
read_vtk_options(file, file_path, keyword, keyword_line_number)[source]

Read VTK output options.

The specification of the data associated with the VTK output options has the following input data file syntax:

VTK_Output [ < option_1 > < option_2 > ... ]

where option_X is option of the VTK output (e.g., ascii, every < int >, all_variables).

  • file (file) – Data file.

  • file_path (str) – Data file path.

  • keyword (str) – Keyword.

  • keyword_line_number (int) – Keyword line number.


  • vtk_format ({‘ascii’, ‘binary’}) – VTK format.

  • vtk_inc_div (int) – VTK output increment divider.

  • vtk_vars ({‘all’, ‘common’}) – VTK output constitutive state variables.