Source code for cratepy.tensor.tensoroperations

"""Algebraic tensorial operations and standard tensorial operators.

This module is essentially a toolkit containing the definition of several
standard tensorial operators (e.g., Kronecker delta, second- and fourth-order
identity tensors, rotation tensor) and tensorial operations (e.g., tensorial
product, tensorial contraction, spectral decomposition) arising in
computational mechanics.

    Dyadic product: :math:`i \\otimes j \\rightarrow ij`.
    Dyadic product: :math:`ij \\otimes kl \\rightarrow ijkl`.
    Dyadic product: :math:`ik \\otimes jl \\rightarrow ijkl`.
    Dyadic product: :math:`il \\otimes jk \\rightarrow ijkl`.
    Single contraction: :math:`ij \\cdot j \\rightarrow i`.
    Single contraction: :math:`i \\cdot ij \\rightarrow j`.
    Single contraction: :math:`ijkm \\cdot lm \\rightarrow ijkl`.
    Single contraction: :math:`ipkl \\cdot jp \\rightarrow ijkl`.
    Single contraction: :math:`ijkm \\cdot ml \\rightarrow ijkl`.
    Single contraction: :math:`im \\cdot mjkl \\rightarrow ijkl`.
    Single contraction: :math:`jm \\cdot imkl \\rightarrow ijkl`.
    Single contraction: :math:`km \\cdot ijml \\rightarrow ijkl`.
    Single contraction: :math:`lm \\cdot ijkm \\rightarrow ijkl`.
    Double contraction: :math:`ij : ij \\rightarrow \\text{scalar}`.
    Double contraction: :math:`ijkl : kl \\rightarrow ij`.
    Double contraction: :math:`ijmn : mnkl \\rightarrow ijkl`.
    Kronecker delta function.
    Set common second- and fourth-order identity operators.
    Perform spectral decomposition of symmetric second-order tensor.
    Isotropic symmetric tensor-valued function of symmetric tensor.
    Derivative of isotropic tensor-valued function of symmetric tensor.
    Auxiliar scalars of derivative of isotropic tensor-valued function.
    Rotation of :math:`n`-dimensional tensor.
    Set rotation tensor from Euler angles (Bunge convention).
#                                                                       Modules
# =============================================================================
# Standard
import re
import itertools as it
# Third-party
import numpy as np
#                                                          Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira ('
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
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#                                                          Tensorial operations
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# Tensorial products
dyad11 = lambda a1, b1: np.einsum('i,j -> ij', a1, b1)
dyad22_1 = lambda a2, b2: np.einsum('ij,kl -> ijkl', a2, b2)
dyad22_2 = lambda a2, b2: np.einsum('ik,jl -> ijkl', a2, b2)
dyad22_3 = lambda a2, b2: np.einsum('il,jk -> ijkl', a2, b2)
# Tensorial single contractions
dot21_1 = lambda a2, b1: np.einsum('ij,j -> i', a2, b1)
dot12_1 = lambda a1, b2: np.einsum('i,ij -> j', a1, b2)
dot42_1 = lambda a4, b2: np.einsum('ijkm,lm -> ijkl', a4, b2)
dot42_2 = lambda a4, b2: np.einsum('ipkl,jp -> ijkl', a4, b2)
dot42_3 = lambda a4, b2: np.einsum('ijkm,ml -> ijkl', a4, b2)
dot24_1 = lambda a2, b4: np.einsum('im,mjkl -> ijkl', a2, b4)
dot24_2 = lambda a2, b4: np.einsum('jm,imkl -> ijkl', a2, b4)
dot24_3 = lambda a2, b4: np.einsum('km,ijml -> ijkl', a2, b4)
dot24_4 = lambda a2, b4: np.einsum('lm,ijkm -> ijkl', a2, b4)
# Tensorial double contractions
ddot22_1 = lambda a2, b2: np.einsum('ij,ij', a2, b2)
ddot42_1 = lambda a4, b2: np.einsum('ijkl,kl -> ij', a4, b2)
ddot44_1 = lambda a4, b4: np.einsum('ijmn,mnkl -> ijkl', a4, b4)
#                                                                     Operators
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[docs]def dd(i, j): """Kronecker delta function. .. math:: \\delta_{ij} = \\begin{cases} 1, & \\text{if } i=j, \\\\ 0, & \\text{if } i\\neq j. \\end{cases} ---- Parameters ---------- i : int First index. j : int Second index. Returns ------- value : int (0 or 1) Kronecker delta. """ if (not isinstance(i, int) and not isinstance(i, np.integer)) or \ (not isinstance(j, int) and not isinstance(j, np.integer)): raise RuntimeError('The Kronecker delta function only accepts two ' + 'integer indexes as arguments.') value = 1 if i == j else 0 return value
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[docs]def get_id_operators(n_dim): """Set common second- and fourth-order identity operators. Parameters ---------- n_dim : int Number of dimensions. Returns ------- soid : numpy.ndarray (2d) Second-order identity tensor: .. math:: I_{ij} = \\delta_{ij} foid : numpy.ndarray (4d) Fourth-order identity tensor: .. math:: I_{ijkl} = \\delta_{ik}\\delta_{jl} fotransp : numpy.ndarray (4d) Fourth-order transposition tensor: .. math:: I_{ijkl} = \\delta_{il}\\delta_{jk} fosym : numpy.ndarray (4d) Fourth-order symmetric projection tensor: .. math:: I_{ij} = 0.5(\\delta_{ik}\\delta_{jl} + \\delta_{il}\\delta_{jk}) fodiagtrace : numpy.ndarray (4d) Fourth-order 'diagonal trace' tensor: .. math:: I_{ijkl} = \\delta_{ij}\\delta_{kl} fodevproj : numpy.ndarray (4d) Fourth-order deviatoric projection tensor: .. math:: I_{ijkl} = \\delta_{ik}\\delta_{jl} - \\dfrac{1}{3} \\delta_{ij}\\delta_{kl} fodevprojsym : numpy.ndarray (4d) Fourth-order deviatoric projection tensor (second-order symmetric tensors): .. math:: I_{ijkl} = 0.5(\\delta_{ik}\\delta_{jl} + \\delta_{il}\\delta_{jk}) - \\dfrac{1}{3} \\delta_{ij}\\delta_{kl} """ # Set second-order identity tensor soid = np.eye(n_dim) # Set fourth-order identity tensor and fourth-order transposition tensor foid = np.zeros((n_dim, n_dim, n_dim, n_dim)) fotransp = np.zeros((n_dim, n_dim, n_dim, n_dim)) for i in range(n_dim): for j in range(n_dim): foid[i, j, i, j] = 1.0 fotransp[i, j, j, i] = 1.0 # Set fourth-order symmetric projection tensor fosym = 0.5*(foid + fotransp) # Set fourth-order 'diagonal trace' tensor fodiagtrace = dyad22_1(soid, soid) # Set fourth-order deviatoric projection tensor fodevproj = foid - (1.0/3.0)*fodiagtrace # Set fourth-order deviatoric projection tensor (second order symmetric # tensors) fodevprojsym = fosym - (1.0/3.0)*fodiagtrace # Return return soid, foid, fotransp, fosym, fodiagtrace, fodevproj, fodevprojsym
# # Spectral decomposition # =============================================================================
[docs]def spectral_decomposition(x, is_real_if_close=False): """Perform spectral decomposition of symmetric second-order tensor. The computational implementation of the spectral decomposition follows the Appendix A of Computational Methods for Plasticity [#]_. .. [#] de Souza Neto, E. A., Peri, D., and Owen, D. R. J. (2008). Computational Methods for Plasticity. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK (see `here < book/10.1002/9780470694626>`_) ---- Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray (2d) Second-order tensor (square array) whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors are computed. is_real_if_close : bool, default=False If True, then drop imaginary parts of eigenvalues and eigenvectors if these are close to zero (tolerance with respect to machine epsilon for input type) and convert to real type. Returns ------- eigenvals : numpy.ndarray (1d) Eigenvalues of second-order tensor sorted in descending order. eigenvectors : numpy.ndarray (2d) Eigenvectors of second-order tensor stored columnwise according with eigenvalues. eig_multiplicity : dict Multiplicity (item, int) of the eigenvalue stored at given index (key, str). eigenprojections : list[tuple] Eigenprojections of second-order tensor stored as tuples (item) as (eigenvalue, eigenprojection) and sorted in descending order of eigenvalues. Only available for 2x2 and 3x3 second-order tensors, otherwise an empty list is returned. """ # Check if second-order tensor is symmetric if not np.allclose(x, np.transpose(x), rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-10): raise RuntimeError('Second-order tensor must be symmetric to perform ' 'spectral decomposition.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Perform spectral decomposition eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(x) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # If imaginary parts are close to zero (tolerance with respect to machine # epsilon for input type), then drop imaginary part and convert to real if is_real_if_close: eigenvalues = np.real_if_close(eigenvalues) eigenvectors = np.real_if_close(eigenvectors) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get eigenvalues sorted in descending order sort_idxs = np.argsort(eigenvalues)[::-1] # Sort eigenvalues in descending order and eigenvectors accordingly eigenvalues = eigenvalues[sort_idxs] eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:, sort_idxs] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get square array dimensions n_dim = x.shape[0] # Set eigenvalue multiplicity tolerance eig_toler = 1e-10 # Compute eigenprojections if n_dim == 2: # Set eigenvalue normalization factor eig_norm = np.max(np.abs(eigenvalues)) # Check eigenvalues multiplicity if eig_norm < eig_toler: eig_mult = [(eigenvalues[0] - eigenvalues[1]) < eig_toler, ] else: eig_mult = \ [(eigenvalues[0] - eigenvalues[1])/eig_norm < eig_toler, ] # Get distinct eigenvalues if np.sum(eig_mult) == 0: n_eig_distinct = 2 eig_multiplicity = {'0': 1, '1': 1} else: n_eig_distinct = 1 eig_multiplicity = {'0': 2, '1': 0} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize eigenprojections eigenprojections = [] # Compute eigenprojections according with eigenvalues multiplicity if n_eig_distinct == 1: eig = eigenvalues[0] eigenprojections = [(eig, np.eye(n_dim)), ] else: # Compute first principal invariant of second-order tensor pinv_1 = np.trace(x) # Compute eigenprojections for i in range(2): # Get eigenvalue eig = eigenvalues[i] # Compute eigenprojection eigenprojections.append((eig, (1.0/(2.0*eig - pinv_1))*(x + (eig - pinv_1)*np.eye(n_dim)))) elif n_dim == 3: # Set eigenvalue normalization factor eig_norm = np.max(np.abs(eigenvalues)) # Check eigenvalues multiplicity if eig_norm < eig_toler: eig_mult = [(eigenvalues[0] - eigenvalues[1]) < eig_toler, (eigenvalues[0] - eigenvalues[2]) < eig_toler, (eigenvalues[1] - eigenvalues[2]) < eig_toler] else: eig_mult = [(eigenvalues[0] - eigenvalues[1])/eig_norm < eig_toler, (eigenvalues[0] - eigenvalues[2])/eig_norm < eig_toler, (eigenvalues[1] - eigenvalues[2])/eig_norm < eig_toler] # Get distinct eigenvalues if np.sum(eig_mult) == 0: n_eig_distinct = 3 eig_multiplicity = {'0': 1, '1': 1, '2': 1} elif np.sum(eig_mult) == 1: n_eig_distinct = 2 if eig_mult[0]: eig_multiplicity = {'0': 2, '1': 0, '2': 1} elif eig_mult[1]: eig_multiplicity = {'0': 2, '1': 1, '2': 0} else: eig_multiplicity = {'0': 1, '1': 2, '2': 0} else: n_eig_distinct = 1 eig_multiplicity = {'0': 3, '1': 0, '2': 0} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize eigenprojections eigenprojections = [] # Compute eigenprojections according with eigenvalues multiplicity if n_eig_distinct == 1: eig = eigenvalues[0] eigenprojections = [(eig, np.eye(n_dim)), ] else: # Compute principal invariants of second-order tensor pinv_1 = np.trace(x) pinv_3 = np.linalg.det(x) # Compute eigenprojections if n_eig_distinct == 2: # Compute first eigenprojection idxa = [int(key) for key, val in eig_multiplicity.items() if val == 1][0] eig = eigenvalues[idxa] eigenprojections.append( (eig, (eig/(2*eig**3 - pinv_1*eig**2 + pinv_3))*( np.linalg.matrix_power(x, 2) - (pinv_1 - eig)*x + (pinv_3/eig)*np.eye(n_dim)))) # Compute second eigenprojection idxc = [int(key) for key, val in eig_multiplicity.items() if val == 2][0] eig = eigenvalues[idxc] eigenprojections.append( (eig, np.eye(n_dim) - eigenprojections[0][1])) else: # Compute eigenprojections for i in range(3): # Get eigenvalue eig = eigenvalues[i] # Compute eigenprojection eigenprojections.append( (eig, (eig/(2*eig**3 - pinv_1*eig**2 + pinv_3))*( np.linalg.matrix_power(x, 2) - (pinv_1 - eig)*x + (pinv_3/eig)*np.eye(n_dim)))) else: eigenprojections = [] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return eigenvalues, eigenvectors, eig_multiplicity, eigenprojections
# # Isotropic tensor-valued functions # =============================================================================
[docs]def isotropic_tensor(mode, x): """Isotropic symmetric tensor-valued function of symmetric tensor. The computational implementation to compute the isotropic symmetric tensor-valued function of a symmetric tensor follows the Appendix A of Computational Methods for Plasticity [#]_. .. [#] de Souza Neto, E. A., Peri, D., and Owen, D. R. J. (2008). Computational Methods for Plasticity. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK (see `here < book/10.1002/9780470694626>`_) ---- Parameters ---------- mode : {'log', 'exp'} Scalar function with single argument associated to the symmetric tensor-valued function (particular classe of isotropic tensor-valued functions). x : numpy.ndarray (2d) Second-order tensor at which isotropic tensor-valued function is evaluated. Returns ------- y : numpy.ndarray (2d) Isotropic symmetric tensor-valued function evaluated at x. """ # Set scalar function with single argument if mode == 'log': fun = lambda x: np.log(x) elif mode == 'exp': fun = lambda x: np.exp(x) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown scalar function.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Perform spectral decomposition eigenvalues, _, _, eigenprojections = \ spectral_decomposition(x, is_real_if_close=True) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize isotropic symmetric tensor-valued function y = np.zeros(x.shape) # Compute isotropic symmetric tensor-valued function for i in range(len(eigenprojections)): y += fun(eigenprojections[i][0])*eigenprojections[i][1] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return y
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[docs]def derivative_isotropic_tensor(mode, x): """Derivative of isotropic tensor-valued function of symmetric tensor. The computational implementation to compute the derivative of an isotropic tensor-valued function of a symmetric tensor follows the Appendix A of Computational Methods for Plasticity [#]_. .. [#] de Souza Neto, E. A., Peri, D., and Owen, D. R. J. (2008). Computational Methods for Plasticity. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK (see `here < book/10.1002/9780470694626>`_) ---- Parameters ---------- mode : {'log', 'exp'} Scalar function with single argument associated to the symmetric tensor-valued function (particular classe of isotropic tensor-valued functions). x : numpy.ndarray (2d) Second-order tensor at which isotropic tensor-valued function is evaluated. Returns ------- y : numpy.ndarray (4d) Derivative of isotropic symmetric tensor-valued function evaluated at x. """ # Get square array dimensions n_dim = x.shape[0] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set required second-order and fourth-order identity tensors soid, foid, _, fosym, _, _, _ = get_id_operators(n_dim) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set scalar function with single argument and associated derivative if mode == 'log': fun = lambda x: np.log(x) fund = lambda x: 1.0/x elif mode == 'exp': fun = lambda x: np.exp(x) fund = lambda x: np.exp(x) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown scalar function.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Perform spectral decomposition eigenvalues, _, eig_multiplicity, eigenprojections = \ spectral_decomposition(x, is_real_if_close=True) # Compute number of distinct eigenvalues n_eig_distinct = n_dim - \ np.sum([1 for key, val in eig_multiplicity.items() if val == 0]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize derivative of isotropic symmetric tensor-valued function y = np.zeros(2*x.shape) # Compute derivative of isotropic symmetric tensor-valued function if n_eig_distinct == 1: y = fund(eigenvalues[0])*fosym else: if n_dim == 2: # Set eigenvalues and eigenprojections eig1 = eigenprojections[0][0] eigproj1 = eigenprojections[0][1] eig2 = eigenprojections[1][0] eigproj2 = eigenprojections[1][1] # Evaluate scalar function and derivative fun1 = fun(eig1) fund1 = fund(eig1) fun2 = fun(eig2) fund2 = fund(eig2) # Compute derivative of isotropic symmetric tensor-valued function y = ((fun1 - fun2)/(eig1 - eig2))*( fosym - dyad22_1(eigproj1, eigproj1) - dyad22_1(eigproj2, eigproj2)) \ + fund1*dyad22_1(eigproj1, eigproj1) \ + fund2*dyad22_1(eigproj2, eigproj2) elif n_dim == 3: # Compute derivative of square symmetric tensor dx2dx = np.zeros(4*(n_dim,)) for i, j, k, l in it.product(range(n_dim), repeat=4): dx2dx[i, j, k, l] = 0.5*(dd(i, k)*x[l, j] + dd(i, l)*x[k, j] + dd(j, l)*x[i, k] + dd(k, j)*x[i, l]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if n_eig_distinct == 2: # Set eigenvalues evaluation triplet (a != b = c) idxa = [int(key) for key, val in eig_multiplicity.items() if val == 1][0] idxb = [int(key) for key, val in eig_multiplicity.items() if val == 0][0] idxc = [int(key) for key, val in eig_multiplicity.items() if val == 2][0] eig_abc = str(idxa) + str(idxb) + str(idxc) # Compute convenient scalars s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6 = diso_scalars(eig_abc, eigenvalues, fun, fund) # Compute derivative of isotropic symmetric tensor-valued # function y = s1*dx2dx - s2*fosym - s3*dyad22_1(x, x) \ + s4*dyad22_1(x, soid) + s5*dyad22_1(soid, x) \ - s6*dyad22_1(soid, soid) else: # Initialize derivative of isotropic symmetric tensor-valued # function y = np.zeros(4*(n_dim,)) # Set eigenvalues cyclic permutations eig_cyclic = [(0, 1, 2), (2, 0, 1), (1, 2, 0)] # Compute derivative of isotropic symmetric tensor-valued # function for a in range(n_dim): # Set eigenvalues evaluation order eiga = eigenprojections[eig_cyclic[a][0]][0] eigproja = eigenprojections[eig_cyclic[a][0]][1] eigb = eigenprojections[eig_cyclic[a][1]][0] eigprojb = eigenprojections[eig_cyclic[a][1]][1] eigc = eigenprojections[eig_cyclic[a][2]][0] eigprojc = eigenprojections[eig_cyclic[a][2]][1] # Evaluate scalar function and derivative funa = fun(eiga) funda = fund(eiga) # Assemble derivative of isotropic symmetric tensor-valued # function y += (funa/((eiga - eigb)*(eiga - eigc)))*( dx2dx - (eigb + eigc)*fosym - ((eiga - eigb) + (eiga - eigc)) * dyad22_1(eigproja, eigproja) - (eigb - eigc)*(dyad22_1(eigprojb, eigprojb) - dyad22_1(eigprojc, eigprojc))) \ + funda*dyad22_1(eigproja, eigproja) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return y
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[docs]def diso_scalars(abc, eigenvalues, fun, fund): """Auxiliar scalars of derivative of isotropic tensor-valued function. The auxilar scalars to compute the derivative of an isotropic tensor-valued function of a symmetric tensor are defined in Equation (A.47) of Computational Methods for Plasticity [#]_. .. [#] de Souza Neto, E. A., Peri, D., and Owen, D. R. J. (2008). Computational Methods for Plasticity. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK (see `here < book/10.1002/9780470694626>`_) ---- Parameters ---------- abc : {'012', '210', '102', '021', '102', '120', '201'} Triplet containing the eigenvalues evaluation order. The first and last are assumed to be the distinct eigenvalues. eigenvals : numpy.ndarray (1d) Eigenvalues of second-order tensor sorted in descending order. fun : function Scalar function with single argument associated to the symmetric tensor-valued function. fund: function Derivative of scalar function with single argument associated to the symmetric tensor-valued function. Returns ------- s : list List of convenient scalars (float). """ # Check eigenvalues order triplet validity if not re.match('^[0-2]{3}$', str(abc)): raise RuntimeError('Invalid triplet.') elif set([int(x) for x in abc]) != {0, 1, 2}: raise RuntimeError('Invalid triplet.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set eigenvalues according to triplet order eiga = eigenvalues[int(abc[0])] eigc = eigenvalues[int(abc[2])] # Evaluate scalar function and derivative funa = fun(eiga) funda = fund(eiga) func = fun(eigc) fundc = fund(eigc) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Compute convenient scalars s = [] s.append((funa - func)/(eiga - eigc)**2 - fundc/(eiga - eigc)) s.append(2*eigc*((funa - func)/(eiga - eigc)**2) - ((eiga + eigc)/(eiga - eigc))*fundc) s.append(2*((funa - func)/(eiga - eigc)**3) - ((funda + fundc)/(eiga - eigc)**2)) s.append(s[2]*eigc) s.append(s[2]*eigc) s.append(s[2]*eigc**2) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return s
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[docs]def rotate_tensor(tensor, r): """Rotation of :math:`n`-dimensional tensor. The rotation of the :math:`n`-dimensional tensor is here defined as .. math:: A^{r}_{i_{1}i_{2}\\dots i_{n}} = R_{i_{1}j_{1}} R_{i_{2}j_{2}} \\dots R_{i_{n}j_{n}} A_{j_{1}j_{2} \\dots j_{n}} where :math:`\\mathbf{R}` denotes the rotation tensor, :math:`\\mathbf{A}` denotes the original tensor, and :math:`\\mathbf{A}^{r}` denotes the rotated tensor. ---- Parameters ---------- tensor : numpy.ndarray Tensor. r : numpy.ndarray (2d) Rotation tensor (for given rotation angle theta, active transformation (+ theta) and passive transformation (- theta)). Returns ------- rtensor : numpy.ndarray Rotated tensor. """ # Get number of spatial dimensions n_dim = tensor.shape[0] # Get number of tensor dimensions tensor_dim = len(tensor.shape) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize rotated tensor rtensor = np.zeros(tensor.shape) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if tensor_dim == 1: # Compute rotation of first-order tensor for i, p in it.product(range(n_dim), repeat=2): rtensor[i] = rtensor[i] + r[i, p]*tensor[p] elif tensor_dim == 2: # Compute rotation of second-order tensor for i, j, p, q in it.product(range(n_dim), repeat=4): rtensor[i, j] = rtensor[i, j] + r[i, p]*r[j, q]*tensor[p, q] elif tensor_dim == 3: # Compute rotation of third-order tensor for i, j, k, p, q, r in it.product(range(n_dim), repeat=6): rtensor[i, j, k] = rtensor[i, j, k] \ + r[i, p]*r[j, q]*r[k, r]*tensor[p, q, r] elif tensor_dim == 4: # Compute rotation of fourth-order tensor for i, j, k, l, p, q, r, s in it.product(range(n_dim), repeat=8): rtensor[i, j, k, l] = rtensor[i, j, k, l] \ + r[i, p]*r[j, q]*r[k, r]*r[l, s]*tensor[p, q, r, s] else: raise RuntimeError('The rotation tensor is not available for ' + 'tensor order greater than 4.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return rtensor
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[docs]def rotation_tensor_from_euler_angles(euler_deg): """Set rotation tensor from Euler angles (Bunge convention). The rotation tensor is defined as .. math:: \\mathbf{R} = \\begin{bmatrix} c_1 c_3 - c_2 s_1 s_3 & -c_1 s_3 - c_2 c_3 s_1 & s_1 s_2 \\\\ c_3 s_1 + c_1 c_2 s_3 & c_1 c_2 c_3 - s_1 s_3 & - c_1 s_2 \\\\ s_2 s_3 & c_3 s_2 & c_2 \\end{bmatrix} where .. math:: \\begin{align} c_1 = \\cos(\\alpha) \\qquad s_1 = \\sin(\\alpha) \\\\ c_2 = \\cos(\\beta) \\qquad s_2 = \\sin(\\beta) \\\\ c_3 = \\cos(\\gamma) \\qquad s_3 = \\sin(\\gamma) \\end{align} and :math:`(\\alpha, \\beta, \\gamma)` are the Euler angles corresponding to the Bunge convention (Z1-X2-Z3). ---- Parameters ---------- euler_deg : tuple Euler angles (degrees) sorted according to Bunge convention (Z1-X2-Z3). Returns ------- r : numpy.ndarray (2d) Rotation tensor (for given rotation angle theta, active transformation (+ theta) and passive transformation (- theta)). """ # Convert euler angles to radians euler_rad = tuple(np.radians(x) for x in euler_deg) # Compute convenient sins and cosines s1 = np.sin(euler_rad[0]) s2 = np.sin(euler_rad[1]) s3 = np.sin(euler_rad[2]) c1 = np.cos(euler_rad[0]) c2 = np.cos(euler_rad[1]) c3 = np.cos(euler_rad[2]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize rotation tensor r = np.zeros((3, 3)) # Build rotation tensor r[0, 0] = c1*c3 - c2*s1*s3 r[1, 0] = c3*s1 + c1*c2*s3 r[2, 0] = s2*s3 r[0, 1] = -c1*s3 - c2*c3*s1 r[1, 1] = c1*c2*c3 - s1*s3 r[2, 1] = c3*s2 r[0, 2] = s1*s2 r[1, 2] = -c1*s2 r[2, 2] = c2 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return r