
read_adaptivity_frequency(file, file_path, keyword, adapt_material_phases)[source]

Read clustering adaptivity frequency.

The specification of the data associated with the clustering adaptivity frequency has the following input data file syntax:

< phase_id > < option >
< phase_id > < option >

where phase_id (int) is the material identifier and option is the corresponding clustering adaptivity frequency ({none, all, every < int >}) with respect to the loading incrementation.

  • file (file) – Data file.

  • file_path (str) – Data file path.

  • keyword (str) – Keyword.

  • adapt_material_phases (list[str]) – RVE adaptive material phases labels (str).


clust_adapt_freq – Clustering adaptivity frequency (relative to loading incrementation) (item, int) associated with each adaptive cluster-reduced material phase (key, str).

Return type:

dict, default=None