, \ global_strain_mf, farfield_strain_mf) Validate clusters strain concentration tensors computation. _init_clusters_sct(self, material_phases, phase_clusters) Initialize cluster strain concentration tensors. _build_clusters_residuals(self, material_phases, phase_clusters, residual) Build clusters equilibrium residuals dictionary. _display_inc_data(mac_load_path) Display loading increment data. _display_scs_iter_data(ref_material, is_lock_prop_ref, mode='init', \ scs_iter_time=None) Display reference material self-consistent scheme iteration data. _display_nr_iter_data(mode='init', nr_iter=None, nr_iter_time=None, \ errors=[]) Display Newton-Raphson iteration data. _set_output_files(self, output_dir, crve, problem_name='problem', \ is_clust_adapt_output=False, \ is_ref_material_output=None, \ is_vtk_output=False, vtk_data=None, \ is_voxels_output=None) Create and initialize output files. """
[docs] def __init__(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, self_consistent_scheme='regression', scs_parameters=None, scs_max_n_iterations=20, scs_conv_tol=1e-4, max_n_iterations=12, conv_tol=1e-6, max_subinc_level=5, max_cinc_cuts=5, is_adapt_repeat_inc=True): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). self_consistent_scheme : {'regression',}, default='regression' Self-consistent scheme to update the elastic reference material properties. scs_parameters : {dict, None}, default=None Self-consistent scheme parameters (key, str; item, {int, float, bool}). scs_max_n_iterations : int, default=20 Self-consistent scheme maximum number of iterations. scs_conv_tol : float, default=1e-4 Self-consistent scheme convergence tolerance. max_n_iterations : int, default=12 Newton-Raphson maximum number of iterations. conv_tol : float, default=1e-6 Newton-Raphson convergence tolerance. max_subinc_level : int, default=5 Maximum level of loading subincrementation. max_cinc_cuts : int, default=5 Maximum number of consecutive increment cuts. is_adapt_repeat_inc : bool, default=False True if loading increment is to be repeated after a clustering adaptivity step, False otherwise. """ self._strain_formulation = strain_formulation self._problem_type = problem_type self._self_consistent_scheme = self_consistent_scheme self._scs_parameters = scs_parameters self._scs_max_n_iterations = scs_max_n_iterations self._scs_conv_tol = scs_conv_tol self._max_n_iterations = max_n_iterations self._conv_tol = conv_tol self._max_subinc_level = max_subinc_level self._max_cinc_cuts = max_cinc_cuts # Get problem type parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(problem_type) self._n_dim = n_dim self._comp_order_sym = comp_order_sym self._comp_order_nsym = comp_order_nsym # Initialize last converged algorithmic variables self._global_strain_old_mf = None self._farfield_strain_old_mf = None # Initialize times self._total_time = 0.0 self._effective_time = 0.0 self._post_process_time = 0.0
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_time_profile(self): """Get time profile of online-stage. Returns ------- total_time : float Total time (s) associated with online-stage. effective_time : float Total time (s) associated with the solution of the equilibrium problem. post_process_time : float Total time (s) associated with post-processing operations. """ return self._total_time, self._effective_time, self._post_process_time
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def solve_equilibrium_problem(self, crve, material_state, mac_load, mac_load_presctype, mac_load_increm, output_dir, problem_name='problem', clust_adapt_freq=None, is_solution_rewinding=False, rewind_state_criterion=None, rewinding_criterion=None, max_n_rewinds=1, is_clust_adapt_output=False, is_ref_material_output=False, is_vtk_output=False, vtk_data=None, is_voxels_output=False): """Solve clustering-based reduced-order equilibrium problem. The overall solution procedure of the Self-consistent Clustering Analysis (SCA) under infinitesimal strains is summarized in Boxes C.2 (Newton-Raphson iterative scheme) and C.3 (self-consistent iterative scheme) of Ferreira (2022) [#]_. The finite strain extension compatible with multiplicative kinematics can be found in Box 4.2 (Newton-Raphson iterative scheme) and the enrichement with clustering adaptivity (Adaptive Self-consistent Clustering Analysis (ASCA)) is described in Section 4.4. .. [#] Ferreira, B.P. (2022). *Towards Data-driven Multi-scale Optimization of Thermoplastic Blends: Microstructural Generation, Constitutive Development and Clustering-based Reduced-Order Modeling.* PhD Thesis, University of Porto (see `here < 146900?locale=en>`_) ---- Parameters ---------- crve : CRVE Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element. material_state : MaterialState CRVE material constitutive state. mac_load : dict For each loading nature type (key, {'strain', 'stress'}), stores the loading constraints for each loading subpath in a numpy.ndarray (2d), where the i-th row is associated with the i-th strain/stress component and the j-th column is associated with the j-th loading subpath. mac_load_presctype : numpy.ndarray (2d) Loading nature type ({'strain', 'stress'}) associated with each loading constraint (numpy.ndarray of shape (n_comps, n_load_subpaths)), where the i-th row is associated with the i-th strain/stress component and the j-th column is associated with the j-th loading subpath. mac_load_increm : dict For each loading subpath id (key, str), stores a numpy.ndarray of shape (n_load_increments, 2) where each row is associated with a prescribed loading increment, and the columns 0 and 1 contain the corresponding incremental load factor and incremental time, respectively. output_dir : str Absolute directory path of output files. problem_name : str, default='problem' Problem name. clust_adapt_freq : dict, default=None Clustering adaptivity frequency (relative to loading incrementation) (item, int) associated with each adaptive cluster-reduced material phase (key, str). is_solution_rewinding : bool, default=False Problem solution rewinding flag. rewind_state_criterion : tuple, default=None Rewind state storage criterion [0] and associated parameter [1]. rewinding_criterion : tuple, default=None Rewinding criterion [0] and associated parameter [1]. max_n_rewinds : int, default=1 Maximum number of rewind operations. is_clust_adapt_output : bool, default=False Clustering adaptivity output flag. is_ref_material_output : bool, default=False Reference material output flag. is_vtk_output : bool, default=False VTK output flag. vtk_data : dict, default=None VTK output file parameters. is_voxels_output : bool Voxels output file flag. """ # # Initializations # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set online-stage initial time init_time = time.time() # Initialize online-stage post-processing time self._post_process_time = 0.0 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set default strain/stress components order according to problem # strain formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize loading increment cut flag is_inc_cut = False # Initialize improved cluster incremental strains initial iterative # guess flag is_improved_init_guess = False # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize global vector of clusters strain tensors and far-field # strain tensor if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Set clusters infinitesimal strain tensors global_strain_mf = np.zeros( (crve.get_n_total_clusters()*len(self._comp_order_sym))) # Set far-field strain tensor farfield_strain_mf = np.zeros(len(self._comp_order_sym)) else: # Set initialized deformation gradient (matricial form) def_gradient_mf = np.array([1.0 if x[0] == x[1] else 0.0 for x in self._comp_order_nsym]) # Build clusters deformation gradients global_strain_mf = np.tile(def_gradient_mf, crve.get_n_total_clusters()) # Set far-field strain tensor farfield_strain_mf = copy.deepcopy(def_gradient_mf) # Initialize last converged algorithmic variables self._global_strain_old_mf = copy.deepcopy(global_strain_mf) self._farfield_strain_old_mf = copy.deepcopy(farfield_strain_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize clustering adaptivity flag is_crve_adaptivity = False adaptivity_manager = None if len(crve.get_adapt_material_phases()) > 0: # Switch on clustering adaptivity flag is_crve_adaptivity = True # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set flag that controls if the macroscale loading increment where # the clustering adaptivity is triggered is to be repeated # considering the new clustering is_adapt_repeat_inc = True # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set clustering adaptivity frequency default if clust_adapt_freq is None: clust_adapt_freq = {mat_phase: 1 for mat_phase in crve.get_adapt_material_phases()} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize clustering adaptivity manager adaptivity_manager = AdaptivityManager( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, crve.get_adapt_material_phases(), crve.get_phase_clusters(), crve.get_adaptivity_control_feature(), crve.get_adapt_criterion_data(), clust_adapt_freq) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize increment rewinder manager if is_solution_rewinding: # Initialize increment rewinder manager rewind_manager = RewindManager( rewind_state_criterion=rewind_state_criterion, rewinding_criterion=rewinding_criterion, max_n_rewinds=max_n_rewinds) # Initialize increment rewinder flag is_inc_rewinder = False # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize clusters state variables material_state.init_clusters_state() # Initialize clusters strain concentration tensors clusters_sct_mf = self._init_clusters_sct( material_state.get_material_phases(), crve.get_phase_clusters()) clusters_sct_old_mf = copy.deepcopy(clusters_sct_mf) # # Output files # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set post-processing procedure initial time procedure_init_time = time.time() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Create and initialize output files hres_output, efftan_output, ref_mat_output, voxels_output, \ adapt_output, vtk_output = self._set_output_files( output_dir, crve, problem_name=problem_name, is_clust_adapt_output=is_clust_adapt_output, is_ref_material_output=is_ref_material_output, is_vtk_output=is_vtk_output, vtk_data=vtk_data, is_voxels_output=is_voxels_output) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if is_vtk_output: # Write VTK file associated with the initial state info.displayinfo('18') vtk_output.write_vtk_file_time_step( 0, self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, crve, material_state, vtk_vars=vtk_data['vtk_vars'], adaptivity_manager=adaptivity_manager) # Get VTK output increment divider vtk_inc_div = vtk_data['vtk_inc_div'] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Increment post-processing time self._post_process_time += time.time() - procedure_init_time # # Elastic reference material # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Instantiate elastic reference material ref_material = ElasticReferenceMaterial(self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, self._self_consistent_scheme, self._scs_conv_tol) # Initialize initial value of elastic reference material properties scs_init_properties = None # Get initial value of elastic reference material properties if (self._scs_parameters is not None) \ and {'E_init', 'v_init'}.issubset(self._scs_parameters.keys()): # Get properties specifications spec_1 = self._scs_parameters['E_init'] spec_2 = self._scs_parameters['v_init'] # Get properties if (spec_1 == 'init_eff_tangent' and spec_2 == 'init_eff_tangent'): scs_init_properties = \ crve.get_eff_isotropic_elastic_constants() else: scs_init_properties = {} scs_init_properties['E'] = self._scs_parameters['E_init'] scs_init_properties['v'] = self._scs_parameters['v_init'] # Set initial value of elastic reference material properties ref_material.init_material_properties( material_state.get_material_phases(), material_state.get_material_phases_properties(), material_state.get_material_phases_vf(), properties=scs_init_properties) # Initialize reference material elastic properties locking flag if self._self_consistent_scheme == 'none': is_lock_prop_ref = True else: is_lock_prop_ref = False # # Loading path # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Instantiate macroscale loading path mac_load_path = LoadingPath( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, mac_load, mac_load_presctype, mac_load_increm, max_subinc_level=self._max_subinc_level, max_cinc_cuts=self._max_cinc_cuts) # Set initial homogenized state mac_load_path.update_hom_state(material_state.get_hom_strain_mf(), material_state.get_hom_stress_mf()) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get increment counter inc = mac_load_path.get_increm_state()['inc'] # Save macroscale loading increment (converged) state if is_solution_rewinding and rewind_manager.is_rewind_available() \ and rewind_manager.is_save_rewind_state(inc): # Set reference rewind time rewind_manager.update_rewind_time(mode='init') # Instantiate increment rewinder inc_rewinder = IncrementRewinder( rewind_inc=inc, phase_clusters=crve.get_phase_clusters()) # Save loading path state inc_rewinder.save_loading_path(loading_path=mac_load_path) # Save material constitutive state inc_rewinder.save_material_state(material_state) # Save elastic reference material inc_rewinder.save_reference_material(ref_material) # Save clusters strain concentration tensors inc_rewinder.save_clusters_sct(clusters_sct_mf) # Save algorithmic variables inc_rewinder.save_asca_algorithmic_variables(global_strain_mf, farfield_strain_mf) # Set increment rewinder flag is_inc_rewinder = True # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Setup first macroscale loading increment applied_mac_load_mf, inc_mac_load_mf, n_presc_strain, \ presc_strain_idxs, n_presc_stress, presc_stress_idxs, \ is_last_inc = mac_load_path.new_load_increment() # Get increment counter inc = mac_load_path.get_increm_state()['inc'] # Display increment data type(self)._display_inc_data(mac_load_path) # Set increment initial time inc_init_time = time.time() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Start incremental loading loop while True: # # Clusters strain initial iterative guess # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set clusters strain initial iterative guess global_strain_mf = \ self._init_global_strain_mf(crve, material_state) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set far-field strain initial iterative guess farfield_strain_mf = self._init_farfield_strain_mf() # # Self-consistent scheme iterative loop # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize self-consistent scheme iteration counter ref_material.init_scs_iter() # Display reference material self-consistent scheme iteration data type(self)._display_scs_iter_data(ref_material, is_lock_prop_ref, mode='init') # Set self-consistent scheme iteration initial time scs_iter_init_time = time.time() # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Start self-consistent scheme iterative loop while True: # # Global cluster interaction matrix assembly # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update cluster interaction tensors with elastic reference # material properties and assemble global cluster interaction # matrix global_cit_mf = assemble_cit( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, ref_material.get_material_properties(), material_state.get_material_phases(), crve.get_phase_n_clusters(), crve.get_phase_clusters(), crve.get_cit_x_mf()[0], crve.get_cit_x_mf()[1], crve.get_cit_x_mf()[2]) # # Newton-Raphson iterative loop # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize Newton-Raphson iteration counter nr_iter = 0 # Display Newton-Raphson iteration header type(self)._display_nr_iter_data(mode='init') # Set Newton-Raphson iteration initial time nr_iter_init_time = time.time() # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Start Newton-Raphson iterative loop while True: # # Cluster material state update and # consistent tangent modulus # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get clusters incremental strain in matricial form clusters_inc_strain_mf = \ material_state.get_clusters_inc_strain_mf( global_strain_mf) # Perform clusters material state update and compute # associated consistent tangent modulus su_fail_state = material_state.update_clusters_state( clusters_inc_strain_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Raise increment cut procedure if material cluster state # update failed if su_fail_state['is_su_fail']: # Set increment cut flag is_inc_cut = True # Display increment cut info.displayinfo('11', 'su_fail', su_fail_state) # Leave Newton-Raphson equilibrium iterative loop break # # Homogenized strain and stress tensors # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update homogenized strain and stress tensors material_state.update_state_homogenization() # # Global cluster interaction - tangent moduli matrix # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute global cluster interaction - tangent moduli # matrix global_cit_diff_tangent_mf = \ self._build_global_cit_diff_tangent_mf( crve, global_cit_mf, material_state, ref_material) # # Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium residuals # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Build Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium residuals residual = self._build_residual( crve, material_state, presc_strain_idxs, presc_stress_idxs, applied_mac_load_mf, ref_material, global_cit_mf, global_strain_mf, inc_mac_load_mf=inc_mac_load_mf, farfield_strain_mf=farfield_strain_mf, farfield_strain_old_mf=self._farfield_strain_old_mf) # # Convergence evaluation # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Evaluate Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium solution # convergence is_converged, conv_errors = self._check_convergence( crve, material_state, presc_strain_idxs, presc_stress_idxs, applied_mac_load_mf, residual) # Display Newton-Raphson iteration header type(self)._display_nr_iter_data( mode='iter', nr_iter=nr_iter, nr_iter_time=time.time()-nr_iter_init_time, errors=conv_errors) # # Newton-Raphson iterative flow # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Control Newton-Raphson iteration loop flow if is_converged: # Leave Newton-Raphson iterative loop (converged # solution) break elif nr_iter == self._max_n_iterations: # Raise macroscale increment cut procedure is_inc_cut = True # Display increment cut info.displayinfo('11', 'max_iter', self._max_n_iterations) # Leave Newton-Raphson equilibrium iterative loop break else: # Increment iteration counter nr_iter = nr_iter + 1 # Set Newton-Raphson iteration initial time nr_iter_init_time = time.time() # # Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium Jacobian matrix # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Build Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium Jacobian matrix jacobian = self._build_jacobian(crve, material_state, presc_strain_idxs, presc_stress_idxs, global_cit_diff_tangent_mf) # # Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium solution # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Solve Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium system of linearized # equilibrium equations d_iter = numpy.linalg.solve(jacobian, -residual) # # Strains iterative update # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update clusters incremental strain global_strain_mf = global_strain_mf + \ d_iter[0:crve.get_n_total_clusters()*len(comp_order)] # Update far-field strain farfield_strain_mf = farfield_strain_mf + d_iter[ crve.get_n_total_clusters()*len(comp_order):] # # Self-consistent scheme # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # If raising a loading increment cut, leave self-consistent # iterative loop if is_inc_cut: break # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute CRVE effective tangent modulus and clusters strain # concentration tensors eff_tangent_mf, clusters_sct_mf = \ self._crve_effective_tangent_modulus( crve, material_state, global_cit_diff_tangent_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set post-processing procedure initial time procedure_init_time = time.time() # Output reference material associated quantities (.refm file) if is_ref_material_output: ref_mat_output.write_file( inc, ref_material, material_state.get_hom_strain_mf(), material_state.get_hom_stress_mf(), farfield_strain_mf, applied_mac_load_mf['strain'], eff_tangent_mf=eff_tangent_mf) # Increment post-processing time self._post_process_time += \ time.time() - procedure_init_time # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Solve self-consistent minimization problem if is_lock_prop_ref: # Skip update of reference material elastic properties E_ref = ref_material.get_material_properties()['E'] v_ref = ref_material.get_material_properties()['v'] else: # Compute reference material elastic properties through the # solution of a self-consistent minimization problem is_scs_admissible, E_ref, v_ref = \ ref_material.self_consistent_update( material_state.get_hom_strain_mf(), material_state.get_hom_strain_old_mf(), material_state.get_hom_stress_mf(), material_state.get_hom_stress_old_mf(), eff_tangent_mf) # If self-consistent scheme iterative solution is not # admissible, either accept the current solution (first # self-consistent scheme iteration) or perform one last # self-consistent scheme iteration with the last converged # increment reference material elastic properties if not is_scs_admissible: # Display reference material self-consistent scheme # iteration footer type(self)._display_scs_iter_data( ref_material, is_lock_prop_ref, mode='end', scs_iter_time=time.time() - scs_iter_init_time) # Elastic reference material properties locking if ref_material.get_scs_iter() == 0: # Display locking of reference material elastic # properties info.displayinfo('14', 'locked_scs_solution') # Leave self-consistent scheme iterative loop # (accepted solution) break else: # Display locking of reference material elastic # properties info.displayinfo('14', 'inadmissible_scs_solution') # If inadmissible self-consistent scheme solution, # reset reference material elastic properties to # the last converged increment values ref_material.reset_material_properties() # Lock reference material elastic properties is_lock_prop_ref = True # Perform one last self-consistent scheme iteration # with the last converged increment reference # material elastic properties type(self)._display_scs_iter_data( ref_material, is_lock_prop_ref, mode='init') # Proceed to last self-consistent scheme iteration continue # # Convergence evaluation # (self-consistent scheme) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check self-consistent scheme iterative solution convergence is_scs_converged = \ ref_material.check_scs_convergence(E_ref, v_ref) # Display reference material self-consistent scheme iteration # footer type(self)._display_scs_iter_data( ref_material, is_lock_prop_ref, mode='end', scs_iter_time=time.time()-scs_iter_init_time) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Self-consistent scheme iterative flow if is_scs_converged: # Reset flag that locks reference material elastic # properties if self._self_consistent_scheme != 'none': is_lock_prop_ref = False # Leave self-consistent scheme iterative loop (converged # solution) break elif ref_material.get_scs_iter() == self._scs_max_n_iterations: # Display locking of reference material elastic properties info.displayinfo('14', 'max_scs_iter', self._scs_max_n_iterations) # If the maximum number of self-consistent scheme # iterations is reached without convergence, reset elastic # reference material properties to last loading increment # values ref_material.reset_material_properties() # Lock reference material elastic properties is_lock_prop_ref = True # Perform one last self-consistent scheme iteration with # the last converged increment reference material elastic # properties type(self)._display_scs_iter_data( ref_material, is_lock_prop_ref, mode='init') else: # Update reference material elastic properties ref_material.update_material_properties(E_ref, v_ref) # Increment self-consistent scheme iteration counter ref_material.update_scs_iter() # Display reference material self-consistent scheme # iteration data type(self)._display_scs_iter_data( ref_material, is_lock_prop_ref, mode='init') # Set self-consistent scheme iteration initial time scs_iter_init_time = time.time() # # Loading increment cut # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if is_inc_cut: # Reset loading increment cut flag is_inc_cut = False # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Reset elastic reference material properties to last loading # increment values ref_material.reset_material_properties() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Perform loading increment cut and setup new loading increment applied_mac_load_mf, inc_mac_load_mf, n_presc_strain, \ presc_strain_idxs, n_presc_stress, presc_stress_idxs, \ is_last_inc = mac_load_path.increment_cut(self._n_dim, comp_order) # Get increment counter inc = mac_load_path.get_increm_state()['inc'] # Display increment data type(self)._display_inc_data(mac_load_path) # Set increment initial time inc_init_time = time.time() # Start new loading increment solution procedures continue # # Clustering adaptivity # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # This section should only be executed if the loading increment # where the clustering adaptivity condition is triggered is to be # repeated considering the new clustering if is_crve_adaptivity and is_adapt_repeat_inc \ and adaptivity_manager.check_inc_adaptive_steps(inc): # Display increment data if is_clust_adapt_output: info.displayinfo('12', crve.get_adaptive_step() + 1) # Build clusters equilibrium residuals clusters_residuals_mf = self._build_clusters_residuals( material_state.get_material_phases(), crve.get_phase_clusters(), residual) # Get clustering adaptivity trigger condition and target # clusters is_trigger, target_clusters, target_clusters_data = \ adaptivity_manager.get_target_clusters( crve.get_phase_clusters(), crve.get_voxels_clusters(), material_state.get_clusters_state(), material_state.get_clusters_def_gradient_mf(), material_state.get_clusters_def_gradient_old_mf(), material_state.get_clusters_state_old(), clusters_sct_mf, clusters_sct_old_mf, clusters_residuals_mf, inc, verbose=is_clust_adapt_output) # Perform clustering adaptivity if adaptivity condition is # triggered if is_trigger: # Display clustering adaptivity info.displayinfo('16', 'repeat', inc) # Set improved initial iterative guess for the clusters # strain global vector (matricial form) after the # clustering adaptivity is_improved_init_guess = True improved_init_guess = \ [is_improved_init_guess, global_strain_mf] # Perform clustering adaptivity adaptivity_manager.adaptive_refinement( crve, material_state, target_clusters, target_clusters_data, inc, improved_init_guess=improved_init_guess, verbose=is_clust_adapt_output) # Get improved initial iterative guess for the clusters # strain global vector (matricial form) if is_improved_init_guess: global_strain_mf = improved_init_guess[1] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get increment counter inc = mac_load_path.get_increm_state()['inc'] # Display increment data type(self)._display_inc_data(mac_load_path) # Set increment initial time inc_init_time = time.time() # Start new loading increment solution continue # # Solution rewinding # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check rewind operations availability if is_solution_rewinding and is_inc_rewinder \ and rewind_manager.is_rewind_available(): # Check analysis rewind criteria is_rewind = rewind_manager.is_rewinding_criteria( inc, material_state.get_material_phases(), crve.get_phase_clusters(), material_state.get_clusters_state()) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Rewind analysis if criteria are met if is_rewind: info.displayinfo('17', inc_rewinder.get_rewind_inc()) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Rewind loading path mac_load_path = inc_rewinder.get_loading_path() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Rewind material constitutive state material_state = inc_rewinder.get_material_state(crve) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Rewind elastic reference material ref_material = inc_rewinder.get_reference_material() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Rewind clusters strain concentration tensors clusters_sct_old_mf = inc_rewinder.get_clusters_sct() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Rewind algorithmic variables self._global_strain_old_mf, \ self._farfield_strain_old_mf = \ inc_rewinder.get_asca_algorithmic_variables() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set post-processing procedure initial time procedure_init_time = time.time() # Rewind output files inc_rewinder.rewind_output_files( hres_output, efftan_output, ref_mat_output, voxels_output, adapt_output, vtk_output) # Increment post-processing time self._post_process_time += \ time.time() - procedure_init_time # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Reset clustering adaptive steps if is_crve_adaptivity: adaptivity_manager.clear_inc_adaptive_steps( inc_threshold=inc_rewinder.get_rewind_inc()) # Update total rewind time rewind_manager.update_rewind_time(mode='update') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Setup new loading increment applied_mac_load_mf, inc_mac_load_mf, n_presc_strain, \ presc_strain_idxs, n_presc_stress, presc_stress_idxs, \ is_last_inc = mac_load_path.new_load_increment() # Get increment counter inc = mac_load_path.get_increm_state()['inc'] # Display increment data type(self)._display_inc_data(mac_load_path) # Set increment initial time inc_init_time = time.time() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Start new loading increment solution continue # # Homogenized strain and stress tensors # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get homogenized strain and stress tensors (matricial form) hom_strain_mf = material_state.get_hom_strain_mf() hom_stress_mf = material_state.get_hom_stress_mf() # Build homogenized strain and stress tensors hom_strain = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(hom_strain_mf, self._n_dim, comp_order) hom_stress = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(hom_stress_mf, self._n_dim, comp_order) # Get homogenized strain or stress tensor out-of-plane component # (output only) if self._problem_type == 1: hom_stress_33 = material_state.get_oop_hom_comp() # # Increment homogenized results (.hres file) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize homogenized results dictionary hom_results = dict() # Build homogenized results dictionary hom_results = {'hom_strain': hom_strain, 'hom_stress': hom_stress} if self._problem_type == 1: hom_results['hom_stress_33'] = hom_stress_33 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set post-processing procedure initial time procedure_init_time = time.time() # Write increment homogenized results (.hres) hres_output.write_file( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, mac_load_path, hom_results, time.time() - init_time - self._post_process_time) # Write increment CRVE effective tangent modulus (.efftan) efftan_output.write_file( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, mac_load_path, eff_tangent_mf) # Increment post-processing time self._post_process_time += time.time() - procedure_init_time # # Increment VTK file # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Write VTK file associated with the loading increment if is_vtk_output and inc % vtk_inc_div == 0: # Set post-processing procedure initial time procedure_init_time = time.time() # Write VTK file associated with the converged increment info.displayinfo('18') vtk_output.write_vtk_file_time_step( inc, self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, crve, material_state, vtk_vars=vtk_data['vtk_vars'], adaptivity_manager=adaptivity_manager) # Increment post-processing time self._post_process_time += time.time() - procedure_init_time # # Converged material state variables # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update last converged material state variables material_state.update_converged_state() # Update last converged clusters strain concentration tensors clusters_sct_old_mf = copy.deepcopy(clusters_sct_mf) # # Converged elastic reference material elastic properties # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set reference material properties converged in the first loading # increment if inc == 1: ref_material.set_material_properties_scs_init() # Update converged elastic reference material elastic properties ref_material.update_converged_material_properties() # # Converged algorithmic variables # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update last converged global vector of clusters strain tensors self._global_strain_old_mf = copy.deepcopy(global_strain_mf) # Update last converged far-field strain tensor self._farfield_strain_old_mf = copy.deepcopy(farfield_strain_mf) # # Clustering adaptivity output (.adapt file) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update clustering adaptivity output file with converged increment # data if is_crve_adaptivity: # Set post-processing procedure initial time procedure_init_time = time.time() # Update clustering adaptivity output file adapt_output.write_adapt_file(inc, adaptivity_manager, crve, mode='increment') # Increment post-processing time self._post_process_time += time.time() - procedure_init_time # # Voxels cluster state based quantities output (.voxout file) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update clustering adaptivity output file with converged increment # data if is_voxels_output: # Set post-processing procedure initial time procedure_init_time = time.time() # Update clustering adaptivity output file voxels_output.write_voxels_output_file( self._n_dim, comp_order, crve, material_state.get_clusters_state(), material_state.get_clusters_def_gradient_mf()) # Increment post-processing time self._post_process_time += time.time() - procedure_init_time # # Incremental macroscale loading flow # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update converged macroscale (homogenized) state mac_load_path.update_hom_state(material_state.get_hom_strain_mf(), material_state.get_hom_stress_mf()) # Display converged increment data if self._problem_type == 1: info.displayinfo( '7', 'end', self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, hom_strain, hom_stress, time.time() - inc_init_time, time.time() - init_time, hom_stress_33) else: info.displayinfo( '7', 'end', self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, hom_strain, hom_stress, time.time() - inc_init_time, time.time() - init_time) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Save macroscale loading increment (converged) state if is_solution_rewinding and rewind_manager.is_rewind_available() \ and rewind_manager.is_save_rewind_state(inc): # Set reference rewind time rewind_manager.update_rewind_time(mode='init') # Instantiate increment rewinder inc_rewinder = IncrementRewinder( rewind_inc=inc, phase_clusters=crve.get_phase_clusters()) # Save loading path state inc_rewinder.save_loading_path(loading_path=mac_load_path) # Save material constitutive state inc_rewinder.save_material_state(material_state) # Save elastic reference material inc_rewinder.save_reference_material(ref_material) # Save clusters strain concentration tensors inc_rewinder.save_clusters_sct(clusters_sct_mf) # Save algorithmic variables inc_rewinder.save_asca_algorithmic_variables( global_strain_mf, farfield_strain_mf=farfield_strain_mf) # Set increment rewinder flag is_inc_rewinder = True # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return if last loading increment, otherwise setup new loading # increment if is_last_inc: # Set total time associated with online-stage self._total_time = time.time() - init_time # Set total time associated with the solution of the # equilibrium problem self._effective_time = self._total_time \ - self._post_process_time # Output clustering adaptivity summary if is_crve_adaptivity: info.displayinfo('15', adaptivity_manager, crve, self._effective_time) # Finish solution of clustering-based reduced order equilibrium # problem return else: # Setup new loading increment applied_mac_load_mf, inc_mac_load_mf, n_presc_strain, \ presc_strain_idxs, n_presc_stress, presc_stress_idxs, \ is_last_inc = mac_load_path.new_load_increment() # Get increment counter inc = mac_load_path.get_increm_state()['inc'] # Display increment data type(self)._display_inc_data(mac_load_path) # Set increment initial time inc_init_time = time.time()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _init_global_strain_mf(self, crve, material_state, mode='last_converged'): """Set clusters strains initial iterative guess. Parameters ---------- crve : CRVE Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element. material_state : MaterialState CRVE material constitutive state at rewind state. mode : {'last_converged',}, default='last_converged' Strategy to set clusters incremental strains initial iterative guess. Returns ------- global_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Global vector of clusters strains stored in matricial form. """ # Set strain/stress components order according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get material phases material_phases = material_state.get_material_phases() # Get clusters associated with each material phase phase_clusters = crve.get_phase_clusters() # Get total number of clusters n_total_clusters = crve.get_n_total_clusters() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set clusters strain initial iterative guess associated with the last # converged solution if mode == 'last_converged': # Initialize initial iterative guess global_strain_mf = np.zeros((n_total_clusters*len(comp_order))) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get last converged clusters state variables clusters_state_old = material_state.get_clusters_state_old() # Get last converged clusters deformation gradient clusters_def_gradient_old_mf = \ material_state.get_clusters_def_gradient_old_mf() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize material cluster strain range indexes i_init = 0 i_end = i_init + len(comp_order) # Loop over material phases for mat_phase in material_phases: # Loop over material phase clusters for cluster in phase_clusters[mat_phase]: # Get last converged material cluster infinitesimal strain # tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient # (finite strains) if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': strain_old_mf = \ clusters_state_old[str(cluster)]['strain_mf'] else: strain_old_mf = \ clusters_def_gradient_old_mf[str(cluster)] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Assemble to initial iterative guess global_strain_mf[i_init:i_end] = strain_old_mf # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update cluster strain range indexes i_init = i_init + len(comp_order) i_end = i_init + len(comp_order) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ else: raise RuntimeError('Unavailable strategy to set clusters strains ' 'initial iterative guess.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return global_strain_mf
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _init_global_inc_strain_mf(self, n_total_clusters, mode='last_converged'): """Set clusters incremental strains initial iterative guess. Parameters ---------- n_total_clusters : int Total number of clusters. mode : {'last_converged',}, default='last_converged' Strategy to set clusters incremental strains initial iterative guess. Returns ------- global_inc_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Global vector of clusters incremental strains stored in matricial form. """ if mode == 'last_converged': # Set incremental initial iterative guess associated with the last # converged solution if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Set clusters infinitesimal strain tensors global_inc_strain_mf = \ np.zeros((n_total_clusters*len(self._comp_order_sym))) else: # Set initialized deformation gradient (matricial form) def_gradient_mf = np.array([1.0 if x[0] == x[1] else 0.0 for x in self._comp_order_nsym]) # Build clusters deformation gradients global_inc_strain_mf = np.tile(def_gradient_mf, n_total_clusters) else: raise RuntimeError('Unavailable strategy to set clusters ' 'incremental strains initial iterative guess.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return global_inc_strain_mf
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _init_farfield_strain_mf(self, mode='last_converged'): """Set far-field strain initial iterative guess. Parameters ---------- mode : {'last_converged',}, default='last_converged' Strategy to set incremental far-field strain initial iterative guess. Returns ------- farfield_strain_mf : 1darray, default=None Incremental far-field strain tensor (matricial form). """ if mode == 'last_converged': # Set initial iterative guess associated with the last converged # solution farfield_strain_mf = copy.deepcopy(self._farfield_strain_old_mf) else: raise RuntimeError('Unavailable strategy to set far-field strain ' 'initial iterative guess.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return farfield_strain_mf
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _init_inc_farfield_strain_mf(self, mode='last_converged'): """Set incremental far-field strain initial iterative guess. Parameters ---------- mode : {'last_converged',}, default='last_converged' Strategy to set incremental far-field strain initial iterative guess. Returns ------- inc_farfield_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d), default=None Incremental far-field strain tensor (matricial form). """ if mode == 'last_converged': # Set incremental initial iterative guess associated with the last # converged solution if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Set far-field infinitesimal strain tensor inc_farfield_strain_mf = np.zeros(len(self._comp_order_sym)) else: # Set far-field deformation gradient inc_farfield_strain_mf = \ np.array([1.0 if x[0] == x[1] else 0.0 for x in self._comp_order_nsym]) else: raise RuntimeError('Unavailable strategy to set incremental ' 'far-field strain initial iterative guess.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return inc_farfield_strain_mf
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _build_residual(self, crve, material_state, presc_strain_idxs, presc_stress_idxs, applied_mac_load_mf, ref_material, global_cit_mf, global_strain_mf, inc_mac_load_mf=None, farfield_strain_mf=None, farfield_strain_old_mf=None): """Build Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium residuals. **Global residual function:** .. math:: \\boldsymbol{R}_{n+1} = \\begin{bmatrix} \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1} \\\\[5pt] \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1} \\end{bmatrix} = \\begin{bmatrix} \\boldsymbol{0} \\\\[5pt] \\boldsymbol{0} \\end{bmatrix} \\, , \\qquad \\forall I = 1,2, \\, \\dots, \\, n_{\\text{c}} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}_{n+1}` is the global residual function, :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster equilibrium residual function, :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1}` is the strain and/or stress loading constraints residual function, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. ---- **Infinitesimal strains (incremental equilibrium formulation, \ incremental primary unknowns):** *Equilibrium residuals* .. math:: \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1} = \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)} + \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{J=1} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(J)} : \\left( \\Delta \\hat{\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(J)} - \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e,\\, 0}: \\Delta\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(J)} \\right) - \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{0}\\, , .. math:: \\forall I = 1, \\, \\dots, \\, n_{\\text{c}} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster equilibrium residual function, :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster incremental infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(J)}` is the cluster interaction tensor (fourth-order tensor) between the :math:`I` th and :math:`J` th material clusters, :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(J)}` is the :math:`J` th material cluster incremental Cauchy stress tensor (:math:`\\hat{(\\cdot)}` denotes the incremental nature of the constitutive function), :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e,\\, 0}` is the elastic tangent modulus of the reference homogeneous material, :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{0}` is the incremental far-field infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. *Loading (homogenization-based) strain and/or stress constraints* .. math:: \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}} + 1)}_{n+1} = \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{I=1} f^{(I)} \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)} - \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{n+1} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1}` is the strain loading constraint residual function, :math:`f^{(I)}` is the volume fraction of the :math:`I` th material cluster, :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster incremental infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{n+1}` is the macroscale incremental Cauchy stress tensor, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. .. math:: \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}} + 1)}_{n+1} = \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{I=1} f^{(I)} \\Delta \\hat{\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)} - \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{n+1} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1}` is the stress loading constraint residual function, :math:`f^{(I)}` is the volume fraction of the :math:`I` th material cluster, :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster incremental Cauchy stress tensor (:math:`\\hat{(\\cdot)}` denotes the incremental nature of the constitutive function), :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{n+1}` is the macroscale incremental Cauchy stress tensor, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. ---- **Infinitesimal strains (incremental equilibrium formulation, \ total primary unknowns):** This formulation is mathematically equivalent to the incremental formulation of the equilibrium problem. Based on the additive nature of both infinitesimal strain and Cauchy stress tensors, this functional format is suitable for a computational implementation where total primary unknowns are adopted. *Equilibrium residuals* .. math:: \\begin{multline} \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1} = \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)} + \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{J=1} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(J)} : \\left( \\hat{\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(J)} - \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e,\\, 0}: \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(J)} \\right) - \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{0} \\\\ - \\left( \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n}^{(I)} + \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{J=1} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(J)} : \\left( \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{\\mu,\\,n}^{(J)} - \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e,\\, 0}: \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n}^{(J)} \\right) - \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n}^{0} \\right) \\, , \\end{multline} .. math:: \\forall I = 1, \\, \\dots, \\, n_{\\text{c}} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster equilibrium residual function, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(J)}` is the cluster interaction tensor (fourth-order tensor) between the :math:`I` th and :math:`J` th material clusters, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{\\mu}^{(J)}` is the :math:`J` th material cluster Cauchy stress tensor (:math:`\\hat{(\\cdot)}` denotes the incremental nature of the constitutive function), :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e,\\, 0}` is the elastic tangent modulus of the reference homogeneous material, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}^{0}` is the far-field infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment, and :math:`n` denotes the last converged increment. *Loading (homogenization-based) strain and/or stress constraints* .. math:: \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}} + 1)}_{n+1} = \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{I=1} f^{(I)} \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)} - \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{n+1} - \\left( \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{I=1} f^{(I)} \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n}^{(I)} - \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{n} \\right) \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1}` is the strain loading constraint residual function, :math:`f^{(I)}` is the volume fraction of the :math:`I` th material cluster, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}` is the macroscale infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment, and :math:`n` denotes the last converged increment. .. math:: \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}} + 1)}_{n+1} = \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{I=1} f^{(I)} \\hat{\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)} - \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{n+1} - \\left( \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{I=1} f^{(I)} \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{\\mu,\\,n}^{(I)} - \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{n} \\right) \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1}` is the stress loading constraint residual function, :math:`f^{(I)}` is the volume fraction of the :math:`I` th material cluster, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{\\mu}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster Cauchy stress tensor (:math:`\\hat{(\\cdot)}` denotes the incremental nature of the constitutive function), :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}` is the macroscale incremental Cauchy stress tensor, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment, and :math:`n` denotes the last converged increment. ---- **Finite strains (total equilibrium formulation, \ total primary unknowns):** *Equilibrium residuals* .. math:: \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1} = \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)} + \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{J=1} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(J)} : \\left( \\hat{\\boldsymbol{P}}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(J)} - \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{e,\\, 0}: \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(J)} \\right) - \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{0} \\, , .. math:: \\forall I = 1, \\, \\dots, \\, n_{\\text{c}} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster equilibrium residual function, :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster deformation gradient, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(J)}` is the cluster interaction tensor (fourth-order tensor) between the :math:`I` th and :math:`J` th material clusters, :math:`\\boldsymbol{P}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(J)}` is the :math:`J` th material cluster first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (:math:`\\hat{(\\cdot)}` denotes the incremental nature of the constitutive function), :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{e,\\, 0}` is the elastic tangent modulus of the reference homogeneous material, :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{0}` is the far-field deformation gradient, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. *Loading (homogenization-based) strain and/or stress constraints* .. math:: \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}} + 1)}_{n+1} = \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{I=1} f^{(I)} \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)} - \\boldsymbol{F}_{n+1} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1}` is the strain loading constraint residual function, :math:`f^{(I)}` is the volume fraction of the :math:`I` th material cluster, :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster deformation gradient, :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}_{n+1}` is the macroscale deformation gradient, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. .. math:: \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}} + 1)}_{n+1} = \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{I=1} f^{(I)} \\hat{\\boldsymbol{P}}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(I)} - \\boldsymbol{P}_{n+1} where :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1}` is the stress loading constraint residual function, :math:`f^{(I)}` is the volume fraction of the :math:`I` th material cluster, :math:`\\boldsymbol{P}_{\\mu, \\,n+1}^{(I)}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (:math:`\\hat{(\\cdot)}` denotes the incremental nature of the constitutive function), :math:`\\boldsymbol{P}_{n+1}` is the macroscale first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. ---- Parameters ---------- crve : CRVE Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element. material_state : MaterialState CRVE material constitutive state. presc_strain_idxs : list[int] Prescribed macroscale loading strain components indexes. presc_stress_idxs : list[int] Prescribed macroscale loading stress components indexes. applied_mac_load_mf : dict For each prescribed loading nature type (key, {'strain', 'stress'}), stores the current applied macroscale loading constraints in a numpy.ndarray of shape (n_comps,). ref_material : ElasticReferenceMaterial Elastic reference material. global_cit_mf : numpy.ndarray (2d) Global cluster interaction matrix. Assembly positions are assigned according to the order of material_phases (1st) and phase_clusters (2nd). global_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Global vector of clusters strain tensors (matricial form). inc_mac_load_mf : dict, default=None For each loading nature type (key, {'strain', 'stress'}), stores the incremental loading constraint matricial form in a numpy.ndarray of shape (n_comps,). farfield_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d), default=None Far-field strain tensor (matricial form). farfield_strain_old_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d), default=None Last converged far-field strain tensor (matricial form). Returns ------- residual : numpy.ndarray (1d) Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium residual vector. """ # Set strain/stress components order according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get material phases material_phases = material_state.get_material_phases() # Get clusters associated with each material phase phase_clusters = crve.get_phase_clusters() # Get total number of clusters n_total_clusters = crve.get_n_total_clusters() # Get clusters state variables clusters_state = material_state.get_clusters_state() # Get elastic reference material tangent modulus (matricial form) ref_elastic_tangent_mf = ref_material.get_elastic_tangent_mf() # Get homogenized strain and stress tensors (matricial form) hom_strain_mf = material_state.get_hom_strain_mf() hom_stress_mf = material_state.get_hom_stress_mf() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialiatize and get last converged variables if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Get incremental homogenized strain and stress tensors # (matricial form) inc_hom_strain_mf = material_state.get_inc_hom_strain_mf() inc_hom_stress_mf = material_state.get_inc_hom_stress_mf() # Initialize last converged global vector of clusters strain # tensors global_strain_old_mf = np.zeros_like(global_strain_mf) # Initialize last converged clusters polarization stress global_pol_stress_old_mf = np.zeros_like(global_strain_mf) # Get last converged clusters state variables clusters_state_old = material_state.get_clusters_state_old() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize clusters polarization stress global_pol_stress_mf = np.zeros_like(global_strain_mf) # Initialize material cluster strain range indexes i_init = 0 i_end = i_init + len(comp_order) # Loop over material phases for mat_phase in material_phases: # Loop over material phase clusters for cluster in phase_clusters[mat_phase]: # Compute material cluster stress (matricial form) stress_mf = clusters_state[str(cluster)]['stress_mf'] # Get material cluster strain (matricial form) strain_mf = global_strain_mf[i_init:i_end] # Add cluster polarization stress to global array global_pol_stress_mf[i_init:i_end] = stress_mf - \ np.matmul(ref_elastic_tangent_mf, strain_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute last converged polarization stress if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Compute material cluster last converged stress # (matricial form) stress_old_mf = \ clusters_state_old[str(cluster)]['stress_mf'] # Get last converged material cluster strain # (matricial form) strain_old_mf = \ clusters_state_old[str(cluster)]['strain_mf'] global_strain_old_mf[i_init:i_end] = strain_old_mf # Add last converged cluster polarization stress to global # array global_pol_stress_old_mf[i_init:i_end] = stress_old_mf \ - np.matmul(ref_elastic_tangent_mf, strain_old_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update cluster strain range indexes i_init = i_init + len(comp_order) i_end = i_init + len(comp_order) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize residual vector residual = np.zeros(n_total_clusters*len(comp_order) + len(comp_order)) # Compute clusters equilibrium residuals residual[0:n_total_clusters*len(comp_order)] = \ np.subtract( np.add(global_strain_mf, np.matmul(global_cit_mf, global_pol_stress_mf)), numpy.matlib.repmat(farfield_strain_mf, 1, n_total_clusters)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Add residual term for compatibility with incremental formulation # under infinitesimal strains if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': residual[0:n_total_clusters*len(comp_order)] += np.reshape( -np.subtract( np.add(global_strain_old_mf, np.matmul(global_cit_mf, global_pol_stress_old_mf)), numpy.matlib.repmat(farfield_strain_old_mf, 1, n_total_clusters)), (n_total_clusters*len(comp_order),)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute homogenization constraints residuals for i in range(len(comp_order)): if i in presc_strain_idxs: if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Constraint compatible with incremental formulation # under infinitesimal strains residual[n_total_clusters*len(comp_order) + i] = \ inc_hom_strain_mf[i] - inc_mac_load_mf['strain'][i] else: residual[n_total_clusters*len(comp_order) + i] = \ hom_strain_mf[i] - applied_mac_load_mf['strain'][i] else: if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Constraint compatible with incremental formulation # under infinitesimal strains residual[n_total_clusters*len(comp_order) + i] = \ inc_hom_stress_mf[i] - inc_mac_load_mf['stress'][i] else: residual[n_total_clusters*len(comp_order) + i] = \ hom_stress_mf[i] - applied_mac_load_mf['stress'][i] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return residual
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _build_jacobian(self, crve, material_state, presc_strain_idxs, presc_stress_idxs, global_cit_diff_tangent_mf): """Build Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium Jacobian matrix. *Infinitesimal strains:* .. math:: \\boldsymbol{J}_{n+1} = \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}} = \\begin{bmatrix} \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(K)}} & \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{0}} \\\\[8pt] \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}} + 1)}_{n+1} }{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(K)}} & \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}} + 1)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{0}} \\end{bmatrix} \\, , \\qquad \\forall I, \\, K=1, \\, \\dots, \\, n_{\\text{c}} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}_{n+1}` is the global residual function (assuming incremental equilibrium formulation and incremental primary unknowns), :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster equilibrium residual function, :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1}` is the strain and/or stress loading constraints residual function, :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(K)}` is the :math:`K` th material cluster incremental infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{0}` is the incremental far-field infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. The partial derivatives are defined as .. math:: \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu, \\, n+1}^{(K)}} = \\delta_{(I)(K)} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}} + \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(K)} : \\left( \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{(K)}_{n+1} - \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e,\\, 0} \\right) \\, , .. math:: \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu, \\, n+1}^{0}} = - \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}} \\, , .. math:: \\text{strain:} \\; \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu, \\, n+1}^{(K)}} = f^{(K)} \\, \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}} \\, , \\quad \\text{stress:} \\; \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu, \\, n+1}^{(K)}} = f^{(K)} \\, \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{(K)}_{n+1} \\, , .. math:: \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}} + 1)}_{n+1} }{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu, \\, n+1}^{0}} = \\mathbf{0} \\, , where :math:`\\delta_{(I)(K)}` is the Kronecker delta, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}}` is the fourth-order identity tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(K)}` is the cluster interaction tensor (fourth-order tensor) between the :math:`I` th and :math:`K` th material clusters, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{(K)}_{n+1}` is the consistent tangent modulus of the :math:`K` th material cluster, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e,\\, 0}` is the elastic tangent modulus of the reference homogeneous material, :math:`f^{(K)}` is the volume fraction of the :math:`K` th material cluster. **Remark:** The Jacobian matrix is the same when the residual functions are derived with respect to the total strains (assuming incremental equilibrium formulation and total primary unknowns). ---- *Finite strains:* .. math:: \\boldsymbol{J}_{n+1} = \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}} = \\begin{bmatrix} \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(K)}} & \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{0}} \\\\[8pt] \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}} + 1)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(K)}} & \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}} + 1)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{0}} \\end{bmatrix} \\, , \\qquad \\forall I, \\, K=1, \\, \\dots, \\, n_{\\text{c}} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}_{n+1}` is the global residual function, :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster equilibrium residual function, :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1}` is the strain and/or stress loading constraints residual function, :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(K)}` is the :math:`K` th material cluster deformation gradient, :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{0}` is the far-field deformation gradient, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. The partial derivatives are defined as .. math:: \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu, \\, n+1}^{(K)}} = \\delta_{(I)(K)} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}} + \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(K)} : \\left( \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{(K)}_{n+1} - \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{e,\\, 0} \\right) \\, , .. math:: \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu, \\, n+1}^{0}} = - \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}} \\, , .. math:: \\text{strain:} \\; \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu, \\, n+1}^{(K)}} = f^{(K)} \\, \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}} \\, , \\quad \\text{stress:} \\; \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}}+1)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu, \\, n+1}^{(K)}} = f^{(K)} \\, \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{(K)}_{n+1} \\, , .. math:: \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}} + 1)}_{n+1} }{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu, \\, n+1}^{0}} = \\mathbf{0} \\, , where :math:`\\delta_{(I)(K)}` is the Kronecker delta, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}}` is the fourth-order identity tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(K)}` is the cluster interaction tensor (fourth-order tensor) between the :math:`I` th and :math:`K` th material clusters, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{(K)}_{n+1}` is the material consistent tangent modulus of the :math:`K` th material cluster, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{e,\\, 0}` is the elastic tangent modulus of the reference homogeneous material, :math:`f^{(K)}` is the volume fraction of the :math:`K` th material cluster. ---- Parameters ---------- crve : CRVE Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element. material_state : MaterialState CRVE material constitutive state. global_cit_diff_tangent_mf : numpy.ndarray (2d) Global matrix similar to global cluster interaction matrix but where each cluster interaction tensor is double contracted with the difference between the associated material cluster consistent tangent modulus and the elastic reference material tangent modulus. Returns ------- jacobian : numpy.ndarray (2d) Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium Jacobian matrix. """ # Set strain/stress components order according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _, foid, _, fosym, _, _, _ = top.get_id_operators(self._n_dim) if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Set fourth-order symmetric projection tensor (matricial form) fosym_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(fosym, self._n_dim, comp_order) else: # Set fourth-order identity tensor (matricial form) foid_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(foid, self._n_dim, comp_order) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get material phases material_phases = material_state.get_material_phases() # Get clusters associated with each material phase phase_clusters = crve.get_phase_clusters() # Get total number of clusters n_total_clusters = crve.get_n_total_clusters() # Get clusters volume fraction clusters_vf = crve.get_clusters_vf() # Get material consistent tangent modulus associated with each material # cluster clusters_tangent_mf = material_state.get_clusters_tangent_mf() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize Jacobian matrix jacobian = np.zeros(2*(n_total_clusters*len(comp_order) + len(comp_order),)) # Compute Jacobian matrix component 11 i_init = 0 i_end = n_total_clusters*len(comp_order) j_init = 0 j_end = n_total_clusters*len(comp_order) if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': jacobian[i_init:i_end, j_init:j_end] = \ scipy.linalg.block_diag(*(n_total_clusters*[fosym_mf, ])) \ + global_cit_diff_tangent_mf else: jacobian[i_init:i_end, j_init:j_end] = \ scipy.linalg.block_diag(*(n_total_clusters*[foid_mf, ])) \ + global_cit_diff_tangent_mf # Compute Jacobian matrix component 12 i_init = 0 i_end = n_total_clusters*len(comp_order) j_init = n_total_clusters*len(comp_order) j_end = n_total_clusters*len(comp_order) + len(comp_order) if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': jacobian[i_init:i_end, j_init:j_end] = \ numpy.matlib.repmat(-1.0*fosym_mf, n_total_clusters, 1) else: jacobian[i_init:i_end, j_init:j_end] = \ numpy.matlib.repmat(-1.0*foid_mf, n_total_clusters, 1) # Compute Jacobian matrix component 21 for k in range(len(comp_order)): i = n_total_clusters*len(comp_order) + k jclst = 0 for mat_phase in material_phases: for cluster in phase_clusters[mat_phase]: if k in presc_strain_idxs: if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': f_foid_mf = clusters_vf[str(cluster)]*fosym_mf else: f_foid_mf = clusters_vf[str(cluster)]*foid_mf j_init = jclst*len(comp_order) j_end = j_init + len(comp_order) jacobian[i, j_init:j_end] = f_foid_mf[k, :] else: vf_tangent_mf = clusters_vf[str(cluster)]\ * clusters_tangent_mf[str(cluster)] j_init = jclst*len(comp_order) j_end = j_init + len(comp_order) jacobian[i, j_init:j_end] = vf_tangent_mf[k, :] # Increment column cluster index jclst = jclst + 1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return jacobian
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _build_global_cit_diff_tangent_mf(self, crve, global_cit_mf, material_state, ref_material): """Build global cluster interaction - tangent modulus matrix. *Infinitesimal strains:* .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(K)} : \\left( \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{(K)}_{n+1} - \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e,\\, 0} \\right) \\, , \\qquad \\forall I, \\, K=1, \\, \\dots, \\, n_{\\text{c}} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(K)}` is the cluster interaction tensor (fourth-order tensor) between the :math:`I` th and :math:`K` th material clusters, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{(K)}_{n+1}` is the consistent tangent modulus of the :math:`K` th material cluster, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e,\\, 0}` is the elastic tangent modulus of the reference homogeneous material, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters. and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. ---- *Finite strains:* .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(K)} : \\left( \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{(K)}_{n+1} - \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{e,\\, 0} \\right) \\, , \\qquad \\forall I, \\, K=1, \\, \\dots, \\, n_{\\text{c}} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(K)}` is the cluster interaction tensor (fourth-order tensor) between the :math:`I` th and :math:`K` th material clusters, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{(K)}_{n+1}` is the material consistent tangent modulus of the :math:`K` th material cluster, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{e,\\, 0}` is the elastic tangent modulus of the reference homogeneous material, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters. and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. ---- Parameters ---------- crve : CRVE Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element. global_cit_mf : numpy.ndarray (2d) Global cluster interaction matrix. Assembly positions are assigned according to the order of material_phases (1st) and phase_clusters (2nd). material_state : MaterialState CRVE material constitutive state. ref_material : ElasticReferenceMaterial Elastic reference material. Returns ------- global_cit_diff_tangent_mf : numpy.ndarray (2d) Global matrix similar to the global cluster interaction matrix but where each cluster interaction tensor is double contracted with the difference between the associated material cluster consistent tangent modulus and the reference material elastic tangent modulus. """ # Get material consistent tangent modulus associated with each material # cluster clusters_tangent_mf = material_state.get_clusters_tangent_mf() # Get elastic reference material tangent modulus ref_elastic_tangent_mf = ref_material.get_elastic_tangent_mf() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Build list which stores the difference between the material cluster # consistent tangent modulus (matricial form) and the reference # material elastic tangent modulus (matricial form) diff_tangent_mf = list() # Loop over material phases for mat_phase in material_state.get_material_phases(): # Loop over material clusters for cluster in crve.get_phase_clusters()[mat_phase]: diff_tangent_mf.append(clusters_tangent_mf[str(cluster)] - ref_elastic_tangent_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Build global matrix similar to the global cluster interaction matrix # but where each cluster interaction tensor is double contracted with # the difference between the associated material cluster consistent # tangent modulus and the reference material elastic tangent modulus global_cit_diff_tangent_mf = np.matmul( global_cit_mf, scipy.linalg.block_diag(*diff_tangent_mf)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return global_cit_diff_tangent_mf
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _check_convergence(self, crve, material_state, presc_strain_idxs, presc_stress_idxs, applied_mac_load_mf, residual, applied_mix_strain_mf=None): """Check Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium convergence. Parameters ---------- crve : CRVE Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element. material_state : MaterialState CRVE material constitutive state. presc_strain_idxs : list[int] Prescribed macroscale loading strain components indexes. presc_stress_idxs : list[int] Prescribed macroscale loading stress components indexes. applied_mac_load_mf : dict For each prescribed loading nature type (key, {'strain', 'stress'}), stores the current applied loading constraints in a numpy.ndarray of shape (n_comps,). residual : numpy.ndarray (1d) Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium residual vector. applied_mix_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d), default=None Strain tensor (matricial form) that contains prescribed strain components and (non-prescribed) homogenized strain components. Returns ------- is_converged : bool True if Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium iterative solution converged, False otherwise. errors : list[float] List of errors associated with the Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium convergence evaluation. """ # Initialize convergence flag is_converged = False # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set strain/stress components order according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get total number of clusters n_total_clusters = crve.get_n_total_clusters() # Compute number of prescribed loading strain components n_presc_strain = len(presc_strain_idxs) # Compute number of prescribed loading stress components n_presc_stress = len(presc_stress_idxs) # Get homogenized strain and stress tensors (matricial form) hom_strain_mf = material_state.get_hom_strain_mf() hom_stress_mf = material_state.get_hom_stress_mf() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set strain and stress normalization factors if n_presc_strain > 0 and not np.allclose( applied_mac_load_mf['strain'][tuple([presc_strain_idxs])], np.zeros(applied_mac_load_mf['strain'][tuple([ presc_strain_idxs])].shape), atol=1e-10): strain_norm_factor = np.linalg.norm( applied_mac_load_mf['strain'][tuple([presc_strain_idxs])]) elif not np.allclose(hom_strain_mf, np.zeros(hom_strain_mf.shape), atol=1e-10): strain_norm_factor = np.linalg.norm(hom_strain_mf) else: strain_norm_factor = 1.0 if n_presc_stress > 0 and not np.allclose( applied_mac_load_mf['stress'][tuple([presc_stress_idxs])], np.zeros(applied_mac_load_mf['stress'][tuple([ presc_stress_idxs])].shape), atol=1e-10): stress_norm_factor = np.linalg.norm( applied_mac_load_mf['stress'][tuple([presc_stress_idxs])]) elif not np.allclose(hom_stress_mf, np.zeros(hom_stress_mf.shape), atol=1e-10): stress_norm_factor = np.linalg.norm(hom_stress_mf) else: stress_norm_factor = 1.0 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute error associated with the clusters equilibrium residuals error_1 = \ np.linalg.norm(residual[0:n_total_clusters*len(comp_order)]) \ / strain_norm_factor # Compute error associated with the homogenization constraints # residuals aux = residual[n_total_clusters*len(comp_order):] if n_presc_strain > 0: error_2 = \ np.linalg.norm(aux[presc_strain_idxs])/strain_norm_factor if n_presc_stress > 0: error_3 = \ np.linalg.norm(aux[presc_stress_idxs])/stress_norm_factor # Criterion convergence flag is True if all residual errors # converged according to the defined convergence tolerance if n_presc_strain == 0: error_2 = None is_converged = (error_1 < self._conv_tol) \ and (error_3 < self._conv_tol) elif n_presc_stress == 0: error_3 = None is_converged = (error_1 < self._conv_tol) \ and (error_2 < self._conv_tol) else: is_converged = (error_1 < self._conv_tol) \ and (error_2 < self._conv_tol) \ and (error_3 < self._conv_tol) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Build convergence evaluation errors list errors = [error_1, error_2, error_3] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return is_converged, errors
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _crve_effective_tangent_modulus(self, crve, material_state, global_cit_diff_tangent_mf, global_strain_mf=None, farfield_strain_mf=None): """CRVE tangent modulus and clusters strain concentration tensors. *Infinitesimal strains:* .. math:: \\overline{\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}}_{n+1} = \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{I=1} f^{(I)} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{(I)}_{n+1} : \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{H}}^{(I)}_{n+1} \\, , .. math:: \\mathbf{H}^{(I)}_{n+1} = \\sum_{K=1}^{ n_{\\text{c}}} \\left( \\mathbf{M}^{-1} \\right)_{(I)(K)} \\, , \\quad \\forall I = 1,2, \\, \\dots, \\, n_{\\text{c}} \\, , .. math:: \\mathbf{M} = \\begin{bmatrix} \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(1)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(1)}} & \\dots & \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(1)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(n_{\\text{c}})}} \\\\[10pt] \\vdots & \\ddots & \\vdots \\\\[5pt] \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\mathrm{c}})}_{n+1}}{ \\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(1)}} & \\dots & \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}})}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(n_{\\text{c}})}} \\end{bmatrix} \\, , where :math:`\\overline{\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}}_{n+1}` is the CRVE homogenized consistent tangent modulus, :math:`f^{(I)}` is the volume fraction of the :math:`I` th material cluster, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{(I)}_{n+1}` is the consistent tangent modulus of the :math:`I` th material cluster, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{H}}^{(I)}_{n+1}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster strain concentration tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster equilibrium residual function, :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(K)}` is the :math:`K` th material cluster incremental infinitesimal strain tensor, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. The residual derivatives are defined as .. math:: \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{\\mu, \\, n+1}^{(K)}} = \\delta_{(I)(K)} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}} + \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(K)} : \\left( \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{(K)}_{n+1} - \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e,\\, 0} \\right) \\, , .. math:: \\forall I, K = 1, \\, \\dots, \\, n_{\\text{c}} \\, . **Remark:** The residual derivatives are the same when the residual functions are derived with respect to the total strains. ---- *Finite strains:* .. math:: \\overline{\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}}_{n+1} = \\sum^{n_{\\text{c}}}_{I=1} f^{(I)} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{(I)}_{n+1} : \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{H}}^{(I)}_{n+1} \\, , .. math:: \\mathbf{H}^{(I)}_{n+1} = \\sum_{K=1}^{ n_{\\text{c}}} \\left( \\mathbf{M}^{-1} \\right)_{(I)(K)} \\, , \\quad \\forall I = 1,2, \\, \\dots, \\, n_{\\text{c}} \\, , .. math:: \\mathbf{M} = \\begin{bmatrix} \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(1)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(1)}} & \\dots & \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(1)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(n_{\\text{c}})}} \\\\[10pt] \\vdots & \\ddots & \\vdots \\\\[5pt] \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\mathrm{c}})}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(1)}} & \\dots & \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(n_{\\text{c}})}_{n+1}}{ \\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(n_{\\text{c}})}} \\end{bmatrix} \\, , where :math:`\\overline{\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}}_{n+1}` is the CRVE homogenized material consistent tangent modulus, :math:`f^{(I)}` is the volume fraction of the :math:`I` th material cluster, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{(I)}_{n+1}` is the material consistent tangent modulus of the :math:`I` th material cluster, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{H}}^{(I)}_{n+1}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster strain concentration tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}` is the :math:`I` th material cluster equilibrium residual function, :math:`\\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu,\\,n+1}^{(K)}` is the :math:`K` th material cluster deformation gradient, :math:`n_{c}` is the number of material clusters, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. The residual derivatives are defined as .. math:: \\dfrac{\\partial \\boldsymbol{R}^{(I)}_{n+1}}{\\partial \\boldsymbol{F}_{\\mu, \\, n+1}^{(K)}} = \\delta_{(I)(K)} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}} + \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{T}}^{(I)(K)} : \\left( \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{(K)}_{n+1} - \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{e,\\, 0} \\right) \\, , .. math:: \\forall I, K = 1, \\, \\dots, \\, n_{\\text{c}} \\, . ---- Parameters ---------- crve : CRVE Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element. material_state : MaterialState CRVE material constitutive state. global_cit_diff_tangent_mf : numpy.ndarray (2d) Global matrix similar to global cluster interaction matrix but where each cluster interaction tensor is double contracted with the difference between the associated material cluster consistent tangent modulus and the elastic reference material tangent modulus. global_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d), default=None Global vector of clusters strains stored in matricial form. Only required for validation of cluster strain concentration tensors computation. farfield_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d), default=None Far-field strain tensor (matricial form). Only required for validation of cluster strain concentration tensors computation. Returns ------- eff_tangent_mf : numpy.ndarray (2d) CRVE effective material tangent modulus (matricial form). clusters_sct_mf : dict Fourth-order strain concentration tensor (matricial form) (item, numpy.ndarray (2d)) associated with each material cluster (key, str). """ # Set strain/stress components order according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set second-order identity tensor _, foid, _, fosym, _, _, _ = top.get_id_operators(self._n_dim) fosym_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(fosym, self._n_dim, comp_order) foid_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(foid, self._n_dim, comp_order) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get material phases material_phases = material_state.get_material_phases() # Get clusters associated with each material phase phase_clusters = crve.get_phase_clusters() # Get total number of clusters n_total_clusters = crve.get_n_total_clusters() # Get clusters volume fraction clusters_vf = crve.get_clusters_vf() # Get material consistent tangent modulus associated with each material # cluster clusters_tangent_mf = material_state.get_clusters_tangent_mf() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute equilibrium jacobian matrix (cluster strain concentration # tensors system of linear equations coefficient matrix) if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': csct_matrix = \ scipy.linalg.block_diag(*(n_total_clusters*[fosym_mf, ])) \ + global_cit_diff_tangent_mf else: csct_matrix = \ scipy.linalg.block_diag(*(n_total_clusters*[foid_mf, ])) \ + global_cit_diff_tangent_mf # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Select clusters strain concentration tensors computation option: # # Option 1 - Solve linear system of equations # # Option 2 - Direct computation from inverse of equilibrium Jacobian # matrix # option = 1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if option == 1: # Compute cluster strain concentration tensors system of linear # equations right-hand side if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': csct_rhs = numpy.matlib.repmat(fosym_mf, n_total_clusters, 1) else: csct_rhs = numpy.matlib.repmat(foid_mf, n_total_clusters, 1) # Initialize system solution matrix (containing clusters strain # concentration tensors) global_csct_mf = np.zeros((n_total_clusters*len(comp_order), len(comp_order))) # Solve cluster strain concentration tensors system of linear # equations for i in range(len(comp_order)): global_csct_mf[:, i] = numpy.linalg.solve(csct_matrix, csct_rhs[:, i]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif option == 2: # Compute inverse of equilibrium jacobian matrix csct_matrix_inv = numpy.linalg.inv(csct_matrix) # Initialize system solution matrix (containing clusters strain # concentration tensors) global_csct_mf = np.zeros((n_total_clusters*len(comp_order), len(comp_order))) # Initialize cluster indexes i_init = 0 i_end = i_init + len(comp_order) j_init = 0 j_end = j_init + len(comp_order) # Loop over material phases for mat_phase_I in material_phases: # Loop over material phase clusters for cluster_I in phase_clusters[mat_phase_I]: # Loop over material phases for mat_phase_J in material_phases: # Loop over material phase clusters for cluster_J in phase_clusters[mat_phase_J]: # Add cluster J contribution to cluster I strain # concentration tensor global_csct_mf[i_init:i_end, :] += \ csct_matrix_inv[i_init:i_end, j_init:j_end] # Increment cluster index j_init = j_init + len(comp_order) j_end = j_init + len(comp_order) # Increment cluster indexes i_init = i_init + len(comp_order) i_end = i_init + len(comp_order) j_init = 0 j_end = j_init + len(comp_order) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Validate cluster strain concentration tensors computation is_csct_validation = False if is_csct_validation: self._validate_csct(material_phases, phase_clusters, global_csct_mf, global_strain_mf, farfield_strain_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize effective tangent modulus eff_tangent_mf = np.zeros((len(comp_order), len(comp_order))) # Initialize clusters strain concentration tensors dictionary clusters_sct_mf = {} # Initialize cluster index i_init = 0 i_end = i_init + len(comp_order) # Loop over material phases for mat_phase in material_phases: # Loop over material phase clusters for cluster in phase_clusters[mat_phase]: # Get material cluster volume fraction cluster_vf = clusters_vf[str(cluster)] # Get material cluster consistent tangent (matricial form) cluster_tangent_mf = clusters_tangent_mf[str(cluster)] # Get material cluster strain concentration tensor cluster_sct_mf = global_csct_mf[i_init:i_end, :] # Store material cluster strain concentration tensor (matricial # form) clusters_sct_mf[str(cluster)] = cluster_sct_mf # Add material cluster contribution to effective tangent # modulus eff_tangent_mf = eff_tangent_mf + \ cluster_vf*np.matmul(cluster_tangent_mf, cluster_sct_mf) # Increment cluster index i_init = i_init + len(comp_order) i_end = i_init + len(comp_order) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return eff_tangent_mf, clusters_sct_mf
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _validate_csct(self, material_phases, phase_clusters, global_csct_mf, global_strain_mf, farfield_strain_mf): """Validate clusters strain concentration tensors computation. This validation procedure requires the homogenized strain tensor instead of the far-field strain tensor in the SCA formulation without the far-field strain tensor. ---- Parameters ---------- material_phases : list[str] RVE material phases labels (str). phase_clusters : dict Clusters labels (item, list[int]) associated with each material phase (key, str). global_csct_mf : numpy.ndarray (2d) Global matrix of cluster strain concentration tensors (matricial form). global_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Global vector of clusters strains stored in matricial form. farfield_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Far-field strain tensor (matricial form). """ # Set strain/stress components order according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize cluster index i_init = 0 i_end = i_init + len(comp_order) # Loop over material phases for mat_phase in material_phases: # Loop over material phase clusters for cluster in phase_clusters[mat_phase]: # Get material cluster strain concentration tensor cluster_sct_mf = global_csct_mf[i_init:i_end, :] # Compute cluster strain from strain concentration tensor strain_mf = np.matmul(cluster_sct_mf, farfield_strain_mf) # Compare cluster strain computed from strain concentration # tensor with actual cluster strain. Raise error if equality # comparison fails if not np.allclose(strain_mf, global_strain_mf[i_init:i_end], rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): raise RuntimeError('Wrong computation of cluster strain ' 'concentration tensor.') # Increment cluster index i_init = i_init + len(comp_order) i_end = i_init + len(comp_order)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _init_clusters_sct(self, material_phases, phase_clusters): """Initialize cluster strain concentration tensors. Parameters ---------- material_phases : list[str] RVE material phases labels (str). phase_clusters : dict Clusters labels (item, list[int]) associated with each material phase (key, str). Returns ------- clusters_sct_mf : dict Fourth-order strain concentration tensor (matricial form) (item, numpy.ndarray (2d)) associated with each material cluster (key, str). """ # Set strain/stress components order according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize cluster strain concentration tensors dictionary cluster_sct_mf = {} # Loop over material phases for mat_phase in material_phases: # Loop over material phase clusters for cluster in phase_clusters[mat_phase]: # Initialize cluster strain concentration tensor (matricial # form) cluster_sct_mf[str(cluster)] = np.zeros((len(comp_order), len(comp_order))) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return cluster_sct_mf
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _build_clusters_residuals(self, material_phases, phase_clusters, residual): """Build clusters equilibrium residuals dictionary. This procedure is only carried out so that clusters equilibrium residuals are conveniently stored to perform post-processing operations. ---- Parameters ---------- material_phases : list[str] RVE material phases labels (str). phase_clusters : dict Clusters labels (item, list[int]) associated with each material phase (key, str). residual : numpy.ndarray (1d) Lippmann-Schwinger equilibrium residual vector. Returns ------- clusters_residuals_mf : dict Equilibrium residual second-order tensor (matricial form) (item, numpy.ndarray (1d)) associated with each material cluster (key, str). """ # Set strain/stress components order according to problem strain # formulation if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize clusters equilibrium residuals dictionary clusters_residuals_mf = {} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize cluster strain range indexes i_init = 0 i_end = i_init + len(comp_order) # Loop over material phases for mat_phase in material_phases: # Loop over material phase clusters for cluster in phase_clusters[mat_phase]: # Store cluster equilibrium residual clusters_residuals_mf[str(cluster)] = residual[i_init:i_end] # Update cluster strain range indexes i_init = i_init + len(comp_order) i_end = i_init + len(comp_order) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return clusters_residuals_mf
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def _display_inc_data(mac_load_path): """Display loading increment data. Parameters ---------- mac_load_path : LoadingPath Macroscale loading path. """ # Get increment counter inc = mac_load_path.get_increm_state()['inc'] # Get loading subpath data sp_id, sp_inc, sp_total_lfact, sp_inc_lfact, sp_total_time, \ sp_inc_time, subinc_level = mac_load_path.get_subpath_state() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Display loading increment data info.displayinfo('7', 'init', inc, subinc_level, sp_id + 1, sp_total_lfact, sp_total_time, sp_inc, sp_inc_lfact, sp_inc_time)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def _display_scs_iter_data(ref_material, is_lock_prop_ref, mode='init', scs_iter_time=None): """Display reference material self-consistent scheme iteration data. Parameters ---------- ref_material : ElasticReferenceMaterial Elastic reference material. is_lock_prop_ref : bool True if elastic reference material properties are locked, False otherwise. mode : {'init', 'end'} Output mode: Self-consistent scheme iteration header (`init`) or footer (`end`). scs_iter_time : float Total self-consistent scheme time (s). """ # Get elastic reference material properties material_properties = ref_material.get_material_properties() # Get self-consistent scheme iteration counter scs_iter = ref_material.get_scs_iter() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Display reference material self-consistent scheme iteration data if mode == 'end': # Display reference material self-consistent scheme iteration # footer info.displayinfo('8', mode, scs_iter_time) else: # Display reference material self-consistent scheme iteration # header if is_lock_prop_ref: info.displayinfo('13', 'init', 0, material_properties['E'], material_properties['v']) else: if scs_iter == 0: info.displayinfo('8', 'init', scs_iter, material_properties['E'], material_properties['v']) else: # Get normalized iterative changes of elastic reference # material properties associated with the last # self-consistent iteration convergence evaluation norm_dE = ref_material.get_norm_dE() norm_dv = ref_material.get_norm_dv() # Display reference material self-consistent scheme # iteration header info.displayinfo('8', 'init', scs_iter, material_properties['E'], norm_dE, material_properties['v'], norm_dv)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def _display_nr_iter_data(mode='init', nr_iter=None, nr_iter_time=None, errors=[]): """Display Newton-Raphson iteration data. Parameters ---------- mode : {'init', 'iter'} Output mode: Newton-Raphson iteration header ('init') or solution related metrics ('iter'). nr_iter : int Newton-Raphson iteration counter. nr_iter_time : float Total Newton-Raphson iteration time (s). errors : list[float] List of errors associated with the Newton-Raphson convergence evaluation. """ if mode == 'iter': info.displayinfo('9', mode, nr_iter, nr_iter_time, *errors) else: info.displayinfo('9', mode)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _set_output_files(self, output_dir, crve, problem_name='problem', is_clust_adapt_output=False, is_ref_material_output=None, is_vtk_output=False, vtk_data=None, is_voxels_output=None): """Create and initialize output files. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str Absolute directory path of output files. crve : CRVE Cluster-Reduced Representative Volume Element. problem_name : str, default='problem' Problem name. is_clust_adapt_output : bool, default=False Clustering adaptivity output flag. is_ref_material_output : bool, default=False Reference material output flag. is_vtk_output : bool, default=False VTK output flag. vtk_data : dict, default=None VTK output file parameters. is_voxels_output : bool Voxels output flag. Returns ------- hres_output : HomResOutput Output associated with the homogenized results. efftan_output : EffTanOutput Output associated with the CRVE effective tangent modulus. ref_mat_output : RefMatOutput Output associated with the reference material. voxels_output : VoxelsOutput Output associated with voxels material-related quantities. adapt_output : ClusteringAdaptivityOutput Output associated with the clustering adaptivity procedures. vtk_output : VTKOutput Output associated with the VTK files. """ if output_dir[-1] != '/': output_dir += '/' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set file where homogenized strain/stress results are stored hres_file_path = output_dir + problem_name + '.hres' # Instantiate homogenized results output hres_output = HomResOutput(hres_file_path) # Write homogenized results output file header hres_output.init_file(self._strain_formulation) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set file where CRVE effective material tangent modulus is stored efftan_file_path = output_dir + problem_name + '.efftan' # Instantiate CRVE effective material tangent modulus output efftan_output = EffTanOutput(efftan_file_path) # Write homogenized results output file header efftan_output.init_file(self._strain_formulation) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ref_mat_output = None if is_ref_material_output: # Set file where reference material data is stored refm_file_path = output_dir + problem_name + '.refm' # Instantiate reference material output ref_mat_output = RefMatOutput( refm_file_path, self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, self._self_consistent_scheme) # Write reference material output file header ref_mat_output.init_file() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ voxels_output = None if is_voxels_output: # Set voxels material-related output file path voxout_file_path = output_dir + problem_name + '.voxout' # Instantiate voxels material-related output voxels_output = VoxelsOutput( voxout_file_path, self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type) # Write voxels material-related output file header voxels_output.init_voxels_output_file(crve) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vtk_output = None if is_vtk_output: # Set VTK output directories paths pvd_dir = output_dir + 'post_processing/' vtk_dir = pvd_dir + 'VTK/' # Instantiante VTK output vtk_output = \ VTKOutput(type='ImageData', version='1.0', byte_order=vtk_data['vtk_byte_order'], format=vtk_data['vtk_format'], precision=vtk_data['vtk_precision'], header_type='UInt64', base_name=problem_name, vtk_dir=vtk_dir, pvd_dir=pvd_dir) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ adapt_output = None if is_clust_adapt_output: # Set file where clustering adaptivity data is stored adapt_file_path = output_dir + problem_name + '.adapt' # Instantiate clustering adaptivity output adapt_output = ClusteringAdaptivityOutput( adapt_file_path, crve.get_adapt_material_phases()) # Write clustering adaptivity output file header adapt_output.init_adapt_file(crve) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return hres_output, efftan_output, ref_mat_output, voxels_output, \ adapt_output, vtk_output
# # Reference (fictitious) homogeneous material # =============================================================================
[docs]class ElasticReferenceMaterial: """Elastic reference material. Attributes ---------- _n_dim : int Problem number of spatial dimensions. _comp_order_sym : list[str] Strain/Stress components symmetric order. _comp_order_nsym : list[str] Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order. _material_properties : dict Elastic material properties (key, str) values (item, {int, float, bool}). _material_properties_old : dict Last loading increment converged elastic material properties (key, str) values (item, {int, float, bool}). _material_properties_init : dict Elastic material properties (key, str) values (item, {int, float, bool}) initial guess. _material_properties_scs_init : dict Elastic material properties (key, str) values (item, {int, float, bool}) converged in the first loading increment. _elastic_tangent_mf : numpy.ndarray (2d) Elastic tangent modulus in matricial form. _elastic_compliance_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) Elastic compliance in matrix form. _scs_iter : int Self-consistent scheme iteration counter. _norm_dE : float Normalized iterative change of Young modulus associated with the last self-consistent iteration convergence evaluation. _norm_dv : float Normalized iterative change of Poisson ratio associated with the last self-consistent iteration convergence evaluation. Methods ------- init_material_properties(self, material_phases, \ material_phases_properties, material_phases_vf, \ properties=None) Set initial guess of elastic reference material properties. update_material_properties(self, E, v) Update elastic reference material properties. update_converged_material_properties(self) Update converged elastic reference material properties. reset_material_properties(self) Reset material properties to last loading increment values. set_material_properties_scs_init(self) Set material properties converged in the first loading increment. get_material_properties(self) Get elastic reference material properties. get_elastic_tangent_mf(self) Get elastic tangent modulus in matricial form. get_elastic_compliance_matrix(self) Get elastic compliance in matrix form. init_scs_iter(self) Initialize self-consistent scheme iteration counter. update_scs_iter(self) Update self-consistent scheme iteration counter. get_scs_iter(self) Get self-consistent scheme iteration counter. get_norm_dE(self) Get normalized iterative change of Young modulus. get_norm_dv(self) Get normalized iterative change of Poisson ratio. self_consistent_update(self, strain_mf, strain_old_mf, stress_mf, \ stress_old_mf, eff_tangent_mf) Compute reference elastic properties through self-consistent scheme. _update_elastic_tangent(self) Update reference material elastic tangent modulus and compliance. _check_scs_solution(self, E, v) Check admissibility of self-consistent scheme iterative solution. check_scs_convergence(self, E, v) Check self-consistent scheme iterative solution convergence. get_available_scs(strain_formulation) Get available self-consistent schemes. lame_from_technical(E, v) Get Lamé parameters from Young modulus and Poisson ratio. technical_from_lame(lam, miu) Get Young modulus and Poisson ratio from Lamé parameters. """
[docs] def __init__(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, self_consistent_scheme, conv_tol=1e-4): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). self_consistent_scheme : {'regression',}, default='regression' Self-consistent scheme to update the elastic reference material properties. conv_tol : float, default=1e-4 Self-consistent scheme convergence tolerance. """ self._strain_formulation = strain_formulation self._problem_type = problem_type self._self_consistent_scheme = self_consistent_scheme self._conv_tol = conv_tol self._material_properties = None self._material_properties_old = None self._material_properties_init = None self._material_properties_scs_init = None self._elastic_tangent_mf = None self._scs_iter = 0 self._elastic_compliance_matrix = None # Get problem type parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(problem_type) self._n_dim = n_dim self._comp_order_sym = comp_order_sym self._comp_order_nsym = comp_order_nsym
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def init_material_properties(self, material_phases, material_phases_properties, material_phases_vf, properties=None): """Set initial guess of elastic reference material properties. Parameters ---------- material_phases : list[str] RVE material phases labels (str). material_phases_properties : dict Constitutive model material properties (item, dict) associated with each material phase (key, str). material_phases_vf : dict Volume fraction (item, float) associated with each material phase (key, str). properties : dict, default=None Initial guess (item, float) of elastic reference material properties (key, str). Expecting Young's modulus ('E') and Poisson's coefficient ('v') for an isotropic elastic reference material. """ if properties is None: # If a initial guess of the elastic reference material properties # is not provided, set them from the volume average of the actual # material phases elastic properties E = sum([material_phases_vf[phase] * material_phases_properties[phase]['E'] for phase in material_phases]) v = sum([material_phases_vf[phase] * material_phases_properties[phase]['v'] for phase in material_phases]) else: # Set initial guess of elastic reference material properties E = properties['E'] v = properties['v'] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize elastic reference material properties self._material_properties_init = {'E': E, 'v': v} self._material_properties = \ copy.deepcopy(self._material_properties_init) self._material_properties_old = \ copy.deepcopy(self._material_properties_init) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update elastic tangent modulus and elastic compliance matrix self._update_elastic_tangent()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def update_material_properties(self, E, v): """Update elastic reference material properties. Parameters ---------- E : float Young modulus of elastic reference material. v : float Poisson ratio of elastic reference material. """ # Update elastic reference material properties self._material_properties['E'] = E self._material_properties['v'] = v # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update elastic tangent modulus and elastic compliance matrix self._update_elastic_tangent()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def update_converged_material_properties(self): """Update converged elastic reference material properties.""" self._material_properties_old = \ copy.deepcopy(self._material_properties)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def reset_material_properties(self): """Reset material properties to last loading increment values.""" # Reset elastic reference material properties to last loading increment # values self._material_properties = \ copy.deepcopy(self._material_properties_old) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update elastic tangent modulus and elastic compliance matrix self._update_elastic_tangent()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_material_properties_scs_init(self): """Set material properties converged in the first loading increment.""" self._material_properties_scs_init = \ copy.deepcopy(self._material_properties)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_material_properties(self): """Get elastic reference material properties. Returns ------- material_properties : dict Elastic material properties (key, str) values (item, {int, float, bool}). """ return copy.deepcopy(self._material_properties)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_elastic_tangent_mf(self): """Get elastic tangent modulus in matricial form. Returns ------- elastic_tangent_mf : numpy.ndarray (2d) Elastic tangent modulus in matricial form. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._elastic_tangent_mf)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_elastic_compliance_matrix(self): """Get elastic compliance in matrix form. Returns ------- elastic_compliance_matrix : numpy.ndarray (2d) Elastic compliance in matrix form. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._elastic_compliance_matrix)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def init_scs_iter(self): """Initialize self-consistent scheme iteration counter.""" self._scs_iter = 0
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def update_scs_iter(self): """Update self-consistent scheme iteration counter.""" self._scs_iter += 1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_scs_iter(self): """Get self-consistent scheme iteration counter. Returns ------- scs_iter : int Self-consistent scheme iteration counter. """ return self._scs_iter
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_norm_dE(self): """Get normalized iterative change of Young modulus. Returns ------- norm_dE : float Normalized iterative change of Young modulus associated with the last self-consistent iteration convergence evaluation. """ return self._norm_dE
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_norm_dv(self): """Get normalized iterative change of Poisson ratio. Returns ------- norm_dv : float Normalized iterative change of Poisson ratio associated with the last self-consistent iteration convergence evaluation. """ return self._norm_dv
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def self_consistent_update(self, strain_mf, strain_old_mf, stress_mf, stress_old_mf, eff_tangent_mf): """Compute reference elastic properties through self-consistent scheme. Parameters ---------- strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Homogenized strain (matricial form): infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains) strain_old_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Last converged homogenized strain (matricial form): infinitesimal strain tensor (infinitesimal strains) or deformation gradient (finite strains) stress_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Homogenized stress (matricial form): Cauchy stress tensor (infinitesimal strains) or first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (finite strains). stress_old_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Last converged homogenized stress (matricial form): Cauchy stress tensor (infinitesimal strains) or first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (finite strains). eff_tangent_mf : numpy.ndarray (2d) CRVE effective material tangent modulus (matricial form). Returns ------- is_admissible : bool True if self-consistent scheme iterative solution is admissible, False otherwise. E : float Young modulus of elastic reference material. v : float Poisson ratio of elastic reference material. """ # Compute incremental homogenized strain and stress tensors according # to problem strain formulation and self-consistent scheme if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Compute incremental homogenized infinitesimal strain tensor inc_strain_mf = strain_mf - strain_old_mf # Compute incremental homogenized Cauchy stress tensor inc_stress_mf = stress_mf - stress_old_mf else: raise RuntimeError('A suitable self-consistent scheme has not ' 'been developed under finite strains yet.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute elastic reference material properties based on the # regression-based self-consistent scheme if self._self_consistent_scheme in ('regression',): # Initialize elastic reference material properties regression-based # self-consistent scheme optimizer if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Initialize elastic reference material properties optimizer ref_optimizer = InfinitesimalRegressionSCS( self._strain_formulation, self._problem_type, copy.deepcopy(self._material_properties_old), inc_strain_mf, inc_stress_mf) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute elastic reference material properties E, v = ref_optimizer.compute_reference_properties() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check admissibility of self-consistent scheme solution is_admissible = self._check_scs_solution(E, v) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return is_admissible, E, v
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _update_elastic_tangent(self): """Update reference material elastic tangent modulus and compliance. *Infinitesimal strains:* .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e,\\,0} = \\lambda^{0} \\boldsymbol{I} \\otimes \\boldsymbol{I} + 2 \\mu^{0} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}}_{s} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e,\\,0}` is the reference material elastic tangent modulus, :math:`\\lambda^{0}` and :math:`\\mu^{0}` are the elastic Lamé parameters, :math:`\\boldsymbol{I}` is the second-order identity tensor, and :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}}_{s}` is the fourth-order symmetric identity tensor. .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{S}}^{e,\\,0} = - \\dfrac{\\lambda^{0}}{2 \\mu^{0} (3\\lambda^{0} + 2\\mu^{0})} \\boldsymbol{I} \\otimes \\boldsymbol{I} + \\dfrac{1}{2 \\mu^{0}} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}}_{s} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{S}}^{e,\\,0}` is the reference material elastic compliance, :math:`\\lambda^{0}` and :math:`\\mu^{0}` are the elastic Lamé parameters, :math:`\\boldsymbol{I}` is the second-order identity tensor, and :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}}_{s}` is the fourth-order symmetric identity tensor. ---- *Finite strains:* .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{e,\\,0} = \\lambda^{0} \\boldsymbol{I} \\otimes \\boldsymbol{I} + 2 \\mu^{0} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{A}}^{e,\\,0}` is the reference material hyperelastic tangent modulus, :math:`\\lambda^{0}` and :math:`\\mu^{0}` are the elastic Lamé parameters, :math:`\\boldsymbol{I}` is the second-order identity tensor, and :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}}` is the fourth-order identity tensor. .. math:: \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{S}}^{e,\\,0} = - \\dfrac{\\lambda^{0}}{2 \\mu^{0} (3\\lambda^{0} + 2\\mu^{0})} \\boldsymbol{I} \\otimes \\boldsymbol{I} + \\dfrac{1}{2 \\mu^{0}} \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}} \\, , where :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{S}}^{e,\\,0}` is the reference material hyperelastic compliance, :math:`\\lambda^{0}` and :math:`\\mu^{0}` are the elastic Lamé parameters, :math:`\\boldsymbol{I}` is the second-order identity tensor, and :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{I}}` is the fourth-order symmetric identity tensor. """ # Get Young's Modulus and Poisson's ratio E = self._material_properties['E'] v = self._material_properties['v'] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute Lamé parameters lam, miu = type(self).lame_from_technical(E, v) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set required fourth-order tensors _, foid, _, fosym, fodiagtrace, _, _ = \ top.get_id_operators(self._n_dim) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute elastic tangent modulus and elastic compliance matrix if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Set symmetric strain/stress component order comp_order = self._comp_order_sym # Compute elastic tangent modulus and elastic compliance matrix # according to problem type if self._problem_type in [1, 4]: # Compute elastic tangent modulus elastic_tangent = lam*fodiagtrace + 2.0*miu*fosym # Compute elastic compliance elastic_compliance = -(lam/(2*miu*(3*lam + 2*miu))) \ * fodiagtrace + (1.0/(2.0*miu))*fosym else: # Set nonsymmetric strain/stress component order comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym # Compute elastic tangent modulus and elastic compliance matrix # according to problem type if self._problem_type in [1, 4]: # Compute elastic tangent modulus (2D problem (plane strain), # 3D problem) elastic_tangent = lam*fodiagtrace + 2.0*miu*foid # Compute elastic compliance elastic_compliance = -(lam/(2*miu*(3*lam + 2*miu))) \ * fodiagtrace + (1.0/(2.0*miu))*foid # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Build elastic tangent modulus matricial form elastic_tangent_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(elastic_tangent, self._n_dim, comp_order) # Build elastic compliance matricial form elastic_compliance_mf = mop.get_tensor_mf(elastic_compliance, self._n_dim, comp_order) # Build elastic compliance matrix (without matricial form associated # coefficients) elastic_compliance_matrix = np.zeros(elastic_compliance_mf.shape) for j in range(len(comp_order)): for i in range(len(comp_order)): elastic_compliance_matrix[i, j] = \ (1.0/mop.kelvin_factor(i, comp_order)) \ * (1.0/mop.kelvin_factor(j, comp_order)) \ * elastic_compliance_mf[i, j] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update reference material elastic tangent modulus and compliance # matrix self._elastic_tangent_mf = elastic_tangent_mf self._elastic_compliance_matrix = elastic_compliance_matrix
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _check_scs_solution(self, E, v): """Check admissibility of self-consistent scheme iterative solution. Parameters ---------- E : float Young modulus of elastic reference material. v : float Poisson ratio of elastic reference material. Returns ------- is_admissible : bool True if self-consistent scheme iterative solution is admissible, False otherwise. """ # Set admissibility default value is_admissible = False # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Evaluate admissibility conditions: # Reference material Young modulus if self._material_properties_init is None: condition_1 = E > 0.0 else: condition_1 = (E/self._material_properties_init['E']) >= 0.01 # Reference material Poisson ratio condition_2 = v > 0.0 and (v/0.5) < 1.0 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set admissibility of self-consistent scheme iterative solution is_admissible = condition_1 and condition_2 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return is_admissible
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def check_scs_convergence(self, E, v): """Check self-consistent scheme iterative solution convergence. Parameters ---------- E : float Young modulus of elastic reference material. v : float Poisson ratio of elastic reference material. Returns ------- is_converged : bool True if self-consistent scheme iterative solution converged, False otherwise. """ # Compute iterative variation of the reference material Young modulus # and Poisson ratio dE = E - self._material_properties['E'] dv = v - self._material_properties['v'] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute normalized iterative change of the reference material Young # modulus and Poisson ratio norm_dE = abs(dE/E) norm_dv = abs(dv/v) # Store normalized iterative change of reference material properties self._norm_dE = norm_dE self._norm_dv = norm_dv # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check self-consistent scheme convergence is_converged = (norm_dE < self._conv_tol) \ and (norm_dv < self._conv_tol) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return is_converged
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def get_available_scs(strain_formulation): """Get available self-consistent schemes. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. Returns ------- available_scs : tuple[str] Available self-consistent schemes. """ if strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': available_scs = ('none', 'regression') elif strain_formulation == 'finite': available_scs = ('none',) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return available_scs
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def lame_from_technical(E, v): """Get Lamé parameters from Young modulus and Poisson ratio. Parameters ---------- E : float Young modulus. v : float Poisson ratio. Returns ------- lam : float Lamé parameter. miu : float Lamé parameter. """ # Compute Lamé parameters lam = (E*v)/((1.0 + v)*(1.0 - 2.0*v)) miu = E/(2.0*(1.0 + v)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return lam, miu
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def technical_from_lame(lam, miu): """Get Young modulus and Poisson ratio from Lamé parameters. Parameters ---------- lam : float Lamé parameter. miu : float Lamé parameter. Returns ------- E : float Young modulus. v : float Poisson ratio. """ # Compute Young modulus and Poisson ratio E = (miu*(3.0*lam + 2.0*miu))/(lam + miu) v = lam/(2.0*(lam + miu)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return E, v
# # Interface: Reference material properties optimizer # ============================================================================= class ReferenceMaterialOptimizer(ABC): """Elastic reference material properties optimizer interface. Attributes ---------- _n_dim : int Problem number of spatial dimensions. _comp_order_sym : list[str] Strain/Stress components symmetric order. _comp_order_nsym : list[str] Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order. """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self, strain_formulation, problem_type): """Elastic reference material properties optimizer constructor. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). """ pass # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @abstractmethod def compute_reference_properties(self): """Compute elastic reference material properties. Returns ------- young : float Young modulus of elastic reference material. poiss : float Poisson ratio of elastic reference material. """ pass # # Reference material properties optimizers # ============================================================================= class InfinitesimalRegressionSCS(ReferenceMaterialOptimizer): """Infinitesimal strains format regression-based self-consistent scheme. *Mimization problem:* .. math:: \\left\\{ \\lambda^{0}_{n+1}, \\, \\mu^{0}_{n+1} \\right\\} = \\underset{ \\left\\{ \\lambda ', \\, \\, \\mu ' \\right\\} }{ \\mathrm{argmin}} \\, || \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{n+1} - \\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e, \\, 0}_{n+1}(\\lambda ',\\mu ') : \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{n+1} ||^{2} where :math:`\\lambda^{0}` and :math:`\\mu^{0}` are the elastic Lamé parameters, :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}` is the homogenized incremental Cauchy stress tensor, :math:`\\boldsymbol{\\mathsf{D}}^{e,\\,0}` is the reference material elastic tangent modulus, :math:`\\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}` is the homogenized incremental infinitesimal strain tensor, and :math:`n+1` denotes the current increment. ---- *Solution:* .. math:: \\begin{bmatrix} \\lambda^{0}_{m+1} \\\\[10pt] \\mu^{0}_{m+1} \\end{bmatrix} = \\begin{bmatrix} \\text{tr} \\, \\left[ \\boldsymbol{I} \\right] \\, \\text{tr} \\, \\left[ \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{m+1} \\right] & 2 \\, \\text{tr} \\, \\left[ \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{m+1} \\right] \\\\[10pt] \\text{tr} \\, \\left[ \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{m+1} \\right]^{2} & 2 \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{m+1} : \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{m+1} \\end{bmatrix}^{-1} \\begin{bmatrix} \\, \\text{tr} \\, \\left[ \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{m+1} \\right] \\\\[10pt] \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\sigma}_{m+1}: \\Delta \\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}_{m+1} \\end{bmatrix} \\, . Attributes ---------- _n_dim : int Problem number of spatial dimensions. _comp_order_sym : list[str] Strain/Stress components symmetric order. _comp_order_nsym : list[str] Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order. """ def __init__(self, strain_formulation, problem_type, material_properties_old, inc_strain_mf, inc_stress_mf, is_symmetrized=False): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. problem_type : int Problem type: 2D plane strain (1), 2D plane stress (2), 2D axisymmetric (3) and 3D (4). material_properties_old : dict Last loading increment converged elastic reference material properties (key, str) values (item, {int, float, bool}). inc_strain_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Incremental homogenized strain (matricial form). inc_stress_mf : numpy.ndarray (1d) Incremental homogenized stress (matricial form). is_symmetrized : bool, default=False True if a symmetric alternative stress-strain conjugate pair is adopted in the finite strains regression-based self-consistent scheme, False otherwise. """ self._strain_formulation = strain_formulation self._problem_type = problem_type self._material_properties_old = copy.deepcopy(material_properties_old) self._inc_strain_mf = copy.deepcopy(inc_strain_mf) self._inc_stress_mf = copy.deepcopy(inc_stress_mf) self._is_symmetrized = is_symmetrized # Get problem type parameters n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \ mop.get_problem_type_parameters(problem_type) self._n_dim = n_dim self._comp_order_sym = comp_order_sym self._comp_order_nsym = comp_order_nsym # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def compute_reference_properties(self): """Compute elastic reference material properties. Returns ------- E : float Young modulus of elastic reference material. v : float Poisson ratio of elastic reference material. """ # Set strain/stress components order if self._strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': comp_order = self._comp_order_sym elif self._strain_formulation == 'finite': if self._is_symmetrized: comp_order = self._comp_order_sym else: comp_order = self._comp_order_nsym else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if np.all([abs(self._inc_strain_mf[i]) < 1e-10 for i in range(self._inc_strain_mf.shape[0])]): # Get last loading increment converged elastic reference material # properties E = self._material_properties_old['E'] v = self._material_properties_old['v'] # Return return E, v # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set second-order identity tensor soid, _, _, _, _, _, _ = top.get_id_operators(self._n_dim) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize self-consistent scheme system of linear equations # coefficient matrix and right-hand side scs_matrix = np.zeros((2, 2)) scs_rhs = np.zeros(2) # Get incremental strain and stress tensors inc_strain = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(self._inc_strain_mf, self._n_dim, comp_order) inc_stress = mop.get_tensor_from_mf(self._inc_stress_mf, self._n_dim, comp_order) # Compute self-consistent scheme system of linear equations right-hand # side scs_rhs[0] = np.trace(inc_stress) scs_rhs[1] = top.ddot22_1(inc_stress, inc_strain) # Compute self-consistent scheme system of linear equations coefficient # matrix scs_matrix[0, 0] = np.trace(inc_strain)*np.trace(soid) scs_matrix[0, 1] = 2.0*np.trace(inc_strain) scs_matrix[1, 0] = np.trace(inc_strain)**2 scs_matrix[1, 1] = 2.0*top.ddot22_1(inc_strain, inc_strain) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Limitation 1: Under isochoric loading conditions the first equation # of the self-consistent scheme system of linear equations vanishes # (derivative with respect to lambda). In this case, adopt the previous # converged lambda and compute miu from the second equation of the # self-consistent scheme system of linear equations if (abs(np.trace(inc_strain))/np.linalg.norm(inc_strain)) < 1e-10 \ or np.linalg.solve(scs_matrix, scs_rhs)[0] < 0: # Get previous converged reference material elastic properties E_old = self._material_properties_old['E'] v_old = self._material_properties_old['v'] # Compute previous converged lambda lam = (E_old*v_old)/((1.0 + v_old)*(1.0 - 2.0*v_old)) # Compute miu miu = scs_rhs[1]/scs_matrix[1, 1] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Limitation 2: Under hydrostatic loading conditions both equations of # the self-consistent scheme system of linear equations become linearly # dependent. In this case, assume that the ratio between lambda and miu # is the same as in the previous converged values and solve the first # equation of self-consistent scheme system of linear equations elif np.all([abs(inc_strain[0, 0] - inc_strain[i, i]) / np.linalg.norm(inc_strain) < 1e-10 for i in range(self._n_dim)]) and \ np.allclose(inc_strain, np.diag(np.diag(inc_strain)), atol=1e-10): # Get previous converged reference material elastic properties E_old = self._material_properties_old['E'] v_old = self._material_properties_old['v'] # Compute previous converged reference material Lamé parameters lam_old = (E_old*v_old)/((1.0 + v_old)*(1.0 - 2.0*v_old)) miu_old = E_old/(2.0*(1.0 + v_old)) # Compute reference material Lamé parameters lam = (scs_rhs[0]/scs_matrix[0, 0])*(lam_old/(lam_old + miu_old)) miu = (scs_rhs[0]/scs_matrix[0, 0])*(miu_old/(lam_old + miu_old)) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Solve self-consistent scheme system of linear equations else: scs_solution = np.linalg.solve(scs_matrix, scs_rhs) # Get reference material Lamé parameters lam = scs_solution[0] miu = scs_solution[1] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute reference material Young modulus and Poisson ratio E, v = ElasticReferenceMaterial.technical_from_lame(lam, miu) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return E, v