
read_material_properties(file, file_path, keyword)[source]

Read material phases data and properties.

The specification of the data associated with the material phases has the following input data file syntax:

Material_Phases < n_material_phases >
< phase_id > < model_name > < n_prop_copt > [ < model_source > ]
< property_1_name > < value >
< property_2_name > < value >
< constitutive_option_1_name > < option > [ < n_coproperties > ]
    < coproperty_1_name > < value >
    < coproperty_2_name > < value >
< phase_id > < model_name > < n_prop_copt > [ < model_source > ]
< property1_name > < value >
< constitutive_option_1_name > < option > [ < n_coproperties > ]
    < coproperty_1_name > < value >
    < coproperty_2_name > < value >
< property2_name > < value >

where n_material_phases (int) is the number of material phases, phase_id (int) is the material identifier , model_name (str) is the constitutive model name, n_prop_copt (int) is the total number of constitutive properties and options, model_source (int, optional) is the constitutive model source, property_X_name (str) is the constitutive property name, constitutive_option_X_name is the constitutive option name, n_coproperties is the number of properties associated with the constitutive option, and coproperty_X_name is the constitutive option property name.

  • file (file) – Data file.

  • file_path (str) – Data file path.

  • keyword (str) – Keyword.


  • n_material_phases (int) – Number of material phases.

  • material_phases_data (dict) – Material phase data (item, dict) associated with each material phase (key, str).

  • material_phases_properties (dict) – Constitutive model material properties (item, dict) associated with each material phase (key, str).