Source code for

"""Display information during program execution.

This module includes a function that allows the output of information to both
default standard output device (e.g., terminal) and to the '.screen' output
file in a formatted and consistent manner. Some output codes may precede a
program abortion.

    Display information during program execution.
#                                                                       Modules
# =============================================================================
# Standard
import sys
import copy
# Third-party
import numpy as np
import colorama
# Local
import ioput.ioutilities as ioutil
#                                                          Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira ('
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
[docs]def displayinfo(code, *args, **kwargs): """Display information during program execution. Information is output to both default standard output device (e.g., terminal) and to the '.screen' output file. ---- Parameters ---------- code : str Code associated with the output information: * -1 : Setting problem directory * 0 : Program execution launched * 1 : Program execution completed * 2 : Execution phase started * 3 : Execution phase completed * 4 : Program aborted * 5 : Execution phase task * 6 : Clustering analysis and completion * 7 : Loading increment header and footer * 8 : Self-consistent scheme iteration header and footer * 9 : Newton-Raphson header and iteration * 11 : Loading increment cut * 12 : Adaptive clustering step header * 13 : Self-consistent scheme iteration header and footer \ (locked reference material properties) * 14 : Locking reference material properties (self-consistent \ scheme convergence failure) * 15 : Clustering adaptivity step summary * 16 : Clustering adaptivity step triggered * 17 : Adaptive clustering solution rewinding * 18 : Writing increment VTK output file """ # Get display features display_features = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures() output_width, dashed_line, indent, asterisk_line = display_features[0:4] tilde_line, equal_line = display_features[4:6] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set informations and formats to display if code == '-1': status = args[1] arguments = [args[0], ] info = tuple(arguments) if status == 0: template = 4*'\n' + 'Problem directory: {}' + '\n\n' \ + 'Status: New problem' elif status == 1: template = 4*'\n' + 'Problem directory: {}' + '\n\n' \ + 'Status: Repeating problem (considering existent ' \ + 'offline stage)' elif status == 2: template = 4*'\n' + 'Problem directory: {}' + '\n\n' \ + 'Status: New problem (overwriting existing directory)' elif status == 3: ioutil.print2('Please rerun the program and provide a different ' 'problem name.' + '\n') sys.exit(1) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '0': arguments = \ ['CRATE - Clustering-based Nonlinear Analysis of Materials', 'Created by Bernardo P. Ferreira', 'Release 1.0.5 (Oct 2023)'] \ + 2*[args[0], ] + list(args[1:3]) info = tuple(arguments) template = '\n' + colorama.Fore.WHITE + tilde_line \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL \ + colorama.Fore.WHITE + '\n{:^{width}}\n\n' \ + '{:^{width}}\n' + '\n{:^{width}}\n\n' \ + colorama.Fore.YELLOW + 'Problem under analysis: ' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '{}' + '\n\n' \ + colorama.Fore.YELLOW + 'Input data file: ' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '{}.dat' + '\n\n' \ + colorama.Fore.YELLOW + 'Starting program execution at: ' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '{} ({})\n' \ + colorama.Fore.WHITE + tilde_line \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '\n\n' + colorama.Fore.WHITE \ + dashed_line + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '1': phase_names = args[3] phase_times = args[4] total_time = phase_times[0, 1] - phase_times[0, 0] number_of_phases = len(phase_names) phase_durations = [phase_times[i, 1] - phase_times[i, 0] for i in range(0, number_of_phases)] for i in range(0, number_of_phases): phase_durations.insert(3*i, phase_names[i]) phase_durations.insert(3*i + 2, (phase_durations[3*i + 1]/total_time)*100) arguments = list(args[0:3]) \ + [total_time, np.floor(total_time/3600), (total_time % 3600)/60] + ['Phase', 'Duration (s)', '%'] \ + phase_durations[3:] \ + [colorama.Fore.GREEN + 'Program Completed' + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL] info = tuple(arguments) template = '\n' + colorama.Fore.WHITE + tilde_line \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '\n' \ + colorama.Fore.YELLOW + 'Ending program execution at: ' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '{} ({})\n\n' \ + colorama.Fore.YELLOW + 'Problem analysed: ' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '{}\n\n' \ + colorama.Fore.YELLOW + 'Total execution time: ' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL \ + '{:.2e}s (~{:.0f}h{:.0f}m)\n\n' \ + colorama.Fore.YELLOW + 'Execution times: \n\n' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL \ + 2*indent + '{:50}{:^20}{:^5}' + '\n' \ + 2*indent + 75*'-' + '\n' \ + (2*indent + '{:50}{:^20.2e}{:>5.2f} \n')*(number_of_phases - 1) \ + 2*indent + 75*'-' + '\n\n\n' + '{:^{width}}' + '\n' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '2': arguments = [args[0], ] info = tuple(arguments) template = colorama.Fore.GREEN + 'Start phase: ' \ + colorama.Fore.WHITE \ + '{} \n' + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '3': arguments = args[0:2] info = tuple(arguments) template = colorama.Fore.GREEN + '\n\nEnd phase: ' \ + colorama.Fore.WHITE + '{} (phase duration time = {:.2e}s)\n' \ + dashed_line + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '4': summary = args[0] description = args[1] arguments = list(args[2:]) arguments.append('Program Aborted') info = tuple(arguments) template = '\n\n' + colorama.Fore.RED \ + indent + asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + summary \ + '\n\n' + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL \ + indent + description \ + '\n' + colorama.Fore.RED \ + indent + asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n\n' \ + '{:^{width}}' + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '\n' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '5': if len(args) == 2: n_indents = args[1] else: n_indents = 1 arguments = [args[0], ] info = tuple(arguments) template = '\n' + n_indents*indent + '> {}' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '6': mode = args[0] if mode == 'progress': arguments = args[1:3] if args[1] == 1: print(' ') info = tuple(arguments) template = indent + '> Performing clustering process {} of {}...' print(template.format(*info, width=output_width), end='\r') if args[1] == args[2]: print(' ') return elif mode == 'completed': arguments = ['', ] info = tuple(arguments) template = '\n' + indent + '> Completed all clustering processes!' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '7': mode = args[0] if mode == 'init': subinc_level = args[2] if subinc_level == 0: arguments = list([args[1], ]) + list(args[3:]) info = tuple(arguments) template = colorama.Fore.CYAN + '\n' \ + indent + 'Increment number: {:3d}' + '\n' \ + indent + equal_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 'Loading subpath: {:4d} |' + 6*' ' \ + 'Load factor | Total = {:8.1e}' + 7*' ' \ + 'Time | Total = {:8.1e}' + '\n' \ + indent + 6*' ' + 'Increment: {:4d} |' + 18*' ' \ + '| Incr. = {:8.1e}' + 12*' ' + '| Incr. = {:8.1e}' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL else: arguments = args[1:] info = tuple(arguments) template = colorama.Fore.CYAN + '\n' \ + indent + 'Increment number: {:3d}' + 3*' ' \ + '(Sub-inc. level: {:3d})' + '\n' \ + indent + equal_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 'Loading subpath: {:4d} |' + 6*' ' \ + 'Load factor | Total = {:8.1e}' + 7*' ' \ + 'Time | Total = {:8.1e}' + '\n' \ + indent + 6*' ' + 'Increment: {:4d} |' + 18*' ' \ + '| Incr. = {:8.1e}' + 12*' ' + '| Incr. = {:8.1e}' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL elif mode == 'end': space1 = (output_width - 84)*' ' space2 = (output_width - (len('Homogenized strain tensor') + 48))*' ' space3 = (output_width - (len('Increment run time (s): ') + 44))*' ' strain_formulation = args[1] problem_type = args[2] hom_strain = args[3] hom_stress = args[4] hom_strain_out = np.zeros((3, 3)) hom_stress_out = np.zeros((3, 3)) if problem_type == 1: hom_strain_out[0:2, 0:2] = hom_strain if strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': hom_strain_out[2, 2] = 0.0 else: hom_strain_out[2, 2] = 1.0 hom_stress_out[0:2, 0:2] = hom_stress hom_stress_out[2, 2] = args[7] else: hom_strain_out = copy.deepcopy(hom_strain) hom_stress_out = copy.deepcopy(hom_stress) if strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': strain_symbol = '\u03B5' stress_symbol = '\u03C3' else: strain_symbol = 'F' stress_symbol = 'P' arguments = list() for i in range(3): for j in range(3): arguments.append(hom_strain_out[i, j]) for j in range(3): arguments.append(hom_stress_out[i, j]) arguments = arguments + [args[5], args[6]] info = tuple(arguments) template = '\n\n' \ + indent + equal_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 7*' ' + 'Homogenized strain tensor (' \ + strain_symbol + ')' + space2 \ + 'Homogenized stress tensor (' + stress_symbol + ')' \ + '\n\n' \ + indent + ' [' + 3*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + space1 \ + '[' + 3*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + '\n' \ + indent + ' [' + 3*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + space1 \ + '[' + 3*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + '\n' \ + indent + ' [' + 3*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + space1 \ + '[' + 3*'{:>12.4e}' + ' ]' + '\n' \ + '\n' + indent + equal_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 'Increment run time (s): {:>11.4e}' + space3 \ + 'Total run time (s): {:>11.4e}' + '\n\n' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '8': mode = args[0] if mode == 'init': if args[1] == 0: format_1 = '{:.4e}' format_2 = '-' else: format_1 = '{:.4e}' format_2 = '{:.4e}' arguments = args[1:] info = tuple(arguments) template = colorama.Fore.YELLOW + '\n\n' + indent \ + 'Self-consistent scheme iteration: {:3d}' + '\n' \ + indent + tilde_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 'Young modulus (E): ' + format_1 \ + ' (norm. change: ' + format_2 + ')' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Poisson ratio (\u03BD): ' + format_1 \ + ' (norm. change: ' + format_2 + ')' + '\n' \ + indent + tilde_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL elif mode == 'end': arguments = args[1:] info = tuple(arguments) template = indent + dashed_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n\n' \ + indent + tilde_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 'Iteration run time (s): {:>11.4e}' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '9': mode = args[0] space1 = (output_width - 48)*' ' space2 = (output_width - 67)*' ' if mode == 'init': arguments = args[1:] info = tuple(arguments) template = indent + 5*' ' + 'Iteration' + space1 \ + 'Normalized residuals' + '\n' \ + indent + ' Number Run time (s)' + space2 \ + 'Equilibrium Mac. strain Mac. stress' + '\n' \ + indent + dashed_line[:-len(indent)] elif mode == 'iter': if not isinstance(args[4], float): arguments = list(args[1:4]) + [args[5], ] info = tuple(arguments) template = indent + ' {:^6d} {:^12.4e}' + space2 \ + '{:>11.4e} - {:^11.4e}' elif not isinstance(args[5], float): arguments = args[1:5] info = tuple(arguments) template = indent + ' {:^6d} {:^12.4e}' + space2 \ + '{:>11.4e} {:^11.4e} -' else: arguments = args[1:] info = tuple(arguments) template = indent + ' {:^6d} {:^12.4e}' + space2 \ + '{:>11.4e} {:^11.4e} {:^11.4e}' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '10': pass # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '11': mode = args[0] if mode == 'max_iter': arguments = [args[1], ] cut_msg = ('Maximum number of iterations ({}) reached without ' 'convergence.') elif mode == 'su_fail': arguments = [args[1]['cluster'], args[1]['mat_phase']] cut_msg = 'State update failure in cluster {} (material phase {}).' elif mode == 'max_scs_iter': arguments = [args[1], ] cut_msg = 'Maximum number of self-consistent iterations ({}) ' \ + 'reached without' + '\n' \ + indent + len('Increment cut: ')*' ' + 'convergence.' else: cut_msg = 'Undefined increment cut message.' info = tuple(arguments) template = '\n\n' + colorama.Fore.RED \ + indent + asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 'Increment cut: ' + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + cut_msg \ + '\n' + colorama.Fore.RED \ + indent + asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '\n' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '12': arguments = [args[0], ] info = tuple(arguments) template = '\n\n' \ + indent + 'Adaptive clustering step: {:3d}' + '\n' \ + indent + tilde_line[:-len(indent)] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '13': mode = args[0] if mode == 'init': if args[1] == 0: format_1 = '{:.4e}' format_2 = '-' else: format_1 = '{:.4e}' format_2 = '{:.4e}' arguments = args[1:] info = tuple(arguments) template = colorama.Fore.YELLOW \ + '\n\n' + indent + 'Self-consistent scheme iteration: {:3d}' \ + '\n' + indent + tilde_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 'Young modulus (E): ' + format_1 \ + ' (norm. change: ' + format_2 + ')' + ' \U0001F512' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Poisson ratio (\u03BD): ' + format_1 \ + ' (norm. change: ' + format_2 + ')' + ' \U0001F512' + '\n' \ + indent + tilde_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL elif mode == 'end': arguments = args[1:] info = tuple(arguments) template = indent + dashed_line[:-len(indent)] \ + '\n\n' + indent + tilde_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 'Iteration run time (s): {:>11.4e}' + ' \U0001F512' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '14': mode = args[0] if mode == 'max_scs_iter': arguments = [args[1], ] lock_msg = 'Maximum number of self-consistent iterations ({}) ' \ + 'reached' + '\n' \ + indent + len('Locking reference properties: ')*' ' \ + 'without convergence.' + '\n' \ + indent + len('Locking reference properties: ')*' ' \ + 'Performing one last self-consistent scheme iteration ' \ + 'with ' + '\n' + indent \ + len('Locking reference properties: ')*' ' \ + 'the last converged increment reference material elastic' \ + '\n' + indent + len('Locking reference properties: ')*' ' \ + 'properties.' elif mode == 'inadmissible_scs_solution': arguments = [] lock_msg = 'Inadmissible self-consistent scheme iterative ' \ 'solution.' + '\n' \ + indent + len('Locking reference properties: ')*' ' \ + 'Performing one last self-consistent scheme iteration ' \ + 'with ' + '\n' \ + indent + len('Locking reference properties: ')*' ' \ + 'the last converged increment reference material elastic ' \ + '\n' + indent + len('Locking reference properties: ')*' ' \ + 'properties.' elif mode == 'locked_scs_solution': arguments = [] lock_msg = 'Inadmissible self-consistent scheme iterative ' \ + 'solution.' + '\n' \ + indent + len('Locking reference properties: ')*' ' \ + 'Accepting solution with the last converged increment ' \ + '\n' + indent + len('Locking reference properties: ')*' ' \ + 'reference material elastic properties.' else: lock_msg = 'Undefined locking message.' info = tuple(arguments) template = '\n\n' + colorama.Fore.YELLOW \ + indent + asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 'Locking reference properties: ' \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + lock_msg + '\n' \ + colorama.Fore.YELLOW + indent + asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '\n' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '15': # Get adaptivity manager and CRVE adaptivity_manager = args[0] crve = args[1] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get CRVE clustering summary clustering_summary = crve.get_clustering_summary() # Sort and get number of material phases mat_phases = list(clustering_summary.keys()) mat_phases.sort() n_mat_phases = len(clustering_summary.keys()) # Build output material phases clusters list and get the toal number of # base and final clusters output_clusters = [] base_n_clusters = 0 final_n_clusters = 0 for mat_phase in mat_phases: output_clusters += [mat_phase, ] + clustering_summary[mat_phase] base_n_clusters += clustering_summary[mat_phase][1] final_n_clusters += clustering_summary[mat_phase][2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get total clustering adaptivity procedures time and total online # stage time total_time_adapt = adaptivity_manager.adaptive_time total_time_os = args[2] # Set output phases designations time_phases = ['Select clustering adaptivity target clusters', 'Perform CRVE clustering adaptivity', 'Compute CRVE cluster interaction tensors', 'Other'] n_time_phases = len(time_phases) # Set output phases times adapt_times = [adaptivity_manager.adaptive_evaluation_time, crve.get_adaptive_clustering_time(), crve.get_adaptive_cit_time()] adapt_times.append(total_time_adapt - sum(adapt_times)) # Set output phases relative times if total_time_adapt > 1e-10: adapt_times_rel_1 = [(time/total_time_adapt)*100 for time in adapt_times] else: adapt_times_rel_1 = [0.0 for time in adapt_times] if total_time_os > 1e-10: adapt_times_rel_2 = [(time/total_time_os)*100 for time in adapt_times] else: adapt_times_rel_2 = [0.0 for time in adapt_times] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Build output phases times list output_times = [] for i in range(len(time_phases)): output_times += [time_phases[i], adapt_times[i], adapt_times_rel_1[i], adapt_times_rel_2[i]] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Build output structure arguments = ['Mat. phase', 'Type', 'Base clusters', 'Final clusters', *output_clusters, 'Total', base_n_clusters, final_n_clusters, 'Phase', 'Duration (s)', '% adapt', '% total', *output_times, 'Total', total_time_adapt, ] info = tuple(arguments) template = '\n\n' \ + indent + 'Clustering adaptivity summary:' + '\n\n' \ + 2*indent + '{:<10s}{:^21s}{:>20s}{:>20s}' + '\n' \ + 2*indent + dashed_line[:-10*len(indent)] + '\n' \ + (2*indent + '{:^10s}{:^21s}{:>20d}{:>20d}' + '\n')*n_mat_phases \ + 2*indent + dashed_line[:-10*len(indent)] + '\n' \ + 2*indent + '{:<31s}{:>20d}{:>20d}' '\n\n\n' \ + 2*indent + '{:50s}{:^20s}{:>7s}{:>10s}' + '\n' \ + 2*indent + dashed_line[:-2*len(indent)] + '\n' \ + (2*indent + '{:50s}{:^20.2e}{:>7.2f}{:>10.2f}' + '\n')*n_time_phases \ + 2*indent + dashed_line[:-2*len(indent)] + '\n' \ + 2*indent + '{:50s}{:^20.2e}' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '16': mode = args[0] inc = args[1] spacing = indent + len('Clustering adaptivity: ')*' ' if mode == 'repeat': msg = 'Adaptivity condition(s) have been triggered and ' \ 'clustering' + '\n' \ + spacing + 'adaptivity will be performed.' + '\n' \ + spacing + 'Current macroscale loading increment ({}) ' \ + 'will be repeated' + '\n' \ + spacing + 'considering the new clustering.' elif mode == 'new': msg = 'Adaptivity condition(s) have been triggered and ' \ + 'clustering' + '\n' \ + spacing + 'adaptivity will be performed.' + '\n' \ + spacing + 'Performing the new macroscale loading ' \ + 'increment ({})' + '\n' + spacing \ + 'considering the new clustering.' arguments = [inc, ] info = tuple(arguments) template = '\n\n' + colorama.Fore.CYAN + indent \ + asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 'Clustering adaptivity: ' + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL \ + msg + '\n' + colorama.Fore.CYAN + indent \ + asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '\n' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '17': rewind_inc = args[0] spacing = indent + len('Analysis rewind: ')*' ' msg = 'Rewind condition(s) have been triggered and the analysis ' \ + 'will be' + '\n' + spacing \ + 'rewound back to the end of macroscale loading increment {}.' \ + '\n' \ + spacing + 'The current CRVE clustering is considered, being ' \ + 'a suitable' + '\n' \ + spacing + 'transference of cluster-related variables performed.' arguments = [rewind_inc, ] info = tuple(arguments) template = '\n\n' + colorama.Fore.CYAN \ + indent + asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 'Analysis rewind: ' + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + msg \ + '\n' + colorama.Fore.CYAN \ + indent + asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + '\n' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elif code == '18': msg = 'Writing increment VTK output file...' arguments = [] info = tuple(arguments) template = '\n' + colorama.Fore.MAGENTA \ + indent + asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] + '\n' \ + indent + 'VTK Output: ' + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL + msg \ + '\n' + colorama.Fore.MAGENTA \ + indent + asterisk_line[:-len(indent)] \ + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Display information ioutil.print2(template.format(*info, width=output_width)) # Program abortion codes if code in ('4',): sys.exit(1)