Source code for cratepy.ioput.fileoperations

"""File and directory operations.

This module includes several functions to handle files and directories, as well
as the functions that process the problem input data file and set the problem
output directory.

    Create new directory.
    Remove unrequired directories and files in target directory.
    Process input data file path.
    Set output directory structure and output files paths.
#                                                                       Modules
# =============================================================================
# Standard
import os
import shutil
# Local
import as info
import ioput.ioutilities as ioutil
#                                                          Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira ('
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
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#                                                          Directory operations
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[docs]def make_directory(dir, option='no_overwrite'): """Create new directory. Parameters ---------- dir : str Path of new directory. option : {'no_overwrite', 'overwrite'}, default='no_overwrite' Either to overwrite or not an existing path. """ if option == 'no_overwrite': os.mkdir(dir) elif option == 'overwrite': if not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) else: shutil.rmtree(dir) os.mkdir(dir) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown option.')
# =============================================================================
[docs]def remove_dirs(target_dir, required_dirnames): """Remove unrequired directories and files in target directory. Parameters ---------- target_dir : str Path of target directory. required_dirnames : list[str] Paths that are to be preserved in target directory. """ dirnames = os.listdir(target_dir) for dir in dirnames: if dir not in required_dirnames: path = target_dir + dir if os.path.isfile(path): os.remove(path) else: shutil.rmtree(path)
# # Input data file # =============================================================================
[docs]def set_input_datafile_path(path): """Process input data file path. Parameters ---------- path : str Path of input data file. Returns ------- input_file_name : str Input data file name. input_file_path : str Input data file path. input_file_dir : str Input data file directory path. """ # Set input data file path, directory, name and extension input_file_path = os.path.abspath(path) input_file_dir = os.path.dirname(input_file_path) + '/' input_file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_file_path))[-2] input_file_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_file_path))[-1] # Check if the input data file has the required '.dat' extension if input_file_ext != '.dat': summary = 'Input data file extension' description = 'The input data file must have \'.dat\' extension.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description) # Check if the input data file name only contains numbers, letters or # underscores if not ioutil.checkvalidname(input_file_name): summary = 'Input data file name' description = 'The input data file name can only contain letters, ' \ + 'numbers or underscores.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return input_file_name, input_file_path, input_file_dir
# # Results directory # =============================================================================
[docs]def set_problem_dirs(input_file_name, input_file_dir, is_minimize_output=False, is_null_stdout=False): """Set output directory structure. *Output directory structure:* .. code-block :: text example.dat microstructure_regular_grid.rgmsh example/ |-----example.screen |---- microstructure_regular_grid.rgmsh |---- example.hres |---- example.efftan |---- example.refm |---- example.adapt |---- offline_stage/ | |---- example.crve | |---- example_clusters.vti | |---- post_process/ |---- example.pvd |---- VTK/ |---- example.voxout ---- *Glossary: Files and directories* * **example.dat** Input data file. * **regular_grid_mesh.rgmsh** Spatial discretization file (regular grid of voxels, where each voxel \ is associated with a given material phase ID). * **example/** Output directory. * **example.screen** File where all the data printed to the default standard output \ device is stored. * **regular_grid_mesh.rgmsh** Copy of spatial discretization file. * **example.hres** File where the homogenized strain/stress results are stored. * **example.efftan** File where the CRVE effective material consistent tangent modulus is stored. * **example.refm** File where data associated with the homogeneous (fictitious) reference material is stored. * **example.adapt** File where the adaptive material phases' number of clusters and \ adaptivity steps are stored (only if clustering adaptivity is \ activated). * **offline_stage/** Clustering-based model reduction (offline-stage) directory. * **example.crve** File that contains the CRVE instance obtained from the \ clustering-based model reduction (offline-stage), accounting \ for the base clustering and the cluster interaction tensors. * **example_clusters.vti** VTK XML file containing spatial (voxelwise) data \ characterizing the CRVE after the clustering-based model \ reduction (offline-stage), namely the material phases and the \ base material clusters. * **post_processing/** Post-processing directory. * **example.pvd** VTK XML collection file containing the paths to all the VTK \ snapshots taken during the problem solution. * **VTK/** VTK XML files directory containing all the snapshots taken \ during the problem solution. * **example.voxout** File where material-related quantities defined at the voxel \ level are stored. ---- Parameters ---------- input_file_name : str Problem input data file name. input_file_dir : str Problem input data file directory path. is_minimize_output : bool, default=False Output minimization flag. is_null_stdout : bool, default=False Suppress execution output to stdout. Returns ------- problem_name : str Problem name. problem_dir : str Problem output directory path. offline_stage_dir : str Problem output offline-stage subdirectory path. postprocess_dir : str Problem output post-processing subdirectory path. is_same_offstage : bool `True` if an already existing offline-stage data file is to be considered, `False` otherwise. crve_file_path : str Problem '.crve' output file path. """ # Get display features indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set problem name and output directory problem_name = input_file_name problem_dir = input_file_dir + problem_name + '/' # Set offline-stage and post-processing subdirectories offline_stage_dir = problem_dir + 'offline_stage' + '/' postprocess_dir = problem_dir + 'post_processing' + '/' # Set '.screen' output file path (delete existing file) ioutil.screen_file_path = problem_dir + input_file_name + '.screen' if os.path.isfile(ioutil.screen_file_path): os.remove(ioutil.screen_file_path) # Set '.crve' output file path crve_file_path = offline_stage_dir + input_file_name + '.crve' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Disable user prompts is_user_prompts = True if is_null_stdout or is_minimize_output: is_user_prompts = False # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check if the problem output directory exists if not os.path.exists(problem_dir): status = 0 # Create problem output directory and subdirectories make_directory(problem_dir) for dir in [offline_stage_dir, postprocess_dir]: make_directory(dir) # No previously computed offline-stage data available is_same_offstage = False else: ioutil.print2('\nWarning: The problem output directory for the ' 'specified input data file already exists.') # Ask user if the purpose is to consider previously computed # offline-stage data ('.crve' output file) if is_user_prompts: if os.path.exists(crve_file_path): is_same_offstage = ioutil.query_yn( '\nDo you wish to consider the already existent ' 'offline-stage \'.crve\' data file?', 'no') else: is_same_offstage = False else: # Consider existent offline-stage data by default if os.path.exists(offline_stage_dir) \ and os.path.exists(crve_file_path): is_same_offstage = True else: is_same_offstage = False # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if is_same_offstage: status = 1 # Raise error if offline-stage subdirectory does not exist if not os.path.exists(offline_stage_dir): summary = 'Missing offline-stage subdirectory' description = 'The subdirectory with the previously computed '\ + 'offline-stage data files could not be found:' + '\n\n' \ + indent + '{}' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, offline_stage_dir) # Remove all the existent subdirectories and files except the # offline-stage subdirectory and the '.screen' output file required_dirnames = [input_file_name + '.screen', 'offline_stage'] remove_dirs(problem_dir, required_dirnames) # Create post-processing subdirectory make_directory(postprocess_dir, 'overwrite') # Warn user to potential compatibility issues between the problem # input data file and the existent offline-stage '.crve' data file if is_user_prompts: ioutil.useraction( '\n\nWarning: Please make sure that the problem ' 'input data file is consistent with the already' '\n' + len('Warning: ')*' ' + 'existent offline-stage \'.crve\' data file ' '(stored in offline_stage/) to avoid ' + '\n' + len('Warning: ')*' ' + 'unexpected errors or misleading conclusions.' + '\n\n' + 'Press any key to continue or type ' '\'exit\' to leave: ') else: # Ask user if existent problem output directory should be # overwritten if is_user_prompts: is_overwrite = ioutil.query_yn('\nDo you wish to overwrite ' 'the existing problem output ' 'directory?') else: # Overwrite by default is_overwrite = True # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if is_overwrite: status = 2 # Remove all existent subdirectories and files except the # '.screen' output file required_dirnames = [input_file_name + '.screen'] remove_dirs(problem_dir, required_dirnames) # Create problem output directory subdirectories for dir in [offline_stage_dir, postprocess_dir]: make_directory(dir, 'overwrite') else: status = 3 # Display information about the problem directory and status info.displayinfo('-1', problem_dir, status) # Return return problem_name, problem_dir, offline_stage_dir, postprocess_dir, \ is_same_offstage, crve_file_path