Source code for cratepy.ioput.readinputdata
"""Read input data file and store data.
This module includes a function that reads the input data file and stores all
the relevant data in suitable containers.
Read input data file and store data in suitable containers.
# Modules
# =============================================================================
# Standard
import os
import shutil
# Third-party
import numpy as np
# Local
import as info
import ioput.ioutilities as ioutil
import ioput.fileoperations as filop
import ioput.packager as packager
import ioput.readprocedures as rproc
import tensor.matrixoperations as mop
from clustering.clusteringdata import get_available_clustering_features
from material.materialmodeling import MaterialState
# Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira ('
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
[docs]def read_input_data_file(input_file, dirs_dict, is_minimize_output=False):
"""Read input data file and store data in suitable containers.
input_file : file
Input data file.
dirs_dict : dict
Container of output directories and files paths.
is_minimize_output : bool, default=False
Output minimization flag.
problem_dict : dict
Container of data associated with the problem type.
mat_dict : dict
Container of data associated with the material phases.
macload_dict : dict
Container of data associated with the macroscale loading.
rg_dict : dict
Container of data associated with the spatial discretization in a
regular grid of voxels.
clst_dict : dict
Container of data associated with the clustering-based domain
scs_dict : dict
Container of data associated with the self-consistent scheme.
algpar_dict : dict
Container of data associated with algorithmic parameters underlying the
equilibrium problem solution procedure.
vtk_dict : dict
Container of data associated with the VTK output files.
output_dict : dict
Container of data associated with general output files.
material_state : MaterialState
CRVE material constitutive state.
# Get display features
indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2]
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Get input data file path and output directories paths
input_file_name = dirs_dict['input_file_name']
input_file_path = dirs_dict['input_file_path']
discret_file_dir = dirs_dict['discret_file_dir']
problem_dir = dirs_dict['problem_dir']
postprocess_dir = dirs_dict['postprocess_dir']
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read strain formulation (mandatory)
keyword = 'Strain_Formulation'
max_val = 2
strain_formulation_code = rproc.readtypeAkeyword(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, max_val)
if strain_formulation_code == 1:
strain_formulation = 'infinitesimal'
elif strain_formulation_code == 2:
strain_formulation = 'finite'
raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.')
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read problem type (mandatory)
keyword = 'Problem_Type'
max_val = 4
problem_type = rproc.readtypeAkeyword(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, max_val)
# Get parameters dependent on the problem type
n_dim, comp_order_sym, comp_order_nsym = \
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read RVE dimensions (mandatory)
keyword = 'RVE_Dimensions'
rve_dims = rproc.read_rve_dimensions(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, n_dim)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read number of material phases, constitutive models and associated
# properties (mandatory)
keyword = 'Material_Phases'
n_material_phases, material_phases_data, material_phases_properties = \
rproc.read_material_properties(input_file, input_file_path, keyword)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read macroscale loading (mandatory)
keyword = 'Macroscale_Loading'
max_val = 3
mac_load_type = rproc.readtypeAkeyword(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, max_val)
mac_load, mac_load_presctype = rproc.read_macroscale_loading(
input_file, input_file_path, mac_load_type, strain_formulation, n_dim,
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read analysis rewinding procedure (optional)
keyword = 'Analysis_Rewinding'
is_found, keyword_line_number = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(
input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
is_solution_rewinding = True
# Read rewind state criterion
keyword = 'Analysis_Rewind_State_Criterion'
rewind_state_criterion = rproc.read_rewind_state_parameters(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read rewinding criterion
keyword = 'Analysis_Rewinding_Criterion'
rewinding_criterion = rproc.read_rewinding_criterion_parameters(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read maximum number of rewinds
keyword = 'Max_Number_of_Rewinds'
is_found, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
max_val = '~'
max_n_rewinds = rproc.readtypeAkeyword(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, max_val)
max_n_rewinds = 1
is_solution_rewinding = False
rewind_state_criterion = None
rewinding_criterion = None
max_n_rewinds = None
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read self-consistent scheme (optional)
# If the associated keyword is not found, then a default option is adopted
keyword = 'Self_Consistent_Scheme'
is_found, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
# Read self-consistent scheme and associated parameters
self_consistent_scheme, scs_parameters = \
rproc.read_self_consistent_scheme(input_file, input_file_path,
keyword, strain_formulation)
# Set default self-consistent scheme and associated parameters
if strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal':
self_consistent_scheme = 'regression'
scs_parameters = {'E_init': 'init_eff_tangent',
'v_init': 'init_eff_tangent'}
elif strain_formulation == 'finite':
self_consistent_scheme = 'none'
scs_parameters = {'E_init': 'init_eff_tangent',
'v_init': 'init_eff_tangent'}
raise RuntimeError('Unknown problem strain formulation.')
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read self-consistent scheme maximum number of iterations (optional)
# If the associated keyword is not found, then a default option is adopted
keyword = 'SCS_Max_Number_of_Iterations'
is_found, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
max_val = '~'
scs_max_n_iterations = rproc.readtypeAkeyword(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, max_val)
scs_max_n_iterations = 20
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read self-consistent scheme convergence tolerance (optional)
# If the associated keyword is not found, then a default option is adopted
keyword = 'SCS_Convergence_Tolerance'
is_found, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
max_val = '~'
scs_conv_tol = rproc.readtypeBkeyword(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword)
scs_conv_tol = 1e-4
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Get available clustering features
clustering_features = list(get_available_clustering_features(
strain_formulation, problem_type).keys())
# Read cluster analysis scheme (mandatory)
keyword = 'Cluster_Analysis_Scheme'
clustering_type, base_clustering_scheme, adaptive_clustering_scheme, \
adapt_criterion_data, adaptivity_type, adaptivity_control_feature = \
input_file, input_file_path, keyword,
material_phases_properties.keys(), clustering_features)
# Get adaptive material phases
adapt_material_phases = [x for x in clustering_type.keys()
if clustering_type[x] == 'adaptive']
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read number of cluster associated with each material phase (mandatory)
keyword = 'Number_of_Clusters'
phase_n_clusters = rproc.read_phase_clustering(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, n_material_phases,
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read clustering adaptivity frequency (optional)
# If the associated keyword is not found, then a default option is adopted
keyword = 'Clustering_Adaptivity_Frequency'
is_found, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
clust_adapt_freq = rproc.read_adaptivity_frequency(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, adapt_material_phases)
clust_adapt_freq = {mat_phase: 1
for mat_phase in adapt_material_phases}
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read clustering solution method (optional)
# If the associated keyword is not found, then a default option is adopted
keyword = 'Clustering_Solution_Method'
is_found, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
max_val = 1
clustering_solution_method = rproc.readtypeAkeyword(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, max_val)
clustering_solution_method = 1
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read macroscale loading incrementation parameters (mandatory)
keyword_1 = 'Number_of_Load_Increments'
is_found_1, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword_1)
keyword_2 = 'Increment_List'
is_found_2, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword_2)
if not (is_found_1 or is_found_2):
summary = 'Missing macroscale loading incrementation keyword'
description = 'One of the keywords associated with the macroscale ' \
+ 'loading incrementation must be' + '\n' \
+ indent + 'specified in the input data file.'
info.displayinfo('4', summary, description)
elif is_found_1 and is_found_2:
summary = 'Multiple macroscale loading incrementation keywords'
description = 'Only one of the keywords associated with the ' \
+ 'macroscale loading incrementation can be' + '\n' \
+ indent + 'specified in the input data file.'
info.displayinfo('4', summary, description)
# Get number of loading subpaths
n_load_subpaths = mac_load_presctype.shape[1]
# Read macroscale loading incrementation
keyword = keyword_1 if is_found_1 else keyword_2
mac_load_increm = rproc.read_mac_load_increm(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, n_load_subpaths)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read maximum number of iterations to solve each load increment (optional)
# If the associated keyword is not found, then a default option is adopted
keyword = 'Max_Number_of_Iterations'
is_found, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
max_val = '~'
max_n_iterations = rproc.readtypeAkeyword(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, max_val)
max_n_iterations = 12
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read convergence tolerance to solve each load increment (optional)
# If the associated keyword is not found, then a default option is adopted
keyword = 'Convergence_Tolerance'
is_found, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
conv_tol = rproc.readtypeBkeyword(input_file, input_file_path, keyword)
conv_tol = 1e-6
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read maximum level of macroscale loading subincrementation (optional)
# If the associated keyword is not found, then a default option is adopted
keyword = 'Max_SubInc_Level'
is_found, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
max_val = '~'
max_subinc_level = rproc.readtypeAkeyword(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, max_val)
max_subinc_level = 5
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read maximum number of consecutive macroscale loading increment cuts
# (optional)
# If the associated keyword is not found, then a default option is adopted
keyword = 'Max_Consecutive_Inc_Cuts'
is_found, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
max_val = '~'
max_cinc_cuts = rproc.readtypeAkeyword(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, max_val)
max_cinc_cuts = 5
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read material state update maximum number of iterations (optional)
# If the associated keyword is not found, then a default option is adopted
keyword = 'SU_Max_Number_of_Iterations'
is_found, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
max_val = '~'
su_max_n_iterations = rproc.readtypeAkeyword(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, max_val)
su_max_n_iterations = 20
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read material state update convergence tolerance (optional)
# If the associated keyword is not found, then a default option is adopted
keyword = 'SU_Convergence_Tolerance'
is_found, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
su_conv_tol = rproc.readtypeBkeyword(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword)
su_conv_tol = 1e-6
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read the spatial discretization file absolute path (mandatory)
keyword = 'Discretization_File'
valid_exts = ['.rgmsh']
discret_file_path = rproc.read_discretization_file_path(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, valid_exts,
# Copy the spatial discretization file to the problem directory and update
# the absolute path to the copied file
problem_dir + os.path.basename(discret_file_path))
discret_file_path = problem_dir + os.path.basename(discret_file_path)
# Store spatial discretization file absolute path
dirs_dict['discret_file_path'] = discret_file_path
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read clustering global matrix data standardization method (optional)
# If the associated keyword is not found, then a default option is adopted
keyword = 'Standardization_Method'
is_found, _ = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
max_val = 2
standardization_method = rproc.readtypeAkeyword(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, max_val)
standardization_method = 1
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read VTK output options (optional)
keyword = 'VTK_Output'
is_found, keyword_line_number = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(
input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
is_vtk_output = True
vtk_format, vtk_inc_div, vtk_vars = rproc.read_vtk_options(
input_file, input_file_path, keyword, keyword_line_number)
# Create VTK folder in post processing directory
filop.make_directory(postprocess_dir + 'VTK/', 'overwrite')
is_vtk_output = False
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read voxels material-related quantities output options (optional)
keyword = 'Voxels_Output'
is_found, keyword_line_number = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(
input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
is_voxels_output = True
# Set voxels material-related quantities output file path
voxout_file_path = postprocess_dir + input_file_name + '.voxout'
# Store output file path in directories and paths dictionary
dirs_dict['voxout_file_path'] = voxout_file_path
is_voxels_output = False
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read clustering adaptivity output (optional)
keyword = 'Clustering_Adaptivity_Output'
is_found, keyword_line_number = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(
input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
is_clust_adapt_output = True
is_clust_adapt_output = False
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read reference material output (optional)
keyword = 'Reference_Material_Output'
is_found, keyword_line_number = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(
input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
is_ref_material_output = True
is_ref_material_output = False
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read final clustering state storage option (optional)
keyword = 'Store_Final_Clustering_State'
is_found, keyword_line_number = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(
input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
is_store_final_clustering = True
is_store_final_clustering = False
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Suppress optional output files (override)
if is_minimize_output:
is_vtk_output = False
is_ref_material_output = False
is_clust_adapt_output = False
is_voxels_output = False
is_store_final_clustering = False
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Read the spatial discretization file (regular grid of voxels)
info.displayinfo('5', 'Reading discretization file...')
if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(discret_file_path))[-1] == '.npy':
regular_grid = np.load(discret_file_path)
regular_grid = np.loadtxt(discret_file_path)
# Check validity of regular grid of voxels
if len(regular_grid.shape) not in [2, 3]:
raise RuntimeError('Input data error: Number of dimensions of regular '
'grid of voxels must be either 2 (2D problem) or '
'3 (3D problem).')
elif np.any([str(phase) not in material_phases_properties.keys()
for phase in np.unique(regular_grid)]):
raise RuntimeError('Input data error: At least one material phase '
'present in the regular grid of voxels has not '
'been specified.')
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Set material phases that are actually present in the microstructure
material_phases = [str(x) for x in list(np.unique(regular_grid))]
# Initialize material phases volume fractions
material_phases_vf = {}
# Loop over material phases
for mat_phase in material_phases:
# Compute material phase volume fraction
material_phases_vf[mat_phase] = \
np.sum(regular_grid == int(mat_phase))/
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Instantiate CRVE material constitutive state
material_state = MaterialState(strain_formulation, problem_type,
material_phases, material_phases_properties,
# Loop over material phases
for mat_phase in material_phases:
# Get material phase constitutive model keyword and source
model_keyword = material_phases_data[mat_phase]['keyword']
model_source = material_phases_data[mat_phase]['source']
# Initialize material phase constitutive model
material_state.init_constitutive_model(mat_phase, model_keyword,
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Store problem general data
info.displayinfo('5', 'Storing problem general data...')
problem_dict = packager.store_problem_data(
strain_formulation, problem_type, n_dim, comp_order_sym,
# Store data associated with the material phases
info.displayinfo('5', 'Storing material data...')
mat_dict = packager.store_material_data(
material_phases, material_phases_data, material_phases_properties,
# Store data associated with the macroscale loading
info.displayinfo('5', 'Storing macroscale loading data...')
macload_dict = packager.store_loading_path_data(
mac_load_type, mac_load, mac_load_presctype, mac_load_increm,
is_solution_rewinding, rewind_state_criterion, rewinding_criterion,
# Store data associated with the spatial discretization file(s)
info.displayinfo('5', 'Storing regular grid data...')
rg_dict = packager.store_regular_grid_data(
discret_file_path, regular_grid, rve_dims, problem_dict)
# Store data associated with the clustering
info.displayinfo('5', 'Storing clustering data...')
clst_dict = packager.store_clustering_data(
clustering_solution_method, standardization_method,
phase_n_clusters, rg_dict, clustering_type, base_clustering_scheme,
adaptive_clustering_scheme, adapt_criterion_data, adaptivity_type,
adaptivity_control_feature, clust_adapt_freq, is_clust_adapt_output,
# Store data associated with the self-consistent scheme
info.displayinfo('5', 'Storing self-consistent scheme data...')
scs_dict = packager.store_scs_data(
self_consistent_scheme, scs_parameters, scs_max_n_iterations,
# Store data associated with the self-consistent scheme
info.displayinfo('5', 'Storing algorithmic data...')
algpar_dict = packager.store_algorithmic_data(
max_n_iterations, conv_tol, max_subinc_level, max_cinc_cuts,
su_max_n_iterations, su_conv_tol)
# Store data associated with the VTK output
info.displayinfo('5', 'Storing VTK output data...')
if is_vtk_output:
vtk_dict = packager.store_vtk_data(
is_vtk_output, vtk_format, vtk_inc_div, vtk_vars)
vtk_dict = packager.store_vtk_data(is_vtk_output)
# Store data associated with the output files
info.displayinfo('5', 'Storing general output files data...')
output_dict = packager.store_output_data(
is_ref_material_output, is_voxels_output)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
return problem_dict, mat_dict, macload_dict, rg_dict, clst_dict, \
scs_dict, algpar_dict, vtk_dict, output_dict, material_state
# =============================================================================
[docs]def read_output_minimization_option(input_file_path):
"""Read input data file and search for output minimization keyword.
input_file_path : str
Input data file path.
is_minimize_output : bool
Output minimization flag.
# Read output minimization (optional)
keyword = 'Minimize_Output'
with open(input_file_path, 'r') as input_file:
is_found, keyword_line_number = rproc.searchoptkeywordline(
input_file, keyword)
if is_found:
is_minimize_output = True
is_minimize_output = False
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
return is_minimize_output