displayinfo(code, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Display information during program execution.

Information is output to both default standard output device (e.g., terminal) and to the ‘.screen’ output file.


code (str) –

Code associated with the output information:

  • -1 : Setting problem directory

  • 0 : Program execution launched

  • 1 : Program execution completed

  • 2 : Execution phase started

  • 3 : Execution phase completed

  • 4 : Program aborted

  • 5 : Execution phase task

  • 6 : Clustering analysis and completion

  • 7 : Loading increment header and footer

  • 8 : Self-consistent scheme iteration header and footer

  • 9 : Newton-Raphson header and iteration

  • 11 : Loading increment cut

  • 12 : Adaptive clustering step header

  • 13 : Self-consistent scheme iteration header and footer (locked reference material properties)

  • 14 : Locking reference material properties (self-consistent scheme convergence failure)

  • 15 : Clustering adaptivity step summary

  • 16 : Clustering adaptivity step triggered

  • 17 : Adaptive clustering solution rewinding

  • 18 : Writing increment VTK output file