Source code for cratepy.ioput.readprocedures

"""Input data file reading and checking procedures.

This module includes a set of general and specific functions to read and
process data from the input data file. These functions also perform some checks
on the input data to avoid downstream execution errors.

    Search mandatory keyword in data file and get corresponding line number.
    Search optional keyword in data file and get corresponding line number.
    Read keyword of specification type A.
    Read keyword of specification type B.
    Read material phases data and properties.
    Read macroscale loading constraints.
    Read macroscale loading incrementation.
    Decode macroscale loading increment specification.
    Read (base) number of clusters associated with each material phase.
    Read material phase's prescribed clustering scheme.
    Check material phase's prescribed clustering scheme.
    Read clustering adaptivity frequency.
    Read the solution rewind state criterion parameters.
    Read the solution rewinding criterion parameters.
    Read spatial discretization file path.
    Read RVE dimensions (size length along each spatial dimension).
    Read self-consistent scheme and associated parameters.
    Read VTK output options.
#                                                                       Modules
# =============================================================================
# Standard
import os
import copy
import linecache
import re
# Third-party
import numpy as np
# Local
import as info
import ioput.ioutilities as ioutil
from clustering.crve import CRVE
from clustering.clusteringphase import SCRMP
from clustering.adaptivity.crve_adaptivity import AdaptivityManager
from online.loading.macloadincrem import RewindManager
from material.materialmodeling import get_available_material_models
from material.models.elastic import Elastic
from material.models.von_mises import VonMises
from material.models.stvenant_kirchhoff import StVenantKirchhoff
from online.crom.asca import ElasticReferenceMaterial
#                                                          Authorship & Credits
# =============================================================================
__author__ = 'Bernardo Ferreira ('
__credits__ = ['Bernardo Ferreira', ]
__status__ = 'Stable'
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#                                                               Search keywords
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[docs]def searchkeywordline(file, keyword): """Search mandatory keyword in data file and get corresponding line number. Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. keyword : str Keyword. Returns ------- line_number : int Number of data file line where the keyword is first found. """ line_number = 0 for line in file: line_number = line_number + 1 if keyword in line.split() and line.strip()[0] != '#': return line_number # Keyword not found summary = 'Missing keyword' description = 'The keyword - {} - has not been found in the input ' \ + 'data file.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword)
# =============================================================================
[docs]def searchoptkeywordline(file, keyword): """Search optional keyword in data file and get corresponding line number. Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. keyword : str Keyword. Returns ------- is_found : bool `True` if keyword is found in data file, `False` otherwise. line_number : int Number of data file line where the keyword is first found. Set to 0 by default if keyword is not found. """ is_found = False line_number = 0 for line in file: line_number = line_number + 1 if keyword in line.split() and line.strip()[0] != '#': is_found = True return is_found, line_number return is_found, line_number
# # Parameter formatter # =============================================================================
[docs]def get_formatted_parameter(parameter, x, etype=None): """Get string parameter converted to appropriate type. Parameters ---------- parameter : str Parameter name. x : str Parameter specification. etype : {int, float, str, bool}, default=None Parameter expected type. Returns ------- y : {'int', 'float', 'str', 'bool'} Parameter value. """ # Get parameter specification type and associated value try: a = float(x) b = int(a) if a == b and len(str(x)) == len(str(b)): stype_name = 'int' y = int(x) else: stype_name = 'float' y = float(x) except (TypeError, ValueError): if x.lower() == 'on': stype_name = 'bool' y = True elif x.lower() == 'off': stype_name = 'bool' y = False else: stype_name = 'str' y = x # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check if specification type agrees with expected type if etype is not None: if stype_name != etype.__name__: raise TypeError('The parameter \'' + str(parameter) + '\' hasn\'t been properly specified: expected ' + etype.__name__ + ' but found ' + stype_name + '.') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return y
# # General keywords # =============================================================================
[docs]def readtypeAkeyword(file, file_path, keyword, max_val): """Read keyword of specification type A. The keyword specification of type A is associated with a positive integer-valued keyword and has the following input data file syntax: .. code-block:: text < keyword > < int > ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. keyword : str Keyword. max_val : int Maximum value of keyword positive integer value. Returns ------- keyword_value : int Keyword value. """ keyword_line_number = searchkeywordline(file, keyword) line = linecache.getline(file_path, keyword_line_number).split() if len(line) == 1: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in the ' \ + 'input data file.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif not ioutil.checkposint(line[1]): summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in the ' \ + 'input data file.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif isinstance(max_val, int) or isinstance(max_val, np.integer): if int(line[1]) > max_val: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) return int(line[1])
# =============================================================================
[docs]def readtypeBkeyword(file, file_path, keyword): """Read keyword of specification type B. The keyword specification of type B is associated with a positive float-valued keyword and has the following input data file syntax: .. code-block:: text < keyword > < float > ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. keyword : str Keyword. Returns ------- keyword_value : float Keyword value. """ keyword_line_number = searchkeywordline(file, keyword) line = linecache.getline(file_path, keyword_line_number+1).split() if line == '': summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in the ' \ + 'input data file.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif len(line) != 1: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in the ' \ + 'input data file.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif not ioutil.checknumber(line[0]) or float(line[0]) <= 0: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in the ' \ + 'input data file.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) return float(line[0])
# # Specific keywords # =============================================================================
[docs]def read_material_properties(file, file_path, keyword): """Read material phases data and properties. The specification of the data associated with the material phases has the following input data file syntax: .. code-block:: text Material_Phases < n_material_phases > < phase_id > < model_name > < n_prop_copt > [ < model_source > ] < property_1_name > < value > < property_2_name > < value > < constitutive_option_1_name > < option > [ < n_coproperties > ] < coproperty_1_name > < value > < coproperty_2_name > < value > < phase_id > < model_name > < n_prop_copt > [ < model_source > ] < property1_name > < value > < constitutive_option_1_name > < option > [ < n_coproperties > ] < coproperty_1_name > < value > < coproperty_2_name > < value > < property2_name > < value > ... where `n_material_phases` (int) is the number of material phases, `phase_id` (int) is the material identifier , `model_name` (str) is the constitutive model name, `n_prop_copt` (int) is the total number of constitutive properties and options, `model_source` (int, optional) is the constitutive model source, `property_X_name` (str) is the constitutive property name, `constitutive_option_X_name` is the constitutive option name, `n_coproperties` is the number of properties associated with the constitutive option, and `coproperty_X_name` is the constitutive option property name. ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. keyword : str Keyword. Returns ------- n_material_phases : int Number of material phases. material_phases_data : dict Material phase data (item, dict) associated with each material phase (key, str). material_phases_properties : dict Constitutive model material properties (item, dict) associated with each material phase (key, str). """ # Get display features indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Search keyword keyword_line_number = searchkeywordline(file, keyword) line = linecache.getline(file_path, keyword_line_number).split() if len(line) == 1: summary = 'Missing number of material phases' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing number of material phases.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif not ioutil.checkposint(line[1]): summary = 'Invalid number of material phases' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid number of material phases.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set number of material phases n_material_phases = int(line[1]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize material phases properties and constitutive models # dictionaries material_phases_properties = {} material_phases_data = {} # Loop over material phases line_number = keyword_line_number + 1 for i in range(n_material_phases): # Read material phase header phase_header = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number).split() if phase_header[0] == '': summary = 'Missing material phase header' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing specification of a material phase header.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif len(phase_header) not in [3, 4]: summary = 'Missing material phase header' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing specification of a material phase header.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif not ioutil.checkposint(phase_header[0]): summary = 'Invalid material phase header' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid specification of a material phase header.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif phase_header[0] in material_phases_properties.keys(): summary = 'Duplicated material phase header' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Duplicated specification of a material phase ' \ + 'header.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) # Set material phase mat_phase = str(phase_header[0]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ material_phases_data[mat_phase] = {} # Get material phase constitutive model source identifier if len(phase_header) == 3: # If the material phase constitutive model source has not been # specified, then assume CRATE by default model_source_id = 1 elif len(phase_header) == 4: # Set constitutive model source if not ioutil.checkposint(phase_header[3]): summary = 'Invalid constitutive model source' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in '\ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid constitutive model source of ' \ + 'material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) else: model_source_id = int(phase_header[3]) # Set material phase constitutive model source if model_source_id == 1: model_source = 'crate' else: summary = 'Unknown constitutive model source' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in '\ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Unknown constitutive model source of ' \ + 'material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) # Assemble material phase constitutive model source material_phases_data[mat_phase]['source'] = model_source # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get available material constitutive models available_mat_models = get_available_material_models(model_source) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set material phase constitutive model keyword if phase_header[1] not in available_mat_models: summary = 'Unknown material constitutive model' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in '\ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Unknown material constitutive model of ' \ + 'material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, phase_header[1]) else: model_keyword = phase_header[1] material_phases_data[mat_phase]['keyword'] = model_keyword # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get material constitutive model constitutive options and material # properties if model_source == 'crate': if model_keyword == 'elastic': req_properties, req_constitutive_options = \ Elastic.get_required_properties() elif model_keyword == 'von_mises': req_properties, req_constitutive_options = \ VonMises.get_required_properties() elif model_keyword == 'stvenant_kirchhoff': req_properties, req_constitutive_options = \ StVenantKirchhoff.get_required_properties() # Set number of constitutive options and material properties n_prop_copt = len(req_properties) \ + len(req_constitutive_options.keys()) if not ioutil.checkposint(phase_header[2]): summary = 'Invalid number of material properties' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in '\ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid number of material properties and ' \ + 'constitutive options of material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) elif int(phase_header[2]) != n_prop_copt: summary = 'Wrong number of material properties' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in '\ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Wrong number of material properties and ' \ + 'constitutive options of material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update line number line_number = line_number + 1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set constitutive options and all material properties material_phases_properties[mat_phase] = {} # Loop over constitutive options and material properties for j in range(n_prop_copt): property_header_line = line_number property_line = \ linecache.getline(file_path, property_header_line).split() if property_line[0] == '': summary = 'Invalid material property or constitutive option' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in '\ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid material property or constitutive ' \ + 'option of material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) elif not ioutil.checkvalidname(property_line[0]): summary = 'Invalid material property or constitutive option' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in '\ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid material property or constitutive ' \ + 'option of material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) elif property_line[0] not in req_properties and \ property_line[0] not in req_constitutive_options.keys(): summary = 'Invalid material property or constitutive option' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in '\ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid material property or constitutive ' \ + 'option of material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) elif property_line[0] in \ material_phases_properties[mat_phase].keys(): summary = 'Duplicated material property or constitutive option' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in '\ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Duplicated material property or constitutive '\ + 'option of material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Read material property or constitutive option (and associated # material properties) if str(property_line[0]) in req_constitutive_options.keys(): # Check if constitutive option specification is available if str(property_line[1]) not in \ req_constitutive_options[str(property_line[0])]: summary = 'Unknown constitutive option' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Unknown constitutive option of material '\ + 'phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) else: constitutive_option = str(property_line[1]) # Assemble constitutive option specification material_phases_properties[mat_phase][ str(property_line[0])] = constitutive_option # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Read constitutive option number of associated properties if len(property_line) == 3: if not ioutil.checkposint(property_line[2]): summary = 'Invalid number of properties of ' \ + 'constitutive option' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid number of constitutive ' \ + 'options of material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) else: n_coproperties = int(property_line[2]) elif len(property_line) == 2: n_coproperties = 1 else: summary = 'Invalid constitutive option' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid constitutive option of material ' \ + 'phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if str(property_line[0]) == 'isotropic_hardening' and \ constitutive_option == 'piecewise_linear': # Initialize hardening points hardening_points = np.zeros((n_coproperties, 2)) # Read hardening points for k in range(n_coproperties): # Read hardening point line hardening_point_line = linecache.getline( file_path, property_header_line + 1 + k).split() if hardening_point_line[0] == '': summary = 'Invalid hardening point' description = 'The specification of a strain ' \ + 'hardening point of material phase {} in ' \ + 'the input data' + '\n' \ + indent + 'file is invalid.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, mat_phase) elif len(hardening_point_line) != 3: summary = 'Invalid hardening point' description = 'The specification of a strain ' \ + 'hardening point of material phase {} in ' \ + 'the input data' + '\n' \ + indent + 'file is invalid.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, mat_phase) elif not ioutil.checknumber(hardening_point_line[1]) \ or not ioutil.checknumber( hardening_point_line[2]): summary = 'Invalid hardening point' description = 'The specification of a strain ' \ + 'hardening point of material phase {} in ' \ + 'the input data' + '\n' \ + indent + 'file is invalid.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, mat_phase) hardening_points[k, 0] = float(hardening_point_line[1]) hardening_points[k, 1] = float(hardening_point_line[2]) # Assemble constitutive parameter associated property material_phases_properties[mat_phase][ 'hardening_points'] = hardening_points else: # Read constitutive option associated properties for k in range(n_coproperties): # Read constitutive option line coproperty_line = linecache.getline( file_path, property_header_line + 1 + k).split() if len(coproperty_line) < 2: summary = 'Invalid constitutive option' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not ' \ + 'properly defined in the input data file.' \ + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid constitutive option of ' \ + 'material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) # Get property name prop_name = str(coproperty_line[0]) # Get property value if len(coproperty_line) == 2: # Single value prop_value = get_formatted_parameter( coproperty_line[0], coproperty_line[1]) else: # Multiple values stored as tuple prop_value = tuple( (get_formatted_parameter(coproperty_line[0], coproperty_line[x]) for x in range(1, len(coproperty_line)))) # Assemble constitutive parameter associated property material_phases_properties[mat_phase][prop_name] = \ prop_value # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update line number line_number = line_number + n_coproperties # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ else: if len(property_line) != 2: summary = 'Invalid material property' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid material property of material ' \ + 'phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) elif not ioutil.checknumber(property_line[1]): summary = 'Invalid material property' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid material property of material ' \ + 'phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) prop_name = str(property_line[0]) prop_value = float(property_line[1]) material_phases_properties[mat_phase][prop_name] = prop_value # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Update line number line_number = line_number + 1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return n_material_phases, material_phases_data, material_phases_properties
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[docs]def read_macroscale_loading(file, file_path, mac_load_type, strain_formulation, n_dim, comp_order_nsym): """Read macroscale loading constraints. The storage of the macroscale strain/stress tensors is performed according to the problem type nonsymmetric component order. The specification of the data associated with the macroscale loading constraints has the following input data file syntax: **2D Problem:** *Macroscale strain constraint:* .. code-block:: text Macroscale_Strain [< n_load_subpaths >] < component_name_11 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_21 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_12 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_22 > < float > < float > ... where `n_load_subpaths` is the number of loading subpaths (defaults to 1), each associated with a given column. Irrespective of the name given to each component, it is assumed that all the components of the macroscale strain tensor (assumed nonsymmetric) are specified in columnwise order. *Macroscale stress constraint:* .. code-block:: text Macroscale_Stress [< n_load_subpaths >] < component_name_11 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_21 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_12 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_22 > < float > < float > ... where `n_load_subpaths` is the number of loading subpaths (defaults to 1), each associated with a given column. Irrespective of the name given to each component, it is assumed that all the components of the macroscale stress tensor (assumed nonsymmetric) are specified in columnwise order. *Macroscale strain and stress constraint:* .. code-block:: text Macroscale_Strain [< n_load_subpaths >] < component_name_11 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_21 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_12 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_22 > < float > < float > ... Macroscale_Stress < n_load_subpaths > < component_name_11 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_21 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_12 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_22 > < float > < float > ... Mixed_Prescription_Index < 0 or 1 > < 0 or 1 > ... < 0 or 1 > < 0 or 1 > ... < 0 or 1 > < 0 or 1 > ... < 0 or 1 > < 0 or 1 > ... where `n_load_subpaths` is the number of loading subpaths (defaults to 1), each associated with a given column. The corresponding nature of each strain (0) or stress (1) component is specified accordingly under the `Mixed_Prescription_Index` keyword. Irrespective of the name given to each component, it is assumed that all the components of the macroscale strain and stress tensors (assumed nonsymmetric) are specified in columnwise order. Components not enforced through the mixed loading prescription are ignored. ---- **3D Problem:** *Macroscale strain constraint:* .. code-block:: text Macroscale_Strain [< n_load_subpaths >] < component_name_11 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_21 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_31 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_12 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_22 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_32 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_13 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_23 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_33 > < float > < float > ... where `n_load_subpaths` is the number of loading subpaths (defaults to 1), each associated with a given column. Irrespective of the name given to each component, it is assumed that all the components of the macroscale strain tensor (assumed nonsymmetric) are specified in columnwise order. *Macroscale stress constraint:* .. code-block:: text Macroscale_Stress [< n_load_subpaths >] < component_name_11 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_21 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_31 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_12 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_22 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_32 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_13 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_23 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_33 > < float > < float > ... where `n_load_subpaths` is the number of loading subpaths (defaults to 1), each associated with a given column. Irrespective of the name given to each component, it is assumed that all the components of the macroscale stress tensor (assumed nonsymmetric) are specified in columnwise order. *Macroscale strain and stress constraint:* .. code-block:: text Macroscale_Strain [< n_load_subpaths >] < component_name_11 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_21 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_31 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_12 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_22 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_32 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_13 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_23 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_33 > < float > < float > ... Macroscale_Stress [< n_load_subpaths >] < component_name_11 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_21 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_31 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_12 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_22 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_32 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_13 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_23 > < float > < float > ... < component_name_33 > < float > < float > ... Mixed_Prescription_Index < 0 or 1 > < 0 or 1 > ... < 0 or 1 > < 0 or 1 > ... < 0 or 1 > < 0 or 1 > ... < 0 or 1 > < 0 or 1 > ... < 0 or 1 > < 0 or 1 > ... < 0 or 1 > < 0 or 1 > ... < 0 or 1 > < 0 or 1 > ... < 0 or 1 > < 0 or 1 > ... < 0 or 1 > < 0 or 1 > ... where `n_load_subpaths` is the number of loading subpaths (defaults to 1), each associated with a given column. The corresponding nature of each strain (0) or stress (1) component is specified accordingly under the `Mixed_Prescription_Index` keyword. Irrespective of the name given to each component, it is assumed that all the components of the macroscale strain and stress tensors (assumed nonsymmetric) are specified in columnwise order. Components not enforced through the mixed loading prescription are ignored. ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. mac_load_type : {1, 2, 3} Macroscale loading type: * 1 : Macroscale strain constraint * 2 : Macroscale stress constraint * 3 : Macroscale strain and stress constraint strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. n_dim : int Problem number of spatial dimensions. comp_order_nsym : list[str] Strain/Stress components nonsymmetric order. Returns ------- mac_load : dict For each loading nature type (key, {'strain', 'stress'}), stores the loading constraints for each loading subpath in a numpy.ndarray (2d), where the i-th row is associated with the i-th strain/stress component and the j-th column is associated with the j-th loading subpath. mac_load_presctype : numpy.ndarray (2d) Loading nature type ({'strain', 'stress'}) associated with each loading constraint (ndarray of shape (n_comps, n_load_subpaths)), where the i-th row is associated with the i-th strain/stress component and the j-th column is associated with the j-th loading subpath. """ # Get display features indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set macroscale loading keywords according to loading type if mac_load_type == 1: loading_keywords = {'Macroscale_Strain': 'strain'} elif mac_load_type == 2: loading_keywords = {'Macroscale_Stress': 'stress'} elif mac_load_type == 3: loading_keywords = {'Macroscale_Strain': 'strain', 'Macroscale_Stress': 'stress'} presc_keyword = 'Mixed_Prescription_Index' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize macroscale loading dictionary mac_load = {key: None for key in ['strain', 'stress']} # Initialize number of macroscale loading subpaths dictionary n_load_subpaths = {key: 0 for key in ['strain', 'stress']} # Loop over macroscale loading keywords for load_key in loading_keywords.keys(): # Get load nature type ltype = loading_keywords[load_key] # Get macroscale loading keyword line number load_keyword_line_number = searchkeywordline(file, load_key) # Check number of loading subpaths keyword_line = \ linecache.getline(file_path, load_keyword_line_number).split() if len(keyword_line) > 2: summary = 'Invalid number of loading subpaths' description = 'The specification of the number of macroscale ' \ + 'loading subpaths in the input data file ' + '\n' \ + indent + 'is invalid.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description) elif len(keyword_line) == 2: if ioutil.checkposint(keyword_line[1]): n_load_subpaths[ltype] = int(keyword_line[1]) else: summary = 'Invalid number of loading subpaths' description = 'The specification of the number of macroscale '\ + 'loading subpaths in the input data file ' + '\n' \ + indent + 'is invalid.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description) else: n_load_subpaths[ltype] = 1 # Initialize macroscale loading array mac_load[ltype] = np.full((n_dim**2, 1 + n_load_subpaths[ltype]), 0.0, dtype=object) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set macroscale loading for load_key in loading_keywords: # Get load nature type ltype = loading_keywords[load_key] load_keyword_line_number = searchkeywordline(file, load_key) # Loop over macroscale loading components for i_comp in range(n_dim**2): component_line = linecache.getline( file_path, load_keyword_line_number + i_comp + 1).split() if not component_line: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + 'Check {} th component.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, load_key, i_comp + 1) elif len(component_line) != 1 + n_load_subpaths[ltype]: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + 'Check {} th component.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, load_key, i_comp + 1) elif not ioutil.checkvalidname(component_line[0]): summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + 'Check {} th component.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, load_key, i_comp + 1) # Set component name mac_load[ltype][i_comp, 0] = component_line[0] # Set component values for each loading subpath for j in range(n_load_subpaths[ltype]): presc_val = component_line[1 + j] if not ioutil.checknumber(presc_val): summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + 'Check {} th component.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, load_key, i_comp + 1) else: mac_load[ltype][i_comp, 1 + j] = float(presc_val) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Set macroscale prescription nature indexes if mac_load_type == 1: ltype = loading_keywords['Macroscale_Strain'] mac_load_presctype = np.full((n_dim**2, n_load_subpaths[ltype]), 'strain', dtype=object) elif mac_load_type == 2: ltype = loading_keywords['Macroscale_Stress'] mac_load_presctype = np.full((n_dim**2, n_load_subpaths[ltype]), 'stress', dtype=object) elif mac_load_type == 3: mac_load_presctype = np.full((n_dim**2, max(n_load_subpaths.values())), 'ND', dtype=object) presc_keyword = 'Mixed_Prescription_Index' presc_keyword_line_number = searchkeywordline(file, presc_keyword) # Loop over macroscale loading components for i_comp in range(n_dim**2): component_line = linecache.getline( file_path, presc_keyword_line_number + i_comp + 1).split() if not component_line: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + 'Check {} th component.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, load_key, i_comp + 1) # Set prescription nature indexes for each loading subpath for j in range(max(n_load_subpaths.values())): presc_val = int(component_line[j]) if presc_val not in [0, 1]: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + 'Check {} th component.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, load_key, i_comp + 1) else: ltype = 'strain' if presc_val == 0 else 'stress' if j >= n_load_subpaths[ltype]: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + 'Check {} th component.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, load_key, i_comp + 1) else: mac_load_presctype[i_comp, j] = ltype # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check small strain formulation symmetry if strain_formulation == 'infinitesimal': # Set symmetric indexes (columnwise) if n_dim**2 == 4: symmetric_indexes = np.array([[2], [1]]) elif n_dim**2 == 9: symmetric_indexes = np.array([[3, 6, 7], [1, 2, 5]]) # Loop over symmetric indexes for i in range(symmetric_indexes.shape[1]): # Loop over loading subpaths for j in range(max(n_load_subpaths.values())): # Get load nature type ltype = mac_load_presctype[symmetric_indexes[0, i], j] if mac_load_type == 3 \ and mac_load_presctype[symmetric_indexes[0, i], j] \ != mac_load_presctype[symmetric_indexes[1, i], j]: summary = 'Symmetric components prescribed with ' \ + 'different nature under infinitesimal strains' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Symmetric components must have the same ' \ + 'nature (strain or stress). Check {} th component.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, 'Mixed_Prescription_Index', i_comp + 1) # Check symmetry isEqual = np.allclose( mac_load[ltype][symmetric_indexes[0, i], j + 1], mac_load[ltype][symmetric_indexes[1, i], j + 1], atol=1e-10) if not isEqual: summary = 'Nonsymmetric strain or stress components ' \ + 'prescribed under infinitesimal strains' description = 'A nonsymmetric {} tensor is prescribed ' \ + 'in the input data file under infinitesimal strains.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, ltype) # Adopt symmetric component with the lowest first index mac_load[ltype][symmetric_indexes[1, i], j + 1] = \ mac_load[ltype][symmetric_indexes[0, i], j + 1] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Sort macroscale strain and stress tensors according to the defined # problem nonsymmetric component order if n_dim == 2: aux = {'11': 0, '21': 1, '12': 2, '22': 3} else: aux = {'11': 0, '21': 1, '31': 2, '12': 3, '22': 4, '32': 5, '13': 6, '23': 7, '33': 8} mac_load_copy = copy.deepcopy(mac_load) mac_load_presctype_copy = copy.deepcopy(mac_load_presctype) for i in range(n_dim**2): if mac_load_type == 1: mac_load['strain'][i, :] = \ mac_load_copy['strain'][aux[comp_order_nsym[i]], :] elif mac_load_type == 2: mac_load['stress'][i, :] = \ mac_load_copy['stress'][aux[comp_order_nsym[i]], :] elif mac_load_type == 3: mac_load['strain'][i, :] = \ mac_load_copy['strain'][aux[comp_order_nsym[i]], :] mac_load['stress'][i, :] = \ mac_load_copy['stress'][aux[comp_order_nsym[i]], :] mac_load_presctype[i, :] = \ mac_load_presctype_copy[aux[comp_order_nsym[i]], :] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return mac_load, mac_load_presctype
# =============================================================================
[docs]def read_mac_load_increm(file, file_path, keyword, n_load_subpaths): """Read macroscale loading incrementation. The specification of the data associated with the macroscale loading constraints has the following input data file syntax: *Option 1: Number_of_Load_Increments* This option entails a given number of equal-magnitude loading increments applied to each loading subpath. .. code-block:: text Number_of_Load_Increments < int > *Option 2: Increment_List* This option provides a general loading incrementation scheme. .. code-block:: text Increment_List [n_rep:] inc_load_fact[_inc_time] | [n_rep:] inc_load_fact[_inc_time] .. [n_rep:] inc_load_fact[_inc_time] | [n_rep:] inc_load_fact[_inc_time] .. [n_rep:] inc_load_fact[_inc_time] | [n_rep:] inc_load_fact[_inc_time] .. where `n_rep` (int) is the number of increment repetitions (optional, defaults to 1), `inc_load_fact` is the incremental load factor, and `inc_time` is the incremental time (optional, defaults to loading time factor times the absolute value of the incremental load factor). The delimiter `|` separates different loading subpaths. ---- The optional specification of the data associated with the macroscale loading time factor has the following input data file syntax: .. code-block:: text Loading_Time_Factor < float > Unless explicitly specified in any way, the loading time factor provides the time associated with the macroscale loading incrementation. The incremental time is obtained by multiplying the loading time factor by the incremental loading factor. Defaults to 1.0 if not specified. ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. keyword : str Keyword. n_load_subpaths : int Number of loading subpaths. Returns ------- mac_load_increm : dict For each loading subpath id (key, str), stores a numpy.ndarray of shape (n_load_increments, 2) where each row is associated with a prescribed loading increment, and the columns 0 and 1 contain the corresponding incremental load factor and incremental time, respectively. """ # Get display features indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize macroscale loading incrementation dictionary mac_load_increm = dict() # Set loading time factor keyword_time = 'Loading_Time_Factor' is_found, _ = searchoptkeywordline(file, keyword_time) if is_found: load_time_factor = readtypeBkeyword(file, file_path, keyword_time) else: load_time_factor = 1.0 # Set macroscale loading incrementation if keyword == 'Number_of_Load_Increments': max_val = '~' n_load_increments = readtypeAkeyword(file, file_path, keyword, max_val) # Build macroscale loading incrementation dictionary for i in range(n_load_subpaths): # Set loading subpath default total load factor total_lfact = 1.0 # Build macroscale loading subpath load_subpath = np.zeros((n_load_increments, 2)) load_subpath[:, 0] = total_lfact/n_load_increments load_subpath[:, 1] = load_time_factor*load_subpath[:, 0] # Store macroscale loading subpath mac_load_increm[str(i)] = load_subpath elif keyword == 'Increment_List': # Find keyword line number keyword_line_number = searchkeywordline(file, keyword) # Initialize macroscale loading increment array increm_list = np.full((0, n_load_subpaths), '', dtype=object) # Read increment specification line line = linecache.getline(file_path, keyword_line_number + 1) increm_line = [x.strip() for x in line.split('|')] # At least one increment specification line must be provided for each # macroscale loading subpath is_empty_line = not bool(line.split()) if is_empty_line or len(increm_line) != n_load_subpaths: summary = 'Invalid loading increment list' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined' \ + ' in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'The first line of the increment list must ' \ + 'contain only one macroscale loading increment' + '\n' + \ + indent + 'specification for each macroscale loading subpath.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) i = 0 # Build macroscale loading increment array while not is_empty_line: increm_list = np.append(increm_list, np.full((1, n_load_subpaths), '', dtype=object), axis=0) # Assemble macroscale increment specification line increm_list[i, 0:len(increm_line)] = increm_line i += 1 # Read increment specification line line = linecache.getline(file_path, keyword_line_number + 1 + i) is_empty_line = not bool(line.split()) increm_line = [x.strip() for x in line.split('|')] # Build macroscale loading incrementation dictionary for j in range(n_load_subpaths): # Initialize macroscale loading subpath load_subpath = np.zeros((0, 2)) # Loop over increment specifications for i in range(increm_list.shape[0]): # Get increment specification spec = increm_list[i, j] # Decode increment specification if spec == '': break else: rep, inc_lfact, inc_time = \ decode_increm_spec(spec, load_time_factor) # Build macroscale loading subpath load_subpath = np.append(load_subpath, np.tile([inc_lfact, inc_time], (rep, 1)), axis=0) # Store macroscale loading subpath mac_load_increm[str(j)] = load_subpath else: # Unknown macroscale loading keyword summary = 'Unknown loading incrementation keyword' description = 'A unknown macroscale loading incrementation keyword ' \ + 'has been specified in the input data file.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description) # Return return mac_load_increm
# =============================================================================
[docs]def decode_increm_spec(spec, load_time_factor): """Decode macroscale loading increment specification. A macroscale loading increment specification has the format `[n_rep:] inc_load_fact[_inc_time]` where `n_rep` (int) is the number of increment repetitions (optional, defaults to 1), `inc_load_fact` is the incremental load factor, and `inc_time` is the incremental time (optional, defaults to loading time factor times the absolute value of the incremental load factor). ---- Parameters ---------- spec : str Macroscale loading increment specification. load_time_factor : float Loading time factor. Returns ------- n_rep : int Number of increment repetitions. inc_lfact : float Incremental load factor. inc_time : float Incremental time. """ # Get display features indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Split specifications based on multiple delimiters code = re.split('[:_]', spec) # Check if the repetition and incremental time have been specified has_rep = ':' in re.findall('[:_]', spec) has_time = '_' in re.findall('[:_]', spec) if not code or len(code) > 3: summary = 'Invalid loading increment' description = 'A macroscale loading increment specification in ' \ + 'the input data file is invalid.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description) # Set macroscale loading increment parameters try: n_rep = int(code[0]) if has_rep else 1 inc_lfact = float(code[int(has_rep)]) inc_time = abs(float(code[-1])) \ if has_time else load_time_factor*abs(inc_lfact) except Exception: summary = 'Invalid loading increment' description = 'A macroscale loading increment specification in ' \ + 'the input data file is invalid.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description) else: if any([x < 0 for x in [n_rep, inc_time]]): summary = 'Invalid loading increment optinal parameters' description = 'The number of repetitions or incremental time ' \ + 'prescribed for a given macroscale loading' + '\n' \ + indent + 'increment in the input data file is invalid.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description) # Return return n_rep, inc_lfact, inc_time
# =============================================================================
[docs]def read_phase_clustering(file, file_path, keyword, n_material_phases, material_properties): """Read (base) number of clusters associated with each material phase. The specification of the data associated with the material phases (base) number of clusters has the following input data file syntax: .. code-block:: text Number_of_Clusters < phase_id > < n_clusters > < phase_id > < n_clusters > ... where `phase_id` (int) is the material identifier and `n_clusters` is the corresponding (base) number of clusters. ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. keyword : str Keyword. n_material_phases : int Number of material phases. material_properties : dict Constitutive model material properties (key, str) values (item, {int, float, bool}). Returns ------- phase_n_clusters : dict Number of clusters (item, int) associated with each material phase (key, str). """ phase_n_clusters = dict() line_number = searchkeywordline(file, keyword) + 1 for iphase in range(n_material_phases): line = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number + iphase).split() if line[0] == '': summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + 'Check {}th material phase.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, iphase + 1) elif len(line) != 2: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + 'Check {}th material phase.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, iphase + 1) elif not ioutil.checkposint(line[0]) \ or not ioutil.checkposint(line[1]): summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + 'Check {}th material phase.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, iphase + 1) elif str(int(line[0])) not in material_properties.keys(): summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + 'Check {}th material phase.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, iphase + 1) elif str(int(line[0])) in phase_n_clusters.keys(): summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + 'Check {}th material phase.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, iphase + 1) phase_n_clusters[str(int(line[0]))] = int(line[1]) return phase_n_clusters
# =============================================================================
[docs]def read_cluster_analysis_scheme(file, file_path, keyword, material_phases, clustering_features): """Read cluster analysis scheme. The specification of the data associated with the cluster analysis scheme has the following input data file syntax: .. code-block:: text Clustering_Analysis_Scheme < phase_id > < clustering_type > base_clustering < clustering_algorithm_id > < feature_id > [< feature_id >] adaptive_clustering < clustering_algorithm_id > < feature_id > [< feature_id >] adaptivity_parameters < adapt_criterion_id > < adapt_type_id > < adapt_parameter_name > < value > < adapt_parameter_name > < value > < phase_id > < clustering_type > ... where `phase_id` (int) is the material identifier, `clustering_type` is the clustering type ({static, adaptive}), `clustering_algorithm_id` (int) is the clustering algorithm identifier, `feature_id` (int) is the clustering feature identifier, `adapt_criterion_id`(int) is the clustering adaptivity criterion identifier, `adapt_type_id` (int) is the adaptive cluster-reduced material phase type identifier, and `adapt_parameter_name` is the adaptive parameter name. ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. keyword : str Keyword. material_phases : list[str] RVE material phases labels (str). clustering_features : list[str] Available clustering features. Returns ------- clustering_type : dict Clustering type (item, {'static', 'adaptive'}) of each material phase (key, str). base_clustering_scheme : dict Prescribed base clustering scheme (item, numpy.ndarray of shape (n_clusterings, 3)) for each material phase (key, str). Each row is associated with a unique clustering characterized by a clustering algorithm (col 1, int), a list of features (col 2, list[int]) and a list of the features data matrix' indexes (col 3, list[int]). adaptive_clustering_scheme : dict Prescribed adaptive clustering scheme (item, numpy.ndarray of shape (n_clusterings, 3)) for each material phase (key, str). Each row is associated with a unique clustering characterized by a clustering algorithm (col 1, int), a list of features (col 2, list[int]) and a list of the features data matrix' indexes (col 3, list[int]). adapt_criterion_data : dict Clustering adaptivity criterion (item, dict) associated with each material phase (key, str). This dictionary contains the adaptivity criterion to be used and the required parameters. adaptivity_type : dict Clustering adaptivity type (item, dict) associated with each material phase (key, str). This dictionary contains the adaptivity type to be used and the required parameters. adaptivity_control_feature : dict Clustering adaptivity control feature (item, str) associated with each material phase (key, str). """ # Get display features indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Find keyword line number keyword_line_number = searchkeywordline(file, keyword) # Initialize line number line_number = keyword_line_number # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize clustering type clustering_type = {} # Initialize base clustering scheme base_clustering_scheme = {} # Initialize adaptive clustering scheme and adaptivity related dictionaries adaptive_clustering_scheme = {} adapt_criterion_data = {} adaptivity_type = {} adaptivity_control_feature = {} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over material phases for i in range(len(material_phases)): # Increment line number and read line line_number += 1 line = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number) is_empty_line = not bool(line.split()) # Read material phase and clustering type if is_empty_line: summary = 'Missing clustering scheme for material phase' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in the '\ + 'input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'The clustering scheme must be specified for all ' \ + 'material phases.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) else: line = line.split() if line[0] not in material_phases: summary = 'Unknown material phase' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Unknown material phase.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) else: if len(line) == 1: mat_phase = line[0] ctype = 'static' elif line[1] not in ['static', 'adaptive']: summary = 'Unknown clustering type' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Unknown clustering type.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) else: mat_phase = line[0] ctype = line[1] # Initialize material phase base clustering base_clustering_scheme[mat_phase] = np.full((0, 3), '', dtype=object) # Store material phase clustering type clustering_type[mat_phase] = ctype # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Increment line number and read line line_number += 1 line = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number) is_empty_line = not bool(line.split()) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Read base clustering scheme if is_empty_line or line.split()[0] != 'base_clustering': summary = 'Missing base clustering scheme' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing base clustering scheme of material ' \ + 'phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) else: # Read base clustering scheme base_clustering_scheme[mat_phase], line_number = \ read_clustering_scheme(file, file_path, line_number) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Skip to the next material phase if static cluster-reduced material # phase, otherwise read following line if ctype == 'static': # Get static cluster-reduced material phase valid clustering # algorithms valid_algorithms = SCRMP.get_valid_clust_algs() # Check validity of prescribed base clustering scheme check_clustering_scheme( mat_phase, base_clustering_scheme[mat_phase], valid_algorithms, clustering_features) # Skip to the next material phase continue else: # Initialize material phase adaptivity related dictionaries adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase] = {} adaptivity_type[mat_phase] = {} # Read following line line_number += 1 line = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number) is_empty_line = not bool(line.split()) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Read adaptive clustering scheme if is_empty_line or line.split()[0] != 'adaptive_clustering': summary = 'Missing adaptive clustering scheme' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing adaptive clustering scheme of adaptive ' \ + 'material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) else: # Read adaptive clustering scheme adaptive_clustering_scheme[mat_phase], line_number = \ read_clustering_scheme(file, file_path, line_number) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Increment line number and read line line_number += 1 line = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number) is_empty_line = not bool(line.split()) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Read adaptivity parameters if is_empty_line or line.split()[0] != 'adaptivity_parameters': summary = 'Missing adaptivity parameters of clustering scheme' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing adaptivity parameters of clustering ' \ + 'scheme of adaptive material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) else: # Read adaptivity criterion and adaptivity type line = line.split() if line[1] not in \ AdaptivityManager.get_adaptivity_criterions().keys(): summary = 'Unknown adaptivity criterion' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Unknown adaptivity criterion on clustering ' \ + 'scheme of adaptive material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) elif line[2] not in CRVE.get_crmp_types().keys(): summary = 'Unknown adaptivity type' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Unknown adaptivity type on clustering ' \ + 'scheme of adaptive material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) else: # Read adaptivity criterion adapt_criterion_id = line[1] adapt_crit = AdaptivityManager.get_adaptivity_criterions()[ adapt_criterion_id] adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase]['criterion'] = adapt_crit # Read adaptivity type adapt_type_id = line[2] adapt_type = CRVE.get_crmp_types()[adapt_type_id] adaptivity_type[mat_phase]['adapt_type'] = adapt_type # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get adaptive cluster-reduced material phase valid clustering # algorithms valid_algorithms = adapt_type.get_valid_clust_algs() # Check validity of prescribed base clustering scheme check_clustering_scheme( mat_phase, adaptive_clustering_scheme[mat_phase], valid_algorithms, clustering_features) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get mandatory and optional adaptivity criterion parameters macp, oacp = adapt_crit.get_parameters() # Get mandatory and optional adaptivity type parameters matp, oatp = adapt_type.get_adaptivity_type_parameters() # Collect all mandatory and optional adaptivity parameters madapt_parameters = {**macp, **matp} oadapt_parameters = {**oacp, **oatp} # Set the optional parameters default values by default for parameter in oadapt_parameters: # Optional adaptivity criterion parameters if parameter in oacp.keys(): # Store adaptivity criterion parameter adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase][parameter] = \ get_formatted_parameter(parameter, oacp[parameter]) # Optional adaptivity type parameters else: # Store adaptivity type parameter adaptivity_type[mat_phase][parameter] = \ get_formatted_parameter(parameter, oatp[parameter]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Read following line line = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number + 1) is_empty_line = not bool(line.split()) # Check for adaptivity parameters specifications is_adapt_parameter = False if is_empty_line: pass elif line.split()[0] in [*madapt_parameters.keys(), *oadapt_parameters.keys(), 'adaptivity_control_feature']: is_adapt_parameter = True parameter = line.split()[0] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ while is_adapt_parameter: # Increment line number and read line line_number += 1 line = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number).split() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check parameter specification if len(line) < 2: summary = 'Missing adaptivity parameter value' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing value of adaptivity parameter on ' \ + 'clustering scheme of adaptive material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) # Get adaptivity parameter if parameter in macp.keys(): # Store adaptivity criterion parameter adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase][parameter] = \ get_formatted_parameter(parameter, line[1], etype=type(macp[parameter])) elif parameter in matp.keys(): # Store adaptivity type parameter adaptivity_type[mat_phase][parameter] = \ get_formatted_parameter(parameter, line[1], etype=type(matp[parameter])) elif parameter in oacp.keys(): # Get parameter value value = get_formatted_parameter(parameter, line[1]) # Store adaptivity criterion parameter if isinstance(value, type(oacp[parameter])): adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase][parameter] = \ get_formatted_parameter(parameter, type(oacp[parameter])(line[1])) else: summary = 'Invalid adaptivity parameter specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Check adaptivity parameter {} on ' \ + 'clustering scheme of adaptive material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, parameter, mat_phase) elif parameter in oatp.keys(): # Get parameter value value = get_formatted_parameter(parameter, line[1]) # Store adaptivity type parameter if isinstance(value, type(oatp[parameter])): adaptivity_type[mat_phase][parameter] = \ get_formatted_parameter(parameter, type(oatp[parameter])(line[1])) else: summary = 'Invalid adaptivity parameter specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Check adaptivity parameter {} on ' \ + 'clustering scheme of adaptive material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, parameter, mat_phase) elif parameter == 'adaptivity_control_feature': # Store adaptivity control feature if mat_phase in adaptivity_control_feature.keys(): summary = 'Multiple adaptivity control features' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Only one adaptivity control feature ' \ + 'can be prescribed in the clustering scheme ' \ + 'of adaptive' + '\n' \ + indent + 'material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) else: adaptivity_control_feature[mat_phase] = line[1] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Read following line line = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number + 1) is_empty_line = not bool(line.split()) # Check for adaptivity parameters specifications. If there are no # adaptivity parameters specifications, skip to the next material # phase is_adapt_parameter = False if is_empty_line: if i != range(len(material_phases))[-1]: summary = 'Missing clustering scheme' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'The clustering scheme must be specified ' \ + 'for all material phases.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif line.split()[0] in [*madapt_parameters.keys(), *oadapt_parameters.keys(), 'adaptivity_control_feature']: is_adapt_parameter = True parameter = line.split()[0] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check if all the mandatory adaptivity criterion parameters have been # prescribed for parameter in macp.keys(): if parameter not in adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase].keys(): summary = 'Missing mandatory adaptivity criterion parameter' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing mandatory parameter - {} - of ' \ + 'adaptive material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, parameter, mat_phase) # Check if all the mandatory adaptivity type parameters have been # prescribed for parameter in matp.keys(): if parameter not in adaptivity_type[mat_phase].keys(): summary = 'Missing mandatory adaptivity type parameter' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing mandatory parameter - {} - of ' \ + 'adaptive material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, parameter, mat_phase) # Check if adaptivity control feature has been prescribed if mat_phase not in adaptivity_control_feature.keys(): summary = 'Missing adaptivity control feature' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly ' \ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing adaptivity control feature of ' \ + 'adaptive material phase {}.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, mat_phase) # Set default values for all the optional adaptivity criterion # parameters that have not been prescribed for parameter in oacp.keys(): if parameter not in adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase].keys(): adapt_criterion_data[mat_phase][parameter] = oacp[parameter] # Set default values for all the optional adaptivity type parameters # that have not been prescribed for parameter in oatp.keys(): if parameter not in adaptivity_type[mat_phase].keys(): adaptivity_type[mat_phase][parameter] = oatp[parameter] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check if the cluster analysis scheme has been prescribed for all material # phases if set(base_clustering_scheme.keys()) != set(material_phases): summary = 'Missing clustering scheme' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in the ' \ + 'input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'The clustering scheme must be specified for all ' \ + 'material phases.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return clustering_type, base_clustering_scheme, \ adaptive_clustering_scheme, adapt_criterion_data, adaptivity_type, \ adaptivity_control_feature
# =============================================================================
[docs]def read_clustering_scheme(file, file_path, line_number): """Read material phase's prescribed clustering scheme. Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. line_number : int Data file line where the material phase's clustering scheme prescription begins. Returns ------- clustering_scheme : numpy.ndarray of shape (n_clusterings, 3) Clustering scheme stored as a numpy.ndarray of shape (n_clusterings, 3). Each row is associated with a unique clustering characterized by a clustering algorithm (col 1, int), a list of clustering features (col 2, list[int]), and a list of the clustering features data matrix' indexes (col 3, list[int]). line_number : int Data file line where the material phase's clustering scheme prescription ends. """ # Get display features indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize clustering scheme clustering_scheme = np.full((0, 3), '', dtype=object) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Read line line = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number).split() # Check number of prescribed clusterings. If not specified, then assume a # single clustering solution if len(line) > 1: if not ioutil.checkposint(line[1]): summary = 'Invalid number of clusterings' description = 'The number of clusterings of a given clustering ' \ + 'scheme specified in the input data file' + '\n' \ + indent + 'is invalid.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description) else: n_clusterings = int(line[1]) else: n_clusterings = 1 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Loop over prescribed clustering solutions for j in range(n_clusterings): # Increment line number and read line line_number += 1 line = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number).split() # Check clustering solution if any([not ioutil.checkposint(x) for x in line]): summary = 'Invalid clustering algorithm or feature identifier' description = 'A clustering algorithm or feature specified in ' \ + 'the input data file is invalid.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description) # Append clustering solution to clustering scheme clustering_scheme = np.append( clustering_scheme, np.full((1, 3), '', dtype=object), axis=0) # Assemble clustering solution clustering_scheme[j, 0] = int(line[0]) clustering_scheme[j, 1] = list(set([int(x) for x in line[1:]])) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return return clustering_scheme, line_number
# =============================================================================
[docs]def check_clustering_scheme(mat_phase, clustering_scheme, valid_algorithms, valid_features): """Check material phase's prescribed clustering scheme. Parameters ---------- mat_phase : str Material phase label. clustering_scheme : numpy.ndarray of shape (n_clusterings, 3) Clustering scheme stored as a numpy.ndarray of shape (n_clusterings, 3). Each row is associated with a unique clustering characterized by a clustering algorithm (col 1, int), a list of clustering features (col 2, list[int]), and a list of the clustering features data matrix' indexes (col 3, list[int]). valid_algorithms : list[str] Valid clustering algorithms identifiers (str). valid_features : list[str] Valid clustering features identifiers (str). """ # Get display features indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check validity of prescribed clustering algorithms if any([str(x) not in valid_algorithms for x in clustering_scheme[:, 0]]): summary = 'Invalid clustering algorithm' description = 'A clustering algorithm prescribed in the clustering ' \ + 'scheme of material phase {} in the' + '\n' \ + indent + 'input data file is invalid.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, mat_phase) # Check validity of prescribed clustering features for j in range(clustering_scheme.shape[0]): if any([str(x) not in valid_features for x in clustering_scheme[j, 1]]): summary = 'Invalid clustering feature' description = 'A clustering feature prescribed in the clustering '\ + 'scheme of material phase {} in the' + '\n' \ + indent + 'input data file is invalid.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, mat_phase)
# =============================================================================
[docs]def read_adaptivity_frequency(file, file_path, keyword, adapt_material_phases): """Read clustering adaptivity frequency. The specification of the data associated with the clustering adaptivity frequency has the following input data file syntax: .. code-block:: text Adaptivity_Frequency < phase_id > < option > < phase_id > < option > where `phase_id` (int) is the material identifier and `option` is the corresponding clustering adaptivity frequency ({none, all, every < int >}) with respect to the loading incrementation. ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. keyword: str Keyword. adapt_material_phases : list[str] RVE adaptive material phases labels (str). Returns ------- clust_adapt_freq : dict, default=None Clustering adaptivity frequency (relative to loading incrementation) (item, int) associated with each adaptive cluster-reduced material phase (key, str). """ # Get display features indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Find keyword line number keyword_line_number = searchkeywordline(file, keyword) # Initialize line number line_number = keyword_line_number # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialize clustering adaptivity frequency clust_adapt_freq = {mat_phase: 1 for mat_phase in adapt_material_phases} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Read following line line = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number + 1) is_empty_line = not bool(line.split()) # Check for adaptivity frequency specifications. If there are no adaptivity # frequency specifications, return if is_empty_line: return clust_adapt_freq else: line = line.split() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ while True: # Increment line number and read line line_number += 1 line = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number).split() # Check adaptivity frequency specification if len(line) < 2: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing adaptivity frequency specification.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif line[0] not in adapt_material_phases: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Unknown adaptive material phase.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif line[1] not in ['all', 'none', 'every']: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Unknown adaptivity frequency option.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) # Get material phase and adaptivity frequency option mat_phase = line[0] option = line[1] # Set adaptivity frequency if option == 'none': clust_adapt_freq[mat_phase] = 0 elif option == 'every': # Check option specification if len(line) < 3 or not ioutil.checkposint(line[2]): summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid adaptivity frequency option.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) else: clust_adapt_freq[mat_phase] = int(line[2]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Read following line line = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number + 1) is_empty_line = not bool(line.split()) # Check for adaptivity frequency specifications. If there are no # adaptivity frequency specifications, return if is_empty_line: break # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return clust_adapt_freq
# =============================================================================
[docs]def read_rewind_state_parameters(file, file_path, keyword): """Read the solution rewind state criterion parameters. The specification of the data associated with the solution rewind state criterion has the following input data file syntax: .. code-block:: text :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 2 Analysis_Rewinding Analysis_Rewind_State_Criterion < criterion > < parameter_value > Analysis_Rewinding_Criterion < criterion > < parameter_value > [Max_Number_of_Rewinds < int >] where `criterion` (str) is the solution rewind state criterion name and `parameter_value` ({int, float}) is the corresponding parameter value. ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. keyword: str Keyword. Returns ------- rewind_state_criterion : tuple Rewind state storage criterion [0] and associated parameter [1]. """ # Get display features indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Find keyword line number keyword_line_number = searchkeywordline(file, keyword) # Get keyword lowercased line line = linecache.getline(file_path, keyword_line_number).split() line = [x.lower() if not ioutil.checknumber(x) else x for x in line] if len(line) == 1: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing rewind state storage criterion specification.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get available rewind state storage criteria and associated default # parameters available_criteria = RewindManager.get_save_rewind_state_criteria() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get rewind state storage criterion if line[1] in available_criteria.keys(): criterion = line[1] else: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Unknown rewind state storage criterion.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) # Get rewind state storage criterion parameter if len(line) > 2: # Get specified parameter parameter = get_formatted_parameter( criterion, line[2], etype=type(available_criteria[criterion])) # Set rewind state storage criterion rewind_state_criterion = (criterion, parameter) else: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing rewind state storage criterion parameter.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return rewind_state_criterion
# =============================================================================
[docs]def read_rewinding_criterion_parameters(file, file_path, keyword): """Read the solution rewinding criterion parameters. The specification of the data associated with the solution rewind criterion criterion has the following input data file syntax: .. code-block:: text :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 3 Analysis_Rewinding Analysis_Rewind_State_Criterion < criterion > < parameter_value > Analysis_Rewinding_Criterion < criterion > < parameter_value > [Max_Number_of_Rewinds < int >] where `criterion` (str) is the solution rewind criterion name and `parameter_value` ({int, float}) is the corresponding parameter value. ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. keyword: str Keyword. Returns ------- rewinding_criterion : tuple, default=None Rewinding criterion [0] and associated parameter [1]. """ # Get display features indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Find keyword line number keyword_line_number = searchkeywordline(file, keyword) # Get keyword lowercased line line = linecache.getline(file_path, keyword_line_number).split() line = [x.lower() if not ioutil.checknumber(x) else x for x in line] if len(line) == 1: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing rewinding criterion specification.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get available rewinding criteria and associated default parameters available_criteria = RewindManager.get_rewinding_criteria() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get rewinding criterion if line[1] in available_criteria.keys(): criterion = line[1] else: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Unknown rewinding criterion.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) # Get rewinding criterion parameter if len(line) > 2: # Get specified parameter parameter = get_formatted_parameter( criterion, line[2], etype=type(available_criteria[criterion])) # Set rewinding criterion rewinding_criterion = (criterion, parameter) else: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing rewinding criterion parameter.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return rewinding_criterion
# =============================================================================
[docs]def read_discretization_file_path(file, file_path, keyword, valid_exts, discret_file_dir=None): """Read spatial discretization file path. The specification of the spatial discretization file path has the following input data file syntax: .. code-block:: text Discretization_File < path > where `path` is the path of the spatial discretization file. ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. keyword: str Keyword. valid_exts : tuple[str] Valid extensions of spatial discretization file. discret_file_dir : str, default=None Spatial discretization file directory path. Returns ------- discret_file_path : str Spatial discretization file path. """ # Get display features indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ line_number = searchkeywordline(file, keyword) + 1 discret_file_path = linecache.getline(file_path, line_number).strip() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check if spatial discretization file directory path was provided if discret_file_dir is not None: # If spatial discretization file absolute path is not provided, then # build it from provided relative path if not os.path.isfile(discret_file_path): discret_file_path = discret_file_dir + discret_file_path # Get spatial discretization file absolute path discret_file_path = os.path.abspath(discret_file_path) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if not os.path.isfile(discret_file_path): summary = 'Missing spatial discretization file' description = 'The spatial discretization file specified under ' \ + 'the keyword - {} - could' + '\n' \ + indent + 'not be found:' + '\n\n' \ + indent + '{}' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword, discret_file_path) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ format_exts = ['.npy'] if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(discret_file_path))[-1] \ in format_exts: if not os.path.splitext(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename( discret_file_path))[0])[-1] in valid_exts: summary = 'Invalid spatial discretization file extension' description = 'The spatial discretization file specified under ' \ + 'the keyword - {} - does' + '\n' \ + indent + 'not have a valid extension.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) else: if not os.path.splitext(os.path.basename( discret_file_path))[-1] in valid_exts: summary = 'Invalid spatial discretization file extension' description = 'The spatial discretization file specified under ' \ + 'the keyword - {} - does' + '\n' \ + indent + 'not have a valid extension.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return os.path.abspath(discret_file_path)
# =============================================================================
[docs]def read_rve_dimensions(file, file_path, keyword, n_dim): """Read RVE dimensions (size length along each spatial dimension). The specification of the data associated with the RVE dimensions has the following input data file syntax: *2D Problem:* .. code-block:: text RVE_Dimensions < dim1_size > < dim2_size > where `dimX_size` is the size length along dimension X. ---- *3D Problem:* .. code-block:: text RVE_Dimensions < dim1_size > < dim2_size > < dim3_size > where `dimX_size` is the size length along dimension X. ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. keyword: str Keyword. n_dim : int Problem number of spatial dimensions. Returns ------- rve_dims : list[float] RVE size in each dimension. """ keyword_line_number = searchkeywordline(file, keyword) line = linecache.getline(file_path, keyword_line_number + 1).split() if line == '': summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in the ' \ + 'input data file.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif len(line) != n_dim: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in the ' \ + 'input data file.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) for i in range(n_dim): if not ioutil.checknumber(line[i]) or float(line[i]) <= 0: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) rve_dims = list() for i in range(n_dim): rve_dims.append(float(line[i])) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return rve_dims
# =============================================================================
[docs]def read_self_consistent_scheme(file, file_path, keyword, strain_formulation): """Read self-consistent scheme and associated parameters. The specification of the data associated with the self-consistent scheme has the following input data file syntax: .. code-block:: text Self_Consistent_Scheme < method > [ < n_parameters > ] [ < parameter_1_name > < value > ] [ < parameter_2_name > < value > ] ... where `method` (str) is the self-consistent scheme strategy to update the reference material properties, `n_parameters` (int) is the number of self-consistent scheme parameters, and `parameter_X_name` (str) is the self-consistent scheme parameter name. ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. keyword: str Keyword. strain_formulation: {'infinitesimal', 'finite'} Problem strain formulation. Returns ------- self_consistent_scheme : {'none', 'regression'} Self-consistent scheme to update the elastic reference material properties. scs_parameters : {dict, None} Self-consistent scheme parameters (key, str; item, {int, float, bool}). """ # Get display features indent = ioutil.setdisplayfeatures()[2] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Read keyword line keyword_line_number = searchkeywordline(file, keyword) line = linecache.getline(file_path, keyword_line_number).split() # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get available self-consistent schemes available_scs = \ ElasticReferenceMaterial.get_available_scs(strain_formulation) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if len(line) == 1 or len(line) > 3: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in the ' \ + 'input data file.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif str(line[1]) not in available_scs: summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined ' \ + 'in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Unknown self-consistent scheme.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) else: self_consistent_scheme = str(line[1]) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Read self-consistent scheme parameters if len(line) == 3: if not ioutil.checkposint(line[2]): summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in the '\ + 'input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid number of self-consistent scheme ' \ + 'parameters.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) else: # Get number of self-consistent parameters n_parameters = int(line[2]) # Initialize self-consistent scheme parameters scs_parameters = {} # Loop over self-consistent scheme parameters line_number = keyword_line_number + 1 for i in range(n_parameters): # Get self-consistent scheme parameter specification line parameter_line = \ linecache.getline(file_path, line_number + i).split() # Get self-consistent scheme parameter if not parameter_line: summary = 'Missing self-consistent scheme parameter' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly '\ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Missing specification of self-consistent '\ + 'scheme parameter.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif len(parameter_line) != 2: summary = 'Invalid self-consistent scheme parameter' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly '\ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid specification of self-consistent '\ + 'scheme parameter.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) elif not ioutil.checkvalidname(parameter_line[0]): summary = 'Invalid self-consistent scheme parameter' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly '\ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Invalid self-consistent scheme parameter '\ + 'name.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) else: scs_parameters[str(parameter_line[0])] = \ get_formatted_parameter(str(parameter_line[0]), parameter_line[1]) else: scs_parameters = {'E_init': 'init_eff_tangent', 'v_init': 'init_eff_tangent'} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Check if all reference material isotropic elastic properties were # prescribed if scs_parameters is not None: param_names = scs_parameters.keys() if ('E_init' in param_names and 'v_init' not in param_names) \ or ('E_init' not in param_names and 'v_init' in param_names): summary = 'Missing reference material elastic property' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly '\ + 'defined in the input data file.' + '\n' \ + indent + 'Both elastic properties of the elastic ' \ + 'reference material must be prescribed.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return self_consistent_scheme, scs_parameters
# =============================================================================
[docs]def read_vtk_options(file, file_path, keyword, keyword_line_number): """Read VTK output options. The specification of the data associated with the VTK output options has the following input data file syntax: .. code-block:: text VTK_Output [ < option_1 > < option_2 > ... ] where `option_X` is option of the VTK output (e.g., ascii, every < int >, all_variables). ---- Parameters ---------- file : file Data file. file_path : str Data file path. keyword: str Keyword. keyword_line_number: int Keyword line number. Returns ------- vtk_format : {'ascii', 'binary'} VTK format. vtk_inc_div : int VTK output increment divider. vtk_vars : {'all', 'common'} VTK output constitutive state variables. """ line = linecache.getline(file_path, keyword_line_number).split() line = [x.lower() if not ioutil.checknumber(x) else x for x in line] if 'binary' in line: raise RuntimeError('This VTK format has not been implemented yet.') else: vtk_format = 'ascii' if 'every' in line: if not ioutil.checkposint(line[line.index('every') + 1]): summary = 'Invalid keyword specification' description = 'The keyword - {} - is not properly defined in ' \ + 'the input data file.' info.displayinfo('4', summary, description, keyword) vtk_inc_div = int(line[line.index('every') + 1]) else: vtk_inc_div = 1 if 'common_variables' in line: vtk_vars = 'common' else: vtk_vars = 'all' # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ return vtk_format, vtk_inc_div, vtk_vars