
read_input_data_file(input_file, dirs_dict, is_minimize_output=False)[source]

Read input data file and store data in suitable containers.

  • input_file (file) – Input data file.

  • dirs_dict (dict) – Container of output directories and files paths.

  • is_minimize_output (bool, default=False) – Output minimization flag.


  • problem_dict (dict) – Container of data associated with the problem type.

  • mat_dict (dict) – Container of data associated with the material phases.

  • macload_dict (dict) – Container of data associated with the macroscale loading.

  • rg_dict (dict) – Container of data associated with the spatial discretization in a regular grid of voxels.

  • clst_dict (dict) – Container of data associated with the clustering-based domain decomposition.

  • scs_dict (dict) – Container of data associated with the self-consistent scheme.

  • algpar_dict (dict) – Container of data associated with algorithmic parameters underlying the equilibrium problem solution procedure.

  • vtk_dict (dict) – Container of data associated with the VTK output files.

  • output_dict (dict) – Container of data associated with general output files.

  • material_state (MaterialState) – CRVE material constitutive state.