
read_self_consistent_scheme(file, file_path, keyword, strain_formulation)[source]

Read self-consistent scheme and associated parameters.

The specification of the data associated with the self-consistent scheme has the following input data file syntax:

Self_Consistent_Scheme < method > [ < n_parameters > ]
[ < parameter_1_name > < value > ]
[ < parameter_2_name > < value > ]

where method (str) is the self-consistent scheme strategy to update the reference material properties, n_parameters (int) is the number of self-consistent scheme parameters, and parameter_X_name (str) is the self-consistent scheme parameter name.

  • file (file) – Data file.

  • file_path (str) – Data file path.

  • keyword (str) – Keyword.

  • strain_formulation ({'infinitesimal', 'finite'}) – Problem strain formulation.


  • self_consistent_scheme ({‘none’, ‘regression’}) – Self-consistent scheme to update the elastic reference material properties.

  • scs_parameters ({dict, None}) – Self-consistent scheme parameters (key, str; item, {int, float, bool}).