
set_problem_dirs(input_file_name, input_file_dir, is_minimize_output=False, is_null_stdout=False)[source]

Set output directory structure.

Output directory structure:

     |---- microstructure_regular_grid.rgmsh
     |---- example.hres
     |---- example.efftan
     |---- example.refm
     |---- example.adapt
     |---- offline_stage/
     |           |---- example.crve
     |           |---- example_clusters.vti
     |---- post_process/
                 |---- example.pvd
                 |---- VTK/
                 |---- example.voxout

Glossary: Files and directories

  • example.dat

    Input data file.

  • regular_grid_mesh.rgmsh

    Spatial discretization file (regular grid of voxels, where each voxel is associated with a given material phase ID).

  • example/

    Output directory.

    • example.screen

      File where all the data printed to the default standard output device is stored.

    • regular_grid_mesh.rgmsh

      Copy of spatial discretization file.

    • example.hres

      File where the homogenized strain/stress results are stored.

    • example.efftan

      File where the CRVE effective material consistent tangent modulus is stored.

    • example.refm

      File where data associated with the homogeneous (fictitious) reference material is stored.

    • example.adapt

      File where the adaptive material phases’ number of clusters and adaptivity steps are stored (only if clustering adaptivity is activated).

    • offline_stage/

      Clustering-based model reduction (offline-stage) directory.

      • example.crve

        File that contains the CRVE instance obtained from the clustering-based model reduction (offline-stage), accounting for the base clustering and the cluster interaction tensors.

      • example_clusters.vti

        VTK XML file containing spatial (voxelwise) data characterizing the CRVE after the clustering-based model reduction (offline-stage), namely the material phases and the base material clusters.

    • post_processing/

      Post-processing directory.

      • example.pvd

        VTK XML collection file containing the paths to all the VTK snapshots taken during the problem solution.

      • VTK/

        VTK XML files directory containing all the snapshots taken during the problem solution.

      • example.voxout

        File where material-related quantities defined at the voxel level are stored.

  • input_file_name (str) – Problem input data file name.

  • input_file_dir (str) – Problem input data file directory path.

  • is_minimize_output (bool, default=False) – Output minimization flag.

  • is_null_stdout (bool, default=False) – Suppress execution output to stdout.


  • problem_name (str) – Problem name.

  • problem_dir (str) – Problem output directory path.

  • offline_stage_dir (str) – Problem output offline-stage subdirectory path.

  • postprocess_dir (str) – Problem output post-processing subdirectory path.

  • is_same_offstage (bool) – True if an already existing offline-stage data file is to be considered, False otherwise.

  • crve_file_path (str) – Problem ‘.crve’ output file path.